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Zelenskyy wants Putin trial; Russia accuses U.S. on drones


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The thief judges by his condition. Does it not?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

And THAT was the point that I became convinced that this was a Kremlin ruse.

KAL007- “The CIA flew the plane”

The Kursk - “collided with a foreign submarine, orobably American”

Pathetically inept drone attack - “It was the Americans behind it” Because yeah, THATS how we would start WWIII for no particular gain

Other Kremlin lies include MAL shoot down over Ukraine (The Russians have a thing for blowing up civilian airliners) with the horrendously photoshopped Ukrainian Mig.

The FSB being caught planting bombs in Moscow apartment buildings in order to give mini-me a reason to re-start the war in Chechnya.

The list goes on and on (and on and on..)

I thought it a bit odd that a commercial drone with no particular military abilities could just show up in the middle of a remarkably stable camera shot and pause in the center of the shot JUST long enough to explode to no effect - truly a once in several million visual that most trained photo journalists would give anything to get as it would make a career.

Now we gave confirmation that the Moscow midget is getting really desperate.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

Putin must go to the Netherlands to negotiate peace with Zelensky. It is only the honorable thing to do.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Putin must go to the Netherlands to negotiate peace with Zelensky. It is only the honorable thing to do.

No peace without victory over russia

no negotiations without going away out of Ukraine’s territory

wake up

6 ( +15 / -9 )

” Peskov said, without offering evidence for his claim.

Evidence-free claims are a hallmark of Russia, Russia's fellow authoritarian states and their global media outlets. I'm a bit surprised they're not using the Soviet 'whatabout', too.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

You know it is wild claim from Russia when it is less plausible than putting Putin on trial.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Funny how people who believe counterfactual claims by America dismiss EVERY statement holding the US responsible as 'baseless' and 'unsubstantiated' and 'ridiculous' and 'propaganda' just like the people who believe counterfactual claim by an American ex-President campaigning for reelection dismiss every statement holding him responsible as 'baseless' and 'unsubstantiated' and 'ridiculous' and 'propaganda'.

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

“The Americans are responsible!”

Gosh, if true, that’s an act of war. What are you going to do about it?

Gonna take on NATO? Nope. That becomes literally a “You and who’s army?” Question as you’ve blown your own one up (and as we come to realize, it wasn’t very capable to begin with).

Gonna “take the gloves off” with Ukraine? As if bombing apartment blocks wasn’t “gloves-off” enough? (Side note: your soldiers would like to borrow the gloves you take off as they haven’t got any of their own.)

Going to rehab some more mobile crematoriums AKA Russian tanks to throw into the maw?

Gonna nuke Ukraine? THAT would play well with the non-aligned nations and China. (It would trigger a NATO conventional attack that would result in the destruction of most of your combat power West of the Urals, but you know this already.)

Kind of shows just how desperate and delusional the murdering midget from Moscow is, does it not?

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Europe should take the lead on this.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Russian official trying to take Ukraine's flag in Turkiye. What is with the Russians thinking they own Ukraine?


4 ( +8 / -4 )

Is that a Banksy in photograph? Great artwork!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

And if it were an "inside job" is it really possible for Putin to have 100% control over any possible leaks or whistleblowers? Think about it, somebody would spill the beans.

He has enough control to make sure that anybody who did would meet their end at the pavement outside a tall building. That said, I still don’t think it was a false flag and I still don’t think Ukraine (or the U.S.) had anything to do with it.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Not a Banksy. The graffiti is by esteemed graffiti artist Loretto in Wilmington Terrace, Kentish Town, London. On the side of a bakery.


7 ( +9 / -2 )

The level of desperation in the Kremlin is off the scale...

They are losing on the battlefield and are forced to launch ham-fisted, utterly transparent false flag attacks on their own people...

Anytime you see Russian State media show video and claim an attack by the Ukrainians inside Russia just automatically assume it's fake...

Why don't they show us video of the Moskva in flames and sinking below the waves? Or are they still calling that an "accident"?

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Zelensky just asks for freebies constantly and expects everyone to do what he wants, I find him to be a bore.

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

Losing on the battlefield are they? So the “spring offensive” was successful?

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Just remember folks - even if the claim of 80% approval is true for Putin (doubtful), that still means that there are 20% of Russians who don't approve. That's still a lot of Russians.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

And it isn’t 89%. Not by a long shot.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

They are losing on the battlefield

last time I checked, four regions of Ukraine democratically now belong to Russia, Crimea has been reunited, almost all of EU countries have depleted most of their weapons stocks, Russia economy is up, inflation and national debt is down, I can go on.

so how exactly is Russia losing? Would Be nice to hear your information and sources.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

Ukraine has been building up for what it hopes is a campaign that transforms the war and gives it the upper hand. If that doesn’t happen, its supporters in the West could lose patience and demand that Kyiv make concessions to Moscow.

“transforms the war”- from their current state of losing?

“gives it the upper hand?” - they don’t already have it from their supposed winning on the battlefield?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Losing on the battlefield are they? So the “spring offensive” was successful?

Let’s see how well this gem ages. Probably about as well as its other “insights.”

This is the poster who would have said in late 1944 that the Japanese were winning because the US had only sunk “some” of its navy and had yet to invade Iwojima or Okinawa.

Probably would have said the Nazis were winning after the Battle of the Bulge because the Allie’s were not yet on German soil.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Funny how people who believe counterfactual claims by America dismiss EVERY statement holding the US responsible as 'baseless' and 'unsubstantiated' and 'ridiculous' and 'propaganda' just like the people who believe counterfactual claim by an American ex-President campaigning for reelection dismiss every statement holding him responsible as 'baseless' and 'unsubstantiated' and 'ridiculous' and 'propaganda'.

The notion that the US would risk WWIII attacking the Kremlin with a tiny little quadcopter expecting to kill the Russian President with such a small device is not even a tiny bit plasuable. If the US was out to kill Mr. Putin a small number of B-2s, maybe two or three, would have left nothing but two deep smoking holes, one where the Kremlin once stood and another where his mansion once stood, each filling with water from the Moscow River.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Better check again, a bit more carefully.

last time I checked, four regions of Ukraine democratically now belong to Russia, Crimea has been reunited, almost all of EU countries have depleted most of their weapons stocks, Russia economy is up, inflation and national debt is down, I can go on.

so how exactly is Russia losing? Would Be nice to hear your information and sources.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Zelenskyy wants Putin trial

Then Ukraine join the ICC agreement.

The hypocrisy of the USA and Ukraine, saying Putin or anyone should be put in trial by the ICC when the refuse to be members is a joke.

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

WAR folks, two-sides to TANGO, what MOST accept.

If US & NATO so innocent, please name WARS they've not been engaged in Directly or Indirectly?

NO accident China BROKERED Mid-East PEACE this year after DECADES of US and NATO WARS in Mid-East.

Those that want facts, seek out recent leaked US CIA Ukraine Intel from reputable investigative progressive media sources like Salon that due serious vetting.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Putin should go to The Hague to stand trial and answer for his war crimes.

The U.S. controlled the drone that attacked the kremlin?

Absurd! It was obviously an angry Russian citizen who’s sick of Putin and the war in Ukraine.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Let’s see how well this gem ages. 

why does it need to “age” for the claim of Ukraine is winning on the battlefield now to be true?

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

For any of this to be meaningful, carry some legitimacy/integrity, go back to what the American/Pompeo did, threatened the ICC, and reversed it first.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The notion that the US would risk WWIII attacking the Kremlin ......

Didn't the USA push NATO more and more east despite warnings by Russia? Isn't the USA now looking at pushing NATO into Asia despite Chinese warnings?

It seems like The USA is looking for WW3

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

last time I checked, four regions of Ukraine democratically now belong to Russia,

How is that possible when the only legal power to hold democratic election inside Ukraine is Ukraine? And Ukraine hass not had any elections in those four regions since the invasion began? Russia's internationally recognized illegal attempt to annex Ukraine territory by holding sham and illegal rigged elections does nothing to remove these areas from being Ukraine territory. Even China agrees these lands remain Ukraine territory.

Crimea has been reunited,

Crimea is being illegally occupied.

almost all of EU countries have depleted most of their weapons stocks,

Not even close. No nation will give more than 10-20% of their stock of needed equipment or munitions, and they continue to replace stocks and manufacture arms and missiles to top up their stocks.

Russia economy is up,

Russia's economy is down.

inflation and national debt is down,

No, Russian inflation remains high and debt is skyrocketing.

I can go on.

With more misinformation? Why bother?

so how exactly is Russia losing? Would Be nice to hear your information and sources.

You already know unless the only sources of information you read are Russian.

Try reading some truth and facts for a change. Nobody believes what your posting.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Like many other War Criminal running FREE and living among us, Putin will walk free. Only those who are poor$$ or vulnerable get Prosecuted.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Didn't the USA push NATO more and more east despite warnings by Russia? 

The US didn't push anything. Russia's neighbors want to join, because fascist Russia repeatedly invades their neighbors, and joining NATO is a pretty good way to avoid getting invaded.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

last time I checked, four regions of Ukraine democratically now belong to Russia

Last time I checked, four regions of Ukraine, partially and chaotically occupied by Russians, had been declared 'Russia for ever' illegally, by a virtual dictator-for-life who wouldn't understand 'democratic' if it came up and hit him over the head with a bowl of borscht.

so how exactly is Russia losing?

435 days into a 3-day Special Military Debacle? You call that winning?

If Vladimort isn't launched out of a 14th floor window, he's headed for the Hague.

Keep 'winning', Vlad.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Repeatedly? which neighbors has Russia invaded?

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Come on, man. This 'outlawing the Russian language' stuff isn't going to fly anymore.

As with many things, the truth has been twisted by Russia. When part of the soviet union, schools in Ukraine could only teach in Russian and teaching in Ukrainian was banned. Ukraine since being freed from the grasp of Russian control has reversed that edict by banning teaching in Russian and insisting on teaching in Ukrainian only, in Ukrainian schools. This is fair enough as it is Ukraine's schools. Somehow this has been portrayed as anti Russian rather than simply being a change to reflect Ukraine independence and sovereignty.

How many Russian schools inside Russia teach only in Ukrainian?

So why should Ukrainian schools teach in anything other than Ukraine's language, apart from foreign language classes?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Blacklabel - Russia has invaded and still holds parts of Georgia and Moldova in addition to Ukraine. They also brutalized Chechnya, but that is internal to the RF. They don't overtly attack NATO members because they know what will happen to them. The fact that Russia has never attacked a NATO nation is a pretty big selling point for NATO membership as you might imagine.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

which neighbors has Russia invaded?

Moldova / Transnistria

Georgia / Abkhazia and South Ossetia


9 ( +13 / -4 )

Repeatedly? which neighbors has Russia invaded?

Georgia, Chechnya and Ukraine. I believe that counts as “repeatedly”.

Then there was the Soviet (if which Russia was the rump) invasions of Poland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania.

Perhaps a remedial course in European history is in order in addition to reading comprehension (and logic, and rhetoric, and basic science….)

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Repeatedly? which neighbors has Russia invaded?

Yes. Repeatedly.

Chechnya, Georgia, Crimea, and Ukraine all happened in the past twenty years.

If you go further back, one could talk about the invasion of Poland, Afghanistan, Japan, and Finland.


Remember: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

*and morals/ethics

5 ( +7 / -2 )


Today 09:12 am JST

Like many other War Criminal running FREE and living among us, Putin will walk free. Only those who are poor$ or vulnerable get Prosecuted

Not really, plenty of WW2 war criminals settled peacefully in Canada and the USA protected by the ethnic communities like Ukrainians and our government.

They were "useful" as anti Soviet "red scare" political tools other like scientists were useful to design rockets and weapons for the USA.

Funny how that was.

Today statues of people like Stepan Banderas and Roman Shukhevych etc ... Can be found all over Ukraine since 2014 these were responsible for massacring non ethnic Ukrainians poles, Jews, Lithuanians, Russians but today groups like the Azo see them as heroes and Ukraine has protected them in law.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Pushing in envelope their aren't you?


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Prigozhin seems none too happy about his ammo situation:


5 ( +6 / -1 )

It is easy to forget in the fog of war, Putin is the aggressor and invader with his troops murdering, torturing, and raping civilians.

6 ( +9 / -3 )


Today 09:54 am JST

Prigozhin seems none too happy about his ammo situation:

> https://twitter.com/i/status/1654261268507774978

Repeating old news now?

Prigozhin is always lying and people fall for it every time.

Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev deputy Minister of Defense in charge of supplies was "removed" from his post, this what people used as "proof" Prigozhin was not getting ammunition.

> Well Wagner PMC has decided to offer Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev the post of first deputy commander of Wagner PMC or basically the second in command.

He gives these public complaints to see how gullible the Ukrainian and the rest are to see if they will send more men in and then suddenly he has all the ammunition he said he didn't.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

The very short video I saw looked like it had been made back in the sixties / seventies in "Supermarionation".

2 ( +3 / -1 )

AS - do you have an earlier link to this video than May 4th?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Cards fan

Today 10:02 am JST

Nothing whataboutism, it is hypocrisy.

> ah, the changing of subjects begins!

When did I change the subject?

This is about the ICC and from day one I pointed out Ukraine and the USA are not members and therefore have no right to ask the ICC anything until they join.

I have been very consistent on this point.

But the ICC has already compromised itself.

In a previous article, the ICC said it has no jurisdiction over Russia and the security Council so it was working with Ukraine to create a hybrid court in Ukraine itself.

So the ICC just destroyed any legitimacy it has by trying to circumvent its own rules and laws.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

It is difficult to contemplate that one thug could drag an entire nation, its people. to be viewed as global pariahs/butchers responsible for such atrocities.

The Russian Federation in now shunned.

Yet Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has brought the free world to the brink of a third world war.

And the nightmare prospect of the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

The Government of China, sumptuously coaxing Putin regime to ever more extreme measures hiding behind a veil of its own duplicity.

It is frightening to wonder what end game awaits.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

It was never intended to be a 3 day operation.

Lol. Miserable attempt to delude yourself into believing that Russia is pleased with how that this is all going.

The MO is to keep Ukraine from joining NATO as long as it takes

No, it's about Nazis. Putin told you this on day one of the 436 day SMO. Believe him or start avoiding windows.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Totally nonsense !

lol Nope.

It was never intended to be a 3 day operation.

Totally. They intended for this war to last into perpetuity.

The MO is to keep Ukraine from joining NATO as long as it takes

lol They gonna FAFO. Go lose all the territory they stole from Ukraine, and then still end up with Ukraine joining NATO. Russia is run by a bunch of clowns.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Ukraine was never ever going to be afforded membership of NATO.

The notion is ludicrous nonsense.

Another smoke screen to harbour belligerent intent to sanction invade and mercilessly defile a nation, commit acts of genocide.

Macron/Merkel foolish misguided Minsk Agreement appeasements created and encouraged the invasion.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The ICC can prosecute Putin for war crimes without it being a member, just as it did with Serbia's leaders.

Neither Ukraine nor Russia is state parties to the Rome Statute that gives the ICC its power, but in 2014 Ukraine made a limited declaration to accept the ICC’s jurisdiction over crimes committed on its territory from that time onwards.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It was never intended to be a 3 day operation.

Then can you explain the dress uniforms the troops attacking Kyiv took with them (and left behind when they fled)?

Or the failure to provide troops with more than a few days’ worth of rations, and the lack of logistics to supply more?

Or the announcement published by a Moscow news agency on the 26th February 2022, declaring the ‘return of Ukraine to Russia’, that was hurriedly deleted?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

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