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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Australia security official warns staff of 'drums of war'
By ROD McGUIRK CANBERRA, Australia©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Bjorn Tomention
The sound has been back ground noise for years now the noise is becoming clearer and louder, time to take it seriously and not be caught on the back foot by the antagonizer CCP, wake up !
Good to see that Australia is not burying its head in the sand when it comes to China unlike their Trans Tasman neighbors.
He got a point considering that most northern east asians are either militaristic or ultra nationalist.
It won’t be a surprise to have a conflict starting from that region.
How exactly is China going to go to war with Taiwan? The largest private sector employers in China are Taiwanese companies. Each of which has hundreds of thousand of Chinese employees and sub-contracts to thousands of smaller privately held companies. Keeping the status quo is good business.
Sven Asai
Before such a war it is surely a good idea to survive the corona pandemic first. And it’s not sure that Australia got through, other countries also had no or low infection numbers and suddenly it’s exploding deadly. Just as this unnecessary war...
Maybe, but its interesting that public servants like this nobody pretend to rattle the cage, whilst the gov't and companies here in Aus continue to hold their hands out for Chinese money. Record trade with China in 2020, tipped to be even higher in 2021. Iron ore exports fuelling China's military build-up.
At least the Kiwis arent as hypocritical.
continue to hold their hands out for Chinese money.
and why do you think the kiwis are so quiet!, dont want to bite the hand that feeds them
Bjorn Tomention
Northernlife, maybe the Aus Govt sold out but the Aus people sure havent, they dont like what the govt has done with the national assets.
It is a good thing then that Australia is tough enough to take it and keep on going.
They fire missiles and send troops to invade and when its finished they clean up and reorganize Taiwan along CCP lines.
We are already in a war, although it is one of propaganda, subversion, trade, threats and gradual, salami tactic escalation.
There is no shooting war, and most likely there will not be one; that is not how the CCP operates.
But if there is no solid resistence again the CCP gradually enforcing their ocean claims (including the sea access around Taiwan), it looks like the CCP will be eventually successful.
Really? Why? China is so much bigger and better armed.
Mind you, another large country with supposedly invincible armed forces took on Vietnam and didn't fare too well.
He's right to get people thinking more about how to avoid conflict. The ASEAN countries plus India, Australia and NZ need to all band together and condemn China's actions in Xinjiang and militarizing islands that are definitely not their own. Surely there is a Chinese proverb about a bully needing to be stopped........
How? CCP China is already occupying Vietnamese islands, very much angering the Vietnamese. But with Vietname having only small navy, there is nothing they can do.
Oh really? Which "large country with supposedly invincible armed forces" took on "Vietnam" and "didn't fare too well"? Cambodia under Pol Pot?
MMMMMMMM who started this???. don't we have enough problems???.
Bjorn Tomention
I'm a Kiwi disgusted in the NZ govt of the country and its approach but its led by a socialst seeking chinese money, UN glorification and has been known to call everyone at its rallies Comrade, Time it was rest.
Aussie lead the way once more many kiwi's will stand with you once more.
Dont like the truth, then stop reading my posts.
I think he was referring to USA! USA! USA!
I think so too, I just wanted to see if he is really unaware of the existance of North Vietnam, the Sovjet Union, and the actual history of the events. Of course nobody "took on Vietnam".
Desert Tortoise
I doubt that claim. I cannot find a listing of the top employers in China by company but did find a list of the top employers by industry. None of these industries are logically even open to Taiwanese owned companies much less dominated by them. The top employers in terms of the number of employees n China are:
Cotton growing
In-home care and other household services
Building construction
Full service restaurants
Chinese medicinal herb growing
Tobacco growing
Fruit & nut growing
Building completion/interior design
Bridge, tunnel & subway construction
Fast food restaurants
Desert Tortoise
2021 is a different year/ Australian exports to China were down 8% in January 2021 as Chinese purchases of iron ore, cereal grains, wine and meat declined. China has begun buying iron ore from South Africa and has increased its purchases from Brazil. It is paying about double the price it paid for Australian iron ore and appears willing to do so. As of 8 March 21 there were some 40 ships full of Australian coking coal (high quality coal used in steel making) sitting in Chinese ports not being unloaded. Many have been sitting there since last year.
Desert Tortoise
PRC invaded Vietnam in 1979 attempting to force the Vietnamese to remove their forces from Cambodia. PRC thought that invading Vietnam itself would force Vietnam to bring home its best divisions which were stationed in Cambodia to defend their home territory. They thought wrong. Vietnam did not withdraw their forces from Cambodia and the forces they had in Vietnam fought them to a standstill. Faced with having to fight some of Vietnams best divisions guarding Hanoi and dealing with daily attacks by Vietnamese irregular forces and high losses the PLA withdrew in defeat,
William Bjornson
" send off, yet again, our warriors to fight the nation’s wars,”
In reality, we send our naive, poorly trained children to defend and enlarge our economic interests in whatever arena our psychopaths are casting their desires. For this, our children give both their lives and any day without sadness for the rest of their parents' lives... If we must quote "War", perhaps a quote from a real "Warrior" might be safe here:
“I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.” - Smedley Darlington Butler (Most decorated Marine in history including 2 [TWO!] CMHs), Known as 'Old Gimlet Eye' (a very sharp drill), and was (and still is) The Marine's Marine. Semper fidelis.
desert tortoise
True. However, in 79, I do not think the PRC forces were considered "invincible", and also I do not think that was what Harry-Gato was referring to.