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As Trump threatens tariffs, migrant families keep coming


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Crossing the USA border illegally is currently a misdemeanor. That needs to change. It should be a felony, with a $10K fine, automatic deportation, and 15+ yr ban on entering the USA again.

Same for people overstaying visas.

Change the immigration laws too. Only allow preapproved immigrants to cross the border. Business and pleasure crossings would have a visa, overstay and be deported and blocked from re-entry for 15+ yrs.

For asylum seekers, those requests should be filed in advance, with proof provided and an expectation that 6-36 months of "processing" is required.

These are all minor changes, but will have huge impacts on illegal immigration, overstays, etc. Can't imagine that any politicians wouldn't agree to these changes, assuming they want to actually do something.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The GOP have always cared about the issue since

Except when they decided to tank getting started on the issue twice in 2013. No matter how much you try to justify the GOP not caring, you'll never be able to change the fact that their actions in killing those bills evidences their lack of caring.

No, the Dems just weren't going to go with anything that I outlined previously, they were never going to put their John Hancock on it.

So the GOP didn't care enough to even begin the process of reforming immigration. Sweet. Thanks, open-border GOP. We can't get what we want, so we want to let the problem fester.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

As Trump threatens tariffs, migrant families keep coming

Implied meaning of this horribly biased headline:

Trump's tariff threats, announced only around 24 hours ago, aren't working because they did not cause would-be illegal entrants to immediately turn around and give up on their idea of sneaking across the U.S. border.

How ridiculous.

Did the anti-Trump media really think that this tariff announcement was going to suddenly make illegal migrants do a one-eighty and abandoned their plans?

The tariff isn't aimed at illegal immigrants. It won't affect them.

The tariff is aimed at the Mexican government. Their government has done hardly anything to stop illegal immigration into a neighboring country that's supposed to be a friend and ally.

In fact, if anything, it has actually aided and abetted it.

So the tariff is meant to get the Mexican government to do something to stop illegal immigration for once.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Remember everyone deriding "and Mexico is going to pay for that wall"? Looks like Trump was right after all.

why do Trumsters find it so hard to understand tarriffs. Mexico isnt paying for them its the US consumer, yes while itll hurt the Mexican economy itll also lay off many workers, unemployeed Mexicans that dont have a job and fall into poverty where do you think many will try to go!? Mexico isnt a rich country the more resorces military/police Trump force them to use on immigrants the less theyll have to fight the drug cartels who have many resorces and money backing them. Vast majority of illegal drugs coming into the US come by air, sea, hidden in vehicles/trucks driven over the border. A wall wont stop that

1 ( +2 / -1 )

bass4funk: Who wouldn't go for....want a wall, they don't want to end chain migration, they don't want to end the Visa Lottery program, they don't want to end Birthright citizenship, they don't want to end catch and release, they don't want the National Guard along their borders, they don't want ICE to apprehend anyone, they don't want the police to confront or interrogate illegals, they want to dismantle ICE, they don't want to listen to the people that patrol the borders, they don't want to listen to the ICE agents or Homeland security.

There are so many factual inaccuracies in this it's not surprising bass is so upset. If the left made up stuff like this and fed it to our side, we'd be just as angry.

So....um....yeah. We want open borders. And the number of people coming in tells me that we are kicking your arse. There is nothing you can do to stop us. To have any real impact you should consider sacrificing your personal rights, but in the end even that won't make much of a dent.

We're winning. Every day. Open Borders 2020.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The GOP simply didn't care enough about the issue to do anything,

The GOP have always cared about the issue since they were lied to by the Democrats to seal the border after Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million illegals, Trump will never make that mistake, try again.

which is why they blocked the bills.

No, the Dems just weren't going to go with anything that I outlined previously, they were never going to put their John Hancock on it.

Nobody was asking you to,

They don't have to, I was laying it out.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Manufactured crisis. Nothing going on, screeched liberals.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Typically the media is adding some fakery. The fakery is the article tossing in children who died of sickness they had before they came and also Had NOTHING to do with this situation. So for those reading, there are no dead children or dead anyone tied to this group of of illegal aliens and their current situation, that part is fake news. Since the media is who is reporting, the idea of hundreds crammed in a room for 30 people could be true but until a reliable source of evidence emerges, that claim can only be taken as possible but not proven. The media is not a reliable source.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

a major breakdown of logic

Yes, like Trump punishing Americans with a new tax for more migrants coming. It's so funny.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

You see, you see: here we have a major breakdown of logic. You say this, yet you expect Europeans to be sorry and to self-flagellate for developing quote unquote superior weapons. God damn those Europeans for developing a navy and learning to navigate the seas.

Haha. Way, way off the mark. I was simply pointing out that your argument was completely incorrect.

You're argument paints the Native Americans as children of the Garden of Eden. In other words, you don't view the Native Americans as equal; instead, you infantilize them.

Nope. My argument was simply pointing out your inaccuracies.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

And the reason why we and so many worldwide are fighting that Marxist socialist movement.

Interfering with our countries, whilst never having read Marx or even comprehending that capitalism is not the only system. Lol.

And yet some people still wonder why America is seen as arrogant.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

So yeah, the GOP weren't idiots and decided, if the Democrats won't go with these conditions, then their votes are not necessary.

The GOP simply didn't care enough about the issue to do anything, which is why they blocked the bills. It's hilarious watching you constantly trying to justify the GOP allowing the problem to continue to fester and then blaming the Dems for doing so.

Hmmm...can't help it that I was born in the States, nice try though. LOL

Nobody was asking you to, but you were being reminded that you are only an American because of immigration. ROFL!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Because they tried to kick off immigration reform in 2013 only to be stiff left twive by republicans. Hilarious.

Who wouldn't go for....want a wall, they don't want to end chain migration, they don't want to end the Visa Lottery program, they don't want to end Birthright citizenship, they don't want to end catch and release, they don't want the National Guard along their borders, they don't want ICE to apprehend anyone, they don't want the police to confront or interrogate illegals, they want to dismantle ICE, they don't want to listen to the people that patrol the borders, they don't want to listen to the ICE agents or Homeland security.

So yeah, the GOP weren't idiots and decided, if the Democrats won't go with these conditions, then their votes are not necessary.


Witty. The only reason you are an American is because the US accepted your immigrant ancestors. ROFL!

Hmmm...can't help it that I was born in the States, nice try though. LOL

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

I'm for open borders.

bass: I'm not, most US citizens are not, most people living along the borders are not.

What percentage of people do you think do support open borders?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

No, it's very relevant, very.

No, it isn't because Toasted was giving his personal opinion. Haha.

No one is demonizing them, especially when we are asking them to just follow the law, but if you think that is demonizing to do so, then so be it.

You have called them hordes and other derogatory names, constantly push inaccuracies about the amount of crime they commit, etc. That's textbook demonization.

You find if ok for parents to put their kids in a dangerous situation, knowing full well of the risks?

Answering a question with a question is a blatant dodge. Smooth critical discourse skills.

And the reason why we and so many worldwide are fighting that Marxist socialist movement.

Goin off the rails of an irrelevant train.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Or, did you mean you aren't for open borders? If so, it's completely irrelevant

No, it's very relevant, very.

It's almost certain to happen

It won't, it didn't happen in the countries I previously mentioned, it will never happen, it just won't. I don't believe in hypotheticals, I'm a realist.

You're saying that demonization of migrants will never end?

No one is demonizing them, especially when we are asking them to just follow the law, but if you think that is demonizing to do so, then so be it.

You find the deaths of children in these camps funny?

You find if ok for parents to put their kids in a dangerous situation, knowing full well of the risks?

This way of thinking is precisely what leads to revolutions and risings.

And the reason why we and so many worldwide are fighting that Marxist socialist movement.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Blame the Democrats

Because they tried to kick off immigration reform in 2013 only to be stiff left twive by republicans. Hilarious.

When America sneezes everyone else catches a cold, everyone.

Witty. The only reason you are an American is because the US accepted your immigrant ancestors. ROFL!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

so the President is left to take matters into his own hands and I say, good on him.

Especially when it's inciting hatred and demonizing the less fortunate. Oh well, every dictator will have their apologists and sycophants.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I'm not, most US citizens are not, most people living along the borders are not.

And yet you claim to live in Japan, the US and Europe. Why should you, an elitist, have all the privilege of chosing where to live?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Well, I suppose if Trump deserves credit for Something, you have to give him credit for manufacturing a crisis at the border for his own means,

Apprehending close to half a million a week is not manufactured, it's a crisis and catastrophe!

and then creating an ACTUAL crisis as a result.

Blame the Democrats, they don't want a wall, they don't want to end chain migration, they don't want to end the Visa Lottery program, they don't want to end Birthright citizenship, they don't want to end catch and release, they don't want the National Guard along their borders, they don't want ICE to apprehend anyone, they don't want the police to confront or interrogate illegals, they want to dismantle ICE, they don't want to listen to the people that patrol the borders, they don't want to listen to the ICE agents or Homeland security, so the President is left to take matters into his own hands and I say, good on him.

I truly look forward to when China brings the Hammer down and bans all rare earth materials to the US,

I look forward to China getting ticked off that even that won't help them.

hopefully threatening to ban exports to any countries that then sell to them to the US, and when the nation suffers immensely by these tariffs put on Mexican goods. Americans deserve it, plain and simple.

When America sneezes everyone else catches a cold, everyone.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Will never happen.

It's almost certain to happen as long as the elite sneer at migrants, the poor and disadvantaged. Anarcho-syndicalism is probably the best way but am open to other forms of ending capitalist reliance.

No, it will never happen, not now, never. If you advocate for something so ridiculously funny

You're saying that demonization of migrants will never end? You find the deaths of children in these camps funny?

This way of thinking is precisely what leads to revolutions and risings.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

And American citizens have to pay for that? 

Yes, as Migrants keep coming Americans pay (in taxes) thanks to Trump.


As Trump threatens tariffs, migrant families keep coming

This is not going to slow down the flow of migrants. Trump keeps failing then raises taxes on Americans to punish Mexico (....oh, God, this is so funny....it's like I drink the poison and hope you die)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

They know exactly how they were betrayed by the US and handed over to Stalin's Russia after the war.

Not betrayed, but the US couldn't push further to where the Soviets already had a stronghold, we repaid for it by letting in thousands to resettle and immigrate to the US. Go to West Hollywood where everything is Cyrillic.

Seeing as humanity is nomadic, I'm for open borders.

I'm not, most US citizens are not, most people living along the borders are not.

Co-operation between the nations. End to poverty and war and capitalism.

Will never happen.

I'd also like to see the US dismantled like the former Soviet republics and the lands returned to the first nations.

In an alternate Universe, that might be possible. Lol

I realise that's unlikely to happen in my lifetime but at the moment, I'd like to see the closure of the concentration camps that result in the deaths of children. And I'd like to see an end to the demonization of asylum seekers and migrants.

No, it will never happen, not now, never. If you advocate for something so ridiculously funny then all of Latin America, even Japan must do the same, all the Whites from Africa and Australia, New Zealand and on and on....lol


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

MrNoidall, well said. Its high time to bust this myth that the USA is the country for illegal aliens to swarm.

As for the statue if liberty and its nice words - the FRENCH wrote those and gifted it to the US.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It may well do. But these are my personal beliefs. I'm hardly going to change them to placate the far right

Fair enough, but it’s much, much worse than just placating the far right. It would drive even more people who aren’t on that extreme to vote for far-right parties through exasperation.

This would be catastrophic.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Bunk argument. The native Americans were were scattered and lived in tribes, some nomadic and some not. They spoke different languages, had different customs and beliefs. They had no conception of themselves as compatriotas. And they sure didn't refer to themselves as Americans. The closest they came to considering themselves as countrymen of a sovereign country were the loose confederations--the largest of which was the Iroquois confederacy. This is a dead horse. We're in the 21st century. Are the English not English? Weren't The Celts there first? The French and the Gauls? The Germans and the Tudors?

This clearly justifies the invasion by Europeans and the genocide they committed against native Americans.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump has failed again.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Maybe then those countries should have dealt properly with their internal conflict then the US wouldn't have a need to go in to straighten problems they could easily mend.

Hilarious that now you are for America getting involved in foreign countries' problems.

Looks like Trump was right after all.

Someone doesn't know how tariffs work. Tee Hee!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Well, I suppose if Trump deserves credit for Something, you have to give him credit for manufacturing a crisis at the border for his own means, and then creating an ACTUAL crisis as a result. I truly look forward to when China brings the Hammer down and bans all rare earth materials to the US, hopefully threatening to ban exports to any countries that then sell to them to the US, and when the nation suffers immensely by these tariffs put on Mexican goods. Americans deserve it, plain and simple.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It goes without saying that I’m in favour of humane treatment of asylum seekers and migrants, but your approach would see the far right make far bigger gains than they already have.

It may well do. But these are my personal beliefs. I'm hardly going to change them to placate the far right.

In the short term, something's got to give, though.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Seeing as humanity is nomadic, I'm for open borders.

That isn’t what the majority of people want. You can guarantee that if a democrat ran espousing that policy, you would be looking at 4 more years of Trump. The driving force behind the rise of the far right in Europe is immigration which most electorates in Europe want to see reduced.

It goes without saying that I’m in favour of humane treatment of asylum seekers and migrants, but your approach would see the far right make far bigger gains than they already have.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Remember everyone deriding "and Mexico is going to pay for that wall"?

Looks like Trump was right after all.

What? Explain that one please. How does money paid by Americans equate to Mexico paying for the wall?

I'm starting to suspect you don't understand what a tariff is or how it works.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Tell that to the Eastern Europeans.

They know exactly how they were betrayed by the US and handed over to Stalin's Russia after the war.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

What exactly is your view on dealing with migrants and asylum seekers? I’m with you on Trump’s awful approach, but what do you think should be done here? You do accept that the US can’t just accept anyone and everyone, right?

Seeing as humanity is nomadic, I'm for open borders. Co-operation between the nations. End to poverty and war and capitalism. I'd also like to see the US dismantled like the former Soviet republics and the lands returned to the first nations.

I realise that's unlikely to happen in my lifetime but at the moment, I'd like to see the closure of the concentration camps that result in the deaths of children. And I'd like to see an end to the demonization of asylum seekers and migrants.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Strawman argument.

Tell that to the Eastern Europeans.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Were it not for the US, the world be a very different place, not free that's for sure.

Strawman argument.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Your mother's family too would be immigrants

I was talking about my "American father."

You mean like South American countries where the America government didn't agree with the democratically elected government so sent in the CIA, covet ops and armed opposition groups to bring about regime change. Why does America even think it has the right to interfere with another country.

Again, that is zero justification for the influx of illegals coming in, you are making a strawman argument.

> Once again, you claim America alone defeated the Nazi and the Imperial Japanese forces without expressing credit to it's allies,

Were it not for the US, the world be a very different place, not free that's for sure.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Why does America even think it has the right to interfere with another country.

Entitlement. They are conditioned from an early age to believe in a kind of global manifest destiny. That their country has the right to dictate to others and that they know best. This kind of interference and thinking has led to catastrophic upheavals and millions dead over the years.

Supporters of imperialism will always try and justify their interference.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Maybe then those countries should have dealt properly with their internal conflict then the US wouldn't have a need to go in to straighten problems they could easily mend.

Partly true. There are those who blame outside influences for the states their countries are in without too much self-reflection. On the other hand, there are those who continually deflect blame from the negative influence their own countries have had on developing countries.

@Toasted Heretic

What exactly is your view on dealing with migrants and asylum seekers? I’m with you on Trump’s awful approach, but what do you think should be done here? You do accept that the US can’t just accept anyone and everyone, right?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I agree, the US under Trump has lost all semblance of caring.

No, they stopped caring for illegal immigration because that is what we had for over 25 years, a lack of caring for the rule of law, for our sovereign borders and disrespected the immigrants that followed our laws respectively in wanting to become legal and proud American citizens.

But that's what populist leaders achieve, in any country. Scapegoat the most vulnerable, the poor, the migrants.

Yeah, uh-huh...ok. lol

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Remember everyone deriding "and Mexico is going to pay for that wall"?

Looks like Trump was right after all.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

When America interferes with other countries, by military or covert ways, when it creates situations which involve mass displacement, it must deal with the consequences.

Maybe then those countries should have dealt properly with their internal conflict then the US wouldn't have a need to go in to straighten problems they could easily mend.

It's still a young and relatively inexperienced civilisation, it will learn eventually.

There are countries that are thousands of years old they made monumental mistakes and never learned anything through its long history and the US with it's young history 75 years ago saved Europe as well as Asia with its very long history and millions died in the process for that, so yes, we did learn very much, but because of our great generosity that doesn't mean that illegals can take advantage of us or our sovereign laws.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

It's the nation that has done more to lift more people out of poverty than any other nation by far. Other nations will learn eventually.

It's a nation that has murdered millions, used chemical and nuclear weapons on other nations. Interfered with other nations sovereignty and continues to do so.

Other nations learned the truth about your country a long time ago.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It's still a young and relatively inexperienced civilisation, it will learn eventually.

It's the nation that has done more to lift more people out of poverty than any other nation by far. Other nations will learn eventually.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Just because of America's past, it doesn't make the country the world's free-for-all.

When America interferes with other countries, by military or covert ways, when it creates situations which involve mass displacement, it must deal with the consequences.

It's still a young and relatively inexperienced civilisation, it will learn eventually.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Seeking asylum is not insane, nor brutal. I hope you never have to go through it.

We probably won't. 99.9%

America was created, built and founded by migrants.

All countries were at some point and time, but we have as most countries including Mexico established laws, sovereign laws that must be upheld and respected. My great grandparents on my father's side were immigrants and they came to this country legally, learned the language and played by the rules, respected the traditions and cultures and made sure his children spoke English. That is not what is happening now and the massive influx of illegals coming in is not fair to the people that come to this country legally that follow our rules and respect our laws. Again, the illegals can come and apply for asylum, but we don't have to grant it, especially under these circumstances.

It is the very ethos of the country. Those who seek to turn it into an isolationist, paranoid populist nightmare are anti-American.

Because you want them to come in legally and to follow the law, then I guess I am un-American in your eyes for wanting that.

But you're right in one aspect, my respect for your country is at an all time low.

Well, some people will say or think that. I have less respect for anyone that breaks our laws and that's why I deeply support this President on this move.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I appreciate your brutal honesty--something very rare from people who support these insane policies.

Seeking asylum is not insane, nor brutal. I hope you never have to go through it.

It's quit clear you are anti-American and do not respect the sovereignty of the country.

America was created, built and founded by migrants. It is the very ethos of the country. Those who seek to turn it into an isolationist, paranoid populist nightmare are anti-American.

But you're right in one aspect, my respect for your country is at an all time low.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It's quit clear you are anti-American and do not respect the sovereignty of the country.

Valid point.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Migrants will continue to come to your country by legal or other means.

But if Mexico cracks down on their end, that will drastically change it, especially when it comes to remittance that the country deeply depends on. This is again why the Mexican delegation is enroute to the US as we speak.

And to seek asylum is a right, it's not actually illegal. Not yet.

And we have the absolute right to not allow them to come in or grant it.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Straw man! Straw man!

Like your example of drug cartels?

Migrants will continue to come to your country by legal or other means. And to seek asylum is a right, it's not actually illegal. Not yet.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

So, threaten tariffs which will mess up Mexican ecomony in order to prevent migrants fleeing bad economies.

Yeah, that'll work.

Yes, it already has, that's why they are already on their way to see if they can get the President to reconsider, the same with the Chinese, if it wouldn't work, they wouldn't try to negotiate some deal, that's the entire point of this. Mexico could stop this from their point, but I know Mexico and the Mexican government with all the money and resources that they have and they have a lot, the rich elites would rather turn their heads, enjoy their wealth and pawn the illegals to the North than deal with it and that has gone on far too long and if the President can't get what he needs on this side of the border from the Democrats, then he will push the Mexican government, smart move and it's already got their attention and that's why they aren't wasting time and are on their way.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Ok, then you'll agree economies fail for all matter of reasons and not just the USA?

For example, inept, corrupt politicians on the drug cartels' payroll, no?

Of course. Corruption is rife both sides of the border.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Illegal immigration is costing Americans about $134.9 billion a year.

The children who died, died because of prior existing medical conditions or because of sickness related to the hazardous trip towards the border. The children were given emergency medical care and died in hospitals.

Illegal immigrants have been found to be much more likely to commit violent crimes.

If they want to come to America, they should be applying like everyone else has to. They are the ones endangering their own children. Criminals (someone who has broken the law) are always separated from their children. These people made the choice. America is not responsible for other countries but they allow asylum to people who apply properly.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Wwwwwait! I thought they were asylum seekers fleeing war-torn countries and they have a god-given right to come. Which one is it, economic migrant or asylum seeker? Do both have the same rights?

If you do a bit of research, you'll find that people flee countries for all matter of reasons. Conflict and poverty being just two factors.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

So, threaten tariffs which will mess up Mexican ecomony in order to prevent migrants fleeing bad economies.

Yeah, that'll work.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

God forbid that they should stand up to this tyrant.

God forbid the Democrats fund the border barrier and help pass real immigration reform laws.

The surge has shown U.S. authorities to be woefully unprepared.

Thanks a lot, Democrats and RINOS.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

You know, I think I'll listen to all the media outlets that keep pontificating that this all a Trump-inspired manufactured crises.

Well, the Mexicans are taking this very seriously and they are sending an envoy to see if they can make some sort of deal. So once again, this has gotten their attentions, good. If the Democrats don't want to give the President the tools to deal with the border crisis and if Congress won't come together to do a proper comprehension immigration bill, then the President is left with very little options. This was something that could have been easily avoided, but at least it has the Mexicans attention and let's see if they do more on their part. With the money that Mexico makes with remittances from the US, I'm sure they will and very quickly.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Thank you PTownsend for your link, seems history keeps repeating itself within Central America, as long as the mighty US corporations and the rich elite continue to suppress the people of those Central American countries , those people will continue to suffer. Most of those families that make it the US border are only trying to give their children a better life, that's how America was built, on migrants. Venezuela is the latest of those Central American countries to fall foul of those policies by the US's big corporations and the rich elite of Venezuela. Why do socialist policies that are improving the lives of those citizens, scare the US ?? The rest of the world knows why, Greed, money. Tariffs serve no purpose, and in this case, for all Trump's bluster, the eventual loser will be the American consumer.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

but the U.S. foreign policy in Central America was very devious 

Agree. For those who aren't familiar, start by looking at United Fruit.


3 ( +3 / -0 )

First - I must confess: If I were in the situation of some of the people coming from the Central American countries or south of the U.S. Border I would probably try to do the same thing. I do not blame the migrants.

On the other hand; as much as I dislike Trump I agree with him on this issue. Something needs to be done to control this.

If the solution is to let the people enter the country, fine, but do it in the proper way by issuing visas and having the people enter as documented residents. I know people married to Americans who have had a harder time than people entering the U.S. illegally. This includes some of my married friends being asked very uncomfortable, inappropriate, and personal questions to prove they are properly married.

The bigger more important question is...What is Trump's foreign policy in Central America, what is he doing to help prevent the failed states in our hemisphere, the humanity crisis that is forcing millions to flee for their lives?

@Crazy Joe - I share your disdain for Trump but the U.S. foreign policy in Central America was very devious and these countries became failed states long before Trump came on the political scene.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

These countries that cannot aid their own are letting their citizens down!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Santos needs to be deported immediately. Economic immigrants don't get asylum.

Fixing central America isn't the responsibility of the USA and they'd only make it worse.

Rather than hold anyone, they should just be deported with a number in line - an appointment. Heck, that's how the DMV works here. You fill out the paperwork before going anywhere. You turn it in (mail or online), they let you pick the next available appointment that you can make - usually 2+ weeks out. Showing up early doesn't get you anywhere. On the day, you arrive a few minutes before the time, wait for less than 5 minutes, get called and do your business, then leave.

Read stories about people showing up without any ID to the US border or only a birth certificate. That just seems crazy to me.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

The bigger more important question is...What is Trump's foreign policy in Central America, what is he doing to help prevent the failed states in our hemisphere, the humanity crisis that is forcing millions to flee for their lives?

And having expressed alarm, Republican lawmakers will roll over and play dead. God forbid that they should stand up to this tyrant.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

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