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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Lieberman to start Senate investigation into Fort Hood shooting
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Complained repeatedly? And people in authority ignored this?
I like what Lieberman is trying to do, but if we didn't allow Liberals to own guns this incident would have never happened. =Liberals are not responsible enough to own and safely operate guns. -that is a sad fact.
Oh come on, they're not all as bad as Squeaky Fromme (who couldn't hit the broad side of a Republican), are they?
Actually, there may be some truth to your jest. Liberal/Leftist/"Progressive" hoplophobes routinely suggest that guns make people evil (where I counter that they're just a tool, like cars, capitalism, the internet, kitchen knives, rocks lying on the ground, etc., that can only be used per the intenions of the person using them). Maybe guns just make Liberals/Leftists/"Progressives" evil and they think guns affect everybody else the same way too.
All in the name of liberal "diversity", I suspect.
Mr Lieberman, he is an alpha mensch, like me. Solid lad.
The trouble with guns is very simple gentlemen. Eventually somebody gets shot. But watching people trying to pin random thoughts on liberals is very telling.
I guess you forgot all about Dick Cheney? And I cannot tell you what party affilitant the Virginia Tech slayer or the killers of Columbine were, but I can tell you where my bets go. Its hard to actually get such information. But I have something better than retarded random musings. States that vote Republican have more gun deaths. Tough luck.
That's right. Take any event and blame it on liberalism. This mentality is not unlike the North Korean mindset that the source of every one of their problems comes from their enemies. In other words, go for the Big Lie.
I believe the real reason is to be found in the desperate need the military has for trained doctors. A Moslem psychiatrist who can counsel others suffering the strains of killing human beings probably seemed too good to be true. That is the only relation that this bears to "liberal diversity" to be found in this event.
Of course, those who buy into the big lie that it is liberal diversity at the root of this, are likely to offer a "solution" that reveals their real character: one based on inordinate hatred and fear of others.
Judas Lieberman as usual, showing his true (Republican) colors...
Lieberman, as with everything he does, will just make this situation worse.
Complained repeatedly? And people in authority ignored this?" That happens a lot. don't forget, the guy was an officer. complaining about an officer can get you in trouble.
And for the wingers two words, Timothy McVeigh. Deal with it" Why do you differentiate McVeigh and this Hassan guy? Is this my side has this and you have that? or do you not believe a radical Muslim is a right winger too?
Lieberman to start investigation into how they can investigate things they have no business investigating to rationalize their pay checks
One AP report I read yesterday said this: More than a few servicemen and servicewomen knew about this guy's extremism, but were reluctant to act because they didn't want to appear to be prejudiced against Muslims.
So thanks to political correctness, 13 people are dead.
And I'm still waiting for the so-called mainstream media to call this what it is -- a terrorist attack.
skipthesong at 11:34 AM JST - 9th November = Excellent post!
That is part of it. Now await the posts blaming this sort of over-done political correctness on the liberals! Oh, I think we can blame the liberals for a lot of PC, but they never said to fail to report a nut because of his religion did they? That would be over-doing it.
I am not so sure there is a hard and fast definition there. If Virginia Tech is not considered a terrorist act, then why should this be? Frankly, I suspicious of your motive.
My sources at the Dearborn Kabob House say the media is already fanning the fames of intolernace. They have printed reports that Major Hassan went to a strip joint in the weeks before his PTSD-induced outburst of violence, as our president so eloquently described the anti-Islamic acts at Ft. Hood.
But proceed with caution, and some skepticism. It is Fox News we are talking about.,2933,573052,00.html
It all comes down to just who it is that gets shot. A rapist trying to commit another rape? You might consider them a victim of gun violence, but I do not.
I see that dry humor and sarcasm are lost on you.
And? Even his friend, the man who was accidentally shot, said it was his own fault, not Cheney's.
Me too. My bets are that the Columbine killers were too young to vote. Not that ACORN didn't try to register them in 2008...
Again, it comes down to who gets shot. People who live in areas where their 2nd amendment rights (also known as the basic human right to self-defense) are infringed cannot shoot their attackers and are left to be victims, whether the attacker has a gun, a knife, a nylon strap, or is just bigger.
Remember, I've used a gun in self-defense. Just because somebody ends up getting shot, doesn't mean it isn't a happy ending.
numbskull: look, there are a lot of unwritten and un-said rules. If you were in the mil, I am sure you would agree. And its not that there was a rule, there is a perception that exists that prevent things like this from being taken cared of. I had an issue with a female soldier a while ago. I just dealt with her drug use until someone else found out about it. I wasn't gonna go down.
As for not wanting to consider Hassan a terrorist act, are you saying it was just a coincidence?
That silly. Tim McVeigh did not act on behalf of a religion/ideology, and if he did, it would be roundly condemned And the "right-left" dichotomy is pointless here; both radical leftists and rightists want to establish totalitarian states, as do radical islamists.
Moderator: Readers, Tim McVeigh is not relevant to this discussion.
If we had seen a headline a few months ago saying, "Army Officer's Loyalties Questioned" with a Muslim sounding name people would be talking about 7-figure settlements for discrimination with the usual Leftists calling out the US government/military.
It had no clear political goal and it was not masterminded by an organization. It was the act of a lone disgruntled nut. Same as the Virginia Tech massacre which is not being called terrorism. However, if the VT slayer had been Muslim....I think you see where I am going with this.
Hasan shouts "Allahu Akbar!" while he's gunning down the soldiers, and the libs continue to try and convince us (and themselves) it has nothing to do with Islam. Just some random act by a "lone disgruntled nut".
Wingers are saying that because Hassan worshipped at a mosque which had an imam who had ties to three of the 9-11 highjackers the shooting at Fort Hood can be called an act of terrorism. Translation:Glen Beck is off his meds and inventing stories again.
I saw them doing jello-o shooters at the Bush ranch.
" I hope they are not among the seven or so that have been confirmed to be still alive."
Please! that's a link we need. It's never too late to try and get bush indicted. Whats the website? Whats the frequency?
I yell "Jesus Christ!" a lot. It does not make my actions Christian, and I am not BTW.
Yelling "Allahu Akbar" is more a matter of culture and less a matter of religion now, exactly the same as when I say "God damn!". It just so happens it come from a culture very serious about religion and therefore, not disrespectful to God.
I am not saying this guy did not think his act was that of a proper Muslim and had a religious significance. But him and you thinking so does not taint Islam. Both you and he I suspect are confused by modern popular Islamic culture, and thinking that is Islam. Its not. And all you do by thinking it is giving people like this more reason to claim you and other westerners just hate Islam and sparking more events like this.
This suicide bomber culture in the M.E. is real. Condeming it is worthwhile and it may be productive to point fingers at those thinking its cool. Condemning Islam is asking for more events like this. Its wrong-headed and counter productive, unless of course a winger actually wants more events like this, and yes, I suspect...
Then tell us and no more wistful musings about exceedingly rare events such as repeat rapists getting shot but not by lefties. Show us some stats that show the righties are more responsible firearm owners than lefties...or...can it.
And you are sadly mistaken about the guy Cheney shot. All he ever said was that it was accident. It does not change the fact that Cheney, who knowingly left a hunting partner behind him, turned swiftly to shoot a bird behind him, instead shooting his friend clad in blazing orange. And saying you are mistaken is being nice.
Manchurian Candidate
I never said it was "open season" on Libs. However I could easily see the NRA on each corner taking back the "illegal" guns from the felons, draft-dodger, tax-delequent Democrats etc. -This is sort of the reverse of what Acorn does. =Way to many gun-toting Libs out there right now and we need to reduce the herd numbers to a more manageable size.
Indeed, that is a possibility.
And we got to look at how he got his hands on those guns, and how he managed to bring them into Fort Hood.
No. It is indeed a ridiculous notion.
He bought them. No big mystery.
He brought them in. No big mystery.
There you go. I hope I have helped you.
"Exceedingly rare"? Between 2 and 2.5 millions a year is "exceedingly rare"? Fascinating. Since my real-life experience is not convincing enough for you, here is a link:
I can understand why you're doubtful. It's likely that you have never seen a gun in real life unless it was on a policeman's hip, and have only seen them on tv or in movies. It's too bad that your knowledge of firearms is so limited, but everybody grows up in different cultures.
Earlier, you posted:
"More gun deaths" does not equal more criminal homocide. Cities that vote Democrat and have guns bans, such as Chicago, have the highest violent crime rates in the country, according to the FBI. People can't defend themselves = more violent crime. People can defend themselves = more dead criminals. It's just common sense.
I am very certain that a news report on television reported that Mr. Whittington blamed himself for not annoucing his approach to the rear of the group, as is commonly expected. I do not have a link to that television report handy, so I guess I won't be able to convince anyone for who believe nothing exists outside of the internet. But it is quite well documented on the holy internet that Cheney was cleared in the accident.
Investigating the blindingly obvious!
He handed out Korans, proselytized for islam, and justified islamic suicide bombers in his "counselling" sessions -- and still the politicians believe they need to "investigate" if this is jihad.
seijichuudo9sha: "Wingers are saying that because Hassan worshipped at a mosque which had an imam who had ties to three of the 9-11 highjackers the shooting at Fort Hood can be called an act of terrorism. Translation:Glen Beck is off his meds and inventing stories again." A lot more news sources other than Glen Beck are reporting that... Are you saying that because of his routines, yelling Allah, going to a mosque with said imam who had such ties are not to be questioned? but if you happen to watch, read, or listen to Glen Beck you are automatically a winger? How come you get to make such final judgements?
WhiteHawk--All your post says to me is that you will do and say anything to defend your precious guns. You absolutely refuse to look at the big picture and instead have to focus on smaller parts of it to make any sort of point.
In fact, I have owned and shot real guns. I like them too. But the difference between you and me is that I am not blinded by that.
So you start off by changing the subject. Typical. First you talk specifically about repeat rapists, then you change to general gun defense. But all the while ignore the fact that homicides, accidents and crimes committed with the use of gun outnumber successful defenses.
Next you focus on violent crime. Well guess what? You changed the subject again! Violent crime and deaths are two different things. Better to have more violent crime than deaths! Then you seem to think a gun is the only means of defense available. Well its almost a necessity if the other guy has a gun! That is common sense. Without guns, other means of defense become possible. But look at this case. One guy with the element of surprise kills 12 and wounds 31 on an army base. An army base! If this can happen on an army base, what chance does the average citizen have really? Not much.
America leads the first world in gun deaths. That is another part of the big picture you don't want to see, unless you can make an attempt to make it look like it was all in self-defense. Ridiculous!
Cheney's friend was blamed by the White House for not announcing his presence. The man himself only said it was an accident. And yes, the man shares some blame for violating a fringe rule, that REPUBLICAN. Cheney however broke cardinal rules such as not clearly identifying his target and not being aware of his surroundings. But you, in your wild defense of anything gun related forget even the sacred rules of hunting!
In short, you seem as paranoid and convoluted as Hasan!
Extremists like Lieberman and the scary tea party people and the cable news operatives who incite them shouldn't be jumping to conclusions, as our president so eloquently put it.
The "big picture". Right. Like your claim that states which tend to vote Republican lead the country in gun deaths. Your "big picture" was out of focus, ignoring details (aka facts) like who died. Not all gun deaths are bad things. Some gun deaths are actually good. As I said before, it all depends on who dies.
Actually, I think the difference is that you've never used one in self-defense.
Are you talking about the entire country this time, or just Republican-leaning states? Because you're jumping around too, so I want to keep track. And yes, gun crimes outnumber gun defenses, because more criminals use guns more often, while only a small minority of citizens carry guns. And if you're talking about the entire country, then you have to remember that several major cities don't allow citizens to carry or even own guns at all.
That there are more gun crimes than gun defenses does not invalidate the gun defenses. As I said in another thread, get rid of the threat, not the defense.
No, I never said that. You're just projecting your prejudice at me. I'm just saying that it is a valid and effective defense. You seem to think that the best (or only) solution is to remove that defense. Is that a fair assessment of your argument?
In my case, a man larger and stronger than me came up behind me and put a nylon strap around my neck. He had me at a disadvantage, until I dropped my grocery bags, pulled my handgun from the shoulder holster, poked it in his ribs. At that point, he could have assumed I was bluffing and kept choking me, which would have necessitated in me shooting him. Instead, he let go and ran off. Now I've taken a couple of martial arts classes and am not a weakling, but for me, in that situation, the most effective defense I had, the one with the best chance of success, was my handgun. The one defense so many "enlightened" liberals want to take from me. And not just me, but from women too.
I am not familiar with the weapons rules for certain areas of Army bases, but it seems Hasan was and exploited them to his advantage.
I see it, but I also see that America leads the world in gun defenses by private citizens, something you're trying to ignore completely. Why is that?
Again, you're projecting your prejudice to fill blanks where I haven't commented. I never absolved Cheney, I just supplied a fact (Whittington didn't announce himself, which isn't a "fringe rule", but a critical one) that you purposely ignored before. And it wasn't the White House that "blamed" Whittington for not announcing his return to the group (where is your link?), but Katharine Armstrong, the owner of the ranch, who noted that Whittington did not announce his return.
How charming. You can't defeat my arguments, so you try to demean me through insults. If I'm paranoid and convulted, then you should be having no trouble in defeating my arguments. Yet, you're struggling to seem anything other than prejudiced and myopic, with your selective memory and your attempts to vilify Cheney.
How ironic that those who keep John F. Kennedy on a pedestal of reverence now shun Joe Lieberman as an "extremist". Yet Lieberman is well to the Left of JFK politically, but he's not Left enough for today's Democrats. So how would they treat JFK if he were around today? Not well, and the irony is telling.
Moderator: Readers, please keep the discussion civil.
Bah! Enough of you. I indicated all by myself that it was not the end all be all, but probably the only remotely credible stat available on the subject of who is a more responsible gun owner, a rightie or a leftie. And as ridiculously unimportant as that is and despite a total dearth of evidence, you are entrenched and don't want to hear anything. And that is why righties like you are dead wrong about so much. You presume and swear its absolute truth. You refuse to listen or budge. You look for evidence to support your claim rather than evidence to find the truth. You discard facts when they are inconvenient only to pick them right back up again when they are. It is with great joy that I check the scoreboard and find that the irrelephants are no longer in power and their most unproductive tactics exposed.
Yanks have to read British papers to learn the truth about this w@nker's jihad? It's shameful.
Project much, numbskull?
You suggest that all gun deaths are bad, and refuse to accept any information to the contrary.
And you did what, exactly? The one time you looked for any evidence, it was only to back up your prejudice. After that, it was unsubstantiated claims and your hatred of Cheney.
My real-life experience tells me that I'm safer with a gun than without. The reason I'm still around to argue with hoplophobes like you is because I was wearing a gun when someone tried to mug me. You want to convince me I'm wrong, you're at a HUGE disadvantage before you even begin to type. You don't have real-life experiences, so you have the luxury of picking stastics that support your prejudice and ignoring those that prove you wrong. Some of us don't have that luxury. We're just glad we're still around to witness the ignorance of others. Who is we? As I pointed out earlier, me and approx. 2.5 million people - a year.
It was a joke, numbskull. Hello...? "Couldn't hit the broad side of a Republican" should've been your first clue.