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Airport lines move smoothly in U.S. despite warnings


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Apathy, home for the holidays.

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“I just feel bad for the traveling public that’s just trying to get home for the holidays,” Pistole said, noting that TSA screeners “just want to get you through.”

Later, Pistole added, "I think it's unfortunate that a few bad apples are choosing to ruin the assembly for everyone." He then promised fines and detention for the evildoers and threatened to cancel prom if morale does not improve.

I am glad that the issue gets a hearing, though. The TSA has obviously decided to tone things down and blame the victim and deflect the discussion to issues of terrorism that are entirely beyond his control instead of following the law of the land. After the holidays, the TSA will take off the kid gloves and get back to violating people as usual.

Never doubt it people: Over and over again, we see that FEAR works. It moves mountains. It creates armies of zombies and slaves. Almost to a man, you will hear sheeple say some version of "I don't like it at all, but I don't want to die." The TSA will not hold a gun to your head. They know that the media have you believing that Al Qaeda is doing that, so all they have to do is mention it. Once you have a bogey man, you have control. It can be Obama, Saddam, Hitler, China, Bin Laden, or jews or communists. There are now about three people left in the world who want Bin Laden caught. Everyone else is riding the gravy train of "terruh" one way or another. What is happening today with North Korea is the same thing. China will use the DPRK as a bogeyman to get control in Asia while the PRC can be friendly and trade with people. The US can use them to keep its allies in line. And Kim makes Putin look all warm and fuzzy by comparison. See how that works? Who wants the DPRK to disarm? Nobody, really, but let's say we do. It makes us seem reasonable.

This TSA thing is not about Bin Laden. It is not about baby formula. It is about control. People who are not afraid cannot be controlled easily. There are not many of those people left..... I am afraid to say.

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This TSA thing is not about Bin Laden. It is not about baby formula. It is about control

Kee-rect! Democrats want complete control. Your mortgage, your medical choices, education, and now they are in your trousers. They must be stopped.

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TimRussert: Yea... Just like the republicans want to control people's choices on what substances they choose to put into their bodies, what they worship, and who they have sex with. Get over yourself.

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It is about safety and offensive

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Would anyone here object to going through the scanner?

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Never doubt it people: Over and over again, we see that FEAR works.

Yes We can see by your post it really does. You are really scared of the TSA but it seems that MOST of the traveling public in the USA is not really shaking in their shoes like Klein is. The TSA is your boogey man and you are wearing your fear on your sleeve here for us all to see. Very entertaining for us all.

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I'm hoping that potential protesters decided it would be better to let people get home for their holidays and then snarl things up on the return days...

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My concerns are purely over a) the further increase in X-rays we will have to undergo each time we fly, and b) the fallibility of any machine. From what I have read there are several real concerns with the new machines, (such as the very high X-ray dosage into the skin), which of necessity will be played down by those introducing them.

See The NPR document, a letter to President Obama's science advisor from a group of physicians and scientific researchers, including a Nobel laureate.

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See The NPR document, a letter to President Obama's science advisor from a group of physicians and scientific researchers, including a Nobel laureate.

Obama's "science and technology advisor" John P. Holdren is a Marxist fruitcake who called for a "planetary regime" in his 1977 book "Ecoscience."

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"Thanksgiving travelers"

Gobble gobble!

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"Now we get to drink a lot of coffee"

I don't recommend doing that before boarding the plane. As soon as the seatbelt light comes on prior to departure, you'll be getting the urge to pee.

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"scattered protesters - including... a woman wearing a bikini in Los Angeles"

There should be more protesters like this woman.

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By the way, Mick Huckabee is officially asking for Obama to take his family through a TSA checkpoint, so the mainstream GOP has finally gotten its ducks in a row in support of the ACLU. Warms my cockles. I Heart Huckabees.

Other reports around the net from Philly and I think Denver are saying that the TSA people are being very nicey nicey. All smiles and gaiety. No doubt they are also "randomly" choosing people to grope who are the least likely to complain.

Superlib. Yes I would object to going through a scanner, but not for safety reasons. For privacy reasons. And really, if there is someone with penile AND breast implants, I really don't want to know about it. There are things people don't need to know. I would not object to going through a scanner that would distort my body features, which device some Livermore people put forth in 2006. There is also a "stick figure" device that I am ok with. Nobody should be looking at naked 13 year old girls or boys, I happen to believe, or feeling them either. I dont see any reason that the body contour MUST be shown at all, actually, and I am pretty sure even I could program an image filter to get rid of that contour if I had a year and a tutor (he said sheepishly).

Thanks for the shout out Mike. I think you are special too. I am going to dedicate something to you today.

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Why so few protestors? Do people really not care about the dangers to old people and children, or to their own immune system, and to their corneas and testicles?

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Because of weak and submissive individuals all around, these scanners will soon be popping up in dept stores, stadiums, subways, bus stations, the streets and countless other places. Folks, you are about to be treated the way the nazis treated people. Give it a little nore time when it is too late to go back. Take care.

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more time

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Why so few protestors?

People have been infantilized by big gubmint; the mainstream media was long ago co-opted and is almost wholly run by the cultural Left and the schools have, since the 60s, done everything possible to diminish the appreciation for liberty, self-reliance and personal responsibility.

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Looks like we can score one for the media for creating a storm in a teacup. Must have had a nice little ad revenue bump on TSA threads alone...

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Klein2, there is one more thing besides fear that is being counted on and that is forgetfulness. Already the cancer survivors, the one soaked in urine and the one with her breast implant removed for all to see, are totally forgotten. Meanwhile the suits keep barking about security and the sheeple bleat acceptance. But they get no extra security for this, just more intrusion. The sheeple also forgot about Ben Franklin apparently.

And people, don't swear to protest then cave in. That is even worse than doing nothing!

One thing I don't think the suits are counting is pathetic political hacks trying to turn this into a partisan debate. Anyone with any brains knows that both sides are about power and control, and so this warms the cold heart of practically every politician. I wish this web site would shut the hacks down already. Its getting silly beyond belief.

And Klein2, I ask you again: ditch the talk about naked teens. That is a steaming pile of emotional doodoo this discussion does not need. More important is the fact that people in sealed off rooms are looking at everyone. You don't know what they are doing, but the potential for abuse is great. Imagine being pulled out of line while being told someone saw something. Saw what? You don't know. You can't even see your own scan. That is worrisome.

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And Klein2, I ask you again: ditch the talk about naked teens. That is a steaming pile of emotional doodoo this discussion does not need.

I'm glad I read this. Someone had to tell him.

Thanks for the shout out Mike. I think you are special too. I am going to dedicate something to you today.

I don't doubt that. I'm sure you'll come up with something. Just don't let that blood pressure go up too far. It'd be worse than an X-ray. But you could always remember your speedo for when you travel if it'd make you feel better. I'm sure your security screening would go very smoothly.

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I absolutely, positively agree with sarge, we need more protesters in little bikinis all over the world, not just the USA.

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Scanning is going to be a part of the future so get used to it. Your body and bags will be completely scanned before allowing to fly. Why? Because there is no way it can't be that way. You can't say that touching a certain area is off limits because you might as well send a memo to terrorists to plant explosives in that area. There can be no off limit areas or else you're just wasting your time searching anything at all.

It's not about fear or controlling people or selling machines. It's about common sense. And let's be real, we all know that if anyone is going to blow up a plane there's a 99.999999% chance he will be Muslim. The political correctness of the left created this situation and now they're screaming the loudest about what they are forced to go through it.

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hottamales. I heard you the first time to ditch the talk about naked teens, and I am not going to do it, so quit asking.

This whole issue is about people not wanting to have their privacy invaded, and then having it invaded worse. It involves steaming emotional doodoo. Did you miss the part where the guy says "If you touch my junk, I will have you arrested"? Yeah. Guess what. People call their genitalia their "privates" for a reason. This is a sexual and religious issue to many people who don't give a whit about the Constitutional ramifications. It is to Mike Huckabee, who happens to be a leading candidate for the GOP pres nomination. How is that for steaming doodoo?

"One thing I don't think the suits are counting is pathetic political hacks trying to turn this into a partisan debate. "

You really think this has never been a political issue and it is being made into one now? Really?

Thanks for joining the discussion, hot. I can see that you want to discuss this issue, but you did not come to discuss privacy or politics. Thanks for the Ben Franklin reference. Usually people provide the tired old quote to go along with it, by the way. Give a little thought to WHY they don't let you see your own scan and it is not so worrisome. Seems obvious to me why they don't. That is so NOT the issue.

Hey, you and Mike have a great day. Happy Thanksgiving. Hug a Native American.

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Actually TSA shut many of the machines down in some airports to avoid any issues.

Google (since I can't post links): Newark airport controversial scanners are barely used on busiest travel day. and Hartsfield braces for big rush after easy Tuesday

Many of the scanners at the main security checkpoint were roped off at mid-day Tuesday.

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Also google this headline: Fliers Claim TSA Have Deactivated Body Scanners [Updated]

for some twitter re: shut down machines and lack of pat downs.

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