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© 2022 AFPArabs decry 'racist' double standard in Ukraine media commentary
By Tony Gamal-Gabriel BAGHDAD©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Not only the media, but governments around the world are rushing aid including high tech MILITARY aid to Ukraine while Iraqi's Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanon did NOT receive any such aid at all, Russian war plane destroyed most of north Syria killed thousands, used cluster bombs on civilian while the world is watching, then when people wanted to leave the war zones they were blocked, and have to swim to Europe, I'll never forget little dead bodies of children washing off the beaches of Europe while NATO and the EU were watching.
Aly Rustom
Well said Mark! As a Half Syrian I concur 100%
Blonde haired, blue eyed victims are much more newsworthy to 欧米 media. It's obscene.
""Salem Barahmeh, director of the pro-Palestinian platform Rabet, was quick to point out seeming discrepancies in the commentary.
"First we discover that international law still exists. Refugees are welcome depending where they come from. Resistance to occupation is not only legitimate but a right", he wrote on Twitter.""
Amen, we almost forgotten that "" Resistance to occupation is not only legitimate but a right"" for as long as the Occupier is NOT a NATO nation or a western backed thug.
Alfie Noakes
It is indeed. Especially when one considers the near complete lack of coverage of what's happening in Yemen, where the Saudis are slaughtering Yemenis with Raytheon missiles. Half-starved Yemeni children just aren't newsworthy when it's "our" allies that are doing the killing.
Franz Pichler
The best way would be if all those Arab countries would now take in 1 million Ukrainians, giove them social welfare and build them some churches. How about that instead of complaining...
Speaking of racsim, Africans in Ukraine aren't being allowed to leave. This is pretty sickening considering the fact that much of the mainstream media is constantly crying about racism but is conveniently ignoring this as well as politicians:
Ouch truth hurts......
Yes, how dare every crisis in the entire world not be addressed with exact equal measure at the exact same time in every single medium. We need to cancel anyone who isn't meeting said expectation. Can I get a hallelujah?
The Avenger
The underlying racism in their reporting perfectly illustrates that institutional racism is VERY REAL!
Mr Kipling
Not much mention in the news of the huge number of foreigners, especially those of colour, being kicked off buses and trains leaving Ukraine.
Isn't this what Europeans do?
I am quite serious, all Europeans do is hold grudges, wait for their turn for revenge and they can be quite patient.
Meanwhile they ramp up the anti XYX country propaganda/people starting with the very young.
This conflict isn't much different.
I guess the Fracturing of Yugoslavia and the war they had are now forgotten? And what was the reason for the break up of Yugoslavia?
Oh right historical hatred of each group towards the other and vengeance.
Google this:
why do arab countries not take refugees
then consider
Arabs are hardly in a position to complain about double standards.
Well, that's not quite true. Syria got a lot more than MILITARY aid, they got the US MILITARY itself. Now whether that helped is debatable, but it's not as if the West did nothing.
Quite shocking really. I think you could have chosen your words a lot more carefully than that.
Really, I distinctly remember bombings by multiple countries on Serbia, over multiple phases of the wars and those planes doing the bombing to impose their will were from countries that are armed with nuclear weapons.
A major reason why Russia didn't go to the aid of Serbia as it has in the past.
Seems that Europeans still like their own selective memories.
Ukrainians have a similar culture and will integrate into which ever country they arrive. Most will know some English and will learn the local language quickly. Also, Ukrainians are highly educated and the women also work, That's a huge plus.
We don't see Ukrainians trying to go to the countries of the Gulf. I wonder why not? Ah ... it is because the wealthy Gulf countries don't accept refugees.
And the juiciest part? David Sakvarelidze who is Ukraine’s deputy chief prosecutor, said the situation in his country was “very emotional” for him because “European people with blue eyes and blonde hair” were being killed every day. This is just the tip of the iceberg that is the nationalism entrenched in Ukrainian politics.
The above is a clear example of #2 of a 3-pronged misinformation campaign:
I know most here are far to young but anyone remember Lebanon and the civil war, or the multiple coup attempts in Jordan?
Well if these two Arab countries hadn't taken in as many refugees as they did none of that would have happened!
It was the influx of mostly Suni refugees that upset the delicate balance between Druze, Shia, Suni, Maronite Christians, Syrian orthodox, Catholics, that inevitably lead to the civil war.
In Jordan, they decided to give most these refugees citizenship only for them to try and take over.
So with such early experience in taking in large numbers of refugees, I can see why most places in the region are reluctant.
Dropping bombs and shooting Tomahawk missiles is not an invasion to you but it is considered war. You’re out on a limb in this one. If US is not a nuclear state, then which country is? On a stem now.
Desert Tortoise
None of those nuclear armed states took any territory in the Balkans for themselves. They were not there to conquer any other nation. The only reason they engaged in combat with the Serbs was to stop the Serbian genocides against Muslims in the region. Once the genocides were stopped and borders more or less settled combat ended and most of the forces left the region. But even today the Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina are in the process of abrogating the Dayton Accords and threating a resumption of the war there, encouraged to do so by the Russians.
Back on topic please.
@ Strangerland There's literally a video of it on YT lol.
Which is why it was included in #2 of the misinformation campaign:
From mainstream channels
Charlie D'Agata: “This is a relatively civilized, relatively European city, where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it’s going to happen."
David Sakvarelidze, the former deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine: “it’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed”.
Daniel Hannan, a British journalist: “They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking. War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It can happen to anyone.”
Peter Dobbie: “These are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa,” he said. “They look like any European family that you would live next door to.”
Kelly Cobiella : "To put it bluntly, these are not refugees from Syria, these are refugees from Ukraine... They're Christian, they're white, they're very similar."
StrangerlandToday 10:47 am JST
Here is a direct quote from David Sakvarelidze's interview on BBC.
Not some Russian propaganda news, the BBC
Really disgusting! Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan are prime examples. No sanctions or whatsoever on USA/EU's war against terrorism despite the massive casualties involved including innocent civilians. Russia helps defend DONBAS and western countries labeled it an INVASION.
Joe Unc
It appears the majority of Middle Eastern and African refugees in Europe are young fighting age men who left women and children behind. Whereas the majority of refugees from Ukrain are Ukrainian women and children and Middle Eastern people who have made Ukrain their home. Ukrain men are the ones staying to fight.
Impunity and hypocrisy truly are contagious.
Ukrainian men aren't allowed to leave Ukraine if they are of fighting age. They get pulled off trains and are not allowed to cross road borders. Ukraine has been clear on this and has handed out over 10,000 firearms.
Women and children ARE allowed to leave.
This has been published by multiple, reputable, news services starting at least 2 days ago.
@Antiquesaving, that interview has a specific tone to it that is lost in a transcript, especially where the full context has been edited.
Let's not forget, none of this would be necessary if Putin and the Russian govt didn't invade. That's where the fault lies.
The absolute worst hypocrisy is when Israel attacks Gaza or the occupied West Bank and the Western Media and Western governments (especially the United States) send Israel more money and military aid and say "Israel has a right to defend itself". Moreover, if you speak out against the Israeli government, you are called an anti-Semite. Now we are seeing the exact opposite. Putin is behaving just like Netanyahu did.
It's pretty much similar to the racism that the poor Indian (many of whom are Muslims) and Pakistani (all Muslim) workers face in Arab countries.
Neither Arab countries nor most European countries have acknowledged the racist underbellies of their own societies. US is much better in this regard because it's a nation of immigrants and has made efforts to at least address their historical wrongdoings.