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Australia launches antisemitism task force after synagogue arson attack

By Alasdair Pal

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An Australian Jewish man detained outside a Sydney synagogue for waving an Israeli flag at Pro-Palestinian protesters decried on Sunday policing double standards that ignored anti-Israel activists.


Things are getting wierder by the minute!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

They still have no idea who did it and what was their motive...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

For the last 20 years Mosque in Australia have also been attack, These attack were not seen as terrorist attack. In the 1990 Asian eateries were fired bomb but still not deemed terrorist attacks. But if a jew's place of worst ship is attack, it's a terrrorist attack. And Who,s leader has international arrest warrants for crimes against humanity. The Jewish leader. It like a filthy sink has permeated the government sole and it has effected logical reasoning.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

It seems there they beat around against everything. Luggage contents at airports, drugs, smoking, Ururu visitors, SNS users, Nazi saluters, mosque, church, synagogue attackers, just to name only a few. Finally they beat themselves and each other dead with joy, I guess and predict, reaching then nothing of what originally might be intended for good.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Motive? It could be that this synagogue is the same synagogue that aided convicted Jewish Pedophile Malka Liefer to jump bail and escape to Israel where it took 12 years to get her exrodited to spend 12 years in a Melbourne gaol. It could be that the Jewish leader is in the same realm of Hitler and co. Could be that the stairs of the above synagog protrudes onto the walkway and that has annoy some idiot. But antisemitism not likely seeing Australia courts have never seen a charges of antisemitism and there has never been any attacks before.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Jewish population i Australia but they seem to weild influence at all levels.

And yet people say "there is no such thing as a Jewish lobby "

Too much influence not a healthy balance .

Oh, and Netanyahu raves on criticising Australia,s Federal Govt. and PM, but hey ....none are subject to arrest for Crimes against humanity.


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

A few days ago I wrote:

It could be an inside job, to get sympathy or increase protection for their community.

Who knows?

Until they catch the arsonist, everything is just speculation.

And now we have:

Australia on Monday launched an antisemitism task...

Police have also stepped up patrols of Jewish areas in Melbourne in order to reassure the community there...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Correction....Jewish population is miniscule in Australia yet seem to wield influence at all levels.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Vile comments above reflecting an unchecked and unmoderated mindset and narrative. Even our own left leaning ABC is recognizing that anti semitism is a serious threat and that it is unacceptable in Australia, and represents a threat to our core principals and values. Our LABOR party prime minister not mincing words either.

This latest attack has been clearly called out as a terrorist threat to a country that has accepted all nations and religions in a spirit of good will and integration. and by our very nature, abhor these hate filled and dangerous crimes.

and Guru,

Correction....Jewish population is miniscule in Australia yet seem to wield influence at all levels.

the size of the Jewish population is irrelevant to our values and principals. Hope that comment is not seen as too offensive to be scrubbed.

Respectfully calling out a very skewed and dangerous opinion peddler that doesn’t stand for a second what Aussies are or stand for.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If people do not care about you,why should it bother you, attacking anyone for any reason is wrong,anti semitism is being used so much,that his has no meaning or legal basis

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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