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© 2020 AFPAustralia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response
By Saeed KHAN SYDNEY©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2020 AFP
now that its Australia vs the WHO, I suspect the number of "the WHO didnt do anything wrong" people will significantly decrease.
Utter nonsense.
the blame should lie with the leaders of the various countries sitting on their butts thinking it won't affect them and only taking action when it was already too late. Putting the entire blame on the WHO to hide their lackadaisical approach. Can the WHo force China to not hide the truth, don't see how that is possible. It has no powers whatsoever and relies on the data provided by the various member countries.
Holding China and the WHO accountable? How dare you!
Its Trumps fault, remember!
Thats key. Aus has allot of experience with Chinese immigration etc.
The US was late doing this. No brainer stuff
Salute to ozzyland got it figured out.
Australian leadership = Trumps poodles.
Australia now siding with the President on this, Hope more will jump in, about time.
Every country with a very high number of deaths needs to look at themselves in the mirror and ask, did we respond in time and did we do enough instead of deflecting attention.
Its Trumps fault, remember!
If the stupid, selfish, ignorant man-child had listened to his own experts in December and early January and actually done something, then maybe we can give him some credit. But no, he just had to come up with conspiracies, or praise China and Xi (!!!!!!), or call it a Democrat-led hoax, or not let Dr Fauci get a word in edge-wise. Weeks and weeks later, he then does a 180. Then he wants to lift lockdown measures from next week (now that Easter didn't work so well). So yeah, it is his fault, as far as American deaths are concerned.
So you're saying that calling out an organisation, led by a corrupt Marxist in China's pocket, for covering up China's lies and shunning Taiwan at China's request is wrong?
All I can say to that is... WOOF!
Which relates in what way to Australia calling for a probe into the WHO?
Bjorn Tomention
Great some one taking these corrupt bunch to task, next chinas leaders need to be taken to task too, and also many of the worlds so called leaders, dont let the buck stop there. This whole thing is a farce !
I'm not really sure why all this interest in finding out how secretive China has been is coming out now.
For the last 30 years they've banished and made disappear any critics of the regime, stolen technology, engaged in countless cyber attacks, put up a giant firewall to block out Internet information, duplicated successful overseas online apps/companies while barring them at the same time, and started and covered up past epidemics. The list goes on and on.
The leaders around the world this time are about to face the anger of the populace for their previous acquiescence to China for their trade & money even though it is and has been a despicable regime. This may be the reason for the sudden "courage" to investigate.
Tom Denk
Not sure if Trump wants an independent probe - considering the coverups since Aug.2019
starting with the shut down of the bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland USA where the virus and started spreading later to US military stationed in Afghanistan have had COVID-19-like symptoms. later in October 2019, when US military personnel participated in the International Military Games held in Wuhan... the world starts pointing fingers China ?
Please Investigate, the world needs to know.
October 2019, when US military personnel participated in the International Military Games held in Wuhan.
Sounds pretty ominous until you realize that those "Military" games are actually sports.
JJ Jetplane
I believe this is the real key to Australia's success. When countries found out about the virus it was already too late. It was most likely around the globe by then. What Australia has done is place the economy second and the people first. Most countries are disregarding the correct health opinions and are instead searching for options that lead towards answers they want. The US is a huge example of that. That's why the Presidency and health officials keep giving opposite information.
The WHO is the best averyone ( and that means the powerful ) have managed to build in the last 60 or so years. Of course the global spread of everything quickened, outpaced what.... the quality of the ones in office?
I'd say there is a lot of countries that want these questions answered.
Given that China consistently proves to be a point of origin of a number of new viruses etc it should be under particular scrutiny about why that is, and what measures are in place to effectively contain these outbreaks as quickly as possible once they occur.
China deserves serious scrutiny over COVID19.
The Avenger
China down played this virus from the outset. Denied to the world the danger of human to human transmission that the WHO echoed. Taiwan warned of this to the WHO and was completely ignored to further the pro-China propaganda. While China shut down all travel from the Wuhan Province to any other Province in China, people from Wuhan were permitted to continue travel to parts all over the world spreading this virus all so that China could try and protect their own economy at the expense of lives around the world. Where was the WHO on this; the WHO condemned calls for banning travel from Wuhan.
I'm sure there are lots of countries who would like to know why, and how, the WHO has been pandering to the needs of China instead of concerning itself with the state of the worlds health. Australia is only one of many. Who knows, maybe China's vanished whistleblowers will suddenly reappear?
englisc aspyrgend
Drlucifer, no the WHO can’t force the CCP to be open or honest but it can highlight any lack of transparency and not blindly accept everything they say at face value. They can also be independent and not allow their policy response be dictated by the CCP political agenda as alas was the case with their advice on dealing with Wuhan virus. The appropriate response was to close off the spread of infection by imposing a world wide travel ban on China, but instead they kowtowed to political pressure and staunchly argued against travel bans until it was way too late. Now they refuse to accept any responsibility for their disastrous failure.
While I don’t have a lot of time for Trump, and other governments also failed to react or foolishly listened to the WHO, that doesn’t mitigate the gross failings and corruption demonstrated by the WHO in this moment of trial.
Bugle Boy of Company B
It's never wrong to do the right thing.
No, Australia is siding with the United States on this. Trump haters (like myself) need to recognize that the CCP and their influence over the WHO caused immeasurable damage to the entire world. And Trump lovers (like yourself) need to recognize that this is the position of the United States, et al. Not just "Trump" alone.
But Trump’s the President, so of course he has the first and final say.
Well they won't need to investigate Trump. Because he knew about it way before anyone else and has the situation totally under control.
I know.
He said so.
And get body slammed again, I doubt it.
The experts said, there’s nothing to fear so....
I still agree with Australia calls for independent probe into WHO and global virus response.
The CCP should be asked to pay reparations for the damage it has inflicted on the world.
And the WHO should be defunded, until it rids itself of the CCP influence.
Nothing wrong with that - it does need to be looked in to...
In addition, the House and the Senate should also open immediate investigations into the Trump administration's incompetent and botched response to the pandemic.
I mean if the Repubs can hold six separate hearings and ten overall investigations for the deaths of four people at Benghazi, then there should be multiple investigations into the deaths of over 30K Americans (so far)...
Nancy, Chuck; get to work...I suggest you start by looking into the six times Trump played golf since Jan... And we want to hear from Dr Fauci under oath - I'm sure he has a few "drug deal" tales to share...
the in addition part is all unnecessary and unrelated to Australia investigating the WHO. But thanks for sharing.
But China needs the raw materials. It is not easy to replace Australia as supplier, and if it does, other buyers are created automatically on the world market. The situation is not as one-sided as you make out to be.
To the contrary, while China can not function without the imports of raw materials, countries like Australia could very well function without most of the cheap plastic & electronics crap that is made in mainland China slave labor factories.
Of course there should be an INDEPENDENT investigation into the WHO’s response. As there should be an INDEPENDENT investigation into all responses by all parties. But since so-called leaders like a Trump are looking for scapegoats I highly doubt the INDEPENDENT part. Australians will need to judge their own leaders motivations. Trump’s are as transparent as the water that runs down my drain.
Yes, let the Democrats try and embarrass themselves for a 3rd time.
Let them and then let them fall on their face again...for a 3rd time.
Speed - excellent post and points, nothing new here but the responses or lack thereof will be telling.
Don´t worry, the echo chamber will find a way to blame orange colored man. Trust me.
Extracts from an online news article earlier:
The World Health Organisation is facing growing criticism for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
From criticising travel bans and repeating China's claims in mid-January that the virus cannot be transmitted between humans, to blindly accepting the regime's likely fake statistics, the WHO and Dr Tedros have consistently toed the line of the Communist regime.
The WHO declined to classify the new coronavirus a pandemic until March 11, when there were already more than 120,000 confirmed cases throughout 114 countries and nearly 4400 deaths.
Despite clear evidence of Chinese authorities covering up the beginnings of the outbreak in Wuhan – detaining doctors and journalists who attempted to sound the alarm – Dr Tedros has lavished praise on Chinese President Xi Jinping, hailing the “transparency” of the country's “top leadership”.
“We appreciate the seriousness with which China is taking this outbreak,” he said in a statement on January 28.
In early February, Dr Tedros slammed countries including the US and Australia for inciting “fear and stigma” by denying entry to travellers from China, saying there was “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade” and calling “on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent”.
Good - I'm glad you agree. Let's get them started. Dr Fauci, are you ready to testify? Dr Brix? Pence?
Doubt they'll beat the Repub Bengahzi record - 6 and 10 and nothing...what Losers...
You forgot to add "Trump Collection ties and shirts"...all straight from those same slave labor factories...
Question: What do you call someone that funds slave labor? Answer: Mr President...
...and much more. But I am old enough to remember a world before China became the world's factory, and trust me, it was just fine. When Nixon and the CPP agreed to open trade with China, the hope on the Western side was that increased wealth would lead to Western style democracy in China. Similar to the misguided Western interventions in Iraq and Libya, this has not happened. Instead, we now have supply chains dependent on and abused by the CCP.
They have world's CHEAPEST deposits of rare earths. Cheapest because the CCP does not give whiff about environmental pollution. Watch some documentaries about the conditions of the hellish places where China produces rare earths and cringe. There are rich supplies of rare earths in the Western USA. But they are much more expensive to produce because of environmental costs. We should pay that! (Strangely, I never seen environmentalists squealing about the issue.... out of sight, out of mind, I suppose.)
I just want to be clear. I don’t doubt China played games. As did Abe. As did Trump. And the WHO may have been swayed by China. We all deserve and need the truth. I just doubt we will get it. I think governments will be looking to cover their behinds. Trump is still ignoring the medical advice. For the same reasons he did all along. He needs the economy for the election.
As an elected official he speaks for the people of the United States. He's not a king.
Seems to me that by attacking the WHO, Australian authorities are buying into what Trump is selling.......excuses.
Trump's disastrous crisis management has made the United States the new epicenter of the global coronavirus pandemic. The country is facing an unprecedented economic crash. Are we witnessing the implosion of a superpower? Putin certainly got his money's worth when he backed Trump. For less than the price of two modern bombers, he has thoroughly undermined the West.
Hung Nguyen
Hunt said although the WHO had "done well" in fighting diseases like polio, measles and malaria, its coronavirus response "didn't help the world".
Since Australia contributed a part of the funding for WHO, I find the demand of the Health Minister of Australia Greg Hunt quite appropriate. I also find Hunt's call is brave and respectable given China is the biggest customer of Australia.
Since the beginning of the COVID outbreak, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has acted in a suspicious manner after he met Xi Jinping in Beijing. Instead of declaring the outbreak pandemic when it first globally spread in January 2020, Tedros only officially announced when everything seemed to be under control in China and chaos to the rest of the world.
What is more, instead of instructing the rest of the world to prepare such medical essentials as ventilator, sanitisers, and masks, Tedros used empty phrases to urge the G20 to "fight, unite, and ignite against COVID" while Xi Jinping never let him know the original source of the deadly virus, how it spreads, and what Chinese scientists have found out about it, so that the rest of the world will struggle endlessly in finding the right vaccine.
To be more precise, I suggest that it is much more relevant to investigate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus himself instead WHO.
"Seems to me" being the keyword. Of course, those who see the world through the filter of CNN, NYT, Huffpost, TYT et al will find a way to blame the orange guy no matter what. The topic does not even matter.
Everyone is guilty, stop talking and start acting. I hope the people realize who the true leaders are (those that acted swiftly and took bold decisions), and who the impostors are.
Actually, it now turns out that under the Obama administration, Fauci outsourced a lot of virus research to Chinese institutions like the Wuhan Institute of Virology, together with large grants from the US. The current problem looks increasingly like a legacy from that policy.
I agree we all deserve and need the truth. But how many of us want to hear it, if it turns out to be inconvenient?
How? I thought he does everything that Fauci recommends. Now, if Fauci is a reliable source for advice is another questions.
Trump and his supporters hypocrisy and fecklessness over China can be summed up with one example - a Trump Rally....
Trump yells and thunders that China is an unfair trader, stealing US jobs, cheating in international markets, spreading Corona....all the while wearing a Chinese-made Trump tie...
His supporters cheer and scream their agreement and support; "China bad, China bad", waving Trump/Pence 2020 banners...made in China...
Any Trump supporter care to explain this? Or why Trump gets his products made in "slave labor" Chinese factories?
Bang on! As I have been harping on JT for ages, that the world really needs to STOP feeding the MONSTER that China has become & which the west GREATLY helped in creating.
That said a lot of leaders around the world have a hell of a lot to answer for as well!
And have all the Dems embarrass themselves again, should be a barrel of laughs..
Mueller, impeachment losers and now again, yeah, what losers...but go Democrats go!
Of course not, only liberals think that.
Can't be any more embarrassing than the Trump Five-O-Clock Follies each day...what a comedy show...
Six hearings, 10 investigations, and nothing...that's losing...but glad you agree we need an investigation - thanks.
And why are you dodging the questions below? Please explain...
Not nearly as interesting as The clown car that is the Democrat party fumbling around with nothing to do but waste tax money to launch fruitless investigations again and again. Lol
2 years, 19 angry Dem lawyers 500 witness, 500 subpoenas lying FBI agents and nothing and then again, let’s impeach with zero evidence and once again, ultimate and embarrassing failure.
Already did.
WilliBToday 09:12 pm JST
How? I thought he does everything that Fauci recommends.
Trump shifts his rhetoric by the hour. I won’t recap. But as of today, after backing down from offensive to any decent America position of ‘I alone decide what the states do’ he has said let the states decide. Then he encourages armed protesters to ‘liberate’ themselves from the lockdowns. Shameful. I used to consider myself a Republican. Now I consider them the Banana Republicans.
bass4funkToday 07:48 pm JST
Yes, let the Democrats try and embarrass themselves for a 3rd time.
The Banana Republicans are so proud of the ability to obstruct investigations. Like a child signing their signature on the wall after potty training. If we have a Democratic Senate perhaps we will hear from the actual government players, under oath. Instead of the truth being buried.
The Dems did the same thing.
No, the truth would be buried, ask Holder.
Haaa Nemui
Why is it not possible for people to be critical of both the WHO and of President Trump? Trump was right when he called out the WHO, as are the Australian leaders, but that doesn’t for one moment excuse the things which they have or may have done poorly themselves.
All they all dodge the basic question - if China is as bad as you and Trump say, why does Trump support the regime and get his clothes made in Chinese sweatshop factories using in what one Trump supporter here called "slave labor"?
Come on fellas, get up a little courage...explain that one to us...
We'll be waiting...
No one did. But you can’t just point to the President, you need to look at the Democrats as well and their wicked ways.
Just stupid, people are dying and the last thing anyone is worried about are a pair of Nike’s no one, heck, even the Chinese aren’t thinking about that now. But it’s a good time for America start talks about moving a lot of manufacturing out of China
One more dodge...why can't they answer it...
If China is as bad as you and Trump say, why does Trump support the regime and get his clothes made in Chinese sweatshop factories using in what one Trump supporter here called "slave labor"?
Still waiting....
bass4funkToday 11:03 pm JST
The Dems did the same thing
Typical partisan argument that can’t see past party.. Puts ideology before country. I never voted for a Democrat. I love out country and Democracy first and foremost. Trump is shredding both. And you guys just stick to he same old media war talking points. Sad.
Because it’s stupid as I explained, so now need to, it was already addressed.
But as I said before and the real and only issue is, people are dying and the last thing anyone is worried about are a pair of Nike’s no one, heck, even the Chinese aren’t thinking about that now. But it’s a good time for America start talks about moving a lot of manufacturing out of China.
Excuse me, I never heard you mention the Democrats grandstanding or how they at every given turn wanted to destroy this President. Imagine if Trump would have attacked early and went against the medical advisors and had done the very thing they accuse him of NOT doing, you mean to tell me liberals and Democrats would praise Trump for being proactive? Now you know they wouldn’t and you’re just kidding yourself if you think they would. Give me a break!
Sorry, the Dems were the ones that were holding aid back a few weeks ago and not once, but twice. Aid for illegals, aid for voter registration...yeah, ideology before country.
Really, then you should look more closely what the Dems have been trying to do to this President for three years and the last administration thumbed its nose at the constitution as well, but liberals were silent back then, all of a sudden it’s a crisis.
As do liberals, yes, sad indeed.
And another dodge...A simple question and no Trump supporter can answer it...
If China is as bad as you and Trump say, why does Trump support the regime and get his clothes made in Chinese sweatshop factories using in what one Trump supporter here called "slave labor"?
Still waiting...
WHO was very slow on this and had to be dragged into declaring it a pandemic long after it was obvious in the news. By the time it hits the news that's another lag so they must have been forced to act. That's not what you want in a WHO.
The rest comes down to having experienced public health professionals in the job at home and having enough healthcare capacity while politicians stepped out of the way. This is why other countries have succeeded where the USA has failed. Those who acted early doubly so
No dodge, the question was addressed.
I will agree with you on that one.
I disagree, different circumstances, Population sizes, social problems, you can’t compare the two. I think given the circumstances if the actions early on to close the country down weren’t taken I can imagine the howling that would have occurred and even then, still people were howling. Steps were made and had they have been, more people would or could have died, not easy to say.
@TheLongTermer yeah, my sentiments exactly. Considering all the Chinese government did the cover to stuff up, including that one scientist that tried to give an early warning about this in December, we definitely need an independent investigation into all of this.
It's not like Trump would take advice so to pretend it's the WHO's fault alone is pretty rich. Even when briefed in Feb he went golfing, multiple times, so there's your genius at work. Meanwhile Australia acted promptly. You can blame the WHO all you want but you couldn't have a more different response to reality.
Nations acted when it was obvious WHO wasn’t going to and thus WHO have lost a lot of credibility long before the Trump Muppets commented on it.
I don’t think the Trump Muppets have thought their comments through though as it would go against their GOP doctrine. Because the natural response is for the USA to have a single payer healthcare system. You can’t be aghast then deny the solution everyone else has.
He never said anything about "armed protesters", that is your phantasy.
Can we do without these strawmen?
Why is it not possible for people to be critical of both the WHO and of President Trump? Trump was right when he called out the WHO, as are the Australian leaders, but that doesn’t for one moment excuse the things which they have or may have done poorly themselves.
Thank you Nemui, for that well thought out reasonable argument.
And thank you very much for making said argument, because during this whole coronavirus pandemic, we’re gonna need all these arguments we can get, in order to defeat this virus. You know, it’s lines of thinking like this, that could give us the key to the vaccine that will need to defeat this thing. So once again, thank you
When the CCP announced a lockdown of Wuhan, you couldn't leave the area by land, though International flights were still operating .... why ?
What exactly was the WHO able to do within China ?
Also, what did they ask to be able to do, and were refused ?
I think its certainly prudent to have an investigation after the event, in order to see where things went wrong, and how to prepare for the next event. Political meddling in the WHO is the current hot potato - beit from China or from the US, or from wherever - this needs addressing too.
The right wing parties around the world seem to be responding in the same way, treading a path of conspiracy theories and racist dog whistles to take attention of three things, government is vital to security and safety, right wing governments mostly bungled the responses to this pandemic because they listened to oligarchs, with disastrous consequences, and left wing governments mostly did a reasonably good job in responding because they listened to the scientists.
Hiro S Nobumasa
To be fair, The WHO should also investigate Australia and big brother USA why both didn't insist that Taiwan should be a member of the Geneva based Health Organization and must insists for a transparent explanation.
Furthermore , The WHO must ask da-kine Foreign Minister Marise Payne pointblank why her country only have exclusive diplomatic ties with Beijing but totally rejects having one with democratic Taipei.
Sounds like trump is putting pressure on his fiend friend from Australia.
Back me up or else, remember this is a typical trump tactic.
Diversion & accusation also feature, daily.
Kuya 808
Taking a look at what was going on between the CCP and WHO back at the genesis of this mess, is not such a bad idea. If everything is cool, then no harm no foul. If something cheeky was going on then I think most people would want to know. After all, it's much easier to form an educated opinion if you have all the facts, right?
Most countries, regardless of where they are on the political spectrum, were caught with their pants down on this one. And likewise most countries don't have the capacity, or will, to embed their own observers within the CCP medical research apparatus to keep tabs on potential problems. That's where the WHO comes in. Countries around the world have relied on that organization to lead the way and tell them what to do. Just how well placed that trust was will eventually come out in the wash.
As a side note, in the US the FBI is looking into a sizable grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for coronavirus research. Years back, it was determined by US health officials that research in these types of viruses posed a serious risk. The primary concern was the potential for accidental release of a novel strain which could potentially cause a global pandemic. For this reason the US placed a moratorium on this type research. Not everybody was happy about that, there were doctors and scientist that wanted to continue in spite of the potential danger. Among the dissenters was the US National Institute of Health. To circumvent the moratorium the NIH took money that they had budgeted for domestic coronavirus research and gave it to the Wuhan Institute of Virology as a grant. Essentially outsourcing this potentially dangerous research to the CCP.
Maybe if something fishy was going on with the WHO and CCP, it will show up when the FBI puts this whole thing under their microscope.
BTW: The US moratorium on coronavirus research went into effect in 2014, the grant from the NIH was awarded in 2015.
@Hung Nguyen - Thank you for your acute insights.
As a person who hails from Kenya- neighbor to Gebhreyesus's Ethiopia - I feel totally let down that we Africans fronted such an incompetent lackey to head such an important global post.
Tedros Adhamon Gebhreyesus, please resign. You lack the gravitas, intellect, judgement, and leadership, to head the WHO.
Hopefully, if the right wing conspiracy theorists and the folks coddling up to racists get their way, and an international probe into the handling of the Covid19 outbreak is held, it'll be modeled after the ICC (and it's forerunners the ICTY etc) rather than after the American impeachment process, because an inquiry that deals with ALL the facts, and applies ONE SET of standards to them all is needed.
Of course, such an inquiry would not suit the present Australian government, the present UK government, the present American government, or any of those calling for a formalized witch hunt aimed exclusively at the American 'enemies list'.
Hung Nguyen
@ zichi,
China is the biggest importer of Australian coal, LNG, iron ore and uranium. It also imports beef, wheat and other farm produce. They won't bite the hand which feeds them.
To date, I have enjoyed reading your constructive comments across most aspects of life, but I am afraid that your above judgment lacks substance this time. In trade, it is the stable supply, quality and types of products that matter most to any international buyers. With regard to LNG for instance, even though Indonesia offered a cheaper price and that the distance to its gas is shorter but China still wanted Australian product because of the political stability of this country.
Australia has never been an economically dependent state that cannot survive without China. By contrast, Australia has been proactive in defending the freedom of navigation in the Southeast Asian Sea – not only for the core interests of Australia and ASEAN but for the whole world – despite the real risk of loosing its biggest customer given global recession seems to be inevitable.
The more information that is released, the better things will be for all of us. Let the investigations begin. China has been pressuring/bribing/cajoling/influencing many/most nations to reject Taiwan's independence for decades. And China has been very successful. China has also managed to have most of the world's personal protection equipment manufacturing moved to China. I believe that most nations have now seen why they should not have turned over their own manufacturing to a foreign government.
OTOH, the World Health Organization should welcome an investigation, and open investigation, if only to clear it's own name, and to restore it's own reputation as a "world" health organization.
Early on, many/most of the world's nations listened to, and made decisions based on, the China-influenced early proclamations from the WHO, as well as the early, and very suspicious, claims by the Chinese government.
How do you expect internet chatrooms to "defeat this virus", or give us "the key to the vaccine"?
If you want to actually know why Trump did something, you'll have to ask Trump.
My guess would be that Trump, and every other manufacturer, or owner, who uses Chinese labor to make their products use them because they provide cheap labor. And it's currently legal. That may change in the future. Future legislatures may decide that only 25, 50, or 75 percent of a product/products may be made in China. During these trying times, it is easier to increase production of PPE, than it is to start up from scratch.