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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.A decade after Sandy Hook, grief remains but hope grows
By DAVE COLLINS NEWTOWN, Conn©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Hopefully this actually bankrupts Jones, and he doesn't figure out how to stash his cash. The families of the Sandy Hook victims, who were terrorized as a result of Jones pushing what he knew to be a lie, deserve every spare cent he has. He should only be given enough for food, shelter, and clothing.
Nothing has changed since the Sandy Hook massacre and mass killings are now the norm very sadly.
Express sister
There are lots of people in different countries that don’t allow civilians to own guns who have similar mental profiles. And yet, they don’t shoot up schools. Why is that, do you think?
Not just a ‘Dem’ thing. Anyone with a shred of decency should find Jones despicable after what he said about the families of the children who sickeningly murdered.
Utter filth. Trash.
Evading the point by talking about the ‘Dems’ is a bit suspicious, but I’m sure you find Jones revolting.
Express sister
Jones is a monster who dedicated years of his life to making the lives of parents who lost children in a school shooting miserable and dangerous. All because - like all second amendment lovers - he can’t get it up and has to hold his bang bang toy to pretend to be a man.
Evil and pathetic.
Sandy Hook demonstrates that America is truly broken. Parents, devastated by the loss of their innocent children, then become abused and threatened by the idiotic believers of Alex Jones and his ridiculous conspiracies. Victimized twice.
After becoming filthy rich, Jones is now declaring bankruptcy because he admits to his lies. Lesson for Americans: lie to get rich, don’t worry about the human cost, you can always cry poor later.
Bob Fosse
Is this a real question?
Would you ask the parents of those killed?
Sandy Hook - the day the US far-right decided it loved its guns more than its children...
And the same is true today...
Mentally and physically limited, they see their guns as giving them their only sense of power...
It’s hard to understand how a society in which the massacre at Sandy Hook still hasn’t changed all that much. Australia changed after it’s massacre and made its society safer, but the U.S. did nothing and mass shootings have become all too regular.
A society that won’t protect its young and vulnerable has serious problems.
Gun-loving Americans are prepared to oppose gun laws even with the massacre of little children. Sicko's.
The killings are still fresh for many people, lives were lost thanks to the pathological love of Americans for their guns, too bad the protection of children is not a priority.
The above would be nice to think, but as long as the gun lobby is backed by the guns and ammo maker's big money, there's little chance much can be done to slow the flow of powerful weapons being sold to individuals with mental/emotional issues. And it should surprise no one that Russia had been a supplier of ammo to US gun owners, recall too, that a Russian had worked closely with the NRA, and that Russia trolls have been active in social media pushing pro-gun messages. No, none of what was just written, has been debunked, except perhaps on Q-Z kook media.
Express sister
The families of the murdered, you absolute ghoul.
*who were
Express sister
No it doesn’t.
Express sister
Except they work. Civilians are not part of a “well regulated militia,” so they’re in violation of the second amendment. You want to use bang bangs? Join the army.
Express sister
Further, what if you buy a gun and subsequently develop mental illness?
you know very well that a person's health record has been confidential for many decades. Nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats in power.
So how to suggest gun buyers have mental checks?
You already give so much info to the government which already knows so much about you. Driving license. School and Universities. Mortgages. Taxes. Even the fact you don't live in America.
The Second Amendment does not mention your right to self-defense.
I never mentioned it once about confiscation.
Why are you opposed to background checks when someone buys a gun? Only 21 states require background checks.
About right. He is depraved.
There are apparently people who still support and follow Jones. Depraved and probably disturbed people.
So you are suggesting every gun buyer needs a psychological and cognitive test before being allowed to buy one. And retested, what, say every 5 years.
That would also require gun registration. That is good.
But the problem is it is just so easy to buy a gun, even on most main streets for $50. Other people can buy a gun and gift it.
What does the Second Amendment say about the type of guns allowed? People can not have tanks, and explosives, how about a mini-nuclear bomb? One guy built a small nuclear bomb in his garage.
How about
The Maxim gun, developed around 1884, was a recoil-operated, belt-fed, water-cooled machine gun that fired more than 500 rounds per minute at an effective range of more than 2,000 yards (1,830 meters).
The handgun is the most deadly and kills the most people.
There are more than 40 million Americans who cannot afford basic healthcare. How will they pay for mental illness?
Prevention of gun crimes is better than a cure.
"Though more than 90% of the American public supports background checks for all gun sales, a dangerous and deadly loophole in federal gun laws still exempts unlicensed sellers from having to perform any background check whatsoever before selling a firearm."
A recent large-scale survey found that 45% of gun owners who acquired a gun online in the past two years did so without any background check.
Perform background checks on prospective firearm purchasers.
Maintain records of all gun sales.
Make those records available to law enforcement for inspection.
Report certain multiple sales.
Report the theft or loss of a firearm from the licensee’s inventory.17
Cards fan
Without actual mental health testing, how will they know if someone has mental health issues? There are plenty of shooters that never had any known mental health issues.
Unfortunately it doesn't work that way for corporate criminals, led the way by the serial bankrupt who rose to the presidency.
You reincorporate, shrug off debts to the peons and assume larger debts with big financial players with their own agendas, and carry on with a slightly different tact.
Penury, like taxes and heavy criminal penalties, are only for the capital poor.
Small arms weapons manufacturers are not really significant financial players.
Their culture war value in the American political process is much more valuable.
the us government has taken away people’s “rights” or “privileges”. To invoke George Carlin, maybe you should ask the Japanese-Americans in 1942 about what happened to their precious rights.
A lot has changed in 10 years. Before, gun violence was a scourge. Now, it’s a hobby of Republicans.
Express sister
Conservatives worship death and adore violence. That’s why they will happily drown the country in blood rather than institute simple and sensible laws to prevent the deaths of children.
How would that be determined because all health records are strictly confidential?
Why are you so opposed to gun registration when you already have so much of it?
It is very easy to buy a gun and that is the problem.
The Second Amendment does not mention firearms or guns
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Not true. Even Trump tried but failed.
No answers but to be expected. Not all States, like Texas, have any meaningful gun laws.
Express sister
I am not. That is the entirety of the second amendment. The Supreme Court’s interpretation can be challenged and even reversed, cf. Roe v Wade.
More powerhouse “no u” arguments from an intellectual titan.
Trust me, I’m not worried. I just want others to know how dislocated from reality your stories are.
The fact is, people in the rogue state of the USA love guns more than their children. They can easily vote for change, but elect not to.
What do incontinent gun rights wear?
Jeff,money is the constitution,name one person,that got justice in front of the Supreme Court,you would have too spend money,if your right we're taking away,see how long your right would disappear
Sister; where have they actually worked? One of the most touted examples is Australia after a mass shooting there. Except it didn't actually work.
And I said they won't work in the US. There are already so many guns in circulation, even IF you could somehow lure/cajole/threaten half of them into government control, it wouldn't matter. Criminals for some strange reason don't obey laws, and probably would not be too interested in participating in any of those programmes.
And I DID join the army, and had fun using "big bangs". No desire to have one of my own though. If I were American, I might think differently.
On the contrary….
Yes, it does actually.
I already explained that part.
I already explained that part as well. Now I wish you guys felt the same about voter ID.
Yes, it does. Brits don’t get it.
Not you, but that’s what the liberals want ultimately. And as I explained to you before, I do not trust the federal government, even more so now.
I remember this day,it was on a Friday,I saw a friend of mine at KFC in Texas,I told him about that a gun nut had killed some children
Their is no act in the US ,that cannot be ruled unconstitutional, Congress can regulate medical devices,guns are no different
What stat? Which demographic, which age or racial group, not buying that 90%.
Strike at the second amendment and watch it go underground and flourish.
Ok, and?
if the person has a discrepancy or a criminal record, then yes
No, I should be allowed to purchase whatever I want, it’s not the governments job to spy or to tell me what to buy or how many.
Sister, exactly HOW can you prevent Americans from having guns? What works in other countries simply won't work in the US. Buybacks are a joke. "Assault weapons" bans are a joke. Confiscation will not happen.
That leaves two avenues- stricter crime enforcement and more attention to mental health. A lot more pro-active checking on young people is the key IMHO.
No, I’m saying anyone that has a history with mental issues shouldn’t be able to buy a firearm so easily if that is medically determined
I would never advocate for that.
Which is far different than a firearm. The President can protect himself or a Hollywood celeb, but I can’t? Not going to happen.
Thats what it is designed to do.
Well, that is something the Dems need to figure out, they wanted to overhaul the healthcare system, no one asked them to do so.
Then enforce. The laws already on the books and hire more police and stop defunding them, that’s a good start.
They should be, but the Dems seem to have access knowledge, China does…
I don’t trust the government, especially when it comes to my well-being….
I disagree
It mentions my right to self-defense
No answers from the left other than confiscation.
most to, but the laws are not enforced.
The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That's only second to the right of freedom of speech, association, and religion. Pretty important.
These are not privileges that the government can take away if there are social ills, as sad as that may seem to some. These are fundamental human rights as defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. Most other countries are actually in violation of their citizens rights, as humans, to keep and bear arms. Every human on the planet should be entitled this right. Americans are among the lucky few who actually live in a jurisdiction that protects it.
Actually, they do. But you are right that the US has more. It is a matter of history/culture/law in part, for sure. But the situation is what it is. There is no way to reduce the number of guns available in the US, at least no way that could be done without substantial civil unrest and disobedience.
So the only practical approach is from a mental health perspective, at least for mass shootings. Fortunately, mass shootings are a very small percentage of murders in the States.
Mental disease and cognitive disabilities need to be more closely scrutinized, and dealt with appropriately, going after guns will always be an unsuccessful endeavor and will never, ever work, it would just go underground and flourish, congress and particularly the Democrats have been incognito on this, they need to understand and deal with mental illness in a manner as to how best to deal with people that are on the edge and how to spot a potential time bomb, and how to recognize the signs before a tragedy strikes.
Joe Blow
Exactly. Dems have tried to turn Jones into the bogeyman and act like he was the shooter. Ridiculous.
The less said about Jones, the better. Let him fade away.
As for the gun problem, it is IMHO more of a mental health problem. The Sandy Hook shooter (who doesn't deserve to be named) had a variety of treated and untreated conditions ranging from Aspberger's to OCD. There is a reluctance to 'rat out' people that may have troubles which contributes to these tragedies.
Why did Alex Jones kill those kids? I'll never understand why such an evil person exists. Sad!
I don’t want to be sued for $1billion, but who really remembers Sandy Hook, apart from lawyers who will get a 25% cut?
there is so many of these events happening everyday in the world greatest democracy that has six guns for every citizen.