Japan Today

Anti-racism protests sweep Britain after far-right riots

By Kate Holton, Catarina Demony and Suban Abdulla

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"Stop the far right" 

The irony is that when it comes to almost all social issues like drug laws, abortion, marriage and gender...

Muslims are the far right

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

Finally the decent english show the racist football hooligan sub culture that people don't want their "vision" of England.

Good on them

19 ( +22 / -3 )

The people of Britain took back the streets and prevented the far-right thugs from rioting and looting like they had been making. Leaving agitators in Brighton seeking protection from police as the country remains largely calm.

The arrested thugs are appearing in court and receiving prison sentences.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Lots of lost people in the UK inviting more problems than they are able to handle.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )


Lots of lost people in the UK inviting more problems than they are able to handle.

The people handled the streets last night and prevented the far-right thugs from their destruction. The thugs were outnumbered.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

The people handled the streets last night and prevented the far-right thugs from their destruction. The thugs were outnumbered.

More violent rather than vigilant leftists looking to take away the rights and voice of the people, while illegal immigration and the resulting crime continues to rip through UK's society.

-15 ( +4 / -19 )

Musk and his X platform attacked the British government claiming there would be a civil war.

"Musk’s latest flurry of innuendo, half-truths and lies online is making it increasingly clear that it is the tech mogul — and not just his platform — who poses the greatest challenge to governments struggling to rein in content that can incite extremist violence."


5 ( +13 / -8 )

zibalaAug. 7  10:52 pm JST

The authoritarian government is intent on taking away the rights of the people to protest peacefully.

zibalaToday  07:26 am JST

Lots of lost people in the UK inviting more problems than they are able to handle.


Yesterday, rioters were “protesting peacefully” and today peaceful protesters are “lost people.” Something’s afoot. And it’s not a game.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Great to see the normal, anti-racist English men and women outnumbering and pushing back against the welfare dependent, violent, drunken racist thugs.

That's the English people I know.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Anti-racism protests sweep Britain after far-right riots

Well if the UK is as good as the Biden US at funding and controlling leftist NGO’s, this is not surprising. Paid protestors are always more willing than unpaid ones to get out in the streets.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Last night was a false flag, there were no huge protests planned against the Muslims. Most of the people at these demonstrations were peaceful though there were a small amount of incidents where trouble occurred, all by Muslims. One was in my home town Croydon, what a surprise.

There will be more confrontations unless things change and the rhetoric from the new Labour government that is already in dire straights with approval ratings falling by the day.

As Bathu stated the most right wing, anti gay and anti women’s rights in the U.K. are from the Muslim community. Peculiar to see the rainbow brigade lines up with Muslims with Palestinian flags, the same, people who would kill the, for their life choices.

The world is confused, people don’t understand the realities of things and we end up with the world in a mess.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

It’s also interesting that many British Indian, Pakistani, and West Indian people are in support too. As I suspected they would be, despite the assertion yesterday that, “……second or third or fourth generation immigrants are (NOT) okay with the current state of affairs,” and despite “personally know(ing) second generation Indians who don't want further immigration from India.”

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Lots of lost people in the UK inviting more problems than they are able to handle.

Exactly. Dancing in front of the police currently being pelted with bricks was asking for trouble.

Poor Dazza couldn’t handle the first hit, looked startled by the second and completely destroyed by the third.

8 ( +11 / -3 )


How many Hindus, Sikhs and Rastas do you see in the demonstrations against the so called “Far Right”?

Its the usual loony left, the usual LGBT mob and Muslims (mostly masked).

-11 ( +7 / -18 )


Last night was a false flag, there were no huge protests planned against the Muslims. Most of the people at these demonstrations were peaceful though there were a small amount of incidents where trouble occurred, all by Muslims. One was in my home town Croydon, what a surprise.

The far-right thugs had organized 100 places for their protests.


4 ( +8 / -4 )

falseflagsteveToday  07:52 am JST

Last night was a false flag, there were no huge protests planned against the Muslims. Most of the people at these demonstrations were peaceful though there were a small amount of incidents where trouble occurred, all by Muslims. One was in my home town Croydon, what a surprise. 

What utter tosh.

From the BBC:

Eight arrests in Croydon, but not linked to protest, Met Police says

published at 23:01 7 August

23:01 7 August

We've heard some reports of disorder in Croydon, which the Metropolitan Police says was not linked to protest, but with the intention to "cause disruption and fuel disorder". 

Eight people were arrested, the force says, for a range of alleged offences, including assaulting emergency workers, possession of offensive weapons and other offences.

More arrests will follow, the Met adds in a post on X.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Zibala,you know minority will not tolerate these hooligan in their hood,and lots of them will not go home at night

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


How many Hindus, Sikhs and Rastas do you see in the demonstrations against the so called “Far Right”?

> Its the usual loony left, the usual LGBT mob and Muslims (mostly masked).

The British people who took back the streets are not the "looney left". Are you a far-right supporter?

5 ( +11 / -6 )


Theye aren’t defending anything and shouldnt be vigilantism is illegal in the U.K.

The mob out last night were a bizarre mix of the most extreme right wing in Britain and the LGBT, vegans and old Greenham Common ban the bomb lot.

The problem with the Muslims is still there, they must be laughing their heads off that the people they most despise are helping them garner sympathy.

Are you are sinking to the level that if I don’t agree with you I’m far right? I was working for the SWP before I came to Jalan FFS.

Name calling and finger pointing is the new black, no discourse needed just discrimination.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Where are the Muslims in the sea of white faces?

I would have expected the UK Muslims to have joined with indigenous Brits.

I’m confused!

-11 ( +2 / -13 )


Notice there is no support from the Jewish, Sikh or Hindu population for the Muslims. There’s a good reason for that.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

All the evidence is that the rumours were made by nutcases and spread by the far left extremists. 

Delusional Conspiracy Level Attained!

Evidence? Evidence of what? Fascists posting: “ The n*****s will try abuse the unrest to steal. It’s in their blood to do so,” but then leaving it to the “looney left” to spread? Vile. Disgusting. That’s what these people are.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Hundreds of anti-racism campaigners have gathered in Walthamstow—the largest group of more than 1,000 people, including Muslims, Indians, and Blacks.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

and Blacks

WOAH there buddy, we don't call them the blacks anymore.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

As long as the deluded in the UK refrain from seriously tackling how extreme Islam, radicalism and the power behind Islamic State are forces to be opposed then the decay will only spread…

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Theye aren’t defending anything and shouldnt be vigilantism is illegal in the U.K.

The mob out last night were a bizarre mix of the most extreme right wing in Britain and the LGBT, vegans and old Greenham Common ban the bomb lot.

Again, you seem to be far more concerned with peaceful protesters, defending Muslims, defending property, and protecting their communities than you do about the rioting, burning, punching, kicking gammon that were out at the weekend. One of them got three years. Did you see that? Three years. ROFLMAO!

8 ( +12 / -4 )

The mob out last night were a bizarre mix of the most extreme right wing in Britain and the LGBT, vegans and old Greenham Common ban the bomb lot.

Amazing what one can discern about people by looking at a photo. Greenham Common ban the bomb lot? Vegans? LGBT? Where can I confirm this?

And counter-protesters are a “mob”?

But no calling out the yobs causing the real damage.We know which way this little flag flies.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

I bet certain regular commentators on this site are furious to see this: people coming together to send the oafs back where they belong (usually the unemployment line).

7 ( +11 / -4 )


Did you see the Muslim guy who was arrested yesterday for walking around with a sword. A person convicted in 2008 for making terrosim threats on a plane.

I don’t condone any violence and I’m glad people get convicted for breaking the law.

Making comments like an overgrown kid doesn’t make things better.


I was working for Southwark SWP for two years mate helping immigrants and having threats made against me by some people for helping foreigners. I didn’t like it but understood why they became angry, without understanding things we cannot solve them.

There are racists and bigots from all races and religions.

The Muslims don’t have to go anywhere they have to change, the extreme right wing ones anyway and their Mullahs that spread hatred.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )


I saw the videos live nit from a pic on this site. Loads of rainbow flags, crusty oldies, ex hippies I guess and Muslims, mostly masked and carrying Palestinian flags for some reason.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

The far-right groups have been using the Telegram platform to organize their realm of terror.


Suspected Foreign Accounts Aid UK Extremists to Incite Riots

British agencies probe possible foreign government involvement

White supremacist networks exploit Telegram to push messaging

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Great Britain is a “two tier” society, education, wealth, employment, housing, income.so it stands to reason this will manifest with policing.   

Poverty the realities of “two tier” is when families shop and find necessities are locked behind enforced glass cabinets.

I suggest the majority these “protesters” calling for open borders are upper middle class, students, living in an entitled privileged deluded world of naivety.

When the business in Brighton recruited a new generation of developers, just 9% were from the indigenous UK home-grown education system.

The 9% UK crop, all privately educated from preschool, even so none came close academically to the central/ eastern European, Asian schooling systems.

HR had feedback/backlash from candidates demanding after the selection process that the business must prioritise “English” students first regardless of merit

I also suggest that many of these activists are waiting for Mummy and Daddies money to bail them out of there insulated world of entitled compliancy.

Well, I am fully behind Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves policies, the economic devastation left behind from a pandemic, the bumbling incompetence of Boris Johnson, Richi Sunak government, has left untold damage to UK economic wellbeing for many decades to come.

The influx of natural migration globally to the UK, along with the ever-increasing numbers of undocumented illegal immigrants will increase the gaps of necessary essential resources, the costs of provision, leading to festering discontent.     

That is before the ugly threat of sectarian political violence.

This Government has little choice, inheritance taxes will have to rise, also wealth taxes for the middle upper classes increase, capital gains on second homes, rent capping on the private rental housing market for the foreseeable future.     

Road pricing, energy cost increases, cuts to benefits for the unemployed deemed fit to work.

Here is where "2 tier" policing, right up to how law and order is fairly enforced in courts.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )


Rent capping is something urgently needed and higher taxing of landlords with multiple properties. Encourage them to flog em to get housing prices down.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

I saw the videos live nit from a pic on this site. Loads of rainbow flags, crusty oldies, ex hippies I guess and Muslims, mostly masked and carrying Palestinian flags for some reason.

That group is a “mob”? Any serious property damage?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

The Muslims don’t have to go anywhere they have to change…

Well, yes, they don’t have to go anywhere. I mean, where would they go? Send them back to “where they came from?” Leeds? Newcastle? What if they were born in Birmingham? Or Croydon?

And nobody has to change. Especially to please others. Is it because they’re not British enough? Don’t eat enough fish and chips, is that it? Maybe they don’t assimilate enough? Well, think about your own life - have you assimilated while in Japan? Are you turning Japanese? I really think so.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

There appears to be a strong undercurrent of discontent in the UK that the politicians should not ignore.

And there's an awful lot of unhappy people in the UK who want something to be done about the levels of immigration. I don't think this problem is going to go away until the government starts to address that.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


From what I’ve seen this far only trouble has been from the Muslim element (far right)

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

So many getting really upset about these marches.

Having a bit of a hysterical meltdown and lashing out. Not the first time.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

The far-right is rebelling with violence, because they couldn't win at the election.

All because of Brexit.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

From what I’ve seen this far only trouble has been from the Muslim element (far right)

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Yes, that’s the initial riots the ones after by Muslims especially the one in Birmingham has led to more arrests.

Unfortunately the police chose not to attend the Muslim disorder so have to look at CCTV and videos people made to catch the culprits.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )


I think you need to back up your claims with media links.

4 ( +8 / -4 )


Your insights and info about working in London show that you’ve had actual experience which most posters here have not.


Canada is a few steps behind the UK but you’ll experience exactly the same further down the road.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Thugs receive prison terms of up to three years. Now they'' have regrets digging it out in overcrowded prisons and becoming targets from other prisoners.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Canada is a few steps behind the UK but you’ll experience exactly the same further down the road.

Nah, They dealt with the morons here (the convoyers).

They are irrelevant now. Social pariahs. Everyone talks about them with disdain, and the ones who could, moved to America.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Did you see the Muslim guy who was arrested yesterday for walking around with a sword.

No, but I did see a group of gammon being escorted to safety into a police van for their own protection. Escorted by the Police. The same police that they were throwing rocks at, and punching in the face just a few days ago…..

7 ( +9 / -2 )



The Birmingham trouble

-10 ( +2 / -12 )



Your insights and info about working in London show that you’ve had actual experience which most posters here have not.

I worked in London for 25 years. I also worked to help homeless people with the establishment of housing and worker co-ops. Free food kitchens. Drug and alcohol addictions.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

From what I’ve seen this far only trouble has been from the Muslim element (far right)

Steve, you are sounding really upset about these marches .

The walls aren’t closing in. Cheer up.

8 ( +12 / -4 )


I was talking about last nights demonstrations not the last few weeks which you would have seen if you had read my initial comment. Better to be a bit more dignified especially when you are in error.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Successive British governments have maintained right-wing rule for the Establishment served by the BBC and the gutter-press and media to groom the burgeoning disaffected underclass their policies have produced to unload their anger and resentment on the Other. The chickens had to come to roost. Fortunately, there are enough sensible citizens to keep them in check. Government repression under a ruthless authoritarian is becoming a much bigger worry, though.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I am sure that certain of our friends on this thread will be wiring their money over to help bail out Dazza, Bazza and Wayne once they get sentenced and shipped off to serve at His Majesty's Pleasure.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Just a thought....how do the grieving families of the knife attack feel having their personal loss hijacked by right wing filth.

2 ( +7 / -5 )


the three girls were murdered in Southport on July 29. The far-right riots started following that. 9 days ago, not the last few weeks you have claimed.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

falseflagsteve, I agree, options have run out, the electorate cannot fait ignorance, the media across the board make it clear as did the IFS.

BOTH main parties would have NO choice but to increases taxes, across the board pensioners to middle earning families.

Essential NHS reform, dare I suggest funding model, the sanctity of "free at the point of delivery" means tested.

This hooliganism, this so called "right wing" element is being arrested and imprisoned, I am a little taken back that just 160 have been charged,

It is the silent majority, the "have nots" an underclass where crime, hard drug use destroys communities, the recoil that ignites income disparity , gender inequality, health care, social class distinction then isolation, hate.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


I said earlier on these comments that I don’t condone any violence, I’m a pacifist.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )


There were Muslim riots in Leeds a few weeks ago, seems they have been erased from people’s minds. Oh yeah, hardly reported.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Do you think that doubting all media, and calling people goons, makes People of Intelligence think you're a PoI?

NIBBA do you actually think trusting all media makes you the intelligent one? shut up lmao you're beyong stupid

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

NIBBA do you actually think trusting all media makes you the intelligent one?

Do you think mistakenly claiming that someone trusts all media makes you look like an intelligent discerning person to PoI?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

the guy probably still trusts the Sun after everything they pulled XD

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

I was talking about last nights demonstrations not the last few weeks which you would have seen if you had read my initial comment

I was talking about you talking about ‘loony left’ and the ‘LGBT mob’.

You might be getting a bit muddled again like last time when you started replying to your own posts.

Be careful.

I think your use of ‘mob’ isn’t great here.

That’s best left to the trash who smashed up shops, looted and committed arson after following garbage on social media.

Best reserve it for them.

9 ( +11 / -2 )


There were Muslim riots in Leeds a few weeks ago, seems they have been erased from people’s minds. Oh yeah, hardly reported.

Not correct. The police removed four Romani children from a house with unrelated people.


5 ( +9 / -4 )

There were Muslim riots in Leeds a few weeks ago, seems they have been erased from people’s minds. Oh yeah, hardly reported.

These coincide with the increase in illegal immigration.

Islamic terrorism needs to be eliminated and it starts with stopping more illegal immigration.

It's good the people are speaking out against this.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

karma hits back.

eat your cake now.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

There were Muslim riots in Leeds a few weeks ago, seems they have been erased from people’s minds.

More likely they're distracted by the far right sour grapes rioters in the streets right now.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It's good the people are speaking out against this

I’d give odds of well over 50/1 on the looters, arsonists and vandals being good people.

karma hits back


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Rent capping is something urgently needed and higher taxing of landlords with multiple properties. Encourage them to flog em to get housing prices down.

The last government used tax changes to make it less profitable for private landlords, the result was mass selling and less rental property available so demand, prices and homelessness went up. They need to build more homes but with at least 750,000 extra people entering the country each year good luck with keeping up with that. Those 750,000 put a burden on housing, the health service, schools... everything. It is wrong to say those anti immigration are racist. Mass immigration has cause or added to so many problems in the UK.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"Justice" is served swiftly and harshly coming down like a ton of bricks on rioting yobs in stark contrast to the treatment of the moneyed, connected and privileged who enjoy the more leisurely pace of justice delayed, a shocking example of which would be the 7 years since the horrific Grenfell Tower fire with survivors and their families still "waiting for Godot".

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"Justice" is served swiftly and harshly coming down like a ton of bricks on rioting yobs in stark contrast to the treatment of the moneyed, connected and privileged who enjoy the more leisurely pace of justice delayed, a shocking example of which would be the 7 years since the horrific Grenfell Tower fire with survivors and their families still "waiting for Godot".

That's also partly because we have a new government, which seems to be at least nominally interested in serving the entire country, not just handing out contracts to their rich mates. And we have a former prosecutor at the helm, i.e. someone who knows the criminal justice system inside and out.

It would be great if Labour showed a real tough on crime stance, as that's one thing that Tory supporters (sadly, they still exist) are always bleating about.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

As someone who spent a decade-plus studying and then working in and around Brighton, I'm heartened by what I see on social media. The locals massively outnumbered the Dazza / Bazza bovver boy crowd, and basically hemmed them into a tiny space where they had to be protected by the police.

For every immigrant-hating, unemployed, alcoholic, uneducated loser, there are many more people who will tell them where they can go.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Mr Kipling, the private renting market for many investors is a means to provide an income for there retirement.

Immigration natural or otherwise must be sustainable, there has to be affordable housing, social housing, Jobs employment, provision for schooling, NHS provision for dependents, infrastructure, roads.

I know for a fact Brighton and Hove has a housing crisis.

Our housing challenges and initiatives


Brighton & Hove has a housing crisis with 7,500 households currently on the Housing Register. This includes 1,800 people currently living in temporary or emergency accommodation.  

One of our biggest challenges is how we can provide more housing to meet the city’s ever-increasing needs. We also need to ensure our housing it is genuinely affordable to buy or rent.

The number for undocumented illegal migrants housed in Brighton hotels and the costs is another matter altogether,

Another horror story .......

Child migrants to be sent back to hotel where 136 vanished


A Brighton hotel where unaccompanied young people seeking asylum disappeared is to be brought back into use by the Home Office

Has it never occurred to these foolish arrogant anti immigration, so called protesters, that the people smugglers traffickers have shocking criminal purposes for these migrants?

In total, more than 400 unaccompanied children have gone missing from hotels run by the Home Office. Of those, 154 are still missing according to a recent parliamentary debate, despite police efforts to find them.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

...we have a former prosecutor at the helm, i.e. someone who knows the criminal justice system inside and out.

Yes, but he's a man millions now know is not to be trusted as a serial promise-breaker and ruthless backstabber who, as main honcho in the CPS let Jimmy Savile, the brutal police murderers of Jean Charles de Menezes, Israeli war criminal Tzipi Livni escape justice and who now fully condonies and supports Zionist war crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Iran. With a record like that, he has revealed himself to be a dangerously underhanded power-hungry social-climber.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The UK is a total basket case. It is a third world country.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

The fact remains, the "2 tiers" policy reaches into heart of parliamentary democracy, into society.

The refusal to have difficult conversations, to instead silence debate, shut down, "race baiting", forcibly through the application of the courts to shut up any discourse exchange of views.

The LBC has been labelled the public disorder the "Farage Riots".

Never has Farage ever instigated, encouraged called for public disorder or rioting.

Farage has questioned past and present government policy on immigration.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )


There were Muslim riots in Leeds a few weeks ago, seems they have been erased from people’s minds. Oh yeah, hardly reported.

These coincide with the increase in illegal immigration.

Islamic terrorism needs to be eliminated and it starts with stopping more illegal immigration.

It's good the people are speaking out against this.

The riots in Leeds were not Muslim it was Roma. The majority of immigrants entering the UK are not Muslims. Suddenly, according to you there was a sudden increase in immigration when in fact the numbers are down.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Look at the picture: "Hands off Muslims", but it is ok to kill Jews and Christians?

"Refuges welcome" are they welcome in Saudi Arabia or Indonesia?

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

UK rents are too high and the tenancies lack the previous security they had. All abolished by Sunak and his Tory ban. Granddaughter moved to Brighton after finishing uni but had to move just outside to find an affordable rent.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

wallace, I am glad your Granddaughter was able to settle in Brighton, even if on the outskirts.

Brighton and Hove city has tried to invest in affordable housing, but raising investment capital has been a struggle day one.

Private finance wants a clear return on investment.

Land could be made available but the costs of building, coupled with the demands to profit on a premier seaside housing market means provision for affordable house is relegated to a back seat.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

All of the current problems were created by Sunak and his Tory Party after 14 years of misrule and abuses. It will take Starmer and the Labour Party a lot longer than a month to try and correct those. Especially the immigration problem.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"Granddaughter moved to Brighton after finishing uni but had to move just outside to find an affordable rent".

If you'd be OK with being specific (I'll understand if you're not) , I'd be interested in where that is - i.e. what would be considered affordable in that neck of the woods. I lived on the border of Hollingbury / Patcham for years, although my rent was a "student rent" and therefore not reflective of the general going rate. Back then, and I'm assuming now, Brighton had its desirable and less-than-desirable areas.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

u_s__reamerToday  11:22 am JST

Yes, but he's a man millions now know is not to be trusted as a serial promise-breaker and ruthless backstabber who, as main honcho in the CPS let Jimmy Savile, the brutal police murderers of Jean Charles de Menezes, Israeli war criminal Tzipi Livni escape justice and who now fully condonies and supports Zionist war crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Iran. 

Don’t like the guy, but the first two (Savile and Menezes) are quite patently false. The allegations against Savile were dealt with by local police and a reviewing lawyer for the CPS. Starmer was NOT the reviewing lawyer.




And he wasn’t even the DPP when Menezes was killied: https://www.camdennewjournal.co.uk/article/attacks-on-starmers-record-as-director-of-public-prosecutions-are-simply-wrong

”The letter states that Keir approved the decision to not bring charges against police for his death. In fact, the decision not to prosecute an individual police officer in this case was made by the Crown Prosecution Service in 2006, two years before Keir became the Director of Public Prosecutions.”


And as for the last, guilty as charged. But what do you expect from a admitted Zionist?


4 ( +4 / -0 )


I applaud your efforts in digging up actual evidence, but fear that it will be ignored. We now live in the era of "whatever I want to be true, is true".

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The LBC has been labelled the public disorder the "Farage Riots".

Never has Farage ever instigated, encouraged called for public disorder or rioting

I saw Farage’s interview on LBC.

The accusation was that Farage was promoting inflammatory conspiracy theories.

This is different to “Farage has questioned past and present government policy on immigration”.

He was talking about ‘influential’ people like Andrew Tate.

A member of the House of Commons shouldn’t really be doing this. 30p Lee seemed to see the rioters, thieves and arsonists as boys letting off a bit of steam.

Leave that to trash spammers on social media.

He’s an MP now.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"The rioting thugs... who desperately try to save face by pretending '100 demo' plans were deliberate LIES to waste police time."

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Migration to Britain was a major factor in its 2016 vote to leave the European Union and it was a battleground during last month's election, with Nigel Farage's Reform Party winning around 4 million votes on calls for tighter border controls.

Smart choice to leave the EU, otherwise the illegal immigration problems would be worse.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Some dude

"Granddaughter moved to Brighton after finishing uni but had to move just outside to find an affordable rent".

If you'd be OK with being specific (I'll understand if you're not) , I'd be interested in where that is - i.e. what would be considered affordable in that neck of the woods. I lived on the border of Hollingbury / Patcham for years, although my rent was a "student rent" and therefore not reflective of the general going rate. Back then, and I'm assuming now, Brighton had its desirable and less-than-desirable areas.

She only recently moved there. I don't know the exact location. Great place for fish&chips.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Nigel Farage refuses to apologise for comments on Southport killer | LBC


Context is the key, I have criticized Farage on many occasion, Farage flaws and failures is never to offer clear constructive solutions.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"Anti Racism", does not equal "let in the immigrants"

And it also follows, that those for stopping the flow of illegal migrants, are not "racist".

False conflation right there. Modus operandi of the left.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

zibalaToday  12:21 pm JST

Migration to Britain was a major factor in its 2016 vote to leave the European Union and it was a battleground during last month's election, with Nigel Farage's Reform Party winning around 4 million votes on calls for tighter border controls.

Smart choice to leave the EU, otherwise the illegal immigration problems would be worse.

Again, utterly delusional. If the sole intention of Brexit was to stop immigration, it made Customs and Immigrations’ job worse by far. Before Brexit, the border was at Calais. Controlled and regulated, checked by the French. Now, the border is Dover. Think about that. If the object was to stop people coming into the country, it failed, miserably. Once they land at Dover, it’s MUCH harder to deport them. Don’t you get that?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Context is the key, I have criticized Farage on many occasion, Farage flaws and failures is never to offer clear constructive solutions.

As we’ve mentioned before, Farage has spent his political life heckling and insulting people and countries.

I have serious doubts that he can ever change.

At the very least, as an MP he should refrain from promoting conspiracy theories in a flammable situation.

Serious people know how stupid and easily led conspiracy theorists tend to be.

So does he.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Child migrants to be sent back to hotel where 136 vanished.

There are many asylum seekers who claim to be 17. They are then treated as children. Almost all are male, many closer to 40 than 17.

Ridiculously the onus is on the immigration service to show otherwise.

They know how to work the system. The system is broken.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

None of the European countries and the US have been able to solve the problem of illegal migration.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Farage is not a likable fellow, his approach to immigration fails to fully address and understand that UK has built flourishing diverse communities for hundreds of years.

Where Farage has a role to play is provoking difficult conversation debate. question, immigration policies.

Farage heckles without contributing any concrete alternatives.

One of the great political flaws of populism.

Farage is not a "leader", more a "bystander", at the aftermath of a catastrophe suggesting to relatives of the deceased who is to blame, and how he always predicted it would happen, yet nobody listened.

He gloats, a character flaw that compounds his the self-gratification.

However much many would like to beat him senseless, to wipe that smug grin off bis face, for the moment his disconcerting presence is need in the commons to break up the two party competency

0 ( +2 / -2 )

The far-right is rebelling with violence, because they couldn't win at the election.

Most of the people protesting have one major issue on their minds - they want to put an end to mass immigration to the UK. Beyond that, most of them are not especially political. Being against mass immigration, is of course a far-right position, but just because someone holds that view, it doesn't necessarily make them far-right. Indeed, anybody on the political spectrum from centre-left to far-right could be against mass immigration.

I'm sure there are some far-right protesters among them, but for the vast majority, it's a protest against mass immigration. On that front, the anti-immigration vote has won two recent elections - first the Brexit vote, which although not exclusively about immigration, that issue was a large part of it. Then the vote for Boris Johnson, which re-affirmed the Brexit vote. And what happened after winning those elections? They were completely ignored - net immigration to the UK has soared to all-time highs both legal and illegal. Thats why the people are now rebelling with violence.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I read somewhere that London is one of the most linguistically diverse cities in the world, although apparently New York takes the top spot. If you find a spot and hang around, you will hear dozens of different languages being spoken.

This suggests that for all the right wing oafs like to make a lot of noise, cheered on by "ran away to New Zealand" Farage, "ran away to Cyprus" Robinson, and "probably gonna get banged up in Romania" Tate, multiculturalism isn't going away.

And I'd rather have a country of skilled, intelligent, well-traveled, well-read immigrants than a country of pasty, overweight, perpetually angry cretins with nary a brain cell between them.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

And I'd rather have a country of skilled, intelligent, well-traveled, well-read immigrants

Not sure what planet you are on but those are not the ones lining up at Calais, or landing on our shores in dingys. Absolutely delusional.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

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