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© 2024 AFPAt least 32 killed in Al-Shabaab attack on Mogadishu beach
MOGADISHU, Somalia©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2024 AFP
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Reports like this are depressing. I've no idea what can be done to stop this kind of thing. If anyone has any ideas, please post them.
albaleoToday 12:42 am JST
“Reports like this are depressing. I've no idea what can be done to stop this kind of thing. If anyone has any ideas, please post them”
be kind. Respect everyone. Have hope. Talk with people. Listen and learn.
every day
I hate to proselytize because I believe the golden rule means to try and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and my instinctual distrust of authority runs much too deep to sincerely accept the preachings of most strangers
and yet
the serenity prayer has done the job for me more than once:
Lord grant me the strength to change the things I can,
the serenity to accept the things I cannot
and the wisdom to know the difference
and we try to help
sometimes asking your question and me typing this out is better than turning a bling eye or a cold shoulder.
sometimes helping others can help yourself
and we all have different paths to walk.
thank you for asking
Time was there was international consensus on peacekeeping operations to help these countries. Maybe we need a new UN, although that only came about through war...
Mr Kipling
The article seems to be missing something very important. Al Shabaab are an Islamic terrorist group who follow an extreme version of their faith that tells them that by killing others and sometimes themselves, they will be rewarded in an afterlife.
Thanks for saying that. I turn a blind eye to this kind of thing a lot, but there are moments when I think of the horror for those affected. And then I feel useless.
So how to change their views?
The Somali government has been having success taking back rural areas of control of Al-Shabaab
This is Al-Shabaab trying to divert attention to soft targets since they're failing elsewhere
Mr Kipling
Remove the regime that funds and supports them. But the Saudis have the West over an oil barrel.
Much easier to remove Iran and their backers first.