Japan Today

Biden hails U.S. pandemic recovery as employment surges

By Heather SCOTT

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But the data show lasting damage from the pandemic:

Biden inherited that damage from the previous admin which botched fighting the pandemic in part because 45 prioritized golf and twitter over the health concerns of the general population. Of course 45 and his fellow 1% had the best healthcare money can buy.

as vaccinations become more widely available, 

Perhaps if the 50% of Republicans refusing to get vaccinated would get the vaccinations the economy could grow more.

Unless those Republicans want to continue to sabotage Biden's efforts.

Sabotaging and further undermining the republic seems to be the main policy of the modern Republican Party.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Welcome to the Biden Boom as predicted months ago by so many who are not deluded by rightwing mainstream media. Trump coasted on the Obama economy until he wrecked in by letting COVID run wide in the USA. And once again the democrats have to come in and cleaned up the massive failures of the republicans when they hold the WH. Clinton fixed the Reagan/Bush recession, Obama the Bush Jr economic free fall and now Biden the Trump near depression.

Republicans kill the economy by giving everyone to the rich over and over again. This is fact.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Go Biden!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Great news! It appears liberals now support reopenings which has had a positive impact on these numbers.

I hope to see the unemployment rate match what the previous administration gave us pre pandemic at some point.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Recovery is going according to President Trump’s plan. Biden’s impact won’t be felt for four years. Just ask Obama, who blamed Bush his entire first term in office.

Biden should’ve mandated vaccines go to all vulnerable people first, however, like in the U.K. COVID is spiking in some areas of the U.S. where vaccinations were administered based on politics, not science, such as skin color.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Oh and a reminder, it was 2 years into the Trump presidency and liberals claimed it was still the Obama economy. But some good numbers once, good ole Joe credited right away.

now if we (and he) only knew what actions he did to cause this? other than not being able to prevent states from reopening when he wanted them still closed.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Net job creation by President:

Trump: 4.7 million

Obama: 8.9 million*

George Bush: 5.8 million

Bill Clinton: 18.6 million

Don't forget that Obama's term started during the financial crisis when they market was still hemorrhaging jobs. Not only did he overcome the initial negative numbers, he still had a net gain of nearly 9 million by the end.
11 ( +12 / -1 )

But the growth was less concentrated in that sector than in February, a sign that the recovery is broadening out. 

Public and private education payrolls, for instance, added 190,000 jobs as schools reopened for in-person classes, while the construction industry grew by 110,000 positions after a February loss that was likely weather-related, the feds said.

While there was plenty for economists to smile about last month, the numbers of long-term unemployed people and permanent job losers remained roughly flat at 4.2 million and 3.4 million, respectively — underscoring the scarring the labor market has suffered.

“March is a month to celebrate, but we are holding the champagne for more workers to come back from long-term unemployment,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton.

-New York Post

Makes sense and while that is a good sign, I think after June we will see unemployment benefits arise as the numbers of claims filed tick up. I’ll hold off the cigars until then.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

The resilience of the US under actual leadership is impressive.

I would love to know who the leader is.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Didn’t you erase all the jobs created that were lost to the worst pandemic in 100 years with no comment at all? that little tiny word “net” job creation makes your misleading statement not an outright lie. Nice job sliding that in there.

But gotta put some context on your guy Obama, just couldn’t help it.

Don't forget that Obama's term started during the financial crisis when they market was still hemorrhaging jobs.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

History certainly does repeat itself...

1992: Bush 1 creates a recession and it takes Bill Clinton to turn the economy round with the best GDP and stock market numbers in the post-war period - and the first budget surplus...

2008: Bush 2 and his Repub cronies crater the economy with their lax oversight of Wall St debt junkies - Obama reverses it and has eight years of growth...

2020: Trump takes the economy down to a level almost to the Great Depression, and even before COVID has four years of weak GDP growth - GDP now forecasted to be 6% under Biden...

The lesson is clear - Repubs crash the economy, Dems grow it...

8 ( +8 / -0 )

LOL! trump mad! trump's performance in office lowered bar so much for a president that Biden's average presidency will look historic over time in comparison to trump's for simply not being an idiot!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Black: that little tiny word “net” job creation makes your misleading statement not an outright lie. 

The purpose of using "net" is to make sure you don't just count job gains while ignoring losses. It's nothing new or underhanded.

For example, for Trump, had he taken the virus seriously early on we wouldn't have had such a prolonged shutdown period. More jobs were lost because of it, a direct result of his actions. Obama inherited a collapsed economy that had nothing to do with his policies whatsoever.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Biden is a one-term President.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


Didn’t you erase all the jobs created that were lost to the worst pandemic in 100 years with no comment at all? that little tiny word “net” job creation makes your misleading statement not an outright lie. Nice job sliding that in there.

But gotta put some context on your guy Obama, just couldn’t help it.

Yeah, we are still waiting for your boy trump to be sworn in for his second term that you promised was going to start in 2021! You know the person you claimed was a "successful businessman". That you claimed improve the economy better than Pres. Obama, and everyone was going to vote for him because he was doing such a great job of making money for everyone!

It seems like all of your predictions came true, right?

13 ( +13 / -0 )

For example, for Trump, had he taken the virus seriously early on we wouldn't have had such a prolonged shutdown period. More jobs were lost because of it, a direct result of his actions. Obama inherited a collapsed economy that had nothing to do with his policies whatsoever.

Very similar to what Biden is facing! The cycle continues:

A Republican screws up the country with lies and criminality then a Democrat comes in and fixes everything. Then another Republican candidate will attempt to cheat in the election in hopes of robbing the coffers once more! The US would be in a financial utopia if they could get 2 two-term Democratic presidents consecutively into office!

7 ( +7 / -0 )


Biden is a one-term President.

Like Pres. Obama?


Like Pres. trump?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Welcome to the Biden Boom

More like a bust after a one year lockdown all the businesses that have been destroyed from the draconian lockdowns especially in NYC and California and we won’t even go into the troubles their governors are in and getting deeper

as predicted months ago by so many who are not deluded by rightwing mainstream media.

Tell that to hundreds of people that have lost jobs in the food and service industry and blue-collar workers, the unemployment numbers don’t lie about that and why are Democrats more transparent about those numbers?

Trump coasted on the Obama economy

No, Obama believed in regulation, Obama believed in higher taxation of private companies and didn’t believe in giving incentives to small businesses so that is an actual fallacy until the virus hit we had the absolute lowest unemployment especially in the black community

when they hold the WH. Clinton fixed the Reagan/Bush recession,

Yes, with the help of an Or Republican Congress, which pushed Bill Clinton to the center, otherwise that would’ve never happened

Republicans kill the economy

The why do 79% of blue collar workers and 42% of unions now support Republicans? But 94% of the mega-rich support Democrats?

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

NumanToday  11:08 am JST

LOL! trump mad! trump's performance in office lowered bar so much for a president that Biden's average presidency will look historic over time in comparison to trump's for simply not being an idiot!

Anybody, Democrat or Republican or Independent or Green (and maybe, just maybe even Communist) would look historic over time in comparison to trumpchump for simply not being a lying sassybrat Antichrist criminal crap-stirring corrupt Caligula with a mental age that's less than his shoe size.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

US pandemic recovery? Biden is saying it too early, too quickly.

A conservative estimate of the number of deaths in US due to the virus now stands near 580,000. The number of infected cases touches 32 million, almost 10% of the nation's population. These figures are not supposed to be just overlooked or taken for granted.

The global infected cases and death cases dropped significantly 3 weeks ago, but are climbing up equally fast in the past several days. This is most discomfiting.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Welcome to the Biden Boom

More like a bust

Better than the Donald Depression. GDP forecasted to be 6% this year - Trump never above 3%...

as predicted months ago by so many who are not deluded by rightwing mainstream media.

Tell that to hundreds of people that have lost jobs in the food and service industry and blue-collar workers,

The ones the Repubs wanted to give only $600 to - Rand Paul wanted to give them 0....

Trump coasted on the Obama economy

No, Obama believed in regulation,

Regulation so the big Wall St firms and their Repub backers couldn't crush the economy again with their crazy debt schemes...

when they hold the WH. Clinton fixed the Reagan/Bush recession,

Yes, with the help of an Or Republican Congress, which pushed Bill Clinton to the center, otherwise that would’ve never happened

Newt was thrown out for corruption...

Republicans kill the economy

The why do 79% of blue collar workers and 42% of unions now support Republicans? But 94% of the mega-rich support Democrats?

MAGA statistics - no reference obviously...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

The fat guy (the one who lost bigly) must be fuming. I bet he'd probably want to see more and more deaths just so that he can have a chance to complain.

The US government should continue doing what's it's been doing, and the rest should continue building up more and more charges against the fat guy. The sex-fuelled Matt Gaetz saga is a bonus. What do we call that - Gatezgate? So, what Q was talking about really was true - only it involved republicans!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I expect much more (good news) to come from this man and his administration.

horrific war with Iran, closing of the main oil routes, US troops occupying Jordan, free trade and war blocking the South China Sea, war in Ukraine, domestic race war, increased public health issues from lockdown, masses of unemployed migrants, US currency no longer used for world trade, first US woman present controlled by Hilary.......

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

MAGA statistics - no reference obviously...

Being unafraid to spread misinformation was one of many reasons 'foreign' states hired far right 'American' 'journalists' to post falsehoods on social media for them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Better than the Donald Depression. GDP forecasted to be 6% this year - Trump never above 3%...

Leading into 2020.The jobless rate for Hispanics hit a record low of 3.9% in September, while African Americans maintained its lowest rate ever, 5.5%. 

The unemployment rate for Asian Americans was 2.5% in September. The jobless rate for adult women came in at 3.1%. 

Let’s wait until July to see what the full numbers will be going into Q2.

The ones the Repubs wanted to give only $600 to - Rand Paul wanted to give them 0....

Paul wanted the lockdowns to end, the Democrats didn’t, but DeSantis did.

Regulation so the big Wall St firms and their Repub backers couldn't crush the economy again with their crazy debt schemes...

Even though it was the “largest big tech” Democrat supporters that backed them made bank, crushed the economy and blue collar workers...again, more reason the GOP continues to grow blue collar support.

Newt was thrown out for corruption...

Clinton was impeached, but regardless the GOP Congress pulled Bill to the center, made the country a better functioning place.

MAGA statistics - no reference obviously...

Because liberals hate the truth unless they can control the narrative, we know.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

MAGA statistics - no reference obviously...

@bassBecause liberals hate the truth unless they can control the narrative, we know.

In other words the statistics were fabricated. No wonder 'reasonable' people questioned them.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

In other words the statistics were fabricated. No wonder 'reasonable' people questioned them.

Like the hyper inflation that is now starting to ferment under this President...

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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