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© 2024 AFPBattles rage in Rafah as Biden blames Hamas for truce delay
GAZA STRIP, Palestinian Territories©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2024 AFP
That's right, and occupier really know how to do escalation.
1/ Hamas wants a permanent ceasefire and a completer withdrawal of IDF from Gaza.
2/Israel offers a temporary ceasefire and to remove IDF troops from "populated areas "
3/ This is a ruse by Israel....IDF troops can/could move "resources " within hours to any place in Gaza, a tiny slip of land area.
Yesterday some poster claimed Arab states "expelled Jews " in the years after WW2 and after the creation of Israel.
False. Arab state Governments passed laws restricting or preventing Jewish emigration by Arab Jews.
Zionists during WW2 prevented the "exodus " from Europe and Germany of many thousands of Jews to safe places in Europe and elsewhere including Britain. It was Palestine or nothing for these creators of the modern state of Israel.
The history post WW2, is written by the victors.
As is always the case, later historians find a different truth.
The ME was a Euro colonial asset ground for much of modern history, until the 50's and 60's.
Unravelling the spiders web of deceit put forward by various parties will take decades....but the evidence is there.
Netanyahu is the biggest hang-up as he insists on NOT holding a permanent ceasefire.
Bibi wants to Crush Hamas, and Hamas is fighting back, without a permanent & complete ceasefire Hamas has no choice but to keep on defending it's people.
Bibi can't be trusted and he has proven it.
talk about Captain Obvious there.
If only Joe had any way to force them to do what Joe wants? But weakness only begats begging and blame.
maybe he can indict them?
A temporary ceasefire for the complete release of all hostages is a NO STARTER, so lets not play with words and stop playing with the lives of the Palestinian people.
Without a guaranteed permanent ceasefire Gaza is at risk of getting wiped off the face of the earth.
so enough of these games and lies to get Hamas to release the hostages only to get Exterminated along with the people of Gaza.
You’re the one playing with their lives
It’s honestly sickening: you sitting in your comfy house / apartment condemning any type of ceasefire when I’m sure the children and innocents of Gaza would do anything for a week / month of peace.
Hamas need to lay down arms. for the sake of the future of Gaza and the Palestinian people.
The US government administration want to contain this war, so will privately politically support and supply the military hardware to short circuit any full middle eastern conflict.
IDF, Israeli government, I suggest in blinkered belief of existential crisis, is hell bent on fighting one enemy after another.
Let me show you, prove to you,
This is like a scene from "Gladiator".
It all for real, the here and now.
Israeli soldiers have launched fireballs into Lebanon using a medieval-style trebuchet.
Aly Rustom
Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said the potential "expansion of the war is a danger, not only for Lebanon but for the entire region".
I believe its not a matter of if but when.
That's right!
Why does Hamas have to lay down arms first when Israel, a nuclear power, is not so required ?
Think with your brain, not your testicles Israel.
Imagine how the world image of Israel would soar if it agreed to a ceasefire, Hamas would have no one to fight.
Israel agreed to a ceasefire. If you read the article you’d see it quoted Biden as saying
“I've laid out an approach that has been endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, by the G7, by the Israelis, and the biggest hang-up so far is Hamas refusing to sign on even though they have submitted something similar,"
Israel agreed to a TEMPORARY ceasefire and to keep its troops in Gaza.
I read the article as well as read/hear other sources.
So isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t a temporary ceasefire better than no-ceasefire?
Biden blames Hamas (or Russia, or China, or Iran) the way Trump blames Biden (or Hillary, or the judges, or the election workers).
It is, according to him, never his fault, never the fault of his supporters.
That the law, the facts, morality, basically the entire civilized universe except him and his small band points at him and his small band is irrelevant. The only thing relevant is finding some way to transfer responsibility to those outside his cliche.
Sh1mon M4sada
Ok, so Hamas went into Israel to attack a concert, people at home, and take civilian hostage, and now they want this^^^.
You crack me up with your logic LOL. I'm starting to wonder whether the entire Palestinian camp is totally deluded.
Look at where all the support for Palestinian support is coming from, extreme left side of politics, the same side that break laws, firebomb civikian buildings, burn power stations...there's no consensus for peace in any of the nessaging or deed, because it's all brain damage logic.
That has to be the most depressing picture of the day...
The top photo is concerning!
Unless the boy and girl are rare blonde Palestinians, the yellow hair is a sigh of malnutrition and that much yellow doesn't happen overnight, it is due to longer term over Months.
I have seen this before in refugee camps in other countries when I was younger and a working in an aid group!
I don't get it!
Israel was created by taking other peoples land and it's first leaders were full of previously wanted terrorist including ones that assinated the head of the British government in the region, blew up a hotel killing 90 innocent people, etc...then Israelis elected these terrorist including making several PMs and the western world just accepted it!
But now the idea of leaving a Palestinian terrorist group as the leader of Gaza is seen as out of the question!
Strange how that is!
North Gaza is experiencing a famine.
I don’t understand this comment. Are you:
A) Condemning terrorism, in which case you’re agreeing that Hamas’ actions are wrong?
B) Approving of terrorism, in which case agreeing that Israel has the right to exist because of their history of terrorist actions?
If you don't understand my comment then you obviously don't know the history of the foundation of Israel!
So I suggest you go read up on it then, you will be informed and understand my comment!
I understand the history, I don’t understand the point of your comment. What point are you trying to make?
That terrorism is okay or that it isn’t okay?
That isn't a question for me.
You should ask the western countries that recognized Israel and all the terrorist they elected!
Then why did you bring it up?
Because Israel supporters like you and western nations need to explain why one is okay but not the other just doing the same thing!
I don’t think terrorism is ever okay, and any terrorist attacks committed in the past were wrong.
Ricky Kaminski13
I love how every single article uses the same technique. The holiest of holies in the victim hierarchy, the children, to underhandedly continue to support Hamas and ply their anti-Semitic rhetoric, chronically flawed judgment and scorn. The wild card that just keeps on giving. Keep it up guys, no one notices, you’re good. Siding with butchers and terrorist is a great look. What a force for good we are in the world.
I love how the left is coming for Biden now too. He tries so hard to appease his base but the bloodlust is just too strong. Cannibalism is the inevitable outcome within their ranks. No one can ever be holy enough, must be exhausting. Globalize the intifada!
This should be a minimum! Everyone knows that once Hamas hands back all the hostages without some sort of guarantee, Israel will destroy the remaining 20% of infrastructure and kill thousands more women and children!
Biden is an absolute joke if he is trying to spout this nonsense!
Sh1mon M4sada
and it shows, every country on earth is a changing landscape of rule by various powers. You think all of a sudden Palestine disappear and Israel materialises?
The only meaningful way forward in a conflict anywhere is consensus and de-escalation. You can't de-escalate with terrorism.
It also shows you are blind to the plight of Palestinians living in Israel and Gaza before and after Oct7th, and their prospect from here on.
Do you agree? Terrorism is never okay, and any terrorist attacks committed in the past were wrong?
There will be a long cease fire once Hamas is eliminated and their supporters are all at room temperature. Until then, the IDF is doing God's work by ridding the world of their malign presence. Then, perhaps, Gaza can be governed by good people who respect human rights and the rule of law. Until that time, the war continues. And every casualty can be laid at the feet of Hamas.
Who can believe a word of what the mumbling White House Gramps says? In every war America has been involved in he's always been on the wrong side of history. The US government, too, has never been an honest broker when it comes to protecting its interests in Israel which is why since 1948 the Palestinian Arabs have never lived in a sovereign state of their own. Netanyahu does not want a ceasefire as long as he can keep passing GO's red light, collecting billions from banker Uncle Samuel and stuffing get-out-of-jail free cards in his back pocket. Meanwhile, the "Grim Reaper" will soon come for another 10,000 Palestinians, as the gaslighting by the biased language of the Western MSM never stops.
Bibi and his supporting War Mongers will continue on killing Palestinians hoping to pressure Hamas in to a surrendering agreement but so far it hasn't happened and I doubt it will especially after 8 months of blood letting.
Better start looking for a new lies or tricks to get Hamas to release the hostages.
Ricky Kaminski13
Woody, why don’t you ask them nicely? I bet they are all ears.
The "Hamas started this on Oct 7" brigade forget
1/ Israel INVADED GAZA IN 2014 ....killed 2300 people including 500 kids and women.
Israel kept Gaza under blockade , CALCULATING HOW MANY CALORIES THE GAZAN'S NEED TO JUST EXIST and allowed that amount of aid in.
Numerous one off bombing raids and assassinations, arbitrary arrests, control of all aspects of peoples lives, control of little fishing boats access to fishing grounds and an endless list of more.
Plus, a genocide is not a Left/Right issue but one of morality and human rights.
The UN has ruled against Israel and issued various calls to cease and desist...Israel ignores them all.
I'm sick of how Israel plays the victim card.
Largest recipient of US aid.
Yes I agree.
So why do you support Israel?
It is the product of past terrorism and the hypocrisy that it was founded on terrorism and religious views but refuses to accept others can do the same!
Good. So you don’t support Hamas then?
Those terrorist attacks were what, 80 years ago? I don’t think the people of Israel today should be retroactively punished for what people did in the past
Every country in existence today has its foundation in some morally reprehensible actions of the past. I don’t believe in holding those alive today, who had nothing to do with those actions accountable
GuruMick; I agree. We can go right back to the beginning, 1948, when Israel was founded. The Arabs invaded and tried to commit a genocide on the people of Israel. They failed. And continue to fail. This adds to their sense of inferiority and grievance and keeps their people in poverty and ignorance.
Times of Israel has Benny Gantz saying Israel should agree to a ceasefire {see, fellow posters, ISRAEL HAS NOT AGREED TO CEASEFIRE }, in Gaza and focus on getting hostages back .Adds Gaza can be "revisited " {my word } in "one or to years time " {his words }
Sounds good {a bit } but then he wants Israel to focus on Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Thats not good.
Wrong. Biden said they agreed
Aly Rustom
Excellent post Mick!
Why? Just for fun? It couldn’t possibly be because rockets were being launched out of Gaza, right?
Biden cant have the insider status of Gantz.
Israel agreed to a TEPORARY CEASEFIRE. Just check some other sources Bone.
Ben Gvir also reported as threatening the Deputy Chief of Police when Police sought to guard Aid convoys from psychopathic Israeli protesters who stopped aid trucks and burned the aid.
Israeli parliament chaotic and Netanyahu a dead duck PM.
Probably Gantz will be next PM.
Thanks Ali....I aim to please
Temporary or not they still agreed to a ceasefire, which is what I was referring to.
He also said his uncle was eat by cannibals and he talked to his dead son recently.
So not sure Biden is the best source!
Jonathan Prin
Hamas is a terrorist system, meaning fanatics who will never stop by definition.
Why do you think Nazis were exterminated up to Berlin ?
Answer is the same.
It does not mean civilian population shall not be helped, but it is hard to help a population who voted for Hamas which first goal is to destroy Israel.
There can be only one winner, and I hope it is not going to be Hamas for everyone's sake.
War is horrible, but the root cause of that war must be eliminated.
I believe in creating schools to teach open minded people, not brainwashed state future terrorists like they did in Gaza for so many years.
Oh okay, so let me get this straight:
We don’t trust what Biden says
We don’t trust what Netanyahu says
We don’t trust what Israeli officials say (unless they agree with your narrative)
Did I cover everyone?
What I find interesting is that no native English speaking person uses the word "occupier". I have also never heard a Westerner use that word even if they support Palestine and/or Hamas by proxy.
Israel was created by taking other peoples land...
The funny thing about war is that land changes hands. This has happened over the course of centuries. It may seem easy to thumb your nose at Israel, but there is a high likelihood that the land you're standing on at one point belonged to someone else.
Hamas is using civilians as human shields but at the same time the civilian casualty rate has been extremely know so Israel is to be commended for its humanitarian aid and compassion shown in its international law compliant self defense of its lands in Gaza against the occupying Arabs.
Voice of Reason is right. If you lose a war, there are consequences. The Arabs lost the 1948 war of attempted genocide against Israel, and lost territory as a result. Sucks, but that is life. Germany lost a lot of land after WW2 as well. There isn't a movement within Germany of the descendants of East Prussia demanding the 'right of return' to their homes, kicking out the Poles and taking their property.
In my honest opinion Israel doesn't want a ceasefire even if it was under conditions favorable to them. They are the stronger force so they control all the cards on the table. And to another degree I support Biden but I don't agree with his take on any of this. At the same time with the number of Republicans that support Israel, had Trump be the one in the presidential hot seat at this moment he would be the one getting all this blame, he wouldn't even call for a ceasefire he would give more weapons to end everything faster