Japan Today

Biden fails to secure major security, oil commitments at Arab summit

By Steve Holland, Aziz El Yaakoubi, Jarrett Renshaw and Maha El Dahan

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If the media is starting to report like this, Biden is deep trouble. Thought I was going to see Fox News as the byline. Ouch.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

> U.S. President Joe Biden told Arab leaders on Saturday that the United States would remain an active partner in the Middle East

Biden contnues to push the US center/right and far right's 'market economy' policies, which got the US and the world in this mess in the first place. The US and other 'market economy's inability to get off oil and gas is dooming the US and the planet. The BRICS may end up controlling the world, and while using their gas/oil fired state capitalism will just make things worse for the planet. The new bosses will probably be even worse than the old ones. With Russia/China, and if Saudi links even more closely with them look for its extreme form of authoritarianism added to those of Russia,China and Iran to prevail. But will the anti-west, anti-NATO herds be happier living under the BRICS regimes?

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

With Russia/China, and if Saudi links even more closely with them look for its extreme form of authoritarianism added to those of Russia,China and Iran to prevail. But will the anti-west, anti-NATO herds be happier living under the BRICS regimes?

If you’re gonna widely speculate on the future of the Petro Dollar you should at least provide a time frame, like how many months/years until I will have to start living under the BRIC Petro Dollar.

look for its extreme form of authoritarianism

So 30 straight years of war by the US, and now the US/NATO proxy war where any voice NOT blaming Putin is suppressed is, to you, not an extreme form of authoritarianism?

1 ( +11 / -10 )

The US should leave the Saudis at the mercy of Iran, hopefully we can put as much oil on the market as they can refine,it less than 100 miles from all Gulf of Mexico refinery,they are within hours not days of our reserves get refine,I seen 3.75 gas today

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Civilised countries do not respect the murder of journalists and never will - It is a benchmark of barbarism. Unfortunately for Biden, his regime is still pursuing Assange and backing the nation that killed Shireen Abu Akleh. The moral high ground can be slippery.

Attempting to force Arab nations into a military pact with Israel looks like a basic misjudgement. Biden needs to sharpen up after Afghanistan, the backfiring sanctions on Russian energy and the loss of abortion rights.

He should have stayed at home and worked to increase oil output diplomatically, behind closed doors. The Arab states will not dig the West out of the mess they have dumped themselves in whilst being publicly ticked off. Maybe the visit itself was probably a misjudgement.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

But at least he didn't bump fists with someone who ordered the murder and then chopping up and disposal of a US citizen as if "nothing" happened....

What? He did? And got nothing for it? Setting a great example for the world. The US can not be taken seriously.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Saudi is buying cheap Russian oil for its power stations.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Attempting to force Arab nations into a military pact with Israel looks like a basic misjudgement.

Considering both share a common enemy in Iran it seems like a reasonable proposition to me. The Arabs are not yet ready to be that close to Israel but in time they may. Considering how Iran has flanked Israel by arming and training Hezbollah flanking Iran by bringing the Arabs into an alliance with Israel seems like a way to reduce Iran's advantage.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Biden contnues to push the US center/right and far right's 'market economy' policies, which got the US and the world in this mess in the first place.

No, it was Biden and the far-left progressive wing of his party pushing him to try and naively end fossil fuel thinking that the US can get rid of 286.9 million registered cars in the US. Anyone thinking that is not dealing with reality.


The US and other 'market economy's inability to get off oil and gas is dooming the US and the planet.

Not dooming the planet, the earth has survived for over 150 billion years, the doom and gloom scenario that earth is at this great peril and will die soon is one of the biggest myths of the century, however, we should try to slowly make the transition from fossil fuel to another viable fuel source, so far we’re not there yet, so we should increase oil production, fracking which will create thousands of jobs and still continue to experiment with new and cleaner alternative fuel sources.


The BRICS may end up controlling the world, and while using their gas/oil fired state capitalism will just make things worse for the planet.

Renewable energy will create a new greed that’s bad for the environment. What and how would we replace battery cells? What impact on the environment does it have, why do we have to depend on China for a lot of components that we will need going into this new phase of dependency especially now that China controls the majority of rare minerals that is needed to build these new power sources, what will it do to these 3rd nations of destroying their environments, displace people, and you see it now how China is sending more and more of its citizens to 3rd nations rich in raw materials that the left cheers on so much, displacing people people from their lands and destroying their environments is ok because they’re just 3rd world insignificant people, I thought the left abhorred such tactics, but let’s digress…


The new bosses will probably be even worse than the old ones.


With Russia/China, and if Saudi links even more closely with them look for its extreme form of authoritarianism added to those of Russia,China and Iran to prevail. But will the anti-west, anti-NATO herds be happier living under the BRICS regimes?

Biden and the far-left have now officially screwed our relations further with the Saudis, a country we need to help contain Iran and many of their own terrorist radicals and cells and he thinks ticking them off will help the US, it won’t, and as much as we should be hating the Saudis, we need them. Not having them as an ally and add Iran to that list is a very bad thing for the US especially if they continue to establish closer relationships with the Iranians and Chinese, and that’s on Biden and his non-thinking radical progressive leftists and that’s an even more ominous threat to the US.


-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Saudi oil is only 6% of US imports. Not a big deal.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The so called “green” agenda is destroying the lives of so many people in the name of “green”. Electric cars are NOT the solution, anyone with half a brain can understand that battery production on such a scale as to replace the automobile is not green. Even now if you drive an electric car and feel “green”, reality is that you are producing more co2 per km than economical new gasoline powered car.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Biden going cap in hand to the genocidal absolute monarch bin Salman is as pitiful as UK Foreign Minister Liz Truss' recent select committee performance, in which she was caught lying about raising human rights issues with the Gulf States leaders on her own trip there.

In a truly bizarre week the LDP was exposed as having worked hand-in-glove with a foreign, far-right religious cult for over 50 years, the genocidal American walrus John Bolton was boasting of organising coups on CNN and New York City began airing a duck-and-cover commercial for the correct way to behave during a nuclear attack.


6 ( +10 / -4 )

The US are moving toward communism, perhaps worse as they have become dangerously liberal, without knowing it… or perhaps they do but things are being run by those who are actually promoting it.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Biden was destined to fail with saudi and basically just made a clown out of himself.

Lucky to get out of there alive after insulting the prince like that.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

He also failed to blame MBS for the murder as openly and defiantly as “the White House” claims.

Saudi Foreign Minister says he 'did not hear' Biden blame Crown Prince for Khashoggi murder


0 ( +9 / -9 )

Ive been there 3 times

That place is scary

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Biden was destined to fail with saudi and basically just made a clown out of himself.

Lucky to get out of there alive after insulting the prince like that.

I agree.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

CNN's John King complains, "It is much easier to be the opposition party...give Democrats so some grace. Governing is hard, especially when you have tiny margins."

Governing is hard?

CNN didn’t have this same concept when Dems were not in charge.

then don’t govern and give it back to Republicans. What happened to all that talk of taking responsibility?

All Biden does is blame everything and everyone else.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Hat,I wish it would go liberal by 100 percent

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Saudi oil is only 6% of US imports. Not a big deal.

The concern is energy supplies for European allies. The US doesn't need Middle Eastern oil but the US friends still do.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The US are moving toward communism, perhaps worse as they have become dangerously liberal, without knowing it… or perhaps they do but things are being run by those who are actually promoting it.

You must be very young. In my long life I have witnessed with my own eyes the US become more rigidly conservative and in some ways more repressive than it has ever been. The US isn't even a little bit liberal any more and organized religion is slowly putting a boot to the neck of anyone who dares to be a free thinker and openly contradict their dogmas.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

The primary reason the US is so involved in the Middle East is the conservative, evangelical christian belief that Israel has to start the great war that brings the second coming of jesus so they can all be "saved" and go to heaven, and that the US has to support Israel in this endeavor because they have this belief not supported by anything in the old or new testaments that when jesus comes for the second time the US will be spared destruction if they unstintingly support Israel and the war they start. I couldn't make this up. I have been told it to my face in all sincerity by evangelicals. The most powerful nation in the world is held hostage to a religious fairy tale.

So the US dutifully supports any barbarity committed by Israel against her neighbors and that is what brings the US into all the other conflicts that Israels wars and occupations of other peoples lands has created. The Arab anger, their turn to fundamentalism and terrorism when nationalism and Arab nationalist leaders like Nassar, Assad, Hussein, Gadafi, etc. failed to dislodge the Israelis with conventional arms; all of that is traceable to the unquestioning support of anything Israel does by the US. If the US could tell Israel to F-O and walk away from the Middle East the US and the rest of the world would be a much happier place. That sadly is a pipe dream because too many Americans and too many politicians of both major political parties ascribe to that evangelical line of thought and will never deny Israel anything. Yes there are dissenters but they are a minority who's view is mostly reviled and will most likely remain so long after we are all pushing up daisies.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I’m not surprised nobody wants to make a deal. The previous guy made it loud and clear that anything signed is only guaranteed for the term of the President who signed it.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

America has been a slave to Saudi Arabia since WW2. As long as there is money to be made and oil to buy. Nothing is going to change that in your lifetime or mine. Blaming Biden or the last guy is pointless.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Joe Biden: "We always honor bravery of selfishness...umm, selflessness of the sacrifices of the Americans."

3 ( +8 / -5 )

No, he just humiliated himself at home with his call to drink chlorine bleach or inject Sun into the veins somehow.

Then you should see and compare that to Biden’s daily incoherent rants.

Then when he lost the election he made up all sorts of nonsense about rigged elections, something that had been almost as damaging to the US as his failed Covid policies

And this has to do with Biden being yet again, humiliated by another foreign adversary?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Joe Biden: "We always honor bravery of selfishness...umm, selflessness of the sacrifices of the Americans."

Why did you edit his quote? Here’s the full sentence, from the WH.Gov transcripts.

“We’ll always honor the bravery, the selfishness [sic] — selflessness of the — and the sacrifices of the Americans who served, including my son, Major Beau Biden, who was stationed in Iraq for a year.”

Criticising Biden for fumbling words, sure. The last guy did that a lot too. At least Biden can proudly say his son served his country.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Because I wanted to focus on the near daily humiliating gaffe.

not his constant invocation of his “good” son in a weak attempt to gather some sympathy.

he desecrated the memory of that son the day he blessed the relationship with his other son and the dead son’s wife.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Criticising Biden for fumbling words, sure. The last guy did that a lot too. At least Biden can proudly say his son served his country.

But they didn’t think he was weak, the last President always made sure the US and it’s citizens comes first, this guy makes sure that every other country goes first and that’s another reason why his approval ratings are in the toilet.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Let’s not forget Trump

Let’s do.

Amen....welcome to Team Blue...

As he wasn’t humiliated by the Saudis while begging for oil.

Nah, he sent Jared for that.....

A newly revealed multibillion deal between Saudi Arabia and Donald Trump’s son-in-law and former senior adviser, Jared Kushner, shows that the scale of apparent corruption and brazen misuse of power during the Trump White House was even more audacious than we previously thought.


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

You don’t get to invoke your good son once you approve of your other son to sleep with his wife, daughter, and her sister.

Nah, he sent Jared for that.....

jared came back with a deal. Biden says he supports the Abraham accords. How is that humiliating?

Biden came back as a failure who had to interject his dead son into the conversation again as a sympathy play.

Hey, what are you arguing with me for? I'm with you on Team Blue - you said it best;

"Let’s not forget Trump"

You: "Let’s do."

That a great line - Forget Trump! Save America!

Well stated...

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Amen....welcome to Team Blue...




-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I really am at a loss to understand Joe Biden agenda or what could possibly be achieved bumping fists with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman?

It is incomprehensible to witness such an act, knowing the emotional consequences to the widow of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the gruesome torture, circumstances of his death

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Biden, a cold career politician who will always trump morality with expediency, finally made a reluctant pilgrimage to the snake-oil merchants of the Middle East in the forlorn hope that he could fist-bump his way out of trouble at the pumps with an "oil-for-blood" deal with the bone-saw psycho. Regime change remains the only solution, but Biden is too old to pull that one out of the hat.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

“this guy makes sure that every other country goes first”

to me that is a definition of being unpatriotic!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Tortoise san

”You must be very young. In my long life I have witnessed with my own eyes the US become more rigidly conservative and in some ways more repressive than it has ever been. The US isn't even a little bit liberal any more and organized religion is slowly putting a boot to the neck of anyone who dares to be a free thinker and openly contradict their dogmas.”

i am not too young but perhaps have been old enough to see what is unfolding for many of you who are old enough yet not really seeing where the country is heading to

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The US are moving toward communism, perhaps worse as they have become dangerously liberal, without knowing it…

This is a fantasy foisted upon you by rich people to keep you servile and afraid.

The US is not moving towards communism, never has, never will. But some people fall for the lie.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

The “honor” of the Holocaust says Joe.

the “selfishness” of the US military.

the cowardly fist bump. No oil. No security deal. No strong public press statement about the murder while at the microphone.

great trip huh?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The best way the US could improve is by raising literacy and education. A large number of Americans can’t read above 5th grade level.

Burning witches, reds under the bed, stolen elections, blaming Biden for Saudi Arabia. It’s all the same thing and succeeds only because the rich take advantage of the under educated.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Bob FosseToday  12:51 pm JST

The best way the US could improve is by raising literacy and education. A large number of Americans can’t read above 5th grade level. 

Burning witches, reds under the bed, stolen elections, blaming Biden for Saudi Arabia. It’s all the same thing and succeeds only because the rich take advantage of the under educated.

Russian collusion, reaching for steering wheels . . .

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

e US are moving toward communism

It was the Russian sponsored 'separatists' waving the hammer and sickle in Ukraine. A curious blend of extreme authoritarianism, Putin's national socialism mixed with that of the fallen USSR. But those who control the oil and gas, be they religious extremists, predatory capitalists (free market or state), fascists or whatever rule the planet.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The best way the US could improve is by raising literacy and education. A large number of Americans can’t read above 5th grade level.


2 ( +4 / -2 )

Bob FosseToday  12:51 pm JST

The best way the US could improve is by raising literacy and education. A large number of Americans can’t read above 5th grade level. 

Burning witches, reds under the bed, stolen elections, blaming Biden for Saudi Arabia. It’s all the same thing and succeeds only because the rich take advantage of the under educated.

Russian collusion, reaching for steering wheels . . .

I’m glad you agree with me. Thank you for your support.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

United States is not going anywhere

In your own words you nailed it, Uncle Joe, and it’s because of your listening to the wrong voices in the States. Only Auntie Kamala could have done worse.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I’m glad you agree with me. Thank you for your support.

More than half of black boys scored in the lowest category on the English portion of the test, trailing their female counterparts. The disparity reflects a stubbornly persistent gender gap in reading and writing scores that stretches across ethnic groups.

So then why are minorities in the largest wealthiest State reading below the 8th grade level?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below 6th grade level. Low levels of literacy costs the US up to 2.2 trillion per year.

Of those who have low English literacy skills, 35% are White, 2% of whom are born outside of the U.S.; 23% are Black, 3% of whom are born outside of the U.S.; 34% are Hispanic, 24% of whom are born outside of the U.S.; 8% are of other races/ethnicities. Non-U.S.-born adults comprise 34% of the U.S. population with low literacy skills.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Bob FosseToday  01:49 pm JST.

I’m glad you agree with me. Thank you for your support.

Happy to support raising your literacy and education as you requested.

Biden had said he would make regional power Saudi Arabia a "pariah" on the global stage over the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents, but ultimately decided U.S. interests dictated a recalibration, not a rupture, in relations with the world's top oil exporter.

Talk about taking a giant step back.

Why don't they just let him live out his golden years somewhere with an endless supply of vanulla ice cream. Making him embark on these junkets is elder abuse.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

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