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© 2014 AFPAustralia hails success halting boatpeople
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One of the biggest furphies of modern times. Australia failed to stop the boats in 1788 and the joint has been going to pot ever since.
To be fair, Australia did not know it was Australia in 1788. But it does grow some good pot.
The country of Australia did not come into being until all the colonies on the continent of Australia federated in 1901, creating the Commonwealth of Australia.
gotta love the Aussies. everywhere else in the world tries to implement a humane way of dealing with this issue and fails and feels bad about it. the Aussies go hardline and are tough and (allegedly) succeed and crow about it. bonzer!
the scary thing is that Morrison aspires to be a future Prime Minister.... god help Australia if he does....
People miss the point of this hard line strategy. The point was to stop the asylum seekers drowning in their overcrowded timber boats and to stop the human traffickers making money out of exploiting them, which worked! Genuine asylum seekers are still welcome in Australia, but the huge amounts of people being sold dreams by people smugglers has stopped. Abbott's stance on asylum seekers is the only thing he has done that I agree with.
Is it really that people smugglers "sell people dreams" or that "asylum seekers" live in hellholes and want the chance to escape to either make money or get away from political repression or whatever? and is it really ok to then dump them in other less developed countries - with some financial incentive to those countries' governments to take them? Feels a bit off to me. I get they don't want to be flooded by poverty stricken illegals (a bit ironic but still) but still feels a bit harsh to me.
Argus Tuft
Doesn't that beg the question: How many are dying en route now but outside of Australian territorial waters ?
Australia hails success halting boatpeople
Bravo Zulu to Australia, just wish the US and Europe would take a hard stance against these kinds of invasions.
In the US we have fence jumpers coming across the border finding jobs illegally, not paying taxes, committing crimes and then sending the money home country so they can buy a farm and then escape back across the border.
Most of these so called asylum seekers are really just economic migrants and they put a strain on all nations that are silly enough to bring them without properly vetting them.
Sweden, the poor innocent asylum seekers repaid the kindness by rioting whenever May comes around.
Hey how about France and their asylum-seeker no-go zones, if you aren't one of them you best stay out.
These are just a few example of what these so-called asylum seekers bring to the nations that are silly enough to accept them blindly.
Time for all nations to take a stand and end illegal immigration and false asylum seekers!
BRAVO ZULU Australia!
Liberal governments who accept these illegal immigrants with open arms are going to have a rude awakening come next election.
Ron Barnes
What a lot of hogwash they have not stopped anything they are just not finding them as much because the people smugglers have become smart and are using a different approach.
Wakarimassen is the perfect handle for such a comment. You should do some research before posting such rubbish. Before the processing centre was set up in PNG around 20% of the asylum seekers died on route to Christmas Island. The refugees are coming from the Middle East in shitty little overcrowded boats after paying the people traffickers upwards of $30,000 (AUD) and dodging the Indonesian navy on the way through. Now, however, the trip to Australia is not so appealing knowing they will spend up to three years in PNG. The true asylum seekers now go through the correct channels to apply for asylum in Australia.
Selchuk Driss
Australians and Americans have no reason to complain about refugees. In Europe we have to bear the brunt of the countless American wars in the Middle East. While Australia mostly gets asylum seekers thirsting for education, eager to work and adapt, Europeans have to deal with 90% young uneducated male refugees, a breeding ground for future terrorism, crime and social unrest.
Of course we have every right to complain about refugees. I applaud the Aussies for being aggressively tough on this issue as we should be as well, but we have a president that is in over his eyes, makes constantly the wrong decisions, always lies and NEVER keeps his promises. He could secure the border right now if he really wanted, but he won't whatever political reason that he has because for him it's about partisan politics. What do you think we get coming across America? The same thing, not to mention people are running away from the Cartels, who are without a doubt equally as violent as ISIS and other Islamist groups. By the way, us Americans will probably have to go back and fight ISIS to protect all of you, since most of you guys want these people dead, neutralized or whatever euphemism you want to use.
Sounds like the US could learn something from the Aussies.
Abbott said that anybody who comes by boat as is found to be a genuine refugee will be resettled in another country. most of the boats are turned back if they are intercepted by the Australian Navy. stopping the boats is also saving many lives. a tough approach is the only way whether you agree with it or not
The problem is not the immigrants themselves, the main problem is that far too many of them do not want to fully integrate into our societies. I applaud what Australia is now doing to control the situation to prevent future trouble for themselves.
Kobuta Chan
As well as saving thousands of lives of children and adults drowning at sea.
Look at Europe, how many children and adults drown at Mediterranean Sea? Who took responsible for dead of peoples at sea?
UN and Human Right organizations are responsible death of peoples at sea because they encourage peoples to risk their life.
If UN and Human Right Organization do not pressure European nations accept all Asylum seekers from Africa and Middle East and then Governments will turn back boats and deport asylum seekers who are not refugees. Peoples won't be risking their life and waste their money if they know they will be deported to their own country as soon as they foot in Europe.
UN and Human Right organizations are to blame for death of innocent children and adult at sea. Also local host peoples are victims too. They have their civil right and human rights were broken by forcing them to accept non refugee’s strangers in their society.
UN Refugee Convention charter is out of date and UN Human Right and UNCHR Commissioners must let host country to exercise its own law for Asylum seekers' problems
Problem, politics are so polarizing, that many of these guys in Washington understand what illegal immigration can do to the country. You can be a humane nation without having to allow every person to come in as they want, whenever they want. I don't think Australia is less humane because of their strong stance on immigration. I think they have a very generous social entitlement system, but it's not given away to just anyone that comes into the country. It should be earned. But their politicians understand if left unchecked, the massive influx of refugees is a burden on social system and is not fair to the people that have followed the law and are waiting in line.
Selchuk Driss
Kobuta Chan
If UN and Human Right Organization do not pressure European nations accept all Asylum seekers from Africa and Middle East and then Governments will turn back boats and deport asylum seekers who are not refugees. Peoples won't be risking their life and waste their money if they know they will be deported to their own country as soon as they foot in Europe.
Exactly. Most of the refugees are not looking for political asylum but are economic refugees. So right now, we are letting everyone in, we can't say in 1 year oh sorry, first come first served - you can't get in anymore! Either let only the political refugees in or everybody, the way it is done right now is not fair for either refugees or the local population.