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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Alaska releases Sarah Palin's emails
JUNEAU, Alaska©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I rue Sarah Palin, but any e-mail from her personal account should not be released by anyone's order but Palin herself, even if it is deemed to be "state related".
Her official state email account fine, but not her personal one. I can only imagine it was some POS anti-privacy warped-moralist that came up with that idea, and one carrying on a homosexual extra-marital affair with an underage page at that!
Iwitness: "I rue Sarah Palin, but any e-mail from her personal account should not be released by anyone's order but Palin herself, even if it is deemed to be "state related"."
I agree and disagree. If the sender of the emails was another public official and the email state-related, then I can see it. Other than that, this is an invasion of privacy at its worst.
"I rue Sarah Palin" says Iwitness. Why? Unless you are from Alaska it is not as if you helped her get where she is.
"the sudden onslaught of questions from reporters, especially one about whether she believed dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time"
What's up with some of these reporters? Have they never seen One Million Years B.C.?
"As newly minted Republican vice presidential nominee, she was dismayed by the sudden onslaught of questions from reporters, especially one about whether she believed dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time. She also dealt with death threats."
As a registered Democrat I am deeply ashamed to read that.
"She [Palin] also got another threat from someone in Belgium."
All you can do is laugh.
AP actually wrote that with a straight face?
What's so funny about Belgian death threats?
Being a registered Democrat, you must be overjoyed when Sen. Mark Begich says he doesn't consider Palin an Alaskan anymore after her Arizona home purchase and doesn't take policy advice from "someone who quit Alaska".
Along with Begich, who are some of the other Democrats you most admire?
Grifty McVictim would have us believe she did it for the sake of Alaska. Then again, she thought Paul Revere had bells.
Apparently her state account by law is open to records requests. If you remember from 2008 the problem is she was illegally using her personal account for state business to avoid these open record requests. It was a big thing in late 2008.
Anyway, leave her personal stuff out of it but anything covered under the open request should be released.
The emails portrayed Palin as a close reader of news accounts, wanting to correct things she believed to be — or were in fact — wrong.
Katie Couric is having a fit right now.
This is just another lame attempt by Obama's dog walkers in the U.S. MSM to distract voters from the mounting failures by this administration.
No, the timing of the release is because of due diligence by the authorities. These records were asked for release way back in 2008, when then-new Sarah Palin was largely an unknown, and thus many people wanted to know more about her, especially if she were to become Vice-President.
The media are desperately trying to dig up any possible dirt that they can. And if they find even a crumb of a possible wrongdoing, we won´t hear the end of it.
Contrast that the with total, absolute disinterest in the media in doing any background research of Obama when he was running (or now for that matter).
Pure double standards.
As if the Media didn't report everything and I mean everything, they could find to smear her after she was nominated. Due diligence? Just as they did when they "vetted" President Obama in comparision?
Why? Because she, along with other silly people like Rush Limbaugh, lowered the level of debate as evidenced by your irrelevant side question.
I can only see it if it is proven that she was abusing her personal e-mail system. Smorkian's information is certainly compelling. If that is true, and her personal mail info is available for this reason, then justice was done.
sailwind, its almost like the birther thing never happened with you! Or Bill Ayers! Or Reverend Jeremiah Wright! You might be suffering from selective memory syndrome!
Palin was treated as silly because she is a silly person. The number of silly people following her as she literally wraps herself in the flag does not suddenly make her less silly.
I am not American, so I dont follow all the pundits. But really now... the accusation that Palin's and Limbaughs rethoric is on a lower level than Ed Schulz, Keith Olberman or Michael Moore, to name just a few of the liberal loudmouths, is simply bizarre.
Pot - Kettle - black
The glimpse into Palin came in more than 24,000 pages of emails released Friday from her first 21 months as governor. They showed a Palin involved closely in the day-to-day business of the state while trying to cope with the increasing pressures that came with her rise from small-town mayor to governor to national prominence.
Yes, the e-mails back up that she is a 'silly person' running the day-to-day business of the State.
In typical conservative fashion you have confused being hard-working with being the opposite of silly. No, I am afraid the woman who thinks she can see Russia from her house, who thinks that gives her foreign policy experience, Mrs. Blood Libel herself, is quite silly, however hard she may work.
"the woman who can see Russia from her house"
You, like many liberals, are STILL confusing Sarah Palin with Tina Fey.
Top 10 reasons why waiting for a Palin announcement is fine:
More time to watch the NBA playoffs
More time for Ginrich to step in political doo-doo
More time to wait for the inevitable miscues of Mitt
Once Palin jumps in it's pedal to the metal for 14 months! No Mediterranean cruises, etc.
More time to Organize4Palin
More time to let the GOP establishment and Fox News run undisturbed with their delusion that Palin isn't running
More time for Obama to screw up again ( and again ) ( and again )
More time for the Palin family to quietly and prayerfully prepare for the competition of a lifetime ( Obama does have charisma )
More time for the media to suddenly discover Palin's record of reform and accomplishment
Because as they say, all good things come to those who waitOh, and as a bonus, waiting for a Palin presidential announcement gives us more time to laugh at the clownish behavior of the media, who after chasing Palin around New England last week are now preparing to pour through thousands of pages of emails, doing the work now that presidential historians will thank them for later, right? Ha!
The reading comprehension is weak on this one. Due diligence was done by the authorities, not the media.
(shaking my head)
No, she's not.
You are wishing she is. They are not the same thing.
For her own sake, sarah palin had better run for president in 2012. If she doesn't what is this little bus tour other than a free ride at the expense of her worshippers. Won't they feel duped for donating money to her if she doesn't run? All they will have done will have funded a free-loaders summer vacation if she doesn't.
The topic is her emails and how she handled her job as Governor. So far well let us use the article.
They showed a Palin involved closely in the day-to-day business of the state while trying to cope with the increasing pressures that came with her rise from small-town mayor to governor to national prominence.
I believe you have an issue as to how she handled the position. It seems to me she was pretty involved with her responsibilities and did not forget them even after picked as a V.P candidate......Your opininon on the emails and her management style?
No offense, Taka but you use a capital S and a capital P in her name.
Katie Couric is having a fit right now.
(shaking my head)
No, she's not.
Katie Couric in unemployed right now by the way. Just as so many folks are still after President Obama's election.
Speaking of silly, why are we even talking about sarah palin? She is a joke. Who cares what her emails say. I don't. She will never be anything more than a burden to society from here on out. The numbers don't lie, unlike some people we know:
The emails released REALLY show she was a totally incompentent Governor and good thing the liberal media showed it after she was selected as V.P.
Please fact check your last sentence. The Honorable Joe Biden was selected as Vice President of the United States.
sarah palin, through her performance, came nowhere near the job.
Please fact check your last sentence.
Selected as V.P on the Republican Ticket, is that not a fact?
He was not "selected" he was elected with President Obama as his V.P.
Thank you for fact checking yourself. There is a big difference between your two posts.
As for this little nugget above:
There is no amount of money I will not wager against you that says Katie Couric will have a full-time job before sarah palin.
Your emotions are getting the best of you. Reread what I posted, THINK about it and then let me know if you want to take the bet. Do something unusual for a conservative. Don't skip step number 2.
Pretty scary when American newspapers become so Pravda-like they release the e-mails of small-time pols who are now private citizens.
LA Times refusing to heed repub pressure back in 08 to release the controversial Obama-Rashid Khalidi PLO Dinner Party video seems so long ago now...
True, I think a job in Obama's Whitehouse press room would be the perfect place for her. She already has plenty of past experience carry his water already in the Media.
Katie Couric has already been offered a full time position at ABC.
sarah palin is traveling around the country asking for handouts.
Hahahaha. You have already lost that bet. Palin has a fulltime job right now being Sarah Palin. It pays millions of USD. Even Palin's old emails are ratings gold.
Couric has the possible opportunity of a network job, maybe, at the end of 2012 unless the network finds a better choice to fill the time slot, of course. If Palin made it known that she would be willing to accept the job offered to Couric, the network would immediately kick Couric to the curb and go with the guarenteed ratings increase.
Politico is reporting that the whole thing has backfired. She has won again..
She also dealt with death threats.
Nah, that can't be true. Liberals are the most civil people in the world. /sarcasm
Odd to see the National Organization for Women (NOW) silent on the establishment media - an overwhelmingly male bunch - poring over the email of a former politician but now private citizen , a career woman and mother of five.All the more since the same week they release an official statement saying they are basically OK with newly-wed Rep. Anthony Weiner sexting 17 y.o. high school girls.How times have changed.
Is not really a surprise, given how many people are suffering from PDS. Palin Derangement Syndrome. You can see it even in this thread with multiple people posting silly things, that obviously aren't true about her. Those who insist she's an idiot, despite the evidence to the contrary, those who seem to think she's secretly Tina Fey in disguise.
Sorry, they lowered the level of debate? They forced the debate to be about more then what the media wanted it to be, and so the media, attacked. Now admittedly, they had no choice. A woman becoming VP would have been great, except for the fact that shes a real person, and a conservative. To those on the left, there is nothing more evil or threatening then a successful conservative woman. Its sad, but true, even today.
Untrue. He did not sext her. And one girl cannot be "girls" either. But I think you know all this. Its a shame you cannot be confident enough about your positions to just be honest, you know?
Why shouldn't they? Its recent political history that we can learn from. Besides, she was making presidential race noises. Surely her government e-mails are more important than lingering doubts over Obama's birth certificate.
Allow me to restate the name of the organization being discussed here. Its called the National Organization for Women.
Although their silence doesn't really come as a surprise to anyone. Particularly after the recent Governors race in California. It would be more accurate to refer to them as the NOLW. That is, the National Organization for Liberal Women. I mean, since they were fine with seeing how calling women derogatory names seems perfectly acceptable to them, provided of course those calling them names are libs, and those being impugned are conservative or at least have an r by their name. For that matter the NAACP should change its name too, as it would likewise be more accurate to refer to themselves as NAALCP. Since conservative blacks typically are called Uncle Toms.
Palin probably wishes she had taken the precautions Mass. governor Deval Patrick has, ensuring no third party will ever be allowed access to emails he makes while in office.
All that fuss. The Weiner scandal completely eclipsed the release of Palin's private emails and when the gatekeeper media combs through them they find nothing really incriminating. The frustration must be killing some of these people.she isn't going to run. She is having fun with the "professional Left" and the beltway repubs.
Sarah Palin for President in 2012! Go Sarah!
Northern exposure. Transparency at its finest.