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Barr defends handling of Mueller's Russia report


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"Given the extraordinary public interest in the matter, the Attorney General decided to release the report's bottom-line findings and his conclusions immediately 

The operative words are 'his conclusions', i.e. the 'conclusions' 'his' boss Trump wanted Barr to use.

neither alleged a crime nor exonerated Trump, according to Barr's letter from last month.

Trump supporters need to STOP saying Barr or anyone else with even the slightest credibility exonerated Trump. Only Trump, a habitual liar, and his sycophants in the media are saying he has been. It's fake news/alt facts to say he's been exonerated, or is 'innocent'.

Release the report!!! Let the American people decide for themselves.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Release the report!!!

What, in full, unredacted? And violate the 4th Amendment?

Only Trump, a habitual liar, and his sycophants in the media 

No worries, we still have CNN, MSNBC, etc, etc, to tell us the truth, hahahahahahaha

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

This administration is so corrupt that I’ve lost the ability to be surprised or shocked. The Senate is so complicit that I’ve lost the ability to be outraged. I’m completely exhausted by it all.

Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice.

Barr is guilty of Destruction of Justice.

Release the report so we know what the oranges are.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

@ptRelease the report!!!

@serranoWhat, in full, unredacted?

Hopefully the legislative branch will have say over what's redacted. If not, Trump, the habitual liar plus his sycophants in his man-made DC cesspool and their media sycophants will be able to slime the report to protect what Trump wants hidden. What could he want to hide?

tell us the truth, hahahahahahaha

Trump's most loyal followers must fear the truth. Where was Trump's father (the guy he got US$400+ million from) born?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

It's an indictment of the public's acceptance of Dumpty's derangement that nobody is even asking if the guy with "the very large brain", "the world's greatest memory" and "the best words" has read the Mueller Report himself. Given his full schedule of Fox , golf, ranting at rallies and tweetin', it's a stretch to even imagine him licking his fingers clean of KFC to pick up Barr's 4-page PR job. And even when the Mueller report's findings are finally revealed and those of further investigations by Congress and the Southern District of New York, like in the oft-told tale of Hans Christian Andersen, there will still be plenty of reality-challenged folks around to admire the Presidential Perp in his new orange jump-suit.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Another day in the life of the current occupant of the White House in Washington, DC at the detriment and expense of We the People of the United States of America.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

So you just have to wait.

“Barr said he was continuing to work with Mueller's office on redactions to the report so that it could be released to Congress and the public.”

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Thought Mueller had credibility. His report said Trump was exonerated of Russia collusion.

Who do liberals need to hear this from to accept it?

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

There is a lot of pent up anger on the Left which has led to these over-the-top demands for the immediate release of Mueller’s already promised report. It’s been more than two years - can no one wait a mere two more weeks?

There is so much invested in the Russia collusion narrative that no amount of evidence or facts will change the minds of those who have bought into this wild conspiracy theory. Does anyone seriously believe that Barr lied about the fact that there is insufficient evidence to conclude that Trump colluded with Putin? Are we to now believe that Mueller is in the tank for Trump as well?

Pull yourselves together and come up with a new presidency ending theory. This one has been played out.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Barr expressly stated Trump was NOT exonerated.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

@blacklab His report said Trump was exonerated of Russia collusion.

From the above article:

The Mueller team laid out evidence on both sides of the question in a way that neither alleged a crime nor exonerated Trump, according to Barr's letter from last month.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Thought Mueller had credibility.

He does.

His report said Trump was exonerated of Russia collusion.

How would you know? You haven't seen the report.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

No matter how many different ways liberals dress up their poached leftist "opinions", it is still going to sound like nonsense.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice.

That's not what Mueller said. Or don't you believe him?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

AG Barr isn't in any hurry to do his job properly for an issue which the top FBI counterintelligence officer described as "There is no there, there".

Wouldn't surprise anyone if he has Dems pent-up in their frustration through Nov 2020, as they get more rabid in their hysterics.

Barr has to quaver in his boots for those subpoenas duces tecum galore coming from a toothless Congress. Lol.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Anyone who is working with or on the behalf of Trump on concealing any part of this Document is likely to face criminal charges. It call obstruction of Justice. That letter I mention would gave clear guidance on what will happen if the document is not release in full.

Even if this were true, it would be much less of an issue compared with 30,000 emails subpoenaed by a toothless Congress, then BleachBit-ed by you-know-who without consequences.

Sorry for those broken dreams.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Barr is simply making his own interpretations of the Mueller report. Barr was chosen by Trump because of his very forceful and unsolicited criticism of the very idea of the investigation.

Barr’s letter provides very little in substance. Mueller is quoted only four times, and then in incomplete sentences.

Release the entire unredacted report to the congressional intelligence committees for starters.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Release the entire unredacted report to the congressional intelligence committees for starters -- comment

Leftists want AG Barr, America's top LEO to break the law by allowing Grand Jury testimonies to be made public, making national security secrets available to our foreign enemies to see, etc.? Heh, good luck with that.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

You can release the redacted version if you want. People will just assume the worst about Trump.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Leftists want AG Barr, America's top LEO to break the law by allowing Grand Jury testimonies to be made public, 

I didn’t say public. I said congressional intelligence committees.

It seems Trumpsters can’t make a point without misrepresentation, whattaboutism, or distraction.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Leftists want AG Barr, America's top LEO to break the law by allowing Grand Jury testimonies to be made public

The American Left does not care about the law. Winning is everything - it’s how you get a $30 million Russian collusion investigation that comes up completely empty.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

AG Barr has not and will contact Mueller investigation team or work with them concerning the release of the 400 page Doc. A offical letter has been sent to Barr ordering him to work with the investigation team or ?. So stop the continuing falsehoods / lies that Bar is working with them. The AG Barr is working overtime in redacting ever word of 400 page Document. Anyone who is working with or on the behalf of Trump on concealing any part of this Document is likely to face criminal charges. It call obstruction of Justice. That letter I mention would gave clear guidance on what will happen if the document is not release in full.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The American Left does not care about the law. Winning is everything

“My whole life is about winning.”

“I don’t like losers.”

“Rules are meant to be broken.”

—Donald J. Trump

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@wolfpack investigation that comes up completely empty.

It's still premature to say the investigation has come up 'completely empty', unless you've been able to personally view the 400 pages of documents Mueller's team submitted.

Then there's this:

 Mueller's investigation did result in indictments for 34 individuals – seven of whom have been convicted so far – including some senior members of the Trump campaign https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/25/muellers-russia-report-special-counsel-indictments-charges/3266050002/

Trump the compulsive liar seems to have attracted a following of like-minded individuals.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I didn’t say public. I said congressional intelligence committees.

You mean the House Intelligence Committee and Adam Schiff, the partisan hack whose security clearance may be pulled in the near future for possible breaches of intelligence.

Talk about an instant leaky bathtub. No confidentiality there!

That's the Adam Schiff who actively sought material against President Trump and got pranked by two Russian comedians.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

The American Left does not care about the law. Winning is everything - it’s how you get a $30 million Russian collusion investigation that comes up completely empty.

plasticmonkey already addressed your philosophical points, but on a monetary one: the investigation tuend a profit. It made the USA money.

Have a great Friday!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The American Left does not care about the law.

One of the many upsetting and destructive legacies from the Trump era will be such how falsehoods, presented as facts will go unchallenged.

How spinning a negative outcome (the Mueller investigation) into a victory is taken for granted.

Trump's daily lies have inspired millions around the world to do the very same.

Discourse is dead. Can anyone trust anyone, anymore?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When Trump is in gaoled and he will be. Those who are rabbeted about supporting his presidency and defending his action on tax crimes and other crimes will be criminals also. How will they explain to their children that ok for this fool of a President to brake the law but not others. The evident has been proven in not one but many courts of law that this Administration are abetting the President and his crimes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"There is nothing here for you to see, and to prove it, I won't let you see it."

2 ( +2 / -0 )

plasticmonkeyToday  11:46 am

I said congressional intelligence committees.-- comment

I am so old that I remember when the leftist crowd trusted a politician about as far as they could throw them. Those whom have replaced them now voluntarily crawl into bed with them. Ah, The Times They Are A Changin'.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Blacklabel: "Thought Mueller had credibility. His report said Trump was exonerated of Russia collusion."

What is the orange for this statement. Tell us, please. What's the exact orange? Because you can't possibly know what Meuller's report says -- no one is allowed to read it. You know what Barr -- the man hired for saying there can be no obstruction and a die-hard Trumper -- said in his less than four-page summary of a document of more than 300.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You know how he was exonerated?by not being indicted. It’s really that simple.

Because if they had evidence on Trump or anyone else, they would have been indicted as liberals promised.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Prosecutors officially exonerate no one. They can’t prove their case with evidence so they give up and drop it. This equals “exoneration”.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

You can release the redacted version if you want. People will just assume the worst about Trump

The haters already do and always will, so it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks, just be patient until it comes out Mueller and Barr should take their time. I would just laugh In Nadler’s face, go and try the subpoenas and see where it will take him. These Democrats are absolutely ridiculous.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

One of the many upsetting and destructive legacies from the Trump era will be such how falsehoods, presented as facts will go unchallenged.

Welcome to US partisan politics.

How spinning a negative outcome (the Mueller investigation) into a victory is taken for granted.

Trump's daily lies have inspired millions around the world to do the very same.

Discourse is dead. Can anyone trust anyone, anymore?

We can, I do. I don’t trust the establishment never have and never will. I’m used to their lies from the Democrat party it’s a natural trait to the Neocons and cowardly GOP.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

But not plenty enough to indict him. Why is that? If there aren’t enough to indict, it’s irrelevant. This process doesn’t exist to allow prosecutors to smear people with things they can’t prove.

There PLENTY of factual -- not alternative, but REAL facts! -- evidence that he obstructed.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

But not plenty enough to indict him. Why is that? If there aren’t enough to indict, it’s irrelevant. This process doesn’t exist to allow prosecutors to smear people with things they can’t prove.

There may very well be enough evidence to indicted someone that is not the president. Think about the magnitude of criminally indicting a sitting president before jumping to black and white conclusions. Reality is more nuanced than it's made out to be in the bubble.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It's funny to watch the anti-Trumpers keep kicking this dead horse.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

It's funny to watch the anti-Trumpers keep kicking this dead horse.

Not really funny watching America with its foot caught in the stirrups and being dragged down with the dead horse though.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump has called for William Barr to investigate the beginning of the Mueller probe. Uh oh... this is definitely not good for some Democrats in high positions...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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