Japan Today

U.S. House passes bills that would end government shutdown, without wall funds

By Amanda Becker and Richard Cowan

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Let the investigations party begin! Watching Trump unravel and throw fits as the Dems unleash investigation after investigation of him is going to be soooooo much fun.

Too bad Trump doesn't have the intelligence, integrity, or love for our country to step down like Nixon.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

LOL, they actually made her Speaker of the House.

"No, no. Nothing for the wall," Pelosi said"

Poor Nancy "Can we talk in private" Pelosi. She just can’t handle the idea of border security.

-19 ( +7 / -26 )

unproductive talks with Trump 

But when Trump acts like and explains things like an 8 year old, it's probably impossible for adults to have productive talks with him. Or it could be he has been gobbling down Adderall; he does look thinner.


14 ( +16 / -2 )

I'm shocked. Pelosi only managed to get 220 votes out of 235 Democrats. Many of the newly elected socialists don't think Pelosi is socialist enough to suit them. That doesn't bode well for her reign as Speaker.

I assume the elected Democrats in the House will do whatever they wish to do (resist, whine, play the victim), and the elected Republicans in the Senate will do whatever they wish to do. The U.S. Congress is now officially at a standstill that will last for the next two years.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

SerranoToday 07:39 am JST

Poor Nancy "Can we talk in private" Pelosi. She just can’t handle the idea of border security.

What, that going on and on about it all the time is a great way for hucksters like Trump to con gullible right-wing suckers into voting for them?

10 ( +13 / -3 )

I'm shocked. Pelosi only managed to get 220 votes out of 235 Democrats.

Trump supporters disparaging anyone for being untruthful is hypocritical comedy at its finest.

I assume the elected Democrats in the House will do whatever they wish to do (resist, whine, play the victim),

The Dems learned well by watching the Republicans resist, whine, and play the victim.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

LOL, they actually made her Speaker of the House.

Of course they did. She's got a track record of being detested by your team, and being able to deal with it well. She's the natural choice.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

arrestpaulToday  08:11 am JST

I assume the elected Democrats in the House will do whatever they wish to do (resist, whine, play the victim), and the elected Republicans in the Senate will do whatever they wish to do.

No, the Republicans in the Senate will do whatever they think Donald Trump will agree to.

The U.S. Congress is now officially at a standstill that will last for the next two years.

Like you said, these legislators were elected so that must be what the American people want because that's what they voted for. Enjoy.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I'm shocked. Pelosi only managed to get 220 votes out of 235 Democrats.

Imagine that, the Democrats are not lemmings who must all vote the same no matter what. I'm not surprised you are shocked, the idea that people could have independent thinking must be hard to deal with to someone who's reality is that Dear Leader's commands must be obeyed at all times.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of Democrats. What 600 points down? Even had time on the first day to sneak another articles of impeachment in there. Luckily adults have the Senate while children play their games that solve nothing.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )


Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of

every time the market goes up, then it is thanks to The Dear Leader, but when it goes down...

17 ( +19 / -2 )

BlacklabelToday  08:47 am JST

Luckily adults have the Senate while children play their games that solve nothing.

Ah, the US Senate. About as representative and modern as the British House of Lords, but with actual power and currently under the control of "adults" who have said they won't do anything that the geriatric man-child in the White House doesn't approve of. Lucky indeed.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of Democrats. What 600 points down? 

René handled this quite well. Of course, we'll hear a million excuses why nothingnegative is Trump's fault.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

René PihlakToday  08:54 am JST


"Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of"

every time the market goes up, then it is thanks to The Dear Leader, but when it goes down...

In this instance it seems to have a lot more to do with Apple sales slipping in China and bad US manufacturing reports, but why let inconvenient facts like that stop the likes of Blacklabel from launching anti-Democrat diatribes.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

It's going to be nice that the nutjob GOP "Freedom Caucus" won't be holding up bipartisan legislation anymore. They've stabbed everyone in the back, including other Republicans. Just a toxic group of human beings.

It's also nice that the House Intelligence Committee won't be used to shield Trump and his people from investigations anymore. Never in my life have I seen an investigation run by someone who was trying to protect the accused. Nunes was toxic to democracy.

Paul Ryan is finally gone. He accomplished his mission for tax cuts for billionaires and hid in a cave every time Trump's name was mentioned. Weak person overall.

Things are looking up.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Let's not get off on the wrong foot with House Democrats using their platform to produce political statements rather than serious solutions.

Riiight. Maybe the House can vote on eliminating Obamacare.

But Trump is in trouble now. Trump will not be able to contain his irritation, and Pelosi will unmercifully goad him. Impeachment under Pelosi will not happen; rather Trump will be left out swinging in the wind.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

so explain the 3000 point decline since Dems won the midterms? Financial markets know that the next 2 years are going to be a bunch of "but Trumps tax returns!" type nonsense. So whats the Dem plan for border security other than "no"?

I am also glad Paul Ryan is gone, I wish he could return one last time and take Romney away with him.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

anyway, its all yours now. start legislating. we still have the Senate and the White House to prevent anything crazy from getting passed, so show what you can come up with on a bipartisan basis to solve the problems our country has.

You cant just obstruct anymore when you have the gavel and the majority, for the sake of our country, good luck.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

"No, no. Nothing for the wall," Pelosi said"

This is interesting:

President Trump drops in on a last-minute press briefing to reassert his resolution to secure funding for a border wall


What does Nancy "Let's talk in private" Pelosi know whether a wall is effective or not? Listen to the border patrol! $5 billion is nothing compared to what we waste on wars and foreign aid to countries that are not our allies. Actually it's not about the $ at all, it's about not letting Trump win. She chooses selfishness over national security.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

McConnell is looking like a fool on the tracks holding his hand out to stop at a speeding train.

"Without a wall you cannot have border security,” Trump continued. “It won’t work.”

And that's the stupid lie all this is based on.  

Heads up - we already have border security. To suggest otherwise is a lie. The flow of illegals is at historic lows. This is all a show, and a pretty lousy one at that.

And even if we DID need more security, a wall wouldn't change a thing.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Nancy wont last her term. She will be impeached or forced to resign for violating ethics and tax laws.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

You cant just obstruct anymore when you have the gavel and the majority, for the sake of our country, good luck.

It worked for the republicans, so why don't you think it will work for the Dems?

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Exactly! It doesn't even matter if Trump gets booted out. The whole fiasco the democrats have created since Trump won, and the pouting and hysteria of the democratic fans proved beyond a doubt the democrats are not concerned with democracy or the well-being of the country

You literally described how the republicans acted under Obama. Conservatives sure have short memories, whine incessantly, and never take any responsibility.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Mr. NoidallToday 09:32 am JST

The whole fiasco the democrats have created since Trump won...

They couldn't have managed any of it without him.

...the pouting and hysteria of the democratic fans...

You're clearly not aware of the impression a lot of Trump supporters make.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Mr. NoidallToday 09:32 am JST

It'll be difficult for me to vote for demo-rats ever again.

I'm not sure any of them will be all that bothered. What they've been doing since 2016 has been winning votes for them. If they keep it up your vote might not matter at all.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

CrazyJoeToday 09:31 am JST

"Without a wall you cannot have border security,” Trump continued. “It won’t work.”

And that's the stupid lie all this is based on.  

Heads up - we already have border security. To suggest otherwise is a lie. The flow of illegals is at historic lows. This is all a show, and a pretty lousy one at that.

It doesn't need to be a good show to pull one over on the people that Donald Trump needed to scam to get elected. It seems they'll get behind whoever takes the toughest line on immigration without giving it any serious thought.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

McConnell is looking like a fool on the tracks holding his hand out to stop at a speeding train.

McConnell is in a tough place. His strategy is, "If Trump doesn't okay House legislation, the Senate won't consider it." Of course, that's passing the buck, but he has no choice - and even then, there's no guarantee that Trump will follow through on whatever "promises" he makes. So this puts the onus on Trump. He's not going to like this.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Mr. NoidallToday 09:54 am JST

"You're clearly not aware of the impression a lot of Trump supporters make."

Clearly they have.

They? Clearly they have what?

I mean, people have been and are getting physically assaulted, blocked in traffic, and asked to leave a place of business such as a restaurant just for supporting Trump.

What's any of that got to do with the way Trump supporters behave? This is part of the problem I was referring to - when faced with any criticism of Trump or his base the stock responses seem to be non sequiturs and Soviet-style "what about...?" arguments. Say what you want about pouting and hysteria, when I read about Trump encouraging his supporters to rough up protesters at his rallies and some of the same supporters threatening armed insurrection if he'd lost I know it's not just a Democrat thing.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I love Nancy, especially when she wears green, but she is in trouble. She cant get anything done if she doesn't find a way to solve this problem. She cant afford to let one this stall her agenda. She is going to have a rebellion if she doesn't move forward. Maxine Waters had a great idea. Trade the wall for a tax on remittances. Let Trump use that money for the boarder and Nancy can push her agenda. She really only has a year to do it because the next election will start in a year and be a long messy one.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Mr. NoidallToday  09:54 am JST

It's clear you guys are very democratic and embody everything America stands for.

It's the likes of you who are whining about the Democrats winning the House in a democratic election, which they might not actually have done if Trump had done a better job over the past two years.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Nancy "Let's talk in private" Pelosi's daughter said this about her, and I quote:

"She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding."

Can you imagine if Ivanka Trump ever said that about Donald Trump?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

It's the likes of you who are whining about the Democrats winning the House in a democratic election, which they might not actually have done if Trump had done a better job over the past two years.

I’ll give you this much, the Republicans did indeed squandered a prime opportunity when it comes to healthcare, they failed miserably, that was more of the lynchpin that started the downfall of the GOP in the House, despite Trump’s so called behavior, can’t argue that point. However, the Democrats have such a bloodlust for Trump I see a reverse scenario of 1998 all over again, already right out of the starting gate the Democrats are talking impeachment, now if that’s going to be the primary focus of the newly elected Democrat party, they will only be two years in Congress. I’m still waiting to see what their polices will be, they never seem to really mention it, but I do know that income redistribution will be on their biggest New Years list, entitlements and spreading more socialist ideas. Welcome to what will be a very interesting 2 year migraine.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Nancy "Let's talk in private" Pelosi's daughter said this about her, and I quote:

"She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding."

Can you imagine if Ivanka Trump ever said that about Donald Trump?

The Media would have a catastrophic meltdown and a 24/7 News cycle followed up with a possible FBI investigation into inciting physical death on a Washington public server. Don Lemon, Mika and Joe would have aneurisms.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

@bas4 , but I do know that income redistribution will be on their biggest New Years list, 

How do you 'know' that? Income redistribution was done when Trump and the GOP passed a tax cut for the .01%.

spreading more socialist ideas.

Would an example of 'socialism' be the federal government giving corporate farms (agribiz) subsidies? Continual funding of the big war industries in the military industrial complex? Government support for big, oil, gas and coal? Funding mercenary forces?

If Trump would release his most current taxes, the US public could see if federal monies are going to corporations he's invested in. Would you call that socialism? Fascism?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

SerranoToday 10:46 am JST

Nancy "Let's talk in private" Pelosi's daughter said this about her, and I quote:

"She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding."

Can you imagine if Ivanka Trump ever said that about Donald Trump?

Can I imagine? No. I doubt Ivanka Trump rates her dad's combative skills all that highly. Even if she did I suspect he'd be thrilled and there would be non-stop praise from the Trumpbots for the next week.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

How do you 'know' that? Income redistribution was done when Trump and the GOP passed a tax cut for the .01%.

Which hundreds of Americans benefited from

Why liberals keep peddling these false facts is beyond me


Across the nation at large, the average American will take home on average $1,400 more of their paycheck in 2018. For married couples with two children, that figure doubles to just under $3,000.


Would an example of 'socialism' be the federal government giving corporate farms (agribiz) subsidies? Continual funding of the big war industries in the military industrial complex? Government support for big, oil, gas and coal? Funding mercenary forces? 

Democrats for years farmers, ranchers have treated these people with such discontent and for Democrats saving a small smelt is more important then the needs of farmers, these people would rather business the business owners and decrease the salaries of working Americans, shrink the military which would be the best Christmas present for China and Russia, they would rather have us stay dependent on Mideast oil than to have us produce our own oil and and to become energy independent. This is the face of the Democrat party.

If Trump would release his most current taxes,

Oh, jeez...here we go again with that crap! Yes, knowing Trump’s tax return will help millions of Americans, it will keep them safe and help them lead more and better fruitful lives and strengthen the American economy. Lol

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Hee hee. In Trump's lame attempt to steal Pelosi's limelight with a "press conference" that was in truth a lecture on his wall, he protested against alternative, high-tech measures:

Nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do.

Can any Trump supporter vouch for this? Trump's apparently mastered the smartphone but still cannot use PCs.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Hee hee. In Trump's lame attempt to steal Pelosi's limelight with a "press conference" that was in truth a lecture on his wall, he protested against alternative, high-tech measures:

Can any Trump supporter vouch for this? Trump's apparently mastered the smartphone but still cannot use PCs.

From a woman that thinks vacationing in Hawaii is not that big of a deal during a shutdown, but would have flame-broiled the President had he went on his vacation. Glad to see where priorities rest....with her and her family. Oh, the Democrats hypocrisy knows no bounds.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

more than half americans voted for trump because of his wall. that makes democrats un democratic spoilt loser brats. the misery they have caused ordinary citizens that voted is not democratic.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

@bas4 Across the nation at large, the average American will take home on average $1,400 more of their paycheck in 2018. For married couples with two children, that figure doubles to just under $3,000.

That shows what happens when the Trump led government intervened in markets and goosed up a solid economy. How sustainable is the goosed up economy is the question. Here are a couple articles from today's JT:

Global markets were on edge on Friday as dire U.S. economic data 



3 ( +3 / -0 )

Already got the popcorn and drinks ready for entertainment that US Politics is gonna be over the next two years - Saying No to a wall that was ok under Bill and Obama, Impeach a President for what paying off a couple of girls because he had a night of fun years ago it didn't affect Bill and Monica, Mitt Romney the loser with a chip on his shoulder is now gonna be a Republican supporter of the Democrats and lastly we have Elizabeth Warren - Pochahontas - you know the Ivy league Millionaire that claims she is an Native American but cant prove it take a look at her latest antic's - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDaPlbDXE0Q , Ladbrokes still has the Donald as favourite to win the 2020 election

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

That shows what happens when the Trump led government intervened in markets and goosed up a solid economy. How sustainable is the goosed up economy is the question.

Well, since Democrats typically aren’t as good with the economy or continued sustainable growth as it applies to a broader section of the middle class, take California and NYC as prime examples, once Democrats start implementing their radical socialist entitlement programs expect to see more layoffs take hikes, people sitting on their money which results in less money being put back into the economy once they get their greedy mitts on it.

Can I imagine? No. I doubt Ivanka Trump rates her dad's combative skills all that highly.

I think she might think that of the incoming congress from the looks of it. Oh, Occasion-Cortez...lol.

Even if she did I suspect he'd be thrilled and there would be non-stop praise from the Trumpbots for the next week.


-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Laguna: McConnell is in a tough place. His strategy is, "If Trump doesn't okay House legislation, the Senate won't consider it." Of course, that's passing the buck, but he has no choice - and even then, there's no guarantee that Trump will follow through on whatever "promises" he makes. So this puts the onus on Trump. He's not going to like this.

McConnell will be fine. His job is to support democracy if he has the votes to win what he wants or throw it out when he doesn’t.

It’s a broader strategy of the GOP as their older base shrinks. Whether it be voter suppression, or gerrymandering, or refusing to call votes if they’re going to lose, or stripping powers away from incoming Democratic governors, or taking power from city elected officials, or circumventing voter initiatives like in Michagan, or straight up fraud in North Carolina. They accept democracy when they have the votes to win and set it aside when they don’t.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The Democratic Party is barreling towards a schism between the progressives and the neolibs. Most likely Trump will not be impeached or indicted by Mueller, but the progs won’t accept anything less.

When the neolibs can’t deliver on that, all hell will break loose and millions of far left voters will turn their backs on the Pelosis abs Schumers (if they haven’t already). Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez will say they’re ashamed of the party and the schism will become official. The decades-long streak of Dem solidarity is unraveling before our eyes, which Trump will stoke and feed off. Their resulting lack of productivity will only make it easier for him in 2020.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"Let's not waste the time," he said on the Senate floor."Let's not get off on the wrong foot with House Democrats using their platform to produce political statements rather than serious solutions."

Turtle Man needs to quit being a lackey boy for the traitor Dumpster. il Douche has committed more crimes than anyone in the Oval Office before.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

more than half americans voted for trump because of his wall.

Less than half the voters voted for Trump, and only about 1/6 Americans.

that makes democrats un democratic spoilt loser brats. the misery they have caused ordinary citizens that voted is not democratic.

How is refusing to pay for a wall Trump campaigned on Mexico paying for undemocratic, particularly when the Democrats were democratically elected?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

She'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding.

Under different circumstances, I would have preferred younger blood as the speaker, but these are not normal times. Yes, Trump has likely already been decapitated - a better phrase would be demasted. He rage while floating aimlessly, and by 2020, even his supporters will have tired of him.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

It’s a broader strategy of the GOP as their older base shrinks.

....and newer ones emerge.

Whether it be voter suppression, or gerrymandering, or refusing to call votes if they’re going to lose, or stripping powers away from incoming Democratic governors, or taking power from city elected officials, or circumventing voter initiatives like in Michagan, or straight up fraud in North Carolina. They accept democracy when they have the votes to win and set it aside when they don’t.

Voter surpression doesn’t exist like the Deep State or illegals voting in the States, the same goes for stripping powers away from incoming Democratic governors, or taking power from city elected officials, or circumventing voter initiatives like in Michagan.

Democrats should worry about their own voter suppression problems


-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Voter surpression doesn’t exist like the Deep State or illegals voting in the States,

The issue with your analysis is it's demonstrably incorrect. Voter suppression does exist, but the Deep State does not and undocumented immigrates don't vote in the manner you are describing.

> the same goes for stripping powers away from incoming Democratic governors

See above.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Well, since Democrats typically aren’t as good with the economy or continued sustainable growth as it applies to a broader section of the middle class

Nobody told that to Clinton or Obama. ROFL! Lol! Smh. Kudos!

10 ( +10 / -0 )

The Democratic Party is barreling towards a schism between the progressives and the neolibs. Most likely Trump will not be impeached or indicted by Mueller, but the progs won’t accept anything less. 

Exactly, but that won’t stop the Democrats to do their worst and try, but I imagine the Dems in being so crazily obsessed with Trump are digging a hole for themselves and will focus so much on Trump that they won’t get anything done legislatively speaking.

When the neolibs can’t deliver on that, all hell will break loose and millions of far left voters will turn their backs on the Pelosis abs Schumers (if they haven’t already). Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez will say they’re ashamed of the party and the schism will become official. The decades-long streak of Dem solidarity is unraveling before our eyes, which Trump will stoke and feed off. Their resulting lack of productivity will only make it easier for him in 2020

They're Lemmings, it’s how they function. One big giant collective.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

"And even if we DID need more security, a wall wouldn't change a thing."

You need to have a talk with the Israelis and U.S. border control people, Crazy.

"I doubt Ivanka Trump rates her dad's combative skills all that highly"

Simon, you must have missed Vince McMahon's beatdown at the hands of Trump, haha, at any rate they be better than Joe Biden's or Bernie's or even Pocahontas'.

il Douche has committed more crimes than anyone in the Oval Office before.

Any evidence for that claim, starpunk?

"Tick tock, tick tock...the wheels of justice turn slowly, but inexhorably. Like the shadow over his administration caused by corruption and grift, his day in the dock is looming ever larger."

Trump must be shaking in his boots after reading that one!

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

I'm shocked. Pelosi only managed to get 220 votes out of 235 Democrats. 

more than enough for a house majority, you make it sound like all Republicans support Trump. lol

I'm shocked. Pelosi only managed to get 220 votes out of 235 Democrats.

The U.S. Congress is now officially at a standstill that will last for the next two years.

welcome to Obamas reality, Trump just has to swallow his pride and compromise, that border fence and security is looking increasingly attractive about now.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm shocked. Pelosi only managed to get 220 votes out of 235 Democrats. 

more than enough for a house majority, you make it sound like all Republicans support Trump. lol

The U.S. Congress is now officially at a standstill that will last for the next two years.

welcome to Obamas reality, Trump just has to swallow his pride and compromise, that border fence and security is looking increasingly attractive about now.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes, Trump has likely already been decapitated - a better phrase would be demasted.

aka neutered

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"U.S. House passes bills that would end government shutdown, without wall funds"

Idiots. Anyone who believes walls/physical barriers don't work/aren't needed should listen to these three guys, who know what they be talking about, have to say about the matter ( from 3:35 ):


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

They're Lemmings, it’s how they function.

funny you should say that the only mass culling ive seen in the last 2yrs has been with Trumps administration, its been brutal

One big giant collective.

you mean when like when youre in a group all shout together "lock her up" or "build that wall"

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Blacklabel: “Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of Democrats. What 600 points down?”

ah, more “stable genius” at work. It’s certainly not because it’s the 14th day of the Trump-owned (which he admitted to and even bragged about) shutdown.

Bass4funk: “oh, or Occasion-Cortez. lol”

ah, the scared “lol”s again. Can’t blame you, you guys are absolutely petrified.

”from a woman that thinks vacationing in Hawaii is not that big a deal...”

how many hours has Trump spent vacationing and specifically at golf — please, Bass, since you constantly criticied Obama for it. What’s the total number of hours of Obama’s presidency at golf and Trump’s so far?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

more than enough for a house majority, you make it sound like all Republicans support Trump. lol

Over 80% so that’s a good start.

welcome to Obamas reality, Trump just has to swallow his pride and compromise, that border fence and security is looking increasingly attractive about now.

Actually, Trump doesn’t have to swallow anything. McConnell already said, any Democrat legislation that comes to his desk will be DOA. So yes, both sides are digging in. The Dems won’t get anything passed the Senate. So what do the Dems want to do? They’re in the front seat now, they were elected to make some changes, but that’ll be thwarted...oh my, looks like a compromise might be in the works....

aka neutered

The Dems to a point as well and this is their first day. Wow!!

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

So what was so different about the 14th day (than the others such as the 9th day?) that caused such a huge one day drop?

market was going up up and up until Dems won midterms. Trump told us what would happen if they won, and it did.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

So what was so different about the 14th day (than the others such as the 9th day?) that caused such a huge one day drop?

Does your president own the stock market results or not. You guys flip-flop on this like a Trump. Whenever it goes good, "Look! Trump made everything awesome!", whenever it goes bad "Look! Those dirty Democrats!".

Zero respect for anyone with no consistency. Own it or don't. But you look like losers for trying to only own it when it's good.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Over 80% so that’s a good start.

220 votes out of 235 Democrats = 93% seems like democrats are more team players than Trump harps on about.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

but that’ll be thwarted...oh my, looks like a compromise might be in the works.... oh I have no doubt thats what the democratic process is all about and Trump is finally understanding, compromise doesnt mean giving Trump everything he wants its a two way street. Trump couldnt get his wall even when he held the house/congress, he certainly wont be getting it now. even $5billion is a long way short for a 2000mile wall.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Give him his wall.  5bullion is a drop in the ocean of government spending.

Pelosi cams across as pretty awful and incoherent in the clips I saw of her this morning.  Will make a perfect foil for the Don.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

market was going up up and up until Dems won midterms. Trump told us what would happen if they won, and it did.

lol oh man now blaming the dems for 2018 the worst stock market year since the GFC, absolutely nothing to do with Trumps easy to win China trade war or Trumps $trillion tax cut which has all but run out or Trumps government shutdown or Trumps meddling in the Feds independence from the government. None of that has spooked investors, many economic experts stated this was a possibility yet Trump didnt listen. LMFAO thanks for that laugh, happy new year

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Give him his wall. 5bullion is a drop in the ocean of government spending.

5 billion is a long way short of the 25 billion Trump wants, give him 5 hell scream that the dems want the wall but dont want to give him the other 20 to finish it. Trump's already blown $1trillion on a ineffectual tax cut, 2018 markets is proof of that.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Pelosi cams across as pretty awful and incoherent in the clips

compared to Trump rants shes clear as crystal.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

“Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of Democrats. What 600 points down?”

oh love how the Trumpets like to conveniently leave out the fact that the Dow is down about 4000 since October worst performance since the GFC, even while Obama was in office.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Many of the newly elected socialists don't think Pelosi is socialist enough to suit them

You people keep using the word "Socialist". I don't think it means what you think it means my friend

5 ( +6 / -1 )

ah, the scared “lol”s again. Can’t blame you, you guys are absolutely petrified.

Not petrified, I think it’s funny as in “cracking up”

how many hours has Trump spent vacationing and specifically at golf — please, Bass, since you constantly criticied Obama for it. What’s the total number of hours of Obama’s presidency at golf and Trump’s so far?

Relax...we are not talking about Trump. For all the vacationing liberals want to criticize him for. I give him credit for staying back in the WH during the holidays, shows how serious and committed he is. Pelosi on the other hand could care less about the shutdown. She’d rather spend her time of the beaches of Waikiki. So, either Pelosi cares about the shutdown or she doesn’t and I would say the latter.

220 votes out of 235 Democrats = 93% seems like democrats are more team players than Trump harps on about.

But when you have a likability of over 80% with Republicans that’s huge and that’s what you need going forward. No wonder McCain and Romney we’re jealous.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Trump couldnt get his wall even when he held the house/congress, he certainly wont be getting it now. even $5billion is a long way short for a 2000mile wall.

And the Democrats won’t get anything either. Very bad for them at the starting gate.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

We need the Democrats to solve the national debt problem, since the Republicans have been spending like crazy since 2001.

Current US National Debt estimated at just under $22T now. That's $2T more since Trump took office. Shameful.

At least if nothing will be done, let's tackle the debt.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

theFu, that's been a problem for quite some decades: Republicans candidate on fiscal responsibility but govern like a drunk sailor, leaving subsequent Democratic leadership to clean up the mess - and take the blame. So what if the Dems don't fall for it this time? What if they become as proliferate as the Repubs? Who's to blame?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Republicans candidate on fiscal responsibility but govern like a drunk sailor, leaving subsequent Democratic leadership to clean up the mess -

And then when Republicans come in, they have to a deeper clean up of the Democrats mess, especially when it comes to the economy.

and take the blame. So what if the Dems don't fall for it this time? What if they become as proliferate as the Repubs? Who's to blame?

I think the Dems will fail for a simple reason, they’re so bloodlust filled with hatred, they want to impeach this President even though they know they will never get 2/3 of the Congress to convict him, but I get it, dirty him up along the way in time for 2020. Second, the Dems with their tax increases will eventually do them in, it always does because they’re never business friendly.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

And the Democrats won’t get anything either. Very bad for them at the starting gate.

Nah Obama did pretty well in the same situation he also managed to grow the markets from 9000.~20000 over the 8yrs. Trump just entering 3rd and things are starting to fall apart. They couldnt get any legislation past the last 2yrs so anything now is an improvement. Afterall its only Trumps legacy thats on the line. The longer Trump holds the wall blackmail against the house/congress the more unpopular its going to be.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The idea of shutting down the government as a means to achieve an end is a Republican invention, going back to the 1990s. If they chose to, Democrats could do the same thing, for instance, refusing to fund the government unless one of their favorite goals were implemented.

The idea of holding the entire nation hostage as a way of trying to get your way is counterproductive, and should be abandoned. If one party or the other does not have the votes to get what they want, then so be it.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Nah Obama did pretty well in the same situation he also managed to grow the markets from 9000.~20000 over the 8yrs.

But not in the private sector. Presided over to one of the worst economy recoveries, 2014 and on, never reached 3% GDP growth, virtually international business and investments were null.

Trump just entering 3rd and things are starting to fall apart.

Thats because the media refuses to elaborate on all of his accomplishments.


They couldnt get any legislation past the last 2yrs so anything now is an improvement. Afterall its only Trumps legacy thats on the line. The longer Trump holds the wall blackmail against the house/congress the more unpopular its going to be.

How is it an improvement? I don’t think you understand, without the Senate and especially without the courts, the Democrats at this point right out of the gate don’t look good or even competent, they JUST got sworn in, so their base will pressure them to fulfill their promises and if they can do that 2010 all over again. Trump and his base demand border security, the midterms are over, they’re in the minority, their base expects Trump to hold the line, but for the Democrats their base wants a lot of free stuff and bigger entitlements etc and they need a win on something especially at this crucial starting point. Maybe now that Pelosi secured her position as House speaker she might be more willing to reach out to Trump, but who knows, but McConnell I can tell you won’t allow anything to go forward for the Dems at this point. He’s morphed into the conservative version of Harry Reid.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Whaddya mean “IF”? Don’t remember that shutdown to get their favored Obamacare passed on Christmas Eve? No wall no deal.

If they chose to, Democrats could do the same thing, for instance, refusing to fund the government unless one of their favorite goals were implemented.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

You can tell how a new employee is going to be by how they spend their first day at work. Dems first day at work was like everything they ever dreamed of doing all in one day. Acted like they were on a 24 hr timer before they have to leave.

Profanity, impeachment, electoral colllege, presidential pardon power, threats of investigations, changing all the House rules, just a nonsensical mess. Hopefully they settle down and focus. But at least CNN found time to take Pelosi out for ice cream.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Thats because the media refuses to elaborate on all of his accomplishments.

Great, point Bass. A little written by the staff of the laziest president in American history really proves the point that Trump has achieved a lot. A lot of golfing. Trump should just shut his fat mouth and go back to golfing, where he can actually achieve something. What a joke.

How is it an improvement? I don’t think you understand, without the Senate and especially without the courts, the Democrats at this point right out of the gate don’t look good or even competent,

lolz And Republicans do? The idiots had both houses of congress and the presidency, yet they couldn't pass a budget. Very competent, indeed. lolz

4 ( +5 / -1 )

She and her fellow Democratic Congress personsneeds to see an EMT doctor and have her Ears cleaned. From the very beginning of the Immigration discussions Trump has stead fastly lain out his FIVE (5) REQMTS for the new budget he is willing to sign . The Democrats plainly refuse to recognize — They lost the 2016 Presidential election and Do Not Control the Nation entirely following or NOW! Strictly a war of wills or an old fashion “Polical Piss’n Contest” for which they’re attempting to shift the blame of the Shut Down onto Trump! — Sad!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

And then when Republicans come in, they have to a deeper clean up of the Democrats mess, especially when it comes to the economy.

You mean like when Obama came in after the crash of 2008 after the Republican president you and your still unnamed non-partisan historians regard as a successful president?

That kind of mess?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I will save the rest for another day, just one last thing bothering me. Is it cool that you totally ignore both black people you encounter and the only person in a wheelchair who is present? But all huggy kissy with everyone else? watch Pelosi here.


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

they’re attempting to shift the blame for the Shut Down onto Trump!

“I'll tell you what, I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck," Trump said "So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.”

Donald Trump

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Its funny listening to Trump fans talk about the economy. All stereotypes, no data.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

theFu, that's been a problem for quite some decades: Republicans candidate on fiscal responsibility but govern like a drunk sailor, leaving subsequent Democratic leadership to clean up the mess - and take the blame. So what if the Dems don't fall for it this time?

Since Bush-2, both parties have been spend-spend-spend. Bush used the manufactured war in Iraq and left Obama (and the world) with sub-prime debt because he wanted every American to have own a home whether they could afford it or not. The war spending was a govt stimulus package that couldn't be refused. Both parties went along, but really, it would have been impossible politically to refuse. The govt subprime bailout was repaid in a few years, but Obama kept spending and was stuck in 2 wars that he didn't start. With hindsight, I think the US should have been a silent partner to all the institutions they bailed out with compensation limits and no bonuses allowed until fully repaid throughout the US banking industry. US National Debt:

10/1992 - $4T

10/2000 - $5.7T (Clinton)

10/2008 - $10T (Bush)

10/2016 - $19.6T (Obama)

10/2018 - $21.5T (Trump, so far)


The US definitely has a spending problem.

What if they become as proliferate as the Repubs? Who's to blame?

Sorry, you lost me there. Care to rephrase?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The US definitely has a spending problem.

Can’t really argue that, it just gets higher and higher with each President.

Its funny listening to Trump fans talk about the economy. All stereotypes, no data.

Here you go.


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Blacklabel: Yeah the stock market seemed overjoyed with the first day of Democrats. What 600 points down? 

Hmmm....I can't seem to find any articles pushing this point of view. Did you make it up yourself? What happened? Investors were caught off guard with the Dems taking over the House and sold off stock?

Bass: never reached 3% GDP growth

I'm seeing 10 times when Obama hit 3% growth. Trump had a nice little 4.2% jump one quarter his first year, but even Obama beat that with a 4.7% jump his first year. What data are you seeing?

Obama grew the stock market from 7,500 to 19,500. Trump has grown it from 19,500 to 22,600. Obama increased the stock market more in his first 2 years than Trump did. Obama created more jobs in his last 20 months than Trump created in his first 20 months. Obama cut the deficit in half, Trump is doubling it.

bass: Presided over to one of the worst economy recoveries

Gee, ya think it had anything to do with Republican torpedoing measures to help the economy? Remember when the idiots on the right told us austerity was the path to success only to find out they were completely and utterly wrong? So thanks for that.

Bass: And then when Republicans come in, they have to a deeper clean up of the Democrats mess, especially when it comes to the economy.

Hmmm....I'm seeing Obama inheriting a financial crash from Bush, and leaving a healthy economy for Trump. I'm seeing Clinton leaving a health economy for Bush after taking over from GHWB lackluster performance. What data are you seeing?

Bass: Across the nation at large, the average American will take home on average $1,400 more of their paycheck in 2018.

Woohoo! Enjoy your extra $100 a month! And don't think of the estimated $4.3 billion in tax savings Wells Fargo will get over the next few years, just think about that hundo and wait for the trickle down!

By the way, what was the speech you guys used to give when Obama had good job numbers? Something about the new jobs not giving the whole picture, or not counting something, or whatever it was where there was some secret shadow economy happening behind the numbers. Anyway, let me know. I'd like to start cutting and pasting that for Trump when he gets good job numbers.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

theFu, I assume you're using constant dollars and including payments on debt, as Clinton for a few years ran a primary surplus. Also consider differences in economic conditions inherited respectively by Obama and Trump.

My point is that Repubs tend to talk a big game on fiscal restraint - which is, let's remember, the balance between income and expenditure - but drop the ball whenever in office.Cool for them! - tons of money sloshing around! Then the Dems come into power and try to clean up the mess, and everyone says "Boo!" It's happened time and again over the last few decades, and the present is particularly egregious. Why run such an historically high deficit in a time of economic growth unless you're buttering your reelection chances?

3 ( +4 / -1 )


When the best you can do is an opinion piece written by a guy with a Bachelor's of Mechanical Engineering that was written less than halfway through Obama's first term... well, that's just sadly. Bigly sad.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This Pelosi...just a picture perfect lib.....:-)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Laguna, the issue is that the GOP runs on stereotypes, not data

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Can’t really argue that, it just gets higher and higher with each President.

You used to be a fiscal conservative. Have you also jettisoned that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Laguna, the issue is that the GOP runs on stereotypes, not data

I see, so liberals have data on conservatives, but not the other way around, right?

You used to be a fiscal conservative.

Still am

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Bass:. I see, so liberals have data on conservatives, but not the other way around, right?

Ah, so we've reached the nonsense phase of the debate. Time for a few liberal rants? Maybe throw in a few "that's your opinion" responses to hard numbers? Or just cut and paste comments right back to people saying you felt the same over the last 8 years.

Lots of options going forward, bass.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I'm seeing 10 times when Obama hit 3% growth. Trump had a nice little 4.2% jump one quarter his first year, but even Obama beat that with a 4.7% jump his first year. What data are you seeing?

The total increase in real GDP per capita during the first three years of Obama’s recovery was only 4.34%. This was worse than Bush 43 (5.98%) and the Bush 41 – Clinton team (5.61%). Once again, Ronald Reagan brought up the rear in this important area of economic mismanagement. He produced a stunning 15.36% gain in real per capita GDP during the first three years of his economic recovery.

Obama grew the stock market from 7,500 to 19,500. Trump has grown it from 19,500 to 22,600. Obama increased the stock market more in his first 2 years than Trump did. Obama created more jobs in his last 20 months than Trump created in his first 20 months. Obama cut the deficit in half, Trump is doubling it.


The rate of GDP growth was decelerating in Obama's last year. It went from 2.3% in Q2, to 1.9% in Q3 to 1.8% in Q4 of 2016.

Under Trump, GDP growth has averaged 2.9%. It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one.

The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then.

Real median family income didn't budge from August 2015 to November 2016, according to Sentier Research. It's up more than 4% since Trump came into office. Wages are on the upswing.

In Obama's last year, unemployment rate remained basically unchanged — it was 4.9% in Jan 2016, and 4.8% when Trump took office in Jan. 2017. Now it's down to 3.9

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Gee, ya think it had anything to do with Republican torpedoing measures to help the economy? Remember when the idiots on the right told us austerity was the path to success only to find out they were completely and utterly wrong? So thanks for that.

Incomee redistribution and entitlements didn’t help the country for investments, having one of the highest corporate tax rates doesn’t help either.

Hmmm....I'm seeing Obama inheriting a financial crash from Bush, and leaving a healthy economy for Trump.

You think a 1.8 GDP is healthy??? Lol

Woohoo! Enjoy your extra $100 a month! And don't think of the estimated $4.3 billion in tax savings Wells Fargo will get over the next few years, just think about that hundo and wait for the trickle down!

I keep the only way Democrats think you can bring prosperity is by raising taxes, punishing the job creators, agriculture sector, steel and coal minors etc....

Something about the new jobs not giving the whole picture, or not counting something, or whatever it was where there was some secret shadow economy happening behind the numbers. Anyway, let me know. I'd like to start cutting and pasting that for Trump when he gets good job numbers.

Funny, liberals know the economy, but have nothing to show for it, except a stagnant one, they don’t know about borders, they don’t know about creating jobs in the private sector, but they definitely know how to take other people’s money away.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

they don’t know about borders

What does Trump know since he is failing at is and not realizing people will just use ladders? Trump hasn't built a single brick even thought his party had complete control for 2 years. Libs don't know about borders? They sure know about ladders and shovels. Also, drones and slingshots to deliver the drugs. Trump's wall failed even before it started.

Ronald Reagan brought up the rear in this important area of economic mismanagement.

Because of all those greencards Reagan gave out. Yes, 3M of them.

they don’t know about creating jobs

Trump sure does. Ones for illegal workers in his resorts.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I cast my absentee ballot from Kyoto for DJT and remain glad I did. Pleased with the shutdown of non essential Federal employees, it should be permanent. Have a great day.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I will save the rest for another day, just one last thing bothering me. Is it cool that you totally ignore both black people you encounter and the only person in a wheelchair who is present? But all huggy kissy with everyone else? watch Pelosi here.

Blacklabel - I wish to congratulate you on your new-found interest in black people and the disabled. When did this start?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The stock market also was stuck in neutral the year before the November 2016 elections. The Dow is up by some 45% since then.

being a little generous or are we counting with Trump numbers, Jan 20, 2017 Dow was at 19800, today around 23400 thats not even 20%


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Who will compromise in the end?

Let's wait and see.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Opposition to the wall is O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-I-N-G!! Trump will soon concede DEFEAT!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Opposition to the wall is O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-I-N-G!! Trump will soon concede DEFEAT

Won’t happem. Not if the Dems want to get any of their disastrous legislations through.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Trump will cave without funding, just like he did last time. And bass and other right wingers will praise his weak-knee buckling and bumbling idiocy as brilliant tactics and strategy.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Trump will cave without funding, just like he did last time. And bass and other right wingers will praise his weak-knee buckling and bumbling idiocy as brilliant tactics and strategy.

I doubt it. I think Pelosi will be the one to blink because she and her radical socialist party want to get things passed legislatively and if they don’t as the new incoming party, it’ll be very bad for them, at least that pressure the GOP don’t have to worry about anymore. The GOP can wait, but the Dems, not so much.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Alas, the GOP proved during their time leading the House that doing nothing and blaming the President is bad for the President and the President’s party. Sadly for the GOP, they don’t have a President like Obama, who was intelligent and generous enough to secure a second term. They have a stupid loser President who can’t even get Mitt Romney on his side. Weak, weak, weak.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

wtfjapan - oh love how the Trumpets like to conveniently leave out the fact that the Dow is down about 4000 since October worst performance since the GFC, even while Obama was in office.

The market climbed steadily from the time Trump took over the WH and the Republicans held both houses of Congress. Multi-buck investors (tens of millions of dollars, or more) dumped money into the U.S. stock markets because that was the best, and safest, place to make money. That situation changed when the Democrats won future control of the U.S. House in November. Selling quickly when it became apparent that an anti-business/socialist House would change the pro-business/pro-capitalism financial environment, multi-buck investors began taking a profit. Maybe they'll start buying back in IF the houses of Congress prove they can again create a pro-business financial environment.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Sadly for the GOP, they don’t have a President like Obama, who was intelligent and generous enough to secure a second term.

Which was sadly more hype than anything else. Regulations, high taxes and an underperforming GDP doesn’t instill confidential in the world market regardless of how intelligent you are. “Empty suits” don’t entice investors.

They have a stupid loser President who can’t even get Mitt Romney on his side. Weak, weak, weak.

Labor Department reported that U.S. employers created vastly more jobs last month than analysts expected. American employers added 312,000 jobs in December more than the 177,000 estimate. Additionally, wages rose 3.2 percent year-over-year, the best jump in a decade. Stocks surged with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising 746 points Friday after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank is prepared to adjust policy quickly and flexibly. His comments followed a blockbuster jobs report for December which saw annual wages jump the most since 2008. The Dow's gain of 3.2 percent is the best performance on a jobs day since 2002, according to the Dow Jones Market Data Group. The S&P 500 also rose over 3 percent and the Nasdaq Composite even more at 4.3 percent.

I prefer dumb over an “empty suit” any day of the year. Something even Romney could ever achieve.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

SneezyToday 05:40 am JSTAlas, the GOP proved during their time leading the House that doing nothing and blaming the President is bad for the President and the President’s party. Sadly for the GOP, they don’t have a President like Obama, who was intelligent and generous enough to secure a second term. They have a stupid loser President who can’t even get Mitt Romney on his side. Weak, weak, weak.

At least Obama acted civilized towards his Washington cohorts even when the GOP gave him trouble. Trump is obnoxious and immature, and a bully! He can't be dealt with, he won't shut up and negotiate with others. He keeps crying and moaning about his stupid Berlin Wall and he has kidnapped thousands of migrant children that are DYING in concentration camps. That is a sign of his immaturity, a hissy-fit from an uncouth spoiled brat.

On top of that, Obama approved bailouts to GM + Chrysler (2/3 of the American 'Big 3' in auto making) just like Carter + Reagan did for Chrysler in the early 80s. GM is hurting unit again due to mismanagement again and Donny Douchebag has already said he ain't gonna help them out this time. He's got the authority to help stimulate the economy and he has zillion$ and he all does is grumble, cry and wet himself over that stupid wall which would solve nothing - he is just an obstinate obsessed imbecile who has already violated the Constitution repeatedly and he is not suitable for office. He is egotistical, deranged and is nobody's friend. He has proven to be undependable and unreliable. He must be impeached in order to save America.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

LagunaJan. 4 09:36 pm JST

I assume you're using constant dollars and including payments on debt, as Clinton for a few years ran a primary surplus. Also consider differences in economic conditions inherited respectively by Obama and Trump.

I provided a link to the source of the data. US Treasury. Seems you think we are talking about annual deficit spending. I am not. I'm talking about the current debt for the nation at any point in time. Obama almost doubled the national debt in 8 yrs as President. That is impressive especially when the economy was doing so well.

Perhaps I'm just odd. We are debt free in my family and think our country should be too. When we owed on the house, I did everything I could to pay it off ASAP. Haven't had a car lone in 20+ yrs either.

Republicans have lost their way and the batch prefers to spend, spend, spend, just like the Dems/SJW do.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Actual legislation passed! And it took the House Democrats to do it! Over to you, do-nothing Republicans!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

You cant just obstruct anymore when you have the gavel and the majority, for the sake of our country, good luck.

theyre not obstructing theyve already put legislation through the house to open the government, its up to the senate or Trump to obstruct.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

theyre not obstructing theyve already put legislation through the house to open the government, its up to the senate or Trump to obstruct.

So out of curiosity, did you consider it obstruction when the Democrats in the Senate blocked the Republican House's budget legislation that also would have kept the government open but included wall funding? Or is it only obstruction when it suits your political objectives?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


the economy was doing so well.

Do you actually remember 2009 when Obama took office? TARP and the bailouts? The economy was in a terrible place for a lot of Obama's presidency. It was still an issue in the 2016 election. What flavor kool-aid did you drink!? Parts of the bailouts fall under "Obama's debt" as does the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), as does most of TARP. If the economy was doing well as you say then it was due to Obama, and the debt increase was responsible for that, not in spite of it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The housing, or sub-prime rate, bubble took a long time to reach the heights that it did. Clinton's final year in office until Bush's final year in office. Obama's campaign took advantage of disaster. However, it's important to remember that sub-prime rate mortgages wouldn't have been possible without the changes passed by the Congressional banking committee, and Congress. Obama was a member of that Congress for four years, and he did nothing to prevent the bubble from bursting.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Obama was a member of that Congress for four years, and he did nothing to prevent the bubble from bursting.

How do you know he did nothing? You aren’t attributing the actions of an entire congress on a single congressman are you? You wouldn’t do that would you?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There is no record of him doing anything to prevent the bubble from bursting.

Mostly, I blame Congressman Barney Frank for saying that he saw no problem and wanting to roll the dice some more. I trusted Barney and he lied to the country. Senator Obama was in a position to deal with the run-a-way, sub-prime, adjustable-rate mortgage bubble, and he did nothing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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