Japan Today

After over 100 days of war, Palestinians fight in hard-hit areas of Gaza and fire rockets at Israel


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Nelson Mandela and the ANC were also called "terrorists ", werent they ?

Indeed, and it wasn't until 2008 that Mandela was no longer labeled as one.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You claim it's incorrect but offer nothing of substance to refute it, interesting

mate, they can’t provide evidence or refute anything. All they have are their big fee-fees. Plenty of evidence has been posted that this is a planned genocide, but they’re quiet in that regard. I feel sorry for them. What a miserable existence.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Nelson Mandela and the ANC were also called "terrorists ", werent they ?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Incorrect. And most of those killed are Hamas or Hamas supporters anyway.

You claim it's incorrect but offer nothing of substance to refute it, interesting. The issue with your statement afterwards is that you think it's ok to kill Hamas supporters for the sake of being Hamas supporters, as if that takes away the fact that they're innocent civilians. Not only is that statement false given how half the population of Gaza wasn't even old enough to vote when Hamas took power, but you're explicitly stating that it's ok to murder those who don't agree with you. What's extra hilarious is that they don't agree with you specifically because of the hatred that you constantly exercise against them. Your idea of justice is incredibly archaic and warped.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Palestinian militants? Just call them what they actually are already, terrorists.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Germans didn’t hide hide behind women and children

Yet hundreds of thousands of German women and children were killed in WW2...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

You can even use this document to follow along at home!


1 ( +3 / -2 )

I dont know why they keep firing these rockets. They do zero damage.

If they stopped the rockets Israel would be put in a far more difficult spot than they are now.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Here are 500+ instances of Israeli officials calling for something, which could definitely be construed as genocide, and is being logged and considered as such.

I forgot my link.


So, here's a whole bunch of proof. Where is yours? Read through my earlier posts. You guys are just blowing hot air. Where is your proof??

3 ( +5 / -2 )

JboneInTheZone and Zibala

Again, this professor of Genocide studies, says its a textbook case of Genocide. I think he may know more than you.


3 ( +5 / -2 )

It doesn’t matter what’s “in someone’s head”, your fantasy isn’t reality. In reality what’s happening doesn’t meet the criteria to be considered a genocide. 

I outlined the criteria that constitutes genocide from the UN genocide convention. Here, let's try again. Please don't put your head back in the sand.


Here are 500+ instances of Israeli officials calling for something, which could definitely be construed as genocide, and is being logged and considered as such.

It's fascinating. The only people who dispute it are IDF shills or Zionists. Multiple government officials have openly stated they’re going to remove the Palestinians from the land. The 10/7 attacks were bs like 9/11. Israel just wanted a reason to do to it openly & quicker since too many people were bringing attention to the illegal settler operation they’ve been running. It’s been a slow moving ethnic cleansing operation since the Balfour Declaration.

Here's some more viewing for you: https://twitter.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1720125785095246132?s=20

Anyone who thinks the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Zionists ISNT intentional and happening is either a straight up zionist or has their heads stuck in the sand!

BUT, deny away! It's not going to work anymore. It's clear as day but many here are brainwashed

4 ( +6 / -2 )

One poster seems to know the conditions the hostages are in.

Does he know the location too ?

Could be useful

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Correct the Israelis and their continued settlement building and expansion along with inhumane treatment of the indigenous Palestinians is the only impediment to peace !

Palestine refers to the region in which Israel is a part, and the Jews were historically referred to as Palestinians, so they are the true indigenous people in that territory.

Time to occupy, deport, and settle.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Jik7YToday 10:35 am JST

There has been one constant obstacle to peace in the region as seen continually over the years and most recently

Correct the Israelis and their continued settlement building and expansion along with inhumane treatment of the indigenous Palestinians is the only impediment to peace !

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Jik7YToday 10:35 am JS

Settlements don't violate Geneva Conventions. Furthermore, UN Security Council Resolution 242 gives Israel the legal right to be in the West Bank. The borders are yet to be defined.

These comment are just blatant lies! Not unexpected but lies nonetheless! As a quick search shows!

"Are Israeli settlements legal under international law? No. All settlements and outposts are considered illegal under international laws as they violate the Fourth Geneva Convention, which bans an occupying power from transferring its population to the area it occupies."

4 ( +6 / -2 )

By the same measure, it is cruel for Israel to continue holding thousands of Palestinians they arrested in months and years prior to October 7 and exponentially more cruel to continue killing hundreds of innocent civilians in Gaza daily.

It's not the same because took hostages, and has been murdering and torturing them. Hamas intentionally targets civilians.

As you stated, Israel legally arrested criminals, terrorists and those suspected of engaging as such.

Israel intentionally minimizes civilian casualties.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

If nearly 20 thousand dead civilian women and children ( out of roughly 25 thousand dead and another 8 thousand missing under the rubble ) in 3 months does not constitute genocide in someone's head than they are beyond reasonable discourse and help.

It doesn’t matter what’s “in someone’s head”, your fantasy isn’t reality. In reality what’s happening doesn’t meet the criteria to be considered a genocide. I’m not sure where you’re getting your numbers either, as the Gazan Health Ministry reports all deaths, including combatants, as civilians deaths.

Israel,s Gaza campaign was recognized by international experts as one of the most destructive campaigns in history. Proportionally even more destructive than Allied bombing of Germany in WW2 which you keep bringing up as an example of genocide.

Of course it’s more destructive, Germany is a much larger place than Gaza and Germans didn’t hide hide behind women and children.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Israel itself doesn't dispute the numbers, they've even offered similar numbers of their own in past conflicts. If anything, Hamas' numbers are likely conservative because they don't account for the groups of people that have died under rubble, for example, and have yet to be retrieved/confirmed dead.

Incorrect. And most of those killed are Hamas or Hamas supporters anyway.

Jordan has been established as decades and its leaders have even stated that Palestinians are Jordanians.

It is time for Israel to complete its security measures.

‘Occupy. Deport. Settle’


It isn't.

See how that works? 

I showed how it works. You're one step behind.

See how that works?

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

IDF figures show 300 soldiers killed on Oct 7 , 200 more since hostilities in Gaza.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The deaths of Israeli people on Oct 7 , by the culpability of the IDF needs an investigation.

Knesset blocked this.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

First, people arguing in support of numbers supplied by Hamas sort of make me ill.

Israel itself doesn't dispute the numbers, they've even offered similar numbers of their own in past conflicts. If anything, Hamas' numbers are likely conservative because they don't account for the groups of people that have died under rubble, for example, and have yet to be retrieved/confirmed dead.

Second, any civilian casualties in Gaza are the responsibility of Hamas.

I'm guessing Hamas is also responsible for all the UN workers that have been killed, as well as all the journalists that have been deliberately targeted and assassinated. Wael Dahdouh knows a thing or two about that.

Oh wait, let's not forget that Israeli snipers also competed with each other to see how many times they could shoot civilians in the knee, with one bragging about his record of 42 in one day. I'm sure Hamas also convinced them to do that.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"Ripped up sewerage lines to build rockets "

Outlandish claim but if true must show an ingenuity of Hamas not previously noted on this forum.

Can people just acknowledge that the creation of Israel by foreign powers left millions of the native people without land and without rights. ?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I’m no fan of Netyanyahu, and I’m definitely not a fan of civilian casualties. However, I don’t understand how people think having a ceasefire will resolve anything. This is war. Israel was attacked. They responded. To this day, militants are still firing rockets into Israel. They still have kidnapped people. They are fighting an enemy who has vowed that they will do this again and again. They are a fighting a side that has refused every single peace ,land, 2-state solution deal ever, and when they (Hamas) begin hostilities, they always lose and then ask for ceasefire to something they started. Then the world inevitably starts talking about a 2-state solution that one side (Hamas) has never had any intention of doing. Not to mention that they wage war from populated areas and seemingly have no regard for their own civilians lives. Hamas knew they couldn’t possibly win, but they are very happy to Martyr their women and children to gain the sympathy of the outside world. They also steal the humanitarian aid meant for their people. (Don’t believe me….refer to a video of an old woman being interviewed by Al Jazeera where she says that all the aid basically goes to Hamas. This video was cut short by Al Jazeera…I guess it doesn’t fit the narrative) They also use hospitals to store weapons and house fighters. Again, if you don’t believe me or the IDF, google the video of the Gazan man cursing out Hamas in a hospital….also a video cut short by Al Jazeera. Meanwhile, the Hamas brass sit in luxury in Qatar while their people are used as cannon fodder.  I’m not saying Israel are devoid of guilt in all this. The West Bank is a freaking mess. But I find it quite amusing seeing people not assigning any guilt to Hamas and other similarly aligned groups.

When Gaza was handed over in 2005, there was a chance. Imagine if they had used the international aid to build up and better themselves? Imagine if they had not ripped up their sewage lines to build rockets? Imagine if they had not decided to constantly attack Israel? I would bet that by now, they would be an independent, recognized state. But they didn’t because it’s not about ancestral lands. It’s about having Israel there, and guess what, Israel is not going anywhere, and nor should they.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

It’s extremely cruel for the Palestinians to continue holding and torturing the Israelis they kidnapped, especially the children whose parents they murdered in front of them and the young women who they’ve raped. Not only that, peaceful negotiations are meaningless until the Israeli hostages are released.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

“Palestinian militants”? Ha ha ha ha ha! “Hamas terrorists” but I risk redundancy.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Journalists SLAM Biden Admin After WH ATTACKS Unflattering Story, Claims Quotes Were MADE UP: Rising (youtube.com)

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

The Jews have been living in the West Bank and Gaza since ancient times.

The US doesn't deem Israeli settlements there illegal. Settlements don't violate Geneva Conventions. Furthermore, UN Security Council Resolution 242 gives Israel the legal right to be in the West Bank. The borders are yet to be defined.

And, Palestinians build settlements in the West Bank too, in Area C.

After Israel was created as a sovereign nation, from 1949 to 1967, when Jordan annexed the West Bank, Jews were forbidden to live there, and Arab leaders refused to make peace with Israel. Since the occupation by Jordan was ended in 1967, Israel has reached several peace agreements with various Arab nations such as Egypt, and Jordan.

There has been one constant obstacle to peace in the region as seen continually over the years and most recently.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

It isn't.

See how that works? And it won't be long until Israel is absolutely shafted. A nation of soldiers. Where everyone has served in the IDF, none are civilians. There will come retribution.

THIS!! Well said!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

But it is.

It isn't.

See how that works? And it won't be long until Israel is absolutely shafted. A nation of soldiers. Where everyone has served in the IDF, none are civilians. There will come retribution.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Btw Israel has been in violation of UN resolutions on collective punishment for decades.

If a man or boy attacks a Israeli, the IDF blows up the families home even if no one there was involved!

That is what dictators do!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Why is everyone totally incapable of answering this question? Do you think Hamas continuing to fight will guarantee any favorable outcomes for the Palestinians?

Absolutely not.

But the Hamas leaders do not care about Palestinians. They are ensconced in luxury and safety in Qatar.

When these cowards ordered the terror attack on unarmed Israelis and foreigners 100 days ago, they knew there would be massive consequences. Again, they didn't care.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )



Israel's military/governmental policies including the Dahiya Doctrine reveal that widespread, indiscriminate destruction is not only a part of their official policy but is also being played out live, 24/7 in Gaza as a part of Israel's 2023-24 war in Gaza.

Israel has mass murdered 24,000+ Gazans of whom 70% are deemed to be women/children, injured 60,000+ Palestinians in Gaza as well as killed 300+ in the West Bank & injured almost 4,000 in the West Bank. A further 7,000+ are missing. All of this in only 3 months.

Hundreds of Palestinians are literally dying every day. The WSJ has said that this resembles some of the most devastating military campaigns in modern history. CBC, citing analysts, has said that this is the most destructive military campaign of this century. Oxfam and Al Jazeera have called Israel's latest war on Gaza, the deadliest conflict in the 21st century.

By the 100th day of the Palestinian genocide, Euro Med Human Rights Monitor has stated that 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, are missing or wounded.

The sheer number of dead and wounded along with the widespread, wholesale destruction of the Gaza Strip which clearly causes dire physical and mental harm upon an identifiable, specific group of ppl definetly violates SECTION A, B & C of the GENOCIDE CONVENTION.


By maintaining the conditions of war, refusing to agree to a ceasefire & delaying, disrupting and/or denying life saving, much needed aid to Gaza including aid required to perform births, Israel is disrupting and preventing birth in Gaza. Israel controls what goes into Gaza, how much of said aid goes into Gaza, when it goes into Gaza, who handles/distributes the aid, where its allowed to go once in Gaza, etc. They also bomb the Rafah border region and are threatening to take over the Philidephia Corridor thus making it difficult for aid to pass through there. Furthermore, Israel's power cuts hinder aid distribution and medical services. There are an estimated 50,000+ women who are pregnant in Gaza that are being endangered and are finding it difficult to give birth. Plus, Israel has targeted maternity wards in Gaza. For these reasons, Israel is violating SECTION D of the GENOCIDE CONVENTION.


As reported by Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, etc Israeli soliders have engaged in the kidnapping and forceful transference of numerous children including a baby who was taken from Gaza by an Israeli solider. Several Palestinians in Gaza have reported missing children as well suggesting that this may be a wider issue than previously known. This clearly violates SECTION E of the GENOCIDE CONVENTION.

The UN, the WHO, ReliefWeb, Doctor's Without Borders, Oxfam, the HRW, Amnesty International, ANERA, the Red Cross, UNRWA, PRCS, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, etc have all vouched for and reported on the aforementioned facts including the govs of various countries around the world, international organizations & global news outlets.

In addition to Israel's genocide of Palestinians, we can dwell further by examining the numerous human rights violations, international law violations & Geneva Convention violations perpetrated by Israel during its war upon Palestine.

Sources listed at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ptgd7pnpsfthjfi69hqbo8woe7tfqdk/view?usp=sharing

2 ( +7 / -5 )

The USA would still be a British Colony if they hadnt fought the British.

Israel wouldn't be a country if it didn't defend itself against terrorists like Hamas.

And people arguing about ""how are 20000 deaths a genocide " sort of make me ill.

No argument from me.

First, people arguing in support of numbers supplied by Hamas sort of make me ill.

Second, any civilian casualties in Gaza are the responsibility of Hamas.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )


Today 09:48 am JST

If you’re unprepared to discuss this that’s fine, it’s okay to be uneducated. Posting videos without being able to discuss their content yourself is just intellectually lazy. I’ll happily discuss with you if you have something specific you’d like to discuss though

Sorry but I just did and you are the one refusing to discuss it or watch it because it frightens you to learn the Truth.

The West Bank PA kept to the agreement, but Israel hasn't, the West Bank authorities haven't engaged in any activities against Israel but Israel has continually take more land by for, cut supplies, destroyed anything it doesn't like.

You seem to forget Gaza and the West Bank are under 2 different governments but Israel has treated to west bank in the same deplorable way and has be slowing pushing the people there into smaller and smaller areas.

I guess those facts are also one you don't want to hear.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

How does 20 thousand dead constitute a genocide? Please explain it.

According to the Genocide Convention which Israel is a party to, the definition of genocide is outlined in Article 2 as follows-

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

And people arguing about ""how are 20000 deaths a genocide " sort of make me ill.

same here.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Oppressed people fight for freedom.

The USA would still be a British Colony if they hadnt fought the British.

International Law states an occupied nation is entitled to fight the occupier.

Palestinians wont just roll over and show their tummies, like some poodle dog.

What would Bone want to see ?

A continuation of the Gazan blockade and the all encompassing Israeli impacts on people lives.

Any land swap must be seen through the lens of how settlers and the Israel state simply discount law and steal Palestinian lands in the West Bank.

If zealotry and fanaticism are the bed rocks of Israel's existence, there is no solution but an international force and occupation.

And people arguing about ""how are 20000 deaths a genocide " sort of make me ill.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

If nearly 20 thousand dead civilian women and children ( out of roughly 25 thousand dead and another 8 thousand missing under the rubble ) in 3 months does not constitute genocide in someone's head than they are beyond reasonable discourse and help.

That's right!

Israel,s Gaza campaign was recognized by international experts as one of the most destructive campaigns in history. Proportionally even more destructive than Allied bombing of Germany in WW2 which you keep bringing up as an example of genocide.

Agree 100% Excellent post Ramsey

1 ( +8 / -7 )

If nearly 20 thousand dead civilian women and children ( out of roughly 25 thousand dead and another 8 thousand missing under the rubble ) in 3 months does not constitute genocide in someone's head than they are beyond reasonable discourse and help.

Because Israel is not targeting civilians.

Hamas targeted and targets civilians.

That's a genocide, right? Over 1000 civilians intentionally targeted and killed in one day.

Told him to go live elsewhere outside in other Arab land because he thinks they don't belong.

They obviously can't live alongside their peaceful Israeli neighbors. Lease is up.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

Please let us know what the Palestinian authorities not the PLO (nice try) broke in it agreement, building water cisterns with UN support that the IDF blew up?

After the Oslo accords Israel accepted the PLO as the representative body of the Palestinians, correct? One of the PLO’s promises was to renounce terrorism against Israel and persecute those who pursue terrorism against Israel, but the PLO frequently let out terrorists early, cycling them through the system in contradiction to their agreements at Oslo.

Because you are not willing to know the facts an Truth.

Truth and fact are the enemy of genocide!

It is the Irish lawyer laying out all the fact, the death the killing by Israel from before October 7th until today.

Including a sad sad white board not by médecin San frontière where he writes:

If you’re unprepared to discuss this that’s fine, it’s okay to be uneducated. Posting videos without being able to discuss their content yourself is just intellectually lazy. I’ll happily discuss with you if you have something specific you’d like to discuss though

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Last I heard, Hamas is still refusing calls for a ceasefire, so it isn’t only Israelis saying no.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


Today 09:15 am JST

Where are the 150+ Israeli hostages the Palestinians kidnapped?

Where are the ove 6000 Palestinians kidnapped before October 7th held illegally by Israel taken by for in raids in east Jerusalem, the west bank and Gaza.

3 ( +9 / -6 )


Today 09:30 am JST

The fighting in the north, which was the first target of Israel's offensive and where entire neighborhoods have been pulverized, showed how far Israel remains from achieving its goals of dismantling Hamas

> If Hamas wants to prolong this with its continued terrorist attacks and genocide efforts by shooting missiles into civilian populated areas in Israel then Israel is well-prepared to continue with its precision bombings that minimize civilian casualties in its lands in Gaza.

> What peace? With Oslo Israel signed an agreement no to expand settlements and remain at 114 settlements, today Israel has now over 279 settlements,

> Irrelevant because there have been no Israelis living in Gaza since 2005.

> Now though, if the Arabs refuse to give up jihad and refuse to live peacefully with the Israelis then the Israelis will develop new settlements in Gaza. It's Israel's land anyway. They gave the Arabs a chance to live in peace but the Arabs insisted in continuing with their terrorism for over 80 years so now they will need a new place to live.

How does this guy continually get to spew his racist garbage and promotes genocide.

Hi has regularly made demeaning remarks about arrows called them settlers in their own land. Told him to go live elsewhere outside in other Arab land because he thinks they don't belong. He wants genocide. He's happy with genocide and he continuously says it and gets away with it.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Pretending that the Israeli regime's violent attacks on Palestinians started after October 6th is like pretending that political shenanigans is the US started on January 7th 3 years ago.

Like pretending that Hamas is fighting for "freedom". Pretending that more than 20,000 civilians have been killed by the IDF in Gaza.

Pretending anything communicated by the Hamas Health Ministry is true.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Pretending that the Israeli regime's violent attacks on Palestinians started after October 6th is like pretending that political shenanigans is the US started on January 7th 3 years ago.

It would seem sensible to start the clock with the first day of the last ceasefire, except if you wanted to portray the Israeli regime as a victim, rather than the really bad guy who got hurt by his victim fighting back, and flying into an uncontrolled rage of violence.

3 ( +10 / -7 )


Today 09:08 am JST

Very convenient to leave out every commitment the PLO agreed to and broke, right?

Please let us know what the Palestinian authorities not the PLO (nice try) broke in it agreement, building water cisterns with UN support that the IDF blew up?

I’m not watching a video. If you’re unable to digest a video and make the arguments yourself you’re unprepared to have any discussion on a topic.

Because you are not willing to know the facts an Truth.

Truth and fact are the enemy of genocide!

It is the Irish lawyer laying out all the fact, the death the killing by Israel from before October 7th until today.

Including a sad sad white board not by médecin San frontière where he writes:

Whoever stands until the end, will tell the story

We did what we could

Remember us

The next imagine is that same hospital white board destroyed by a bomb.

The doctor who wrote it and a 2 other doctors.

Bethlehem on Christmas Day the same day israel had killed 250 Palestinians including at least 86 people. Many from the same family massacred in a single strike on refugee camp Palestinian pastor:

this is an annihilation. This is a genocide we will rise. We will stand up again from the midst of destruction as we have always done is Palestinians though this is by far maybe the biggest blow we have received but he said no apologies will be accepted after the genocide. What has been done has been done. I want you to look in the mirror and ask where was I when Gaza was going through a genocide

This is what you and your friend support and what you don't want to see.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Dude, honestly , please....

How does 20 thousand dead constitute a genocide? Please explain it.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

individuals or groups has never been explained while the evidence of Oct 7 now points to the fact that HUNDREDS of Israelis were killed by the IDF

Wow what a bold claim, I’m sure with your confidence you have proof of what you’re saying, right?

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

 Militants stormed into Israel from Gaza that day, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and capturing around 250 people.

This "tale" of Hamas dies hard because it has served for 3 months as propaganda to win sympathy for Israel's total destruction of the cities and homes of Gaza. The "militants" (resistance fighters to the Israeli occupation of their land - they "stormed" into a slice of Gaza given to Israeli settlers) were clearly carrying out a military operation to force a hostage exchange and remind the world that their land is still under a cruel system of occupation and Apartheid. Atrocities against civilians did take place, but what individuals or groups has never been explained while the evidence of Oct 7 now points to the fact that HUNDREDS of Israelis were killed by the IDF in their hamfisted fight with Hamas troops using heavy weaponry. This is the real story that Western governments and MSM will not allow to be told, as the language of this article proves.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Where are the 150+ Israeli hostages the Palestinians kidnapped?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Why is everyone totally incapable of answering this question? Do you think Hamas continuing to fight will guarantee any favorable outcomes for the Palestinians?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

What peace? With Oslo Israel signed an agreement no to expand settlements and remain at 114 settlements, today Israel has now over 279 settlements, Israel has killed over 6000 Palestinians between 2009 to before October 7th. Israel kidnappes anyone that dares criticize it and has at any given time over 6000 Palestinians without charges with trial without lawyer.

Very convenient to leave out every commitment the PLO agreed to and broke, right?

Watch this if you really want to learn what is really going on

I’m not watching a video. If you’re unable to digest a video and make the arguments yourself you’re unprepared to have any discussion on a topic.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )


Today 07:47 am JST

Will that action really guarantee that genocide and settlement will be stopped?

> It’s definitely the first step that would need to be taken in order to start moving towards any peace.

What peace? With Oslo Israel signed an agreement no to expand settlements and remain at 114 settlements, today Israel has now over 279 settlements, Israel has killed over 6000 Palestinians between 2009 to before October 7th. Israel kidnappes anyone that dares criticize it and has at any given time over 6000 Palestinians without charges with trial without lawyer.

And I repeat this was all long before October 7th

Over 127 UN workers have been killed

Let me ask you this: Do you think Hamas continuing to fight will guarantee any favorable outcomes for the Palestinians?

Watch this if you really want to learn what is really going on


-2 ( +6 / -8 )

I dont see how offering to return SOME stolen land is a good offer.

So no deal is a good deal unless Israel gives the entirety of its territory back, is that what you’re saying?

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

"Israel offered more in 2000"

I dont see how offering to return SOME stolen land is a good offer.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Who really commit to the attack, faction of IDF deserter? Or is it official IDF? So it is official attack and also genocide. which of course being denied. While those 20 thousands lifeless bodies just prove the opposite.

What does this have to do with anything? The IDF operating in Gaza doesn’t have anything to do with 1 development firm stating they want to build a settlement in Gaza.

which of course being denied. 

Of course, because it doesn’t meet the criteria that qualifies what’s happening as a genocide

While those 20 thousands lifeless bodies just prove the opposite.

20 thousand dead doesn’t prove a genocide. More people died in the bombings of Dresden, was that a genocide?

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Yeh deliveries are fine if you can dodge the constant bombing from the Israeli war criminals! Collective punishment is a war crime! Israel is commuting war crimes on a daily basis while the US vetoes any opposition at the UNSC. Shameful!

Excellent post Sanji!

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

The longer the war goes on, the more it threatens to ignite other fronts across the region.

I'm honestly surprised that it hasn't blown up into a full regional conflict yet.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Do you think peace will come from the other side will happen?

Why can’t you answer my question? I’m going to let you know I’m just going to keep asking until you answer:

Do you think Hamas continuing to fight will guarantee any favorable outcomes for the Palestinians?

Do you think peace will come from the other side will happen?

Do you mean in 2000, you know, when Israel offered MORE than Arafat had originally expected to receive in negotiations and STILL walked away?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

I don’t understand what this is supposed to prove. One firm pushing to build settlements in Gaza doesn’t equal the entire Israeli government conspiring to destroy Gaza in order to build settlements. 

Who really commit to the attack, faction of IDF deserter? Or is it official IDF? So it is official attack and also genocide. which of course being denied. While those 20 thousands lifeless bodies just prove the opposite.


-2 ( +7 / -9 )


Do you think peace will come from the other side will happen?


-2 ( +8 / -10 )

You mean building and selling a new property in settlement area and bulldozing existing one, peacefully.

I don’t understand what this is supposed to prove. One firm pushing to build settlements in Gaza doesn’t equal the entire Israeli government conspiring to destroy Gaza in order to build settlements. This wouldn’t be even be an issue if Hamas wouldn’t have attacked Israel in the first place

Now can you stop dodging my question and give me an answer: Do you think Hamas continuing to fight will guarantee any favorable outcomes for the Palestinians?

-5 ( +6 / -11 )


You mean building and selling a new property in settlement area and bulldozing existing one, peacefully.


-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Will that action really guarantee that genocide and settlement will be stopped? 

It’s definitely the first step that would need to be taken in order to start moving towards any peace.

Let me ask you this: Do you think Hamas continuing to fight will guarantee any favorable outcomes for the Palestinians?

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

Israeli officials say they have placed no limits on humanitarian aid and have called on the U.N. to provide more workers and trucks to accelerate delivery.

Yeh deliveries are fine if you can dodge the constant bombing from the Israeli war criminals! Collective punishment is a war crime! Israel is commuting war crimes on a daily basis while the US vetoes any opposition at the UNSC. Shameful!

5 ( +14 / -9 )


Will that action really guarantee that genocide and settlement will be stopped?



-3 ( +12 / -15 )

At current rate, occupier war machine is conducting genocide at the rate more than 100 people per day which includes baby, children and women, while we reading JT daily.

Maybe Hamas should surrender and stop firing rockets at Israel then?

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

At current rate, occupier war machine is conducting genocide at the rate more than 100 people per day which includes baby, children and women, while we reading JT daily.



They are not collateral, sniper also being used to spread more chaos. It doesn't matter baby, children and women.


-6 ( +11 / -17 )

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