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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Ukraine accuses Russia of massacre; city strewn with bodies
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This morning I also read the news and saw pictures what this Russian mass murder as...holes did in Butscha.
These Russian mass murdering Bastards have to pay the highest price for this.
If there are still people around who support and defend what this Russian mass murdering Mob is doing in the Ukraine, these people also have to be taken into responsibility.
Unable to win a military victory, Russia has focused on what it can do well - bombing hospitals and murdering civilians in cold blood.
The rest of us look on in horror now that the true nature of the Russian regime has been revealed.
There is probably now a case for the West increasing its support - if Russia does take the Black Sea, it will be easily able to encircle Ukraine on three sides, making a future invasion extremely easy. It is too much of a risk to have such a savage regime on its borders.
Putin's hordes are aping their Russian grandfather's "Rape of Berlin", Putin's military forces will live in infamy along with the Vandals, now, though when areas have been vandalized, people will say they've been Russian-ized. 'Russian' will be a new word. not just in the Urban Dictionary but also in general language to describe sick, sub-human behavior. And Putin's keyboard propagandists will continue to say 'West is worse' and and continue to try to convince their followers any criticism of Russi,a or other extreme right movements is 'fake news' and 'you cannot prove it'.
Calling people name is not gonna stop the Carnage,only brute force military inside Russia,will only give Russian a taste of their own medicine proportionally ,when your country is run by a sociopath that bomb his own people,and blame in others is recipe for mayhem
Ah,they have already blockaded Ukrainian in the Black Sea
The Avenger
He's right. It's not just Putin who should be punished adequately, it's also the commanders in charge of the soldiers who committed these acts, and probably also the soldiers themselves. Zelenskyy also recognizes that it will be difficult to enforce. Destroy as many of Russia's military assets as possible before they give up.
Russian military vehicles full of civilian items, bombed hospitals, shelters, civilians with hands tied shot in the streets. Russia has certainly put the Z into naZi.
If you support this perhaps you should take a bloody good look in the mirror.
Civilians, hands tied behind their backs, battered and bruised with their bodies dumped in the streets.
Someone's father, someone's son, a best friend who surely celebrated the winter holidays with family only to be dumped like moerugomi on the streets a few months later.
Enjoy the comfort of your warm beds tonight collaborateurs. Could be any of us tomorrow.
Michael Machida
One has to wonder, has Russia always been this way pent up anger and hate for others? What is it that causes men to hate and kill at the command of a psychopath formerly known as KGB Officer Putin?
Unfortunately there are a few on here, but conspicuous by their absence at the moment.
I’m sure it won’t be long before we hear the all too predictable excuses - ‘how do you know it was the Russians ? it could have been Ukrainian military’
Absolutely sickening.
When the fascist Russians are long gone from sovereign, independent Ukraine, there WILL be trials into these - and more - war crimes. Putin, his government, and the fascist Russian military will be judged by history as war criminals. They should all be put up against a wall.
All of these stories of rape and murder at the hands of Russian soldiers is so evil. The Russians said they were coming to fight the Nazis, but the Russians are the Nazis. They’re horrible.
Readers, too many of you are misusing the word "Nazis." Please refrain from doing so unless you are specifically referring to neo-Nazis and they are referred to in the story.
Add Hungarians to your list of people to hate. They just elected a bum-buddy of Putin. Hungarians must really like it up the *ss.
Putin and his comrades need to pay the heaviest price for these atrocious war crimes!
There is no way back for Russia, till Putin and his fellow war criminals have all been held accountable for their war crimes.
Well there you have it. If BBC states something is true, it can't but be true, right?
Paul - if you don't trust the BBC's reporting on this story, is there another source who reporting you would trust?
I absolutely, unconditionally, without exception don't believe BBC's reporting. Anything they report I first consider the opposite is likely true and then examine the evidence myself and decide. There are some investigative journalists whom are trustworthy. They Greyzone and Glenn Greenwald come to mind. Wikileaks was the source of a lot of trustworthy info but they have gone quite while Assange is going through the ordeal he is going through for shedding light on shocking US war crimes.
Thanks for your response, Paul. So I guess the BBC is out for you! Are those sources that you do trust on the ground in Ukraine? If so, what are they saying about this? If the sources you trust are not on the ground and have no plans to go there, then whose word would you trust? (assuming that you aren't going to go to Bucha yourself)
zichiToday 09:23 am JST
Let me be the devil's advocate (some already think I am the Devil)
The BBC is the British government, the British government is openly on Ukraine's side, the BBC has downplayed Yemen for years as a supporter of Saudi Arabia.
So if we are being honest not the most neutral source.
Heck in this particular case I would see Al Jazeera as being possibly more reliable and that is a scary thought!
Paul, you seem to be giving the Russians a huge benefit of the doubt. Do you give everyone a similarly large benefit of the doubt?
I would guess not. They don't have the resources of Western governments and Azov Battalion won't allow honest reporting. I haven't seen what they'll say about this. They'll examine the evidence and draw conclusions from it but on first glance, like the "chemical weapons attack" in Douma, Syria which was promptly bombed by NATO before any investigation can be carried out, they'll say, "something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
You're on the ground in Ukraine?
Or do you mean you're sifting through what other people say until you find something that fits your preferred narrative?
Ukraine didnt invade Russia and Russia is actually larger, not smaller.
Answer: Because they don't care. Because up till now, there have been zero consequences for their invasion.
Right, so someone did, it just couldn't have been the Russian invaders. Got it.
When asked about Azov, Zelensky said "they are what they are" and went on to mention they have been integrated into the Ukraine military and are no longer stand alone units.
It was so bad that even so called "Faux News" censored that part of the interview when they reposted clips later.
I'm talking about the neo-Nazi Russia. They are neo-Nazis, they are larger, and they invaded Ukraine, a much smaller country.
So what? Does that justify Russia invading Ukraine? If not, why bring it up?
Blacklabel - do you have a link I can check out for that?
You are seeing the evidence of Putin's soldiers' actions here. Those who would try to discredit it (and blame some other bogeyman) should be able to provide similar evidence.
To be fair, these acts are probably not welcome by Putin either; they are the actions of soldiers driven mad by what must be severe trauma.
Paul wrote:
Glenn Greenwald!? I mean, sure...pre-2012 era Greenwald maybe, but now? And the Grayzone...come on, man. Max Blumenthal et al. are recipients of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism, which ain't what it sounds like it. These guys are pushing an agenda just like the BBC does.
Azov was 900 members before the war. How many are left given the massive power of the Russian military after a month?
it doesnt have to, because that is a deflection.
Nothing "justifies" the invasion of Ukraine, in my understanding.
Yet it happened, I imagine there is ability to do things that are unjustified, as this is an unjust world.
So can we move on to a truthful dialog rather than trying to say that Russia is the neo-Nazi side in this? they are not. they are many other things in this, but the neo Nazi side is Ukraine. Proven by their own President in the interview.
What happened to the its ok there are only 900 of them story? how many does Russia have then?
Paul - the 2014 revolution resulted in Yanukovych being deposed and fleeing to Russia. Are you a fan of Viktor Yanukovych?
I'm a fan of the democratically elected government of the Ukraine and not a western backed, far right coup against it.
Just post links to what you are reading or watching to do us all the service of getting a better picture of what’s going on in Ukraine.
Without these links, you are just coming across those whose evidence is a mail from their cousin in a basement whose previous mails were about scamdemics and stolen elections.
You do see the problem here don’t you?
I wouldn’t say so.
There have been claims that it has been too soft on this government and those who say it’s been too harsh - par for the course. There are members of the ruling party who want the license fee scrapped. Hardly the actions of people who see it as part of their agenda.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
People will believe anything these days.
Unless you are actually in Ukraine right now and personally witnessed what's happened or happening then your opinion is based solely on your belief .
Photos and videos aren't enough .
False reports are inevitable .
Let's not be too naive.
Look closely at the details presented in the Photos.
absolutely. so how do you personally 100% know who did this already?
the other guy is making up stories swapping the sides to try to make himself feel better about supporting neo Nazis by pretending its really the other side that has them. what do you think about that?
do you believe that Russia has invaded Ukraine ?
do you believe that the Russian military is bombing & destroying Ukrainian cities ?
do you believe that innocent Ukrainian women & children are being killed ?
Blacklabel - I don't personally know, but I have my suspicions. It shouldn't take long to determine at any rate. There are plenty of eyewitnesses. It's good to hear you agree that the perpetrators must be held to account.
Okay that’s your opinion of the BBC. Fair enough.
Let’s judge your sources.
By avoiding posting these sources, your credibility is shrinking like the clown at the end of ‘It’.
You do see this, don’t you? I assure you others do.
Haaa Nemui
Either the Russians are guilty or they’ve provided a scapegoat. Whatever it is, Russia illegally invaded and their presence in Ukraine puts every Ukrainian at greater danger.
The Avenger
Keep turning the economic screw on Putin until one of his oligarchs or generals assassinates him.
Give the Ukrainians as much anti-aircraft, anti-ship and attack aircraft that we can. They clearly have proven able to use it effectively.
Michael Hooper
Now is the time for Japan to stop being mealy mouthed and stop all trade with Russia, especially when you see the photo evidence of war crimes being committed by them.
Japan should cancel the joint venture of the Sakhalin lng plant. UK Shell canceled their 25% investment, Japan has just 11%. Time for action, not talking, having meetings, thinking about it, the usual stalling techniques Japan uses.
The Avenger