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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Australian leader warns of resurgence in asylum seekers if opposition wins election
By ROD McGUIRK CANBERRA, Australia©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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And that is the ecxact same hateful rhetoric crap that Diaper Don used for his evil deeds. he claimed there were 'hordes, caravans, an invasion' of 'animals' crossing into the deserts and across the Rio Grande to steal, plunder. rape and push drugs. That was his lying excuses for a hateful Berlin-ish wall that thankfully was never built. He was stealing money from everything for it. And yes, the issue was 'illegal' immigrants but did that justify kidnapping all those children and placing them in concentration camps?
It sounds like Morrison took a page out of Trump's Xenophobia rulebook here. Maybe he isn't such a monster fascist turd like Trumpster is but the scaredy tactics of 'oooh, voodoo illegal migrants are out to git us!' still looks like the Same Old S*** to me. Another 'excuse' to re-elect me me me me me me, cuz I'm the One who Will Save Ya. It's a load of bull.
They aren't economic migrants. They fear persecution and death in their home country. That's what makes them "asylum seekers".
Sh1mon M4sada
I think you need to read the story in full.
Should they get to Australia, they are offered temporary protection visas, until they are processed 'in the queue', under Morrison. Under Albanese, Labor UK, they are offered full visas without processing. Why join UN queue when you can jump it by taking risks at sea, in sealed lorries instead?
There is no scare mongering by Morrison, it's fact, it's history. Removing temporary PV kills people, AND punishes those who are in UNHCR camps around the world. Albanese should know better, but it seems a woke vote is worth more than lives to Labor.
If you want to entertain more obscene scenarios, TPV lures migrants into people smuggling schemes, and many end up as slaves. This is also fact, and history.
Sh1mon M4sada
I am guessing some posters here weren't around before 2010. The Australian PM is right, as is the UK PM, in being cautious about where and how refugees are processed. Heck just look at what's happening in Sweden right now, woke gone pear shaped. Or Berlin and housing, Denmark, Italy, Greece/Turkey.
Australia's Labor party should know better, when Kevin Rudd (exPM) changed the rules for refugees, and immediately they had a massive illegal boat arrivals problem, so much so, people were dying in their thousands trying to reach Australia on leaky boats. It was a humanitarian disaster, even without the processing, ie people, women, children were dying at sea just trying to get to Australia.
Why is it OK for new refugees (???migrants) to jump the queue ahead of law abiding refugees in UN camps right now around the world? The woke criticism reeks of hypocrisy as usual, ie do as I say but not what I do.
There is an orderly UN program for the processing of refugees. It's only migrants who DON'T want to wait to be properly processed as refugees, AND their woke cohorts that's causing the suffering of REAL refugees, many of whom are still in UN camps around the world today.
This is all before you have spies in pursuits of real refugees fleeing dictatorial regimes hiding in the mist. Or terrorists on orders to infiltrate, or kleptocrats trying to hide their thieveries.
So the same people that are all for "asylum seekers" flooding a country do not want it to happen to Japan. I think Australia is right to not want these economic migrants. Countries have borders for a reason.
If I recall the land Down Under used to have a 'White Australia' policy for years. Are these chumps scared of immigrants from India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singapore? With this type of xenophobic scare tactics, next thing one of them will be advocating a hateful wall like another blubbering hatemongering idiot we all know.
Rob Nads
It may not seem like such a long time ago, but Melb, Syd and Brisbane alone have added close to 2 million people since then. And it would have been even more, if not for COVID temporarily thwarting the rampant population growth.
Rob Nads
They don't want to live in the middle of nowhere, though. They all flock to the major cities - Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane - where infrastructure such as roads, hospitals and schools cannot keep up with the crush-loading of migrants into poorly-serviced enclaves in the outer suburbs.
Sad when you only have Morrison and albanesy to vote for…!!! Duocracy isn’t that different from monopoly!
The first immigrants didn’t come there ‘by themselves’, they were sent there as punishment, often for such vile crimes as stealing a loaf of bread to feed starving children.
Australia has plenty of space, no reason they can’t take in a good many more immigrants.
It seems some people are still hanging on to memories of the old ‘White Australia’ policy.
Time to move on.
Australian politics has stagnated, with only 2 choices, both of which are almost impossible to tell between. The political system needs a change to supply a broader number of options. And definitely an integrity corruption mechanism.
Rob Nads
The Australian election reminds me of the South Park episode where they are forced to choose between the giant douche and the turd sandwich. My best advice to any young Australian would be to marry a foreign citizen and work towards getting permanent residency or citizenship in another country.
Happy Day
It can’t be worse than Biden’s immigration policy, which is letting in thousands of the worst characters daily including drug, sex, and human traffickers. China can also easily flood the U.S. with fentanyl.
FYI - Morrison wasn't even voted in to be Australia's prime minister.
He doesn't care about the general population of Australia, and only serves for his rich corporate friends and the racist conservative population.
When the entire east cost of Australia was on fire, he took a trip to Hawaii with his family.
When countless scientific reports condemned Australia for their lack of actions against climate change, he only pushed even harder for coal. He became infamous for holding a piece of coal in parliament telling people not be scared of it.
When women in parliament started stepping forward about allegations of bulling and sexual harassments, he did nothing.
He is also a deeply religious man that pushes Christian agenda.
Australia did not vote for him, and he needs to go. He is non-progressive and not fit for his job.
Sven Asai
If I and the history books are not completely wrong , they also almost all by themselves came there as boat people from very far away and only had similar luck of being tolerated instead of being thrown out. lol
Morrison appealing to the racists for votes. Classy.