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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.After Alabama upset, Democrats see new prospects in U.S. South
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Steve Bannon couldn't get a Republican elected in Alabama. Think about that for a sec. When you look up the word lose in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Steve Bannon.
Looks like the chicken's (Democrats) are running the henhouse in Alabama now.
Add in a growing number of US Southerners tired of two centuries of divisions in their communities, of groups fighting each other. Many Southerners are tired of ‘leaders’ like Moore and Trump who want to see groups kept separated.
It’s probably true that it’s easier to unite people to oppose things, to get people to fight against something than for something, and that just happened in Alabama. Voters united to oppose Moore, and with him Trumpbannon and the other rightists who want to keep communities divided.
Trumpbannon are trying the age-old tactic of divide and conquer, and need to be stopped.
Tommy Jones
As opposed to the cocks (Republicans).
No, if ever this vote really shows that the Southerners need to keep to their roots, the west don’t want anyone changing them and neither does the South, most of my family are from the other Southern States and it’s just inconceivable that those States would ever turn Blue. You go to Texas in that see of Red, the only minuscule Blue Speck you see is in Austin, that’s it, the opposite is the same in California a sea of Blue and the only real Red speck is in Orange County where life is still normal in that area. The Dems won because the GOP had a possible sexual predator running and the people overwhelmingly rejected that candidate, had it not been for Moore, there was almost zero chance of a liberal getting the nomination to represent the extreme heavily conservative base in Alabama.
And continued to support him showing their disregard for ethics and 'family values'. Some even said he was 'toxic' and still supported him. But then these typically are the people who want to cling to identity politics and keep groups separated.
By 'roots' do you mean segregation? I think the Moore election indicated more Southerners want to move on from that past.
Black Sabbath
Tom Perez just won huge, HUGE.
And so Team Dem is gonna run a candidate in every election across the land. We're gonna make Team Torture and Hate defend everywhere.
And we're gonna win. 'Cause not only is Trump horrible. So are the Republicans. With their cut taxes for the rich, skrew America and the deficit.
The question is why didn't the GOP reject that sexual predator just as overwhelmingly? They are now the party of sheltering pedophiles.
Nonetheless, I think an under-examined aspect of this election is the sizable black voter turnout. We can basically thank the black women of Alabama for being stout defenders against Moore's evil. Exit polls seem to show white voters voting far less clearly for the only moral choice.
It may be that we're seeing what happens when the Republican party gets comfortable working with openly bigoted white nationalists and the kind of fanatics who don't think before spouting nonsense like that the country was last great when it practiced slavery. Trump and Bannon campaigned on open bigotry, and the rest of the GOP semi-grudgingly went along with it because they wanted their agenda rammed through. Now we may well be seeing the consequences of that little blunder.
There is NO WAY on God’s green earth the GOP would have voted for Jones. If it were the opposite the Dems would never go for an evangelical, there is no way.
Don't go there, I don’t want to go off topic, but the Dems are the poster child for wanting to stay in power and I could give you 5 long lists of that, but I don’t need to be reminded by the mods, but to make that kind of statement is laughable, both parties want to retain power, if not, why be in politics?
That was a typical stereotype comment of a southern, that goes to show you how little outsiders really know about the South. Smh.
Ok, so you won an aleady Blue State Virginia which is not really a win and you won in Alabama the Senate race in the Reddest of Republican States because of a toxic alleged sexual predator, you lost 5 critical elections this year and you now cheer that Perez won? Seriously? I pray that he runs against Trump, even Hillary would have a better chance at winning. Lol
By the way, what do Democrats propose on how to take care of the economy? More income redistribution? Regulations? More entitlements?
Not with the policies I’ve outlined. So how would the left grow the private sector?
The left say that, but the Stock Market and now growing economy say a very different story. Go ahead, take your best shot.
Well, had he won, McConnell would have started procedures to make sure he wasn’t seated, either way, the majority of the GOP didn’t side with Moore, so all is good. If they did, then you would have a compelling argument.
Most stayed at home and usually Blacks vote Democrat by default. So no surprise here.
If all all the White voters came out to support Moore, the turnout would have been different, but they chose to stay at home.
My God, what in blazes are you talking about. I’m actually amazed that you can say that nonsense with a straight face. ROFL
Yeah, you might have a very few number of idiots that think like that, but the overwhelming majority of Whites don’t think like that.
They didn’t campaign anymore using the race card than Jones did using Blacks as a way to stir up anger as if it were a Black and White issue only. The left have been using race to advance their political agenda for years, they don’t care about them, but they sure as heck want their vote. Go to ANY major Black city that is run by liberals, the Democrat Party has been taking advantage of Blacks since the 60’s Most Blacks don’t have anything socially in common with Democrats really. Most are strong Christian Baptists, most believe in family traditions, most don’t believe in gay marriage. The left just boggle my mind.
But the people of Alabama just did. Just goes to show how out of touch the GOP is with the people.
And yet, you pushed through and went there anyways.
You’re not focusing. They voted for Jones only because of the alleged allegations towards Moore. We’re it not for that, the chances of Jones winning would be like Liz Warren being elected to the Presidency.
No, just goes to show you that when you smear a person with unverified facts you can ruin their career.
No, not at all, but because I didn’t go into the details that would have caused that argument, but I could already see the mods warning on the horizon
Kind of like how people voted for Trump only because they were racists?
Oh wait, you want to have it both ways? Doesn't work.
You're right. Just ask Hillary.
You realize that your comment is still there, right:
Hmmm.....I voted for Trump, I’m not a racist.
Yeah, Strange. Keep trying...
Becuase she was a lousy candidate, her fault, no one told her not to go to Wisconsin.
I think bringing up identity politics is central to this thread. Moore's personal, judicial and legislative history showed he wanted to keep Alabamans separated. The mix of Alabamans from different ethnic and religious groups who united to vote against him is an indicator that they, the majority of voters, did not want to see a bigot like Moore represent them.
The numerous allegations of sexual improprieties sealed the deal for many Alabamans, with the exception of those who thought it was acceptable for a man they called 'toxic' to represent them. Democratic systems allow for molesters, bigots, kooks and extremists of all sorts to have their say and back candidates supporting their agendas.
Fortunately sanity prevailed in Alabama. I hope the Tide is turning there and elsewhere.
Always the race card and identity politics with rightists. SMH
Thanks for proving my point. Although I'm pretty sure that you have no clue that you just did so.
Exactly! Moore lost because he was a lousy candidate, his fault, no one told him to ignore the constitution.
What point would that be Strange?
You’re right, can’t argue that. Now the people have Jones and as a vulnerable Democrat, in a Red State, he’d better keep his toe from touching the waters.
How so?
In case you didn’t know, most of the South segregates itself. Always been like that, sure most people get along, but still when you go to the churches and schools most of it is still pretty much segregated, but it is not mandatory it is but I will. That has nothing to do with the people being racist was it black people are racist towards whites or the opposite, that’s just how things work down there.
I agree.
Yes, but it might not be the way the left wants.
Since you ask, it started with this comment of yours:
I pointed out that boiling Jone's win down to this single point is the same as people on the left trying to boil Trump's win purely down to being elected by racists. Neither is correct; the world isn't black and white.
Thanks. First time I think you've ever admitted I'm right on anything.
GOP is stuck in the sand spinning their wheels in frustration. How do they explain the assist from Condi Rice, who has a direct personal connection to the KKK church bombing case that Jones prosecuted? That is a factor in Jones's favor that was not an attack on Moore. If you look at election results one dimensionally, prepare to keep losing.
There will always be more voters on the Dems side than the Reps side. Problem is, a lot of Dem sided voters don't vote. This is a clear example of what can happen when Dem sided voters feel like they need to vote. Nothing more. Never got into the whole Moore scandal as it just seemed to be click bait. It does sicken me that so many of my compatriots are so brainwashed on this Dem /Rep game show. They are both on the same side with a few ideological differences that they play on to the voters. But when it comes to continuing the hegemonic "adventures", they both will vote YES. And this is our biggest problem.
Alabama is a red state, but even they don't want to go as far as Moore