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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.New questions rise after Iran says it downed Ukrainian plane
By JON GAMBRELL DUBAI, United Arab Emirates©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
It just shows that Iran's inept forces were in high alert expecting retaliation from the U.S. This is another unfortunate learning experience, but will we learn from it.
When will the black boxes become available for experts to see?
The crew manning the missile new immediately they'd shot down the plane. How many days does that information take to get up the chain of command? Any answer over 6 hrs is too long. Mistakes happen, but not reporting those mistake immediately means there is a failure in the entire chain of command.
The nation was quite understandably very nervous and made a terrible mistake. I'm sure an apology from Iran is coming; I'm sure the people there feel horrible.
Chip Star
All of these alleged “Pearl Harbor type attacks” are authorized by your boy Donny. Why not simply acknowledge that instead of blaming “America”?
One can only hope Iran learns from their mistakes and sees the errors of their ways.
Iran's further steps away from its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers,
Time to scratch the old one and prepare a new one.
That’s putting a mild spin on it. The people are enraged and want the Ayatollah to step down. Just boggles my mind why this country didn’t pay attention and made responsible efforts to ground all commercial flights within and around their country. Sorry doesn’t cut it for the families, this was a classic major screwup, period!
All these innocent people would be alive if not for Trump's obsession with everything Obama/Impeachment scare. There are human consequences to his childish behavior. We all acknowledge Iran has been a bad actor. Why rush a confrontation now?
No, the people would have been alive if the Iranian officials would have paid attention to their own skies and aviation crew that during the incident they had commercial planes in the skies. They’re not kids, this shouldn’t have happened, why they didn’t ground all commercial flights? Complete and utter incompetence.
And uh..what, No consequences for the Iranians that shot and killed their own people?
Bad is an understatement.
Toasted Heretic
This horrible tragedy would not have occurred if Trump hadn't carried out an illegal assassination. And just what was the so-called imminent attack? That story seems to change with every passing day.
All countries where Iran has performed or supported terrorist attacks. This ignores all the tied attacks against US personal, ships, and embassy's/consulates.
BTW, Egypt considers Hamas a terrorist organization.
Hezbollah is active in the region, but also on other continents like South and Central America.
But keep saying they are nice people.
Iran killed between 300 and 1500 govt protesters, mostly very poor people, in the Nov/Dec 2019 unrest. "Nice people."
So many lovely people in Iran, a place full of history, beauty and heart. The problem lies with the mouth of the government, any government. Can the people, can the world trust what they say? The old saying that 'a man is as good as his word' applies to countries too. It is a long struggle for every country to gain a measure of respect and get people to pay attention. We fail, we fall, we have to get up again.
What people? Who said this? This is huge. Do you mean you want the Ayatollah to step down?
Because Iran killed our citizen, attacked our embassy and flew their terrorist leader to Iraq to collaborate with the guy who did that. We didn’t set the timing, Iran did.
Wouldn't be nice if this tragedy sparked a massive protest against the Iranian government, massive enough to topple it and replace it with a decent government?
Sorry, we had every right to take out Solimani, Al Baghdadi, OBL, Anwar al-Awlaki to name a few, we had every right to get rid of them, you kill our people, we will hunt you down and kill you, that simple.
Gosh, liberals never made this fuss about OBL or al-Awlaki, now that Trump is President liberals are having a seizure when we off these people. Lol
Chip Star
On January 29, 2017, al-Awlaki's 8-year-old daughter, Nawar al-Awlaki, was killed in a U.S. commando attack in Yementhat was ordered by President Donald Trump.
Gaddaffi’s daughter was killed as well in the air strike ordered by Reagan, Al Baghdadi blew himself up with his kids. Sad as it is, these terrorists are insane for putting their kids in harms way. War is ugly and if you are a terrorist and you have kids, there is no way for us or allied forces to know where they are and if you use your kids as a protective shield, then it’s on them sadly because when the bombs fly there is no advance warning system to alert allied forces that children are present. Don’t want your children killed, don’t be a terrorist, it’s that simple.
Hello Kitty 321
At least Iran admitted it shot down the airliner, when the U.S. shot down an airliner over Iran it took 5 years for it to admit it made a mistake.
Who killed her father and how? Why would you purposely not mention the key fact?
You know liberals have nothing relevant to say when all their posts are about other posters or generalized statements of Orangemanbad. Followed by... but but the USA did “something” too.
so if the protestors cause the regime to change to something more in line with the will of the Iranian people, then Trump caused that too, right?
All this death and chaos because an idiotic criminal who was elected president in the US has been impeached.
Vote Democrat 2020!
NK killed 10 of thousands, and one American, Trump send a birthday greetings Google Chairman Kim Birthday
Liberal media and Dems loved it when Iranians were chanting Death to America.
now that they are chanting other things, they don’t quite seem so interested.
idiot CNN woman said the people couldn’t have been more friendly to her personally as an they chanted Death to America.
BINGO! The domino that fell that started this tragedy was Donnie's political decision to attack Soleimani. It wasn't about a so-called imminent threat, it was about impeachment...
Its that simple for simple minds. What you just said was a textbook example of how terrorists justifying killing innocent civilians. More evidence Trumpers want America to be more like Russia, Al Queda, and ISIS...
Pure BS...
Stop watching Hannity...
As I was saying, simple minds....
Yes that CNN anchor who is pushing that narrative does have a simple mind. Total idiocy. They really mean it, it’s just a “thing” liberals say.
But now that Trump tweeted support for the Iranian people, liberal media has to move their support back to the regime. Cause Orangemanbad over all else.
Mr Kipling
Don’t forget the US nay captain that “accidentally” shot down the Iranian airliner killing 290 innocent civilians was praised and even awarded a medal!
liberal media headlines;
In Iran, 'death to America' doesn't always mean what it seems
In Iran, ‘death to America’ doesn’t mean what you think
“Trump claims he tamed Iran to stop chanting ‘Death to America.' Wrong.”
CNN’s Erin Burnett: Iranians Chanting ‘Death To America’ Are Very Friendly People
liberal Iran apologists everywhere. They love the Death to America narrative it’s not a big deal to them.
But then trump tweets support for Iranian people. Liberal: “how dare Trump support people who chanting Death to America!!”
It's pretty clear what happened that started this tragedy....
As has been reported, Trump heard from some of the Repub Senators that they needed some "good news" to offset all the evidence that will come out during the Senate trial...
Donnie asked the Pentagon for options to attack Iran - they gave him a menu - and he chose the most provocative one - that surprised even the Pentagon briefers...Take out Soleimani and one other Iranian official...
The attack was carried out - one succeeded, one failed...
Donnie then issues his Red Line - attack us and we'll obliterate 52 military and cultural locations in Iran...
Despite this Red Line, Iran launches 22 missiles at US bases in Iraq...
Donnie then does what he always does - he turns on Fox News to determine what to do...he sees Brian Kilmeade criticizing him for lying about the Iran nuclear deal. Then he watches Tucker Carlson and gets more criticism for starting another Middle East war.
That was enough - the previous Red Line in cave, blink, dodge, turn tail...
Kick this bumbling, demented, old fool out before he listens to some other far-right, NEOCON war monger and gets a whole lot more people killed...
And yep!
Didn't Russian (Trump's old friend Puti) backed forces shoot down an airplane over the Ukraine?
Not just any Senators but..........
Trump reportedly told associates he killed Soleimani under pressure
Innocent people died because of Trump's selfishness!
Vote Democrat 2020!
Chip Star
I’m a deep state operative, obviously.
Pentagon: Mr President, here is a list of 52 military sites in Iran that you could attack if they retaliate...
Trump: Good, are there any cultural sites on here - I really want to go after them...
Pentagon: Mr President, that would be a violation of the Geneva Convention and the Laws of Armed Conflict...
Trump: Who cares, I want some cultural sites to bomb...
Pentagon: You mean religious, community, or historical sites?
Trump: No, no - I want cultural sites, you know - golf courses, casinos, strip kind of culture...
Keep on kissy kissy kissy up with the dictators, Dirtbag Donny.
You forget - gambling, drinking, nudity are no-nos in the 'Islamic Republic'. You can't even 'Rock the Casbah' there. Of course, Trump has no sense of culture, or class anyway.
Tragedy? It was a much needed blessing.
Ahh, because Vox said so? Lol! I forget, liberals don’t need verification or proof on anything, gut instincts is more than enough.
And yet, liberals keep talking the Russia narrative to death...hmmmmm.
No, so which one is it? Either they relished in the Iranians chanting death to the US or they oppose it and are happy that the President took decisive action?
Not true. Try this:
What about the conservatives? lol, rofl, smh, hmmm, uh huh, what?
and as above, more made up imaginary conversations that never happened presented as truthful representations. schiff did the same thing in Congress, it supposedly “parody”,
if things were actually as bad as liberals claim, wouldnt need to make things up.
Trump was into birtherism, said Ted Cruz’s father was in on the JFK assassination, retweeted dodgy videos from a racist organization and told his followers to check out a non-existent sex tape.
I think his supporters are far more eager to accept and make excuses for unproven and unverified trash than anyone else. It’s part of the moral degradation necessary to be a all-in member of the lunatic fringe.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if Trump's decisions brought down the Iranian regime? The House would likely add another Impeachment article, "Interfering in the Affairs of a Foreign Government."
Over 200 innocent civilians dead and that's a blessing? You sound like ISIS or Hezbollah...
Wrong. We can tell you didn't read the link - it was reported by that conservative bastion the WSJ....
Talking? It's in plain sight for all to see...
More NEOCON "You're with us or you're against us" Yep, 2020 is the Year of the Return of the NEOCON...courtesy of the Great Orange War Monger...
No, I gave a just a few examples of rancid, unproven and unverified trash from Trump which his supporters have to skirt around.
Just like you did with your partisan response.
It’s comical that you, who makes excuses for Trump’s garbage, is attacking ‘liberals’ for accepting unverified trash.
Truly, smh.
But we know these things are not true. That’s the difference between us and you.
You still think the dossier is real, that Mueller is still coming, that the FBI acted ethically, Cohen went to Prague, muh Russia collusion. On and on.
Who says I believe those things? Don’t fall into thinking everyone is an automaton or a partisan in the trenches.
I just think it’s incredible that his supporters are able to just step over his mindless unproven trash and then attack others for being willing to accept unsubstantiated claims.
Yes, we have given and not to mention the msm liberal especially last year had so many retractions from the bogus debunked claims of Trump profiting from him being in the WH enriching his kids, from the Muller Russia witch-hunt and now to the impeachment farce, liberals have been drinking the Kool aid and believing everything that O’Donnell, Cuomo and Lemon’s been force feeding them, it is not good to have this mental obsession with the President. How will the liberals cope with 4 more years of Trump? I worry...
I feel the exact opposite of what liberals here and abroad do. Smh
I’m still waiting to know who ‘the people’ are who want the ayatollah to step down.
Do you have a link?
A group of protesters constitutes ‘the people’? Hundreds are prove the views of a country of 80 million or so? You shouldn’t do this on a forum like this. It is inaccurate and misleading.
Also, this is from your link:
Remember what we said about unproven and unverified sources? Don’t treat the good posters here like Trump treats his followers with his mindless conspiracy trash.
Exactly my point. Your statement implies that Trump was actually guilty but Barr did something to prevent Mueller from being successful in his “Mueller is coming” quest.
remember all the cute little memes of Mueller And Comey leading Trump out of White House in cuffs and an orange jumpsuit? what happened there?
So what false allegation do you have against Barr?
I disagree.
So since a vast majority of young people want him to step down what do you think? I think he should.
And please don’t treat Trump supporters any differently than you would the haters.
You shouldn’t. You posted an unverified, I repeat, unverified, video showing a group of protestors and saw it as a reflection of the will of ‘the people’. This just won’t do.
Link, please. It surely must be a poll.
I don’t believe that for a second
I did, but liberals also believe Trump will be kicked out of office as well. Lol.
That’s why he failed. Give up the Russia thing, it’s just not working anymore for liberals.
but you liberals do it every day as well all of it one-sided skewed opinionated point of views