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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Amid protests, UK lawmakers debate downgrading Trump visit
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Let's see. Kippers, the BNP, the EDL, religious bigots, past invitations to Putin, Xi and Hirohito and the husband of the queen ( a man who'd make the Kippers look moderate ). I think the UK can handle trash like Trump although to their credit, they wouldn't elect something like him.
Anyway, in the real world, after Brexit we a basically a mid-range prostitute and this p___y-grabber has a big wallet. Lie back and think of England.
After listening to the debate, it's obvious why Trump is not welcome to address Parliament despite conservatives support for the visit. It has everything to do with the man named Trump and how he conducts himself. It has nothing to do with the office of the President.
This is exactly why there is so much opposition to Trump in this country. Many, many people have a viseral disgust for how he conducts himself and how he degrades anyone who disagrees with him. He's brought it on himself and American citizens who oppose Trump are validated by similar reactions across the world. The British just have a way of making the case perfectly.
Opportunist ! When the position of a man means more than what he is doing...
“We believe it is absolutely right that we should use all the tools at our disposal to build common ground with President Trump,” Foreign Office Minister Alan Duncan told lawmakers."
"Opportunist ! When the position of a man means more than what he is doing..."
To be honest, there are a lot of Tories who are partial to Trump's ideas.
Good to know, there's still some hope out there.
Must be all that fake news over there turning the Brits against a great man.
I wonder how many of these 1.8 million people were actually Democrats, or Hillary supporters, from the U.S.A.?
I wonder how many of these protesters were actual British subjects? How many were expatriate Americans trying to tell the British how they should act in their own country?
1.8 million care and 62 million don`t care.
Well that's easy: none.
Trump has ideas?
Anyway, he is not addressing parliament now thank goodness. It would be great if a minor yet debilitating health issue came up and prevented Liz from attending any events. I agree it would be dangerous to upset the immature oaf by officially withdrawing the hastily made invitation. But by stealth measures it should gradually downgraded as much as possible without him noticing. The Balmoral private golf course might suffer an untimely moss incursion, for another example.
Alfie Noakes
I don't think Trump will be going to Scotland, he's not exactly popular there:
Bawbag, a marvellous word and so apt.
Simon Foston
Of course they believe that. They'll be desperate to make sure no one who likes Trump votes UKIP or BNP instead of Conservative.
Great story and great word. Thanks! I hope Balmoral is ruled out by one means or another, since it clearly means so much to him and the more slights and snubs the better.
Now you know liberals are horrible when it comes to math.
Desperate? Why? If you believe in free and fair elections, you don't have to be desperate, just campaign on the issues you hold dear and let the opposition do the same and let the chips fall where they may.
I think he will. The problem is, even in Europe people as in the US that voted for Trump or really want a change to the far extreme right are gaining ground and tired of these globalist tree huggers, but many of them are silent. What happened with Brexit and the US is huge indicator that this domino affect is not going to stop, at least not in the near future.
I'm English and whilst i'm not a fan of Trump, I think this is bloody ridiculous as he's the democratically elected leader of our greatest ally. Blocking POTUS from speaking in parliament because some muppets MIGHT not like some things he MIGHT say just goes to show what a nanny state Britain is. Also, the protest are a load of crap, there are far bigger issues that deserve protesting, such as the governments inability, or just plain lack of desire to sort the rail strikes out.
Simon Foston
bass4funkFEB. 21, 2017 - 11:45AM JST
You don't know a lot about the UK Conservative Party, do you. For instance, how the whole Brexit thing came about in the first place.
Tell that to Theresa May and Alan Duncan.
You do realise that Scotland voted overwhelmingly (62%/38%) against Brexit, and that the Scottish Parliament recently voted 90/34 against triggering Article 50?
As for a state visit for Trump - it's a ridiculous idea and May was a total dimblehead for issuing the invitation so soon into the presidency - there have only been two others, and they had to wait years for the honour. But now the invitation has been made, withdrawing it would be a further show of incompetency.
Politicians do best when they don't do nothing.
The Independent is reporting that any visit is likely to take place in August or September when the MPs are either on holiday or in their constituencies, so there will be no addressing of Parliament by Trump.
Pity Her Majesty won't be able to use the excuse of being on holiday. Word is the Don is asking to play golf with her/on her private course in Scotland. And he wants tea in Buck House.
All pomp, no substance.
"What happened with Brexit and the US is huge indicator that this domino affect is not going to stop, at least not in the near future."
I fear the rise of the far right but your idea is very simplistic. It's just the kind of stuff the MSM puts out. The UK has had a very long and troubled relationship with Europe and this issue has torn parties apart and fatally damaged leaders. Euroscepticism is nothing new. It's also worth remembering that UKIP have just one seat in parliament.
Also, the US is one of the least politically engaged developed countries with appalling turnout rates. Trump is possible in the US but probably not as feasible in a more politically aware and politically engaged country.
This 'affect' may not be as powerful as Trump tells his whoopers.
Welcome to (Trump's) America! A schoolteacher from Wales accompanying his students on a trip to the US was removed from his plane during a transit at Reykjavik despite his British nationality and valid travel documents. Wait - I know what the problem was! He's a mathematics teacher, and we all know how Trump feels about math.
(No doubt his religion played no role in the case.)
Should the leader of a country who designs and executes such policies be granted the privilege of speaking to Parliament, regardless of which country he's from? Our cousins from across the pond will have to think deeply on this one.
"That's your opinion, I would rather vote for the individual than a party, but I don't want to side step."
What in the name of domino affects are you fastandfuriousing about now? That was a side step. The US has appalling turnout rates and an electorate which isn't politically engaged. Countries like France reach over 80% in elections.
I don't think it's Trump's policies or ideas per se which are the problem overseas but rather his persona. I am actually pretty sure many ppl in Europe (and elsewhere) share DT's opinion on immigration, trade etc yet don't get the man and only see the lunatic in him. And I don't blame them for that.
Like most on here I've watched/read about Trump for decades about his biz ventures, sports stuff, tv shows etc so I got used to the bravado, lies, him being condescending & obnoxious, his trademark facial expressions, ego etc and learnt NOT to take him 'that' seriously. But can you imagine what 'others' especially non anglos think about this guy as they see/hear him for the first time as potus?
Plus most ppl do not enjoy the company of someone who always need to get one over on them, dominate/bully them etc and that's why ppl are hesitant to have him around or even work for him.
"I don't think it's Trump's policies or ideas per se which are the problem overseas but rather his persona. I am actually pretty sure many ppl in Europe (and elsewhere) share DT's opinion on immigration, trade etc yet don't get the man and only see the lunatic in him. And I don't blame them for that."
To take the example of the UK, the last Labour government admitted they got immigration wrong and the Tories talked tough on immigration but failed to get a grip on it in the eyes of their voters ( a factor in Brexit, although a strange one in my view ). However, I don't think it's just his repulsive persona. I very much doubt that even a Tory government would dare try the kind of ban Trump attempted, although it would appeal to their far right and entice a few Kippers. The speaker of the house, still a moderate Tory, reacted with what looked like real disgust about Trump making a speech to parliament.
His personality is utterly revolting but so are some of his plans.
It would not surprise me one bit if Trump Twitters himself out of a visit after watching tonight's Fox news; Parliament has been quite scathing of everything about him, from his politics to his low mental calibre.
From the Scotsman newspaper:
GoP prefers a monotheism or plutocracy. Trump prefers a dictatorship.
"Pity her majesty...."
It looks like back in 2012 Trump wasn't just tweeting roaring hypocritical stupidly about the electoral college being a 'disaster for democracy" after mistakenly thinking Romney had won the popular vote. He was also tweeting pure trash after the paparazzi had photographed Kate Windsor topless on a beach:
"Who wouldn't take Kate's picture and make lots of money if she does the nude sunbathing thing. Come on Kate!"
He had also previously answered in the affirmative after Howard Stern asked him if he could have "nailed" William's mother.
I'm no royalist but I do pity the queen on this occasion. I wouldn't be comfortable with trash like that in my house.
I've got to say I do like Trump in the sense that he makes me feel classy.
Exactly. Theresa May will have been fully aware of this when she extended the invite to the orange vulgarian. That one incident in itself should be enough to deny Trump any kind of reception from the royals.
I'm sure you've seen it but a picture speaks a thousand words. This is Desperate Brexit Britain's uncomfortable position with Trump:
Another link for those interested in the Scottish attitude to Trump: (Warning: contains strong language.)
I guess he may be nuking us first.
Let's not forget that he is also a con artist. He not only conned a lot of the Americans in voting for him, but also conned the American people to pay for his travel expenses to his exclusive club and many golfing trips. Also, they don't realize that Melania incurs large fees for secret service protection for her as she continues to live in New York, and not in the White House. In fact, he has spent almost as much money in travel expenses in one month, that Obama spent in a year. People forget that he brutally criticized Obama for too many golfing trips and travel on Air Force One, when he was campaigning last year. Yet here he is, fooling the masses and showing just how short their memory is.
Simon Foston
MadvertsFEB. 21, 2017 - 07:34PM JST
It should, but Theresa May has clearly got to demonstrate to any Trump-loving tory voters who might be thinking of switching to UKIP that she can do more for him than Nigel Farage. I'm just wondering if she's also going to lay on a Knight Grand Cross, colonelcy of a Guards regiment and a cameo on Eastenders. Or maybe she could offer to let him do her job as well.
Open Minded
Who wants to hear Trump with his alternative news?
Every listeners doing facts checking during the speech while as a US president he should have a cohort of people doing it to avoid that? No thank you!
I keep telling Trump supporters that Bernie said many of the same things Trump said. Working for the common man, everyone covered by health insurance, wage inequality, the lack of wage growth.
Most just yelled SOCIALIST and closed their ears.
There has been talk of moving Trump's visit away from London to avoid protests. Good luck with that. Birmingham City Council has already indicated they don't want anything to do with his visit, and I don't see anywhere else falling over to welcome him. Anyway, where ever he goes the protesters will be there too. I hope the Queen gets a convenient cold when he visits.
"its offer to the president of a state visit stamped with pomp, pageantry and royal approval."
The anti-Trumpers are really pissed.