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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.APEC ministers credit China with fueling recovery
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Raja Kumar
Asia Pacific's APEC meet,is good meeting for all APEC nations to create abundance and peace.
I only buy the finest of Chinese cotton wherever I shop.
China will implode eventually and break up. Then we we be in another new world. Muslim China, Tibet China, Rich Han China, Poor Han China, Free HongKong China, And Taiwan.
praise China all you want, but until they start recognizing non-Chinese as Chinese and open their borders to proper immigration, they in my opinion, should not be any thing to glorify.
Har! If the U.S. stopped buying Chinese-made stuff, the Chinese economy would collapse.
China is doing so many good things for thw world, we should all be grateful. Without China, we would pay 3 times more for our socks. Our standard of living would drop dramatically. We should all donate parts of our savings we make because of China to feed the hunger.
Har! if the P.R.C. stopped buying American-issued debt, the American economy would collapse.
The same could be said if the PRC stopped buying US debt. The US economy would collapse.
"Har! if the P.R.C. ( communist China ) stopped buying American-issued debt, the American economy would collapse"
But communist China won't stop buying U.S. debt because if the American economy collapsed, there goes China's economy!
"European and other Asian exporters complain that the yuan’s effective peg against a weakening U.S. dollar, makes Chinese exports artificially cheaper, and thus more competitive, in overseas markets."
Well, the Chinese will get sick of playing with funny money sooner or later. China will switch its debt to more responsible borrowers, and the RMB and dollar will wave to each other as they fly off in different directions.
"Beijing’s policies were contributing to Chinese and global economic stability and recovery, he said, adding, “Moving too quickly will have a real negative effect.”"
No. I think it will have a NOMINAL negative effect, but not a REAL one. Little economist humor there for you.
I see a lot of denial and wishful thinking in the posts above. Do the words MADE IN JAPAN ring a bell? How about 9% average GNP growth since 1978? I am not a China fan, but I have seen this before, and all the good old boys chuckling about Japan's paper umbrellas learned how to say Konnichiwa BUT quick a few years later. Do you really want to get ready for the future? Remember these words: Ni hao and Shieh shieh.
We can all hope for a better future, but it is not the way to bet. China's holding three aces, and it is still drawing.
Hi and Thank You. How about, 'Give me chocolate?'
in other words, m.a.d. (mutually assured destruction). you're original post made it seem as if the puck was solely on the u.s.'s side.
I just wish China would hurry up and produce a consumer.
President Hu Jintao deserves much credit in dealing with his counterparts. China continues to progress economically. This year China issued 217K visas to people around the world who mostly will be attending events, colleges & Universities. China has loaned much money to various countries in Africa and also within the Asean community. Additionally, Hu Jintao has stated on numerous occasions that he will not interfere in the internal affairs of other sovereign nations.