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© 2020 AFPArrests, conspiracy theories at Australia anti-lockdown protest
By William WEST MELBOURNE©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2020 AFP
Chip Star
It’s somewhat of a relief to see that these right-wing conspiracy theory spewing morons aren’t exclusive to the US.
Is it really a relief to know there are more?
There are plenty of loons on the left also spouting nonsense, here in France I hear the lockdown was a trial run before the new world order strikes. Or was it the lizardmen?
The only difference in 2020 is that tinfoil hat conspiracies went mainstream because the president of the United States now openly wears one.
We will never know if it is a conspiracy or not.
Yeah because nothing we have been told was a "conspiracy theory" ever turned out to actually be true later on.
Chip Star
No, not at all. It’s a relief that it’s not something my country creates.
Exactly. And it opened up the floodgates of the right wingers.
Well, I see the Aussies have their far-right, QAnon, contrial, 5G, crazies too - shame....
Thankfully they're all not carrying AR15s and threatening ordinary citizens and government workers, like the armed terrorists and anarchists rampaging on our streets...
Just goes to show that stupidity has no national borders..
Simple fact: moronism knows no national boundaries; there are gullible, credulous fools who will absorb any kind of loony fringe doctrine no matter where you live.
As Sam Elliot would say, you have to be a special kind of stupid to think that 5G networks cause COVID...
But then again, these are the same folks that think contrails (chemtrails) from aircraft spread biological agents and are used by the world government for "thought control"...
The other thing they have in common is they worship the Great Orange Idiot...
That's not only special, that's extraordinary stupid...
Chip Star
Nobody was arguing this.
Chip Star
Protesting is one thing, pushing unhinged conspiracies is quite another.
In Australia?
which is where these people are lawfully protesting about Australia deciding to not reopen the area where they live while reopening others areas. sounds reasonable to me to demand their government tell them why to their level of satisfaction.
of course with liberals and their media the only judge of what is an "unhinged conspiracy theory", right?
That is the part that is in dispute and always will be.
Concerned Citizen
These people have every reason to feel angry and protest.
They and millions of their countrymen and women have lost their jobs, businesses and livelihoods due to the extreme government reaction to Covid. They can't visit ageing relatives or attend loved one's funerals, their kids can't go to school and they are confined to their homes and more.
Labelling them 'conspiracy theorists' is a red herring to distract from the real concerns they are voicing.
They are suffering fellow humans and deserve to be heard.
Chip Star
Incorrect. Rational adults thinking on their own after doing actual research determining what is an unhinged conspiracy theory, not people who get their “news” and opinions spoon-fed to them by Fox “News,” Bereitbart, etc.
So, do you believe 5G networks causes COVID? Yes or no...
You mean crazies like Repub Bill Barr?
“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election,” the report said.
“Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” the report continued.
Concerned Citizen
Media types who have retained their livelihoods criticizing and making fun of the frustrated masses for protesting the loss of their livelihoods. It's disheartening.
OK, do you agree with them that 5G networks cause COVID? Yes or no...
I imagine since they aren't wearing masks or distancing, they'll really be hurting a few days from now...maybe in ICU...
Concerned Citizen
But I doubt very much that that was the main point of the protest. I suspect that that is either something the media made up or was a claim only one or two of the protesters said.
The main point should not be lost in media hype, that is that they and millions of their countrymen and women have lost their jobs, businesses and livelihoods due to the extreme government reaction to Covid. They can't visit ageing relatives or attend loved one's funerals, their kids can't go to school and they are confined to their homes and more. Do they have the right to protest their concerns about this? Yes or no?
They are nutters.
Government overreach and secrecy will lose in the end. Power to the people.
I don't think so.
It’s richly ironic how the most trenchant critics of one supposed lunacy have no qualms whatsoever about cleaving to their own cherished delusions.
Good - there's hope for you yet...
It's what they believe, just like QAnon - which by the way, do you believe JFK Jr is alive and blogging on the Deep State? Yes or no...
They also have the right to catch the virus and die. They don't have the right to spread it to other people or their own families.
so how do you know this is how the protesters in Australia got their opinions? I didnt know Fox News and Breitbart are the "go to" there.
can you confirm that they have done no research? (remember some conspiracy theories are later proven true, through research. after people like you have ridiculed them.)
No you just immediately decide they are "right wing, conspiracy spewing morons". Based only upon the opinion they have not matching your own.
Keeping my eye on the Flynn case...