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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Attack at festival in German city kills 3 and wounds 4 seriously, police say
My birthplace.
May those who were killed rest in peace.
Those who were hurt recover soon.
It sounds more and more like Taylor Swift had the right idea when she decided to cancel her concert tour throughout that part of Europe.
I'm not making assertions or any ideological point here, but purely from a policing and public safety standpoint, shouldn't they at least release a description? Sounds like the attacker is still armed and very dangerous.
The above said, releasing a description such as "tall guy, black jacket" only casts suspicion on all tall guys with black jackets. It could also mean that the attacker removes his own black jacket. So...I don't know.
I hope they catch the attacker soon before they hurt anybody else.
A tragic event in this German city celebrating the anniversary of its founding.
Unarmed people are always easy targets.
Hoping they catch the guy. His clothes will be splashed in blood, I expect.
Jonathan Prin
Hope the perprator will be caught and killed. No remorse.
RIP to the deceased and may the victims recover.
Length of blade will not matter of you are suicidal.
Being on the loose in my city would terrorize me totally.
Yes, the trash on social media wound up the racist and bigoted trash who rioted.
The hateful and disturbed believed what they wanted to believe.
A sitting UK MP admitted he was influenced by Andrew Tate.
Best not jump the gun in these cases until we know the details.
The German authorities should release the description of the attacker - this would assist in his apprehension, as well as possibly dispel any "unfounded rumours".
There is a sizable - and growing - part of the European population that despises "diversity" and hates freedom. I just hope this terror attack is not due to their sick attitude towards Germany's tolerance and diversity.
Rest in peace to the innocent victims. I'm hoping the terrorist is taken down ASAP.
In Southport UK three young girls were murdered by a young man. The extreme right posted the killer was a Muslim when he was not. Riots across the country with hundreds now serving prison terms.
Mr Kipling
May not be Islamic inspired as the attacker ran away. The Islamists don't usually do this. They are usually proud of their "work" and stay until capture or being taken out by security forces. Unless the attacker has plans for further attacks.
finally rich
These are not people. They're animals.
The boogeyman keeps being proven right every single day.
We need to focus on people whose actions are incongruent with a safe society and remove them from society if they are not willing to conform.
If not ran over by cars, then guns, if not guns then knives, what's wrong with humanity? To those deceased may you rest in peace. This world has completely gone bonkers!!
These attacks happen at festivals, gigs etc, easy targets you see.