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Biden administration restores Trump-rescinded policy on illegitimacy of Israeli settlements


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Biden administration restores Trump-rescinded policy on illegitimacy of Israeli settlements

Subtle media move to try and play this up. Something irrelevant to the Hamas massacre against Israeli civilians, and the daily rocket attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups into Israeli civilian populated area, with those civilians being the target.

Alleged "settlements" have nothing to do with the daily attacks against Israel, or the recent "Palestinian State" issue, because Hamas' charter preaches the genocide of the Jewish people, and does not mention a Palestinian State living in peace alongside Israel.

-22 ( +1 / -23 )

Biden is under so much pressure,his dementia will be on full display, before the elections,it sad when the voters of the US has to decide between senility or insanity

-23 ( +2 / -25 )

YrralToday  07:30 am JST

Biden is under so much pressure,his dementia will be on full display, before the elections,it sad when the voters of the US has to decide between senility or insanity

People said that about Ronald Reagan 40 years ago when he was the oldest POTUS at the time. And he and Joe are much more preferable and more mature than trump who has yet to reach the mental age of 6.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Alleged "settlements" have nothing to do with the daily attacks against Israel, or the recent "Palestinian State" issue, because Hamas' charter preaches the genocide of the Jewish people, and does not mention a Palestinian State living in peace alongside Israel. - Zibala

The creeping illegal annexation of Palestinian land has everything to do with the ongoing conflict.

Hamas updated their charter to accept a resolution based on the 1967 borders but without recognition of Israel's legitimacy. Netanyahu neither supports a 2 state solution or recognizes the legitimacy of a Palestinian state.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Joseph Biden stutters. That makes public speaking difficult. Stutters know what words make them stutter and try to find ways to express themselves without using words that make them stutter. Those who do not suffer this problem may not be aware of just how hard it is for stutters to speak extemporaneously in public. It is not senility.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Subtle media move to try and play this up. Something irrelevant to the Hamas massacre against Israeli civilians, 

Risible. Jewish "settlements", colonization of Arab lands outside the UN authorized pre-1967 borders of the state of Israel and the ongoing decades long occupation of Arab lands have everything to do with the current violence. Everything.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

Good news from the USA and I note most western nations that support Israel are also in support of a Palestinian state.

UK in the Hague the latest to express this.

Problem is Netanyahu and his crazy cabinet.

Opposing views to a 2 state solution now sounding desperate ....time to break out the "anti Semitic" slur maybe ?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Biden's under massive political pressure with Youth and US Muslim vote going to RFK Jr. or staying home, these were 2 groups he won easily in 2020. Decision tossing them a bone, while GAZA Genocide continues....

Without 2 State Solution, Youth & US Muslims NOT voting Biden. Seems entire world wants 2 state solution.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Risible. Jewish "settlements", colonization of Arab lands outside the UN authorized pre-1967 borders of the state of Israel and the ongoing decades long occupation of Arab lands have everything to do with the current violence.  Everything.

No. Hamas, invading Israel from "unoccupied" Gaza has nothing to do with the Palestinian Authority ruled Judea and Samaria.

Pre-1967 borders--so like when Jordan occupied the West Bank, and Egypt controlled Gaza? Makes no sense at all in the realm of history.

Good news from the USA and I note most western nations that support Israel are also in support of a Palestinian state.

This has nothing to do with a Palestinian state--that is a new concept that arose almost 20 years after the establishment of Israel. Jordan is the Palestinian State--it was formed on lands meant for the new Arab State after 1948, and gave citizenship to the Arabs from that reason.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

I support the "right of return " of refugees expelled or disenfranchised from their lands when Israel was formed Netanyahu has put a proposal to his Cabinet that basically is a "status quo "" position with a heavier security over lord..

Palestinian people have rights and have the same aspirations of any other people.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Joseph Biden stutters. That makes public speaking difficult. Stutters know what words make them stutter and try to find ways to express themselves without using words that make them stutter.

But that is very different from his failing cognitive abilities

This has nothing to do with a Palestinian state--that is a new concept that arose almost 20 years after the establishment of Israel. Jordan is the Palestinian State--it was formed on lands meant for the new Arab State after 1948, and gave citizenship to the Arabs from that reason.

Well, exactly.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Nothing more than Biden admin. pandering for the radical left vote.

Former US Ambassador to Israel David M Friedman;

"Blinken is 100% wrong. I researched this for over a year with many State Department lawyers. There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their Biblical homeland. Indeed, Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow, also the Dean of the Yale Law School (who negotiated UNSCR 242) stated that Israel has the best legal claim to Judea and Samaria."

"For Blinken to announce this in the middle of a war and when the Jewish Sabbath already has begun in Israel is unconscionable"

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

Biden is old but trump has onset dementia. He’s lost the ability to remember which election it is and who is opponents are.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Seems entire world wants 2 state solution.


The civilized world knows what a 2 state solution on Hamas terms means for Israel.

Its destruction.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

All old people, including Trump and Biden, suffer from some degree of memory loss or recall. Sometimes my recalls take a little longer than previously.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

No. Hamas, invading Israel from "unoccupied" Gaza has nothing to do with the Palestinian Authority ruled Judea and Samaria..

That you claim Gaza to be "unoccupied" is a major part of the problem. Gaza is controlled by Israel. Israel funded Hamas as a counterweight to the more secular PLO and Fatah. And even as Israeli forces and colonists left Gaza, Israel controlled the borders, controlled their tax revenues, controlled their water and electricity supply and controlled what goods could enter Gaza. The Gazans were hardly free. Israel controlled Gaza and knowingly and deliberately made life a living hell for the residents. Anyone with eyes could see this coming. And Israel has played into Hamas hands in every possible way just as they played into Hezbollah's hands in 2006. Hamas will emerge stronger from this war just as Hezbollah emerged stronger from their 2006 war with Israel, and so will Iran. Israeli stubbornness and chauvinism will be its downfall.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

There is nothing illegal about Jews living in their Biblical homeland.  

There is the root of the problem. Too many Jews like Mr. Friedman do not recognize the UN boundaries for Israel. The so-called Biblical homeland (why is it Biblical when Jews do not read the Bible, they read the Torah) is not the legal boundary of the state of Israel. Ever since the founding of Israel Jewish extremists have sought to undermine or simply ignore the boundaries set for Israel by the UN and take ever more land from Arabs for their religious vision of Eretz Israel. Indeed "from the river to the sea" has been the vision of Jewish extremists since the late 1800s. Little details like international law or the lives and property of Muslims and Christians are of no concern to them. They have this religious view that the land is their right regardless of who lives there now.

As an American I feel my nation has absolutely no business recognizing such tripe.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Nothing more than Biden admin. pandering for the radical left vote.

I guess George H. W. Bush was a radical leftist too? He and James Baker both angered the Israelis with US opposition to settlements in the West Bank.



10 ( +10 / -0 )

All old people, including Trump and Biden, suffer from some degree of memory loss or recall. Sometimes my recalls take a little longer than previously.

When you have lived a long life there are simply more things to remember than when you were a kid or young adult. I'd rather have someone leading us who is forgetful from time to time than someone who is actively trying to undermine everything I value, which is what DJT is doing.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

How do you know everything about Israel and Palestine? Are everyone here historians?

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Netanyahu's plan post war includes the right for IDF and other security to enter Gazza whenever they decide.

And he wants Arab states to pay for the destruction Israel caused in Gazza.

But only Arab states Israel approves of.

Could be tricky....most Arab states dont recognise Israel.

Israel not recognised by most Muslim countries with Malaysia , for example, blocking Israeli entry .

Trump offered Indonesia $1 billion in "aid " if it would recognise Israel. .....Nope.

Israel can improve it's international standing by dropping it's belligerence and negotiating a partial return of the lands it basically stole post 1948.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Nothing more than Biden admin. pandering for the radical left vote.

Trump panders to MAGA (and Putin). Your first day in politics?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Is that what Trump is saying now? The dementia may be coming on even faster than we realized

I think in Jupiter's case it is as much a case of dementia as a case of someone who has been in sales their entire life and who developed a sloppy habit of telling a prospective buyer any lie no matter how outrageous to close the deal playing on peoples insecurities.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The U.S. is risking a lot when baking Israel, it has been a burden and it's getting worse when Israel turns it's back to the world community and listens to people like Netanyahu and hi supporters.

Israel will be better off by giving up it's Occupation and moving towards Peace.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

What we have is a toxic brew of religious fundamentalism. Fundamentalist Jews think that they have a god given right to all the land of ancient Israel and are required by their Torah to kill every man woman and child among god's enemies in order to inherit their "promised land" while fundamentalist, cough cough, "christians" think a hegemonic and militaristic Israel has to start the war to end all wars in order to bring the second coming of christ combined with a bible passage about god looking favorably on those who are friendly to Israel. Sadly an awful lot of US lawmakers also believe this fervently.

10 ( +10 / -0 )


Today 07:25 am JSTSomething irrelevant to the Hamas massacre against Israeli civilians,

Lets look at who is massacring who:

2009 to October 7th 2023:

Israelis killed by all Palestinians: just over 400

Palestinians killed by israeli authorities: over 6,500 half being women and children.

Palestinians killed by illegal settlers in the west bank 3,000.

Since October 7th 2023:

Israelis: 1,700 including IDF

Palestinians: 29,000 of which 99% are civilians and 70% of those killed are women and children!

In the west bank 1,000 Palestinians killed by settlers in 2023 alone mostly elderly, women and children and their land taken.

So a grand total of.

Israelis killed by Palestinians: just over 2,200 between 2009 and October 7th

Palestinians killed by Israelis between 2009 and October 7th: over 39,500.

Who are the real victims of massacres? Clearly not Israelis but a clear genocide of Palestinians has been in effect for decades.

Numbers don't lie.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

What we have is a toxic brew of religious fundamentalism. Fundamentalist Jews think that they have a god given right to all the land of ancient Israel and are required by their Torah to kill every man woman and child among god's enemies in order to inherit their "promised land" while fundamentalist, cough cough, "christians" think a hegemonic and militaristic Israel has to start the war to end all wars in order to bring the second coming of christ combined with a bible passage about god looking favorably on those who are friendly to Israel. Sadly an awful lot of US lawmakers also believe this fervently.

I disagree, but you can't claim anything that was never yours to begin with, what Hamas did, there is no coming back, and the fact that some people justify the killing of Jews is just abhorrent. I don't believe and I personally hope there is no two-state solution because there is no way that the Jews and Arabs can live side by side, maybe the other Arab nations should take them in...oh, they won't and why is that? No one wants to be bothered or deal with the Palestinian issue, and I definitely blame Hamas for this outcome it won't get better and Bibi is not going to let up, nor should he when it comes to Hamas.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

I disagree, but you can't claim anything that was never yours to begin with,

The old lie that the land never belonged to the Arabs who lived there for centuries before European Jews began immigrating there in the late 1800s. You might want to learn some history before making uninformed comments like that. Those lands were Arab for over 1,000 years. Suddenly Jews show up fleeing pogroms primarily in Russia and Poland and the land is no longer considered to belong to the Arab families who lived there. Not an informed point of view.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Oh wow yet another Trump policy that they got rid of that was actually working.

welxone back, Trump policy!

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Numbers don't lie.

Hamas numbers lie.

like the hospital, oops, I mean parking lot hit by an Israeli, oops, hamas missile that killed 500, oops, I mean a dozen people.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Nah not really. They just blaming Trump for some more of their failures. Gotcha!

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

The old lie that the land never belonged to the Arabs who lived there for centuries before European Jews began immigrating there in the late 1800s. You might want to learn some history before making uninformed comments like that. Those lands were Arab for over 1,000 years. Suddenly Jews show up fleeing pogroms primarily in Russia and Poland and the land is no longer considered to belong to the Arab families who lived there. Not an informed point of view.

a thousand years you say?

Ill see your thousand years and raise you 2200 years.


-13 ( +0 / -13 )

It is hilarious to watch the supporters of Israel and especially the USA politicians!

Mileikowsky (AKA Netanyahu) and his backers have made it clear they want to declare Israel a "Jewish state" so basically a religious state and it seems all the Israeli backers and especially the USA politicians don't seem to have a problem with that!

But any country that calls itself and Islamic country, well suddenly they are all against a religious state!

So lets not play games! If you support the present Israeli government under Mileikowsky (AKA Netanyahu) you are supporting a goal of a religious state that will make those of the religious minorities second class citizens or worse!

3 ( +7 / -4 )

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