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A stunned Europe steps up security following Paris carnage


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All of europe is on high alert. France on lock-down.

Wonder what Frances resolve will consist of. The French President is throwing out some pretty heavy phrases: "A act of war", "ruthless response" & "our fight will be merciless."

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The world leaders have ignored Islamic problem as most Muslim historians can testify to that. Now is the obvious fact, the world has "Islamic problem" for failing to tackle this issue in depth. Wait, more carnage and blood shed will continue, for weakness is the invitation to more destruction to come. The world should wake up and understand what the new religion of Islam wants: Caliphate, Shiraz law, autocracy or democracy, extremist or objectivity...? Any solution: U.N., Obama, Putin, communist China....? The future seems too chaos....

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Yea Wc, at the moment he is quite emotional as he should be. What change takes place may be a bit different. ISIS must be defeated! The ideal opportunity was a couple years ago, it will be a difficult task today.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The world should wake up and understand what the new religion of Islam wants:

@Bgood. good post. But it's sad when the incumbent US President can't even come to terms to what it is. There's a character who won't even acknowledge / them as, "Islamic Extremists."

What's he afraid of?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

But it's sad when the incumbent US President can't even come to terms to what it is. There's a character who won't even acknowledge / them as, "Islamic Extremists."

Obama has almost a year left, rest assured, he will not do anything that will threaten his....legacy, which will be basically getting a Nobel and OBL, that's pretty much it. Obama will turn over his disastrous Mideast policy to the next president at least if they want to send in ground troops, he doesn't have to worry about that being on his resume. Obama is all about himself, he could care less about anyone else and especially about his weak foreign policy. When you have the French and Brits trying to push you to lead and do something, you know you have a very serious problem. But Obama will fight tooth and nail for clean air.

What's he afraid of?

Not being popular and loved by the millennials.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

As I've said all along, the West, being in the Middle East, simply paints a target on the West. From the IS statement:

“The stench of death will not leave their noses as long as they remain at the forefront of the Crusaders’ campaign, dare to curse our prophet, boast of a war on Islam in France, and strike Muslims in the lands of the caliphate with warplanes that were of no use to them in the streets and rotten alleys of Paris,” it said.

They are saying it themselves.

And those who are afraid and want safety, preach for more interference in the Middle East.

Get out of the Middle East. Let the Middle Eastern countries sort out ISIS. It's only our problem because we've made it our problem. Let's stop the stupidity.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The Nobel wasn't earned and prematurely presented. That leaves OBL.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japan needs to step up security as well.

There are no airport xray checkup available at this moment is insane. Sleepy Koban polices in big cities need new security training against terrorists. I hate to see these changes in my life, but things have changed unfortunately.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Creation of Israel as a religious Jewish state instead all embracing single state for Jews and Palestinians triggered stronger Muslim awareness and led to religious extremism. Oil became the source of Muslim power but also it was the reason for American and western European demolition of only progressive secular Arab countries namely Iraq, Libya and Syria. while Most of the middle east and Afghanistan are still living in the dark ages this trio was way ahead of the rest. By destroying that balance Western evil empires triggered what will be their own demise and Frances shrimp, Mr Sarkozy was very eagerly on the front of this. Now his countryman are paying the price for his stupidity.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Closing the borders now is too late. They are already in the countries, and have been there for years, even decades. Their parents may have integrated into their adopted countries, but they have not; they look on the people are around them with contempt, and have no respect for different values.

They hold allegiance to no country, have no uniformed army, no fixed headquarters, have no fear of death, and tolerate none but their own kind. It will take a paradigm shift in thinking, strategy and tactics to overcome them.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What the article calls "stepping up" are just cosmetic measures. It is completely irrelevant to send some machine gun toting police to some sites. As long as Middle Eastern mass migration to Europe is not stopped and reversed, this will only get worse. And Angela Merkel has already declared that for her there is "no limit" on immigration..... so all the lofty talk about "stepping" are hot air.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Expect more detector machines and body frisks

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Get out of the Middle East. Let the Middle Eastern countries sort out ISIS. It's only our problem because we've made it our problem. Let's stop the stupidity.

The stupidity is that liberal leaders like Merkel & obama, who are opening the borders to these Islamic refugees, are outright instigating the problem as a whole. It's a lost cause. Those savages want to get into western borders.

Get out of the ME? What then, for them to multiply ten-fold. An entire radical populace of extra-Extreme Islam? No thanks. I value the freedom of future of western countries and their progress.

You're right. The wrong leaders are making it worse.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Get out of the ME? What then, for them to multiply ten-fold. An entire radical populace of extra-Extreme Islam? No thanks. I value the freedom of future of western countries and their progress.

So, you're proposing genocide? An oldie but a goodie right?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


" Get out of the ME? What then, for them to multiply ten-fold. An entire radical populace of extra-Extreme Islam? No thanks. I value the freedom of future of western countries and their progress. "

The ME can stabilize itself with authoritarian leaders who live there, who belong to the scene, and who can keep a lid on radical islam. It is the West with its idiotic attempts to "bring democracy" and some such that helps the religious nutcases to come to power. In short, yes, get out! And finally get serious about cutting our dependence on Saudi oil! It is has been much too long already.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Exactly. Good post Willi.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I must have said something wrong...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Haha - I usually don't agree with your posts, but when you say something right, I'll agree with it.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Obviously, Western Governments must control Muslim migrants moving to their countries. The Westernized Countries' Governments and Politicians must stop lying and denying about Islam religion and Muslim's culture problem in their countries. Also left wing Medias must stop criticizing and naming to Politicians who are openly speaking out truth about Muslim migrants and the problems. All peoples must accept the truth including Muslim peoples about Muslim peoples are not fitting in westernized society and Muslims do not accept the way of other peoples’ civilization. Muslims are belonging to Muslims society and not to Westernized society. Our Governments are welcoming Muslim refugee migrant peoples with open-arms but they are not coming to our country as guest and they are coming for to take over entire country. They want to replace host country justice system, culture and religion with Islam religion base Sharia law and Muslim culture. It was disgraced but the Muslims think it was fair because it's their duty to spread Islam religion to the world and for the sake of Islam rule. Every Muslim believes and talk about the whole world will be ruling by Islam, one day.

Can Buddhists and Christians build Churches and Monastery in Saudi Arabia? The answer is no but the Muslims can build unlimited Mosques across the nation in Christian and Buddhist dominated countries. If you try to build Church in Muslim country and then the Muslims mob will kill you and destroy Church. The Islamic Government and polices will be just standing and watching to Muslims mob killing you and destroying Church. Islam religion is not peaceful religion and it's dominated religion. The Islam religion encourages its followers to murder and hate nonbelievers. I won't call it religion that promotes hatred and terrorize toward non-Muslim peoples. I don't hate Muslims but it will be better for the whole world if Muslim peoples are living in only Muslim Countries. My heart is broken and painful every times I saw Muslim refugee children, women and men their situation in war torn country on TV. However, I wish they don’t come to Western countries and they should have given protection by UN and Western Government in their own Country but UN was useless and the UN was useful for wasting donor money but nothing else.

Muslim terrorists attacking on western countries are not last one and the Muslims will attack on nonbelievers until nonbelievers becoming Islam religion believers. Chancellor Angela Merkel must confess she was wrong about Muslim refugees Tsunami in Europe. Now she can’t mange it and Muslim refugees are out of proportion.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

They are saying it themselves. And those who are afraid and want safety, preach for more interference in the Middle East Get out of the Middle East. Let the Middle Eastern countries sort out ISIS. It's only our problem because we've made it our problem. Let's stop the stupidity.

All you are doing is delaying the inevitable. For example last year a study by a Jordan university found only 44% of Jordanians consider Al Qaeda a terrorist organization, 31% consider its Syria affiliate Al Nursa a terrorist organization. 62% consider ISIS a terrorist organization.

A lot of people in the middle east don't disagree with ISIS which means they are not going to do anything. Al Jazeera Arabic had a poll of and found that 81% of them support ISIS.

ISIS believes in world domination, if they successfully conquer the middle east they are not going to just stop in the middle east. Do you really think that if the west or the far east was to do a complete pull out of the middle east that ISIS would leave the rest of the world alone?

So, you're proposing genocide?

If it comes to that yes. ISIS is a genocidal force of that nature, if the population of the middle east has as strong of support as we are seeing for ISIS and ISIS does take control of the middle east you can bet all your money that genocide may become a requirement in order for the world to survive.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I -- a humble layman -- knew from the outset that Merkel and the other Euro-morons had unleashed a security nightmare on their people. Time for a formal apology, I say.

"Stunned" in the headline is the right word. But it's reserved for their leaders (Hungary being the exception), not the millions of normal citizens who raised objections and predicted what would happen back in the summer.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Agree JeffLee. Americans wil be regretting it too. When obama / Kerry start letting them into the US. Its complete madness on the administrations part. Nonsense.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@WillieB "It is the West with its idiotic attempts "to bring democracy"

The voice of Common Sense.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Thanks. Our politicans could just scroll back and look at the countries that they "improved" by importing Western democray. Afghanistan (pre-sovjet) -- a stable monarchy, no danger for us. Iran (pre-islamic revolution, sponsored by Jimmy Carter et al) -- a stable monarchy, and actually an ally of Israel. Iraq -- a stable Baathist, secular dictatorship. Syria -- a stable Baathist, secular dictatorship. Tunesia -- a stable, secular authoritarian regime. Libya -- a stable dictatorship with an extremely high standard of living and (in spite of Gaddafis islamic rants) equal rights for women. Egypt -- well, thankfully they managed to reverse Obamas Muslim Brotherhood coup and remove Morsi. But no thanks to the West!

None of these places exported jihadis to us before Western intervention!

The two countries where the ruling regimes are a real danger for us with their export of rabid Wahabi islam are Saudi Arabia and Qatar ---- and guess where Western politicians have never tried to introduce democracy!

Makes one want to put on the tinfoil hat...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Jefflee - correct. Chop Chop - correct.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Invade Iraq,Syria,Libya,Afghanistan and then allow hundreds of thousands to enter Europe? What do we really expect to happen?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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