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© 2021 AFPMissing Belarus dissident found hanged in Ukraine park
By Ania TSOUKANOVA KIEV©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2021 AFP
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Today the Ukrainian State Security Bureau upped their game by banning the deputy head of this organization (Belarusian House) from re-entering Ukraine for the next 3 years. The plot thickens.
englisc aspyrgend
Ukrainian security is going to have to up its game to protect Belarusian refugees. Next will be any Ukrainian who criticises Lukashenko/Putin!
Lukashenko is following the Putin play book of murdering opposition figures in foreign countries, helping his puppet master along the way while said puppeteer is busy stealing part of Ukraine.
Not just western funding. Protosevich claims that a Russian mining oligarch was the biggest funder of Nexta. Presumably they see some benefit in having Lukashenko deposed. Perhaps a privatization of Belarusian industries.
Glad to see that Olympian go to Poland, she would have been tortured then killed for sure.
This is so UGLY and sick, what has become of this world!? we are moving backward with these dictators hanging there opponents. Long Live Freedom and Democracy.
No, it's more like all of those Americans who have died mysteriously both inside and outside of Washington.
@Robert Cikki
The classic Western propaganda to deny the fact the Belorussian "democratic opposition" is very nazified. Its flag (white-red-white) is the same that was used by WWII Belorussian collaborators with Hitler, many opposition figures (including the guy taken from the Ryanair plane) actually fought in the war against Donbass rebels as cadres of Ukrainian neonazi volunteer battalions.
Exellent point. They are ready to maul each other for the access to the Western funding and for the right to siphon some monies in their own pockets. Welcome to the dog-eats-dog world of "democratic opposition".
Something very fishy about this. It's like all of those Russians who have died mysteriously both inside and outside of the Kremlin.
For this reason I would be cautious before jumping to any seemingly obvious conclusions. There are huge sums of international money flowing to these 'Belarusian houses' at the moment and dissidents are at each other's throats over who gets control and how it's spent.
The journalist who was brought down in the Ryanair flight thinks other dissidents tipped off the Belarusian authorities because he was blowing the whistle on corruption at the Belarusian House in Warsaw.
only truth we know is that he was hanging, what we do not know is that he was hanged.
Since this happened in Ukraine it is very unlikely that Belarusians can operate there except for those that are enemies of the regime. His friends suspect a suicide but Ukrainians and poles together with the western media see Putins fingerprints on the rope.
A message it seems, carefully timed, but how can these murderers sleep at night?
Yeah, sure, sure. "Highly likely" again? Who needs such boring thing as evidence, right? Never squander a chance to start a good propaganda campaign?
There is a more likely reason, very trivial: money. Shishov had dealings with Ukrainian neonazis, it seems they had money disputes. And at Ukraine street nazi gangs are kings, just like narcogangs in Brasilian favelas. The only difference is that in Brasilia the state fights the gangs, at Ukraine it does not. At Ukraine WWII nazi collaborators are official state heroes, and veterans of Ukrainian Waffen SS units are buried with state military honors.
Lukashenko's prints are surely all over Vitaly Shishov's abrupt end, but I also smell the paws of big brother, the Russian bear, perhaps a party favor from Putin who with this assassination has once again left his Kremlin calling-card to remind "the little Russians" of Belarus whose tune they'd better dance to.
OK, not abroad, but in their own country!!!
USA? Remember Jan 6th?
Oh yeah, "Reason unknown"
Ok let's think this through: Which is more likely?
He went out for a run (without any rope) and managed to break his own nose and bashed in his own face. He then found some rope (while losing his cell phone and personal belongings) and committed suicide via hanging.
After fleeing a totalitarian dictatorship, he was hunted and murdered by intelligence agents of said dictatorship as has been done by said dictatorship previously.
I am going w/ the latter as are most other sentient beings.
Randy Johnson
A missing Belarusian dissident was on Tuesday found hanged in a park in Ukraine, with police opening a murder probe and supporters accusing the regime of Alexander Lukashenko of killing the activist who helped his compatriots flee repression.
The so-called media needs to stop calling normal freedom loving and free thinking people dissidents.
All they want to do is live life without the heavy handedness of big government.
And what's eery is that some Western nations are heading in this direction so unfortunately these unfairly labled dissidents will have no where to go.
Sven Asai
So many similar cases….That’s why I don’t understand why they all flee or want to get asylum in directly neighboring countries. Of course it’s better to be near other family members or dissident organization friends , but it becomes useless if they can easily reach out for you and kill or otherwise harm you. Flee far away, into some exotic places, there you easily can see, if your former country sent someone, because they are immediately detectable there, looking the same like you, not like the natives.
this puts a bit into perspective the reluctance of the Belarusian athlete to go back home. And suggests she won't be safe even if Poland grants her residency
Sheesh. They often seem to off them in the most terrible of ways. It's a way of sending a message: not only will you die, but you will die a grisly death.
Until he is held to account he will go on doing it
In proper democracies, Lukashenko could be replaced through a fair election. Yet anti-democracy, pro-authoritarian HORDEs around the globe, continue their assaults on voting, fair elections and democracy in general.
The anti-democracy mobs seem to prefer Chinese/Russian/Turkish/Iranian versions of 'democracy', ones where a putative 'strong' man has pretty much absolute control. (they believe a leader who jails and/or kills off his opponents is somehow 'strong')
Alexander Lukashenko ordered this for sure. Until he is held to account he will go on doing it.