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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Beijing closes 10% of subway stations to stem COVID spread
BEIJING©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Trying to guess other people occupations to use it as an argument is not logical, anybody trying to have a productive discussion would refrain from that, specially if warned repeatedly by the moderators about it.
Yes, and Chinas death rate is larger than other countries, so it is not the lowest in the world, and once the counting is standarized to the Chinese way even New Zealand and Australia have lower death rates thanks to their opportune switch from the outdated and counterproductive zero covid approach.
I think you are confused how claims are decided as valid, if evidence is presented that prove them that means the claim is valid, even if a false one is more popular, having any amount of people saying the sun revolves around the earth do not make it so. The evidence prove that the Chinese approach have failed spectacularly in containing COVID in Hong Kong and Shanghai and it may fail in the same way in Beijing according to the experts, from which no one supports the zero covid policy as viable or sustainable against the variants.
Too bad that your only argument is to pretend to know about other posters, it is still invalid and against the rules.
You proved yourself that China is not the country with the lowest COVID deaths, there is simply no other way around it. Repeating the same source do not change that.
The zero covid policy could not make China avoid having explosion of cases thanks to Delta and Omicron, and counting only (some) of the deaths without any other condition does nothing to disguise the fact that other countries have done better without destroying the economy and making a mess from public health services.
Why would anybody need a contrasting source? your own disproved your mistaken comment completely.
Incredibly basic graph. Anyone not in the medical profession should be able to easily read it.
Strange anyone can be deluded into thinking otherwise. I guess when we were children we liked to pretend we were doctors though, so what the heck.
For those interested, once again:
Unless someone has a contrasting source (this does include sweeping generalities of "every expert scientific institution in my head), facts are facts.
It is very positive that you accept now your mistake, your own source puts China in the 10 place, which means it has NOT the lowest death related numbers in the world as you mistakenly repeated.
Now you only need to include all the other countries that become better than China once their numbers are reduced to count only COVID deaths without any (related or unrelated) other health problems so they can be compared with the Chinese numbers, as previously said this would reduce New Zealand and Autralia numbers arount 20 times, putting their death rates lower than China's.
And this is even without taking into account the previously referenced and well fundamented accusations about Chinese authorities hiding COVID deaths in significant numbers.
Lowest covid related death rate by country:
1 BURUNDI 2 China.Ok, I guess every other country should take the Burundi Approach!
The problem is that China rejected the best available science and keep using this outdated policy when the rest of the world moved on to less damaging but better working approaches that do not depend on having zero cases. Which is why Australia and New Zealand have achieved very good control of the pandemic without hurting their economies.
According to your own sources this is false, other countries have lower death numbers, including for example New Zealand and Australia once their deaths are counted in the same way as China does.
None have said so since the variants proved the approach outdated and couterproductive. Zero.
Shanghai reported another 4,982 cases Wednesday,
Incredibly low numbers for a city with twice the population of Tokyo.
China recognizes the importance of the elimination strategy, as also used by NZ, Australia, and the UK, to ensure covid infections are the lowest rates possible.
As a result, China has the lowest covid death related number in the world.
International experts have said this strategy has proven to be most effective to reduce health and economic damage.
Congratulations China.
Death rates for vaccinated people is very low. 37x higher for unvaccinated persons. With a booster, the death rates are 48x higher than for vaccinated people.
Death rates for under 40 yr old people is very low. We are more likely to be killed in a plane crash.
It is the people over 60 with the greatest risk, so asking them to stay away from others and limit contact, especially if they have other health issues, makes perfect sense.
Locking down someone under 40 yrs old in an apartment building is pretty dumb, especially when the total of their symptoms are like a bad cold. Of course, if they are sick, they will want to stay away from others AND especially elderly family.
Everyone should be vaccinated with the most effective vaccines and boosters available AND they should be masking in crowds, on trains, and when visiting older people - perhaps to deliver food.
Elderly people aren't dumb. They realize that if they aren't healthy and vaccinated and boosted, then their risks are higher. Each can make their own choice for who much risk to be taken.
There's a point in mid-2021 and later were each adult needs to be responsible for their own risks. THAT's the difference between the places with lockdowns and the places without lockdowns. Adults are expected to be treated like adults, not 5 yr old children.
More CCP propaganda what leaked "incorrect information" - this from an official state representative trying to claim there aren't any food shortages in Beijing - when clearly there are. Food shortages make perfect sense when 25M people all stock up. It is expected. I'd want to see that. We had some empty shelves here during the peak COVID times too, so it isn't anything to be ashamed about, provided the govt is the cause.
What makes you think this is the worst that can happen to Beijing? The example of Shanghai where the outbreak got completely out of control (even with the full negative consequences of the failed policy) making a comparison of an outbreak that just began with one that is already on the way out is a much more biased thing to do.
This is the same as calling it the approach with lowest rates of cases and deaths, even when you brought sources that demonstrated this is completely false.
KenchiToday 06:00 am JST
That is not correct; for the population of Tokyo you added Yokohama, Chiba, Saitama population numbers but didn't add the Covid cases.
But let's go with that Tokyo number of 2999 and compare with the focus of this article:
Beijing on Wednesday recorded just 51 new cases, five of them asymptomatic.
Compared to Beijing, with a population more than twice that of Tokyo's, Tokyo's numbers are about 120 times higher.
So, I'm happier with Beijing.
There are Chinese people without COVID starving to death due to these draconian measures-is this how it is meant to be?
“Which is why there are so few cases . . .”
Shanghai Under lockdown
population 26m
covid cases 4982
deaths in Shanghai 16
Tokyo ZERO mandated measures
population 37m
covid cases 2999
deaths (nation wide) 20
Painkiller, according to your statement you must be pretty happy at how there are so few cases here in Tokyo as well, no?
to add to that, “Communist authorities who tolerate no dissent have sought to scrub such protests from the internet and blamed the protests, including the banging of cooking implements, on agitation by unidentified “foreign anti-China forces."
So since Tokyo hasn’t had any mandates at all and is doing better, can we assume that you prefer the Chinese zero policy because you just favor being controlled by an authoritarian regime over living free in a democratic one?
As you proved yourself other countries have done better (as New Zealand for example) without destroying their economy in the process. And that is without needing to hide deaths as Chine does either.
At least China is taking the virus seriously enough. The actions of the irresponsible Fuehrer of the USA caused half a million deaths (more than any other nation) and with Joe being a real POTUS we still have had 300000 more dead due to irresponsibility on the state and local level.
Many sporting and entertainment events are 'asking you respect the decision of your fellow patrons'. And the places claim they have 'air filters that capture CoVid particles'. Hell, some events ain't even requiring proof of vaccination now.
And the sickness lingers on in America. Oh, let's not forget those 'Infowars' and other slime in the media.
Happy Day
Appears that many know the latest CCP COVID shut downs have nothing to do with health.
But I think this is less about controlling their citizens and more about keeping supply chains shut down to keep inflation high.
There's some performative drama here all for the sake of the CCP. CCP conveniently allows the Western media images about how stringent they are in addressing COVID so that the CCP can say 'we've always been hyper-vigilant about this, it's because you Westerners caused COVID in the first place is the reason why it became a pandemic'.
Kind of like how the CCP trumpeted how awesome they built those hospitals in a few weeks due to the great engineering of the CCP and the great work ethic of the CCP-inspired people. It backfired since the immediate question became 'if you have COVID under control, why do you need to build the hospital so fast?'.
theFuMay 4 11:50 pm JST
Which is why there are so few cases . . .
Flimsy reasons for taking this action. After all, they don't have covid, so locking up 10M people when there are 4K cases seems foolish.
Almost everything the CCP govt has done related to covid is for propaganda and not based on actual science.
Was out shopping a few days ago. Nobody is wearing masks anymore. Adults are vaccinated and boosted here with mRNA vaccines. When people get sick, they stay home and take precautions on their own. No need to lock them away and nail their doors shut. Our food culture is a little different. We shop for food every week or every other week here, so staying home (and away from other people) if we even think we are sick isn't hard. I can walk in the surrounding area and no come within 2m of anyone else very easily. But I don't live in any city.
Mitsuo Matsuyama
Who in the Earth would believe on China numbers?
Beijing on Wednesday closed around 10% of the stations in its vast subway system as an additional measure against the spread of coronavirus.
Good move China. Japan should have done the same.
Once again, China's efforts prove that its policy is the most effective at keeping covid infections the lowest number possible.
Beijing on Wednesday recorded just 51 new cases, five of them asymptomatic.
Any other city or even country the size of Beijing producing these numbers? I will answer that.
@TARA TAN KITAOKA what time are you off the clock? Tik Tok hello? How can you say this unless you are a paid poster who loves to see human sky diving? I might get sensored for saying this but its the truth
Chinese government love their citizens. Good work.
Coulda been
"agitation by unidentified foreign agents" ??
The residents in the apartment buildings are foreigners???
El Rata
LOL you made me spit my beer? The Chinese government you're referring to is a rogue insurrectionist dictatorship, the real government of China is in exile in Taipei.
I hope those cheering on the Chinese regime in their comments are staying at home 24/7 with the door locked, having their food delivered and determined never to leave their homes until their country hits zero cases. Because otherwise they would be open to the charge of hypocrisy.
Be happy that you are not Chinese. Or you might now be under homeprisonment for the foreseeable future.
Shanghai reported another 4,982 cases Wednesday, all but 260 of them asymptomatic, along with an additional 16 deaths. That continues a steady decline in China’s largest city which recorded a daily peak of 27,605 new cases nearly three weeks ago on April 13.
The surprisingly low death toll amid an outbreak of more than 400,000 cases in the city that is home to China's main stock market and biggest port has sparked questions about how such deaths are tallied.
The actions are contradictory to the numbers reported where is the WHO????
Is this a new Covid-19 strain?
Be open.
Because the Government is shutting down there economy.
What is the end game here? Zero covid for all eternity?
Algernon LaCroix
Really? So imprisoning people in their homes/holding centres for a disease that is little more than a cold for the vast majority, throwing food supplies into total disarray, blacking out news reports of this totalitarian response to save Xi's face is "too early to criticise"?
Algernon LaCroix
If at first you don't succeed, double-down on your SNAFU. That's the CCP way!
Thanks for the afternoon comedy interlude.
Chinese government love their citizens. Good work.
So chinese people have begun to wake up and realize the CCP is acting like it is in a time loop while the rest of the world deals with the disease in a much less disruptive way while still preventing deaths?
Well, it seems it is already too late, the chinese citizens have given up too many rights over the last years to be able to rebel successfully, they gave control of their lives and by now they will have to live as the CCP seems fit, even when it is clearly mistaken.