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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Air raids force Gadhafi retreat, rebels seize east
AJDABIYA, Libya©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Gadhafi is toast.
Raja Kumar
Common Libyans,change into better libyans.
Protests,should be allowed. Let Opposition have more say,in govt.
Gadhafi administration need to change,to new developments in national politics in Libya. They can't be the same old administration,they need change with aspirations of people,with modern day world of 2010s.
It needs to be noted that some critics suggest the motive behind this intervention comes downs to oil, but much fewer republicans in America get behind it.
*Saif Sadawi, a 20-year-old rebel fighter with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher in his hands, said the city’s eastern gate fell late Friday and the western gate fell at dawn Saturday after airstrikes on both locations.
“All of Ajdabiya is free,” he said. *FREE to be poor? I thought Libya had the highest standard of living in all of Africa!?! I find this whole situation fishy. I've heard of accounts that the Libyans are too LAZY to work doing typical jobs...that the typical student expects to be offered a high paying job with a car allowance, etc. Can some1 PLEASE verify this claim for me?? This is why, according to one source, that Qaddafi has to import labour from outside of Libya. I'm told Libyans enjoy FREE health care, education & other benefits.
Something smells fishy because Qaddafi (although eccentric) is NOT a fundamentalist. He does NOT keep women in the dark ages like other 'allies' such as the royalty in Saudi Arabia. Go figure!!
I sense the West where all of Libya's assets are frozen want the king of kings dead. Why? Then the new leadership won't have a clue how much money was in those banks & I'm sure a big chunk of it will disappear. This is the stupidity of put all of that money in Western banks & to think they (Blair, Bush, etc.) actually like him. How many BILLION$ of the Libyan people's money has he squandered by lax judgement?
hsr0601, I am not a big apologist for the 'Big Q' but if the 'allies' are so inclined to bomb Libya, they must also do the same to Bahrain where a Sunni minority is oppressing the Shia majority. Live bullets have been used & is the case with that Western stooge, Saleh. So where's the equality here? Clearly the people in Yemen HATE Saleh with a passion. Defections are everywhere.
I work with a number of students from Libya and from personal experience, I find them to be hard workers with a good sense of responsibility and to be more level-headed than most students from other Arabic nations. Students from Libya, along with students from countries like Jordan, seem to me to have the best grasp of rights and responsibilities. I'm not at all surprised there has been an uprising. I would also think that if the uprising came from the "West", then they'd be the first to stand against this foreign influence. I have no doubt that oil or money is not at the core of this uprising.
And who defines who "common Libyians" are? Gaddafi has his own source of support, otherwise he wouldn´t have survived for 40 years.
And you and I have no idea who those "rebels" are composed of. What we do know is that Al Quaeda is cheering them, and that Al Quaeda commanders, fresh back from killing Americans in Afghanistan, are now fighting against Gadaffi and enjoy the support of Western airplanes.
Sounds like a brilliant plan to you?
Gadhafi spent a majority of the oil money on the populace and public infrastructure. On average the people of Libya are better off than any other African nation.
I am against this foolish war against the Libyian people and the use of depleted uranium NATO munitions. Hopefully the Libyian people can come together now that Gadhafi has armed them and stop this war and save the culture and nation.
People should not be encouraging this war and destruction/chaos. I believe there can be a peaceful resolution and the oil workers forced out by the rebels (CIA/MI6 special forces) can be brought back.
Well that's saying a lot!
Well this is certainly misleading. Lybia has one of the highest GDPs per capita, but that is only a mesure of "oil revenue"/"small population". Most of that money goes to Qadhafi and his cronies, with only a small fraction trickling down to the public in salaries and infrastructure. This is not Qatar where everyone is rolling in cash.
Do Lybians have a higher standar of living than other Aficans? Maybe so: Africa, by in large, is dirt poor. But that's not a very high bar. And no matter how high the standard of living, it could be a lot higher if the gov't (ie Gadhafi) wasn't stealing most of the oil revenue.
One of the major planks of the demonstrations which started this was a demand for jobs and better wages. So the people themselves aren't happy with their standard of living. Who are you to contradict that? And why do you imagine that a regime change will make Lybians poorer than they already are (despite all indicators to the contrary)? All you've got is a rather unconvincing conspiracy theory.
So that would be your policy?
I wonder if VP Biden will call for the presidents impeachment like he did back in 2007?
The artillery, tanks and snipers' onslaught against its own innocent civilians should be a big deal, unacceptable misbehavior.
The Uhsr0601:
So should have been the poison gas that Saddam used on the Kurds. I don´t remember our liberal talking heads having a problem with that.
In the context of Arab dictators, Gadaffi is small fry. Can you explain why the West should get involved in this particular civil war?
No, I didn´t think you could.
WilliB's "poison gas that Saddam used"--finally the long lost WMD?
I think liberal talking heads would have condemned killing of Kurds and Iranians alike by the Iraqis. So you are talking about events that happened under Reagan or Bush I, and now you can explain what those presidents ever did about it (or about Gadaffi for that matter).
St. Reagan bombed Libya back in the 80s, and of course he could do no wrong. The lesson is, only Republican presidents can bomb places or start wars, because they do it for sensible reasons (like finding WMDs and, uh, erm...), while naive Democratic presidents, well, they're just too soft and silly, and only start fights that wind up help commies and/or jihadis.