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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Biden: Trump ignores pandemic, stokes unrest, solves neither
Even though the false “defund the police” allegation has been throughly debunked and, in to put it bluntly, another outright lie by the Trump side they continue to use it at every opportunity. Sling enough **** & lies and hope that some stick. This seems to have become Trump’s main campaign tool, although he’s proven himself very adept at misleading through lies over the past 4 years...
I don't have a dog in this fight, but how anyone watching the US from a distance can believe some of the nonsense Trump spouts is beyond me. And echoed by the rubbish lower level Trump supporters put out also.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but how anyone watching the US from a distance can believe some of the nonsense Biden spouts is beyond me. and echoed by the rubbish lower level Dems put out also.
As for Pelosi and her integrity, just further badly reflects on the entire corrupt and inept lot of them.
Well, what can the left do? Biden can snap his fingers and make this all go away?
But seeing nightly mob rule, violence, intimidation and murder is ok? People don't want to see that, but at the same time people want to be able to buy some butter at the store and not worrying if they'll make it back home.
“Allocating funds” and the Dems saying otherwise deflecting from it has been debunked.
No, it’s not false because liberals think people are stupid. The people that support Biden and Harris support them because they said they want the police to be funded and if Biden didn’t then why doesn’t he call out BLM or Antifa? If they don’t they lose a huge chunk of black support and if they don’t, it really helps Trump gain more support. I sure hope Biden renounces these thugs in the harshest way.
The racial divide exploding in cities controlled by the Democrat party for half a century and more - that racial divide in America?
In a Federal system of government with divided spheres of responsibility Trump has little control over the racial divisions that have been exposed by local political mismanagement and race based public policy. Besides local Dem leadership has repeatedly refused to accept the Federal governments involvement. It is beyond impossible for the problems occurring in cities immersed in systemic Progressivism and suffering from months of racial strife to somehow be shifted onto Trumps shoulders.
At first it was just peaceful protests - nothing out of the ordinary. Journalists standing in front of burning buildings proclaiming that all was well. Now all of the sudden a man who claims to be 100% Antifa with a BLM tattoo on his neck is shooting down Trump supporters in the street. Aided by the magic of linguistic jujitsu this somehow has become Trumps fault? The Dems should be reported as in kind contributors to the Trump campaign. There is really no excuse for Biden not to beat Trump in November- but the Dems and their activist base are so out of their minds they are helping get Trump re-elected through sheer ineptitude and stupidity.
Lets not forget kamala harris organizing special support and bail for those arrested while rioting!
what I wouldnt do is claim there was no violence whatsoever for months, then change my story when I was losing on this issue in the polls.
Repeat, there was NO violence. None. May, June, July and most of August. "Peaceful protesters".
The topic was not even mentioned at the DNC as anything that was an issue. But now, violence everywhere, from months and years ago and Trump is to blame for it all. Wouldnt they have mentioned that at the DNC?
I think Joe is still thinking, just wait until we have OUR convention! (Ummm Joe, you had it already.....)
I also remember when Trump wanted kids to go back to school and liberals said he was literally trying to murder our children and teachers. But now Biden wants kids back to school (at least in today's staff notes), so its ok.
Ummm federal agents. The National Guard. actually prosecuting violent offenders in criminal cases. Not letting violent protesters be released as soon as they are arrested. Enforcing curfews. Biden directing Antifa and BLM by name to stop their violent acts. And 100s more.
Could one of you highly intelligent Trump supporters explain to me how dems are failing to respond to the violence when they are sending the police out in force to handle the violence?
You CAN NOT be serious!!
Though this has been DEBUNKED numerous times, various global right outlets and fae right individual posters, including some 'American' 'journalists' continue to spread this and other falsehoods. hmmm SMH LOL
The simple fact that after 100+ days the violence has not ended.
The police are not sent out in force, and Dem prosecutors decline the criminal cases and violent offenders are released in time to rejoin the next night riot.
its so bad the Portland mayor had to move from his condo to somewhere else secret.
The democratic run cities could have ended the violence if they wanted to. Instead they allowed it to continue for months and refused any federal assistance that was offered. Heck - they're only just starting to accept that there is violence perpetrated by anyone other than the police... and that's probably only because the polls are swinging in Trump's favor.
Huh? Who duped you into believing this?
I don't really see how Trump can lose at this point. The election is turning into a vote on law and order and that's a battle the Dems will never win. I fear the election is lost for them already because of the shocking violence and looting across America and complete failure by Dems in responding to it. The Police and working class may be permanently lost at this stage.
no, just Joe is falsely claiming Trump is pushing unrest in the streets.
So I give you a direct quote from his supporter who is.....pushing unrest in the streets.
Then I hear "well it wasnt Joe himself". Ok, fine. but why did he call out Trump for something he never said while ignoring what his own supporter did say?
and havent liberals spent the last 4 years blaming Trump himself for things his supporters supposedly said or did?
jack o helen
Trump likes using fakes as props:
Only last month you were bragging on how Joe was leading in the polls and already won Florida. I guess polls only mattered then huh?
No, accurately!
That has nothing to do with Biden wanting to defund the police or as liberals like to put it “allocate” money to various programs.....ok.....
If you think that, Biden is just hopeless, don’t waste time on voting for the guy.
You just endorsed Democrats and Team Joe for A LOT of people.
Only for me-centric losers who blame society for their own inadequacies.
Biden: Trump ignores pandemic, stokes unrest, solves neither
Wrong on all counts. Not surprising.
Astute analysis by Biden.
At some point Trump and the GOP will have to come to terms with the racial divide in this country.
Pffft! Obama did more to divide the country than anyone.
Jailin' Joe. The lesser evil.
But he's not the lesser evil. Trump ain't even evil. And Biden's planning to make Kamala Harris, who is evil, VP, which means she would become POTUS. Good grief!
Graham DeShazo
A LOT of flailing here by trump apologists. “Look over here! Look at what Joe’s supporter (Not Joe himself) said!”
As if Trump isn’t in power and presiding over the greatest economic, public health, and racial disaster in modern history.
As if this election will not be a referendum on him.
As if he isn’t making an overtly racist appeal to scare suburban white voters into supporting him.
As if he doesn’t lie every single time he opens his mouth.
Trump is too weak and not up to the challenge.
Vanessa Carlisle
You just endorsed Democrats and Team Joe for A LOT of people. At the very least you just acknowledged the unrest in people's lives that four years of Trump has not fixed. Oops!
Vanessa Carlisle
Meanwhile Biden ignores the highest incarceration rate and numbers in human history, and was key to make it happen. And despite being both a VP and Senator, has jack to say about either. Jailin' Joe. The lesser evil.
Did Trump say this?:
'You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives.'
hint, no he didnt. It was a Democrat on Team Joe.
Where he will use said Black man and his family as a prop to support his sagging poll numbers.
See, look? Im such a nice white man. Black people, dont forget to vote for me! You aint black if you dont.
This family should not allow Biden to use them for politics.
Joe! C’mon man! You’ve been in government for forty years, including eight in the White House. We see your record. Why would we believe that you’re actually going to start to be effective now?
Actually Joe’s been living off the tax payer in “public service” for almost 50 years.
And in all that time never got anything done except support and enact laws to disadvantage black people.
perhaps to address this:
While the dems have stoked, encouraged, and defended the violence, they simultaneously vilify Trump for threatening to send in troops to do the job these democratic leaders proudly shirk—the honorable former police chief of Seattle is proof.
Exactly. Everyone knows it.
I love how the left flip flops on the validity of incorrect assertions
Biden attacks on point and speaks eloquently.
Paints Trump as selfish and dumb.
Nancy Pelosi 'Hold my beer...'
Proceeds to do something incredibly selfish and dumb.
They already have. Trump and his R's have clearly sided with white nationalists. They're fanning the flames of long-burning fires to increase white suburban fear levels right before the election. For a similar tactic, read about the 1999 Russian apartment bombings and how that helped a Russian leader's election.
At some point Trump and the GOP will have to come to terms with the racial divide in this country.
FALSELY!!! But still his faithful, his Republican rapid response team members, those employed by CLS Strategies, Peace Data (and its 'American' 'journalists'), the Internet Research Agency, the Bannon online brigade, Qanon, infowars, RT and myriad others parrot their Trump.
The most dishonest president in US history averaging 12 false statements a day since a minority of Americans voted for him.
Trump has realised that social unrest is not perceived as a symptom of his failed presidency, but his best chance of securing re-election. Expect more of it before November.
Trump hasn't clue one how to handle problems affecting the majority of Americans. His focus is on his and his family's bank accounts and those of his fellow 'elite'.