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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Youngkin wins Virginia governor's race, jolting Democrats
not only a great win for Youngkin but a rebuke of Biden, Barack Obama, Stacey Abrams, Kamala Harris and the Clintons who all tried their hardest to get McAuliffe in office again.
12.5 point turnaround in the vote in just 10 months. Biden has no real mandate now, not that he ever really did.
Will be interesting to see what happens in New Jersey which is a 15 point swing right now against Biden.
A clear indication that many Americans are waking up to the cancerous ideology that they let seep back into the country despite the horrific lessons learned in the 20th century.
9 months of unprecedented failure on every single issue was all it took.
Hopefully people have learned to vote with their brains, and not pure emotion.
Youngkin got that white, no-degree voter caption locked in around 75%, whew! Time to celebrate at the Waffle House.
Also, Democrats right now;
"How on earth did we ever lose the working class parents?"
And a strong, confident woman of color as Lt Governor. The Dems are hating it!
Right-wing candidate beats other slightly different right-wing candidate, news at 11.
Until there are some actual choices on ballots, you can pretty much expect to see that continue. Say what you want about Republicans, but they do serve the desire of the far right-wingers.
Those of us who are actual leftists, not whatever you consider the Democrats, don't often have candidates that represent us. Some will vote for whatever is left of Nazi, but the center-right Democrats don't make for very exciting progressive candidates.
Sven Asai
The error has been made quickly, but now it takes time to correct it. Good to see that they at least start to try to.
Someone is not remotely familiar with Terry McAuliffe and what he stands for.
"True communism has just never been tried"
@Bob No, I am aware of his positions. As I said, hovers around center-right.
Tangential to the topic, but not how I would frame it given there are successful examples already. Next time we get a thread about communism will be happy to discuss it with you.
Someone is not remotely familiar with Terry McAuliffe and what he stands for.
"True communism has just never been tried"
To those who believe things like free healthcare, education, a universal basic income and an inclusive society are an everyday part of democratic socialism as in many first world nations, yes Terry McAuliffe is a center rightist like Biden.
The corporatists who fund these candidates are counting on the masses being distracted by these culture war interests and voting against their best interests.
CRT just took a massive hit.
Well, today is a great day and I hope from here on out all political discussions are civil towards everyone regardless of politician treat all of them with the exact same respect, whether you are on the left or the right, but today is a new beginning in the US going into 2020. Congrats to Youngkin!
Readers, please make sure you do keep discussions civil. Then we won't have to shut down the comments.
Matt Hartwell
So the only people of value are "degree holders". Its that sort of arrogance that has lead to literally millions of jobs in trades unfilled. Trucking? 100,000 positions vacant, but hey, they dont require a degree so there not good jobs. Democrat arrogance will be your downfall.
They wont win that one if you look at current percentages, its mostly Democrat areas with 4/5% to go and most of the Republican areas are 100% counted. It was close though. Far, far closer than a majority would have predicted.
McAuliffe is Nowhere near the right, he's a Democrat leftist leaning progressive, the same goes for Biden. If both means would have been center-right they would have never won in the past.
The communist knows how to spend other people's money. He just doesn't know how to earn it.
Another "Please stop fighting the culture war. Just let us win" appeal.
The real people that won today are the parents that just have had enough of this admin and the BOE trying to teach their kids something they don't want. Youngkin just only vocalized and reiterated what the parents want, but once McAuliffe and the Democrats threatened them that they were going to use the FBI on them should they cause a problem and they had no right to tell the teachers what to teach, and the fact a little girl was raped and the school tried to cover it, from that point I knew McAuliffe was on a time clock. Youngkin won, but it was a personal victory for all the parents in Virginia. Youngkin did what most politicians don't do, listen and run a very simple campaign and focus on what you will do and what your plans are as a newly elected governor, always a winning recipe.
blue in green
They've got a big pile of mail-in votes to count, overnight.
Maybe by tomorrow the vote will be flipped...
It's not like it hasn't happened before.
I thought he was being investigated for the covid19 nursing home deaths, now, re-election?
I am not following these local US events in detail, but did the opponent not get the parents angry by promoting genderism and CRT in pubic schools and tell parents they have no say in how their kids are indoctrinated? Seems there are still parents who care about that.
After the polls closed, Bristol Virginia election director Penny Limburg said 43.6% took part in Tuesday’s election, up from 39.9% in the 2017 election.
Good to see an increase in voter turnout, but 43.6% is nothing to get excited about.
It means that any candidate can win with (51% of 43.6 %) 22% of the available votes.
That is 78% didn't vote for the winner.
Education, soaring crime and the economy were the things that were of the biggest concern to VA voters. McAuliffe had 2 terms get these problems under control and he didn’t. The man had so many chances and he didn’t deliver on any of it. CRT was the last straw.
Oh, THIS was the guy who declared parents who protested the insane schoolboards as "domestic terrorists"? No wonder. Seems that is a step too far even for Biden voters.
Is this a serious question? Who the heck wants their children indoctrinated with this craziness.
Children in Texas knowing that the original constitution of the Republic of Texas protected slavery and barred Indians and “Africans” from becoming citizens. New York children learning that suburban developments barred Black people from buying homes.
That CRT sure is crazy. But these culture warriors are too crafty to let this crazy talk fly in Virginia.
Yes exactly, once you start talking like that to parents and try to shut parents out and shut them down and threaten them with arrest and you tell them that the government knows what’s best for your child, it doesn’t matter which part of your affiliate with you’re going to have some very serious problems politically and this is a result of it and that resentment is going across the country and it doesn’t matter what she say, it doesn’t seem that it’s resonating with the Democrats, so they need to lose a few more elections before they really understand the negative impact that this is having on their party. The Democrats need to know that they are in serious jeopardy of losing the house, we know this, we just don’t know but how many seats they will lose, it could be up to 45 seats.