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© 2023 AFPBiden heads to divided G20 with Xi and Putin absent
By Bhuvan BAGGA NEW DELHI©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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The leaders of these nations know how to play into national
The leaders of these nations know how to play into nationalism to distract from their oligarchic capitalism.
The Western oligarchs private jetting into the G20 and David need to limit their hereditary contribution.
Not preach to wage slaving earners about SDGs Which they are naturally doing anyway to survive.
Biden, Sunak leaders of India and China benefit from an antagonistic dynamic.
Divest from ME feudal oil monarchies first
Is the artist using a picture of G W Bush?
The "oil price cap" that people are boasting about is completely ineffective. As reported in the WSJ, Russian oil is selling for much over the price cap (for months in a row).
One reason is Moscow simply refuses to sell to countries that abide by the price cap. Another reason is shipping companies, including with ships registered by pro-sanction countries, have been more than happy to ship Russian oil products.
India falls into the category having increased imports more than 10x (and some of this is re-exported; yet another way around sanctions).
I doubt New Delhi will buckle to their hypocritical diktat.
This meeting is shaping up as a game of point the finger and blame others for Ukraine, carbon emissions and other issues by the Usual Suspects.
They will also target Russian diamonds in India/UAE (good luck with that).
Also, the first confirmed destruction of a British Challenger 2 MBT on the battlefield.
There really needs to be an edit or review before posting function.
Saudi Arabia and Russia, China and India are all complicit with the G7 whom they criticize for their historical exploitation of fossil fuels.
Divestment from fossil fuel economies and a moonshot effort to develop alternative energies is what the oligarchs of all these nations do not want.
We know why the murdering midget of Moscow is absent.
Where is Pooh bear?
From now on, it's Putin and Xi, please.
Too bad Putin is not coming.
Had he come India would have showed him and Russians that, though they don't agree with the war, they will absolutely refuse to stand with the hypocritical West and turn Russia into a pariah state.
And yes, India is not a signatory to ICC so there would have been no grounds to arrest him.
Looks like 'Surrender' Modi has been bribed by Biden’s state dinner and has forgotten that it was Russia which stood by India when the West had ganged up against it.
Good that Xi is not coming though.
'Surrender' Modi might not have the spine to take on China but a few other Indians might have had other ideas.
China is a good friend of Russia and Pres.Putin, when a friend is in need.
I think they should held a four way summit or a "QUAD" : Putin, XI, K.J. & Lukashenko (Russia, China, North Korea, Belarus) Four nuclear armed states to tell the world of what to do and where to navigate!
China is a good friend of Russia
Yeah China is such a great friend of Russia that their new map has just claimed a portion of Russia’s territory.
Putin was more than welcome to attend - but chose to send FM Lavrov in his place so as to support New Delhi's stated theme for the Summit (which as host it gets the right to set):
Modi has made the Global South the leitmotif of the G20 summit.
This means defeating the many-headed hydra of neo-colonialism in all its manifestations.
In this Lavrov is unparalleled - his knowledge of languages, friendships based on mutual respect and long proven track record of tackling neo-colonialism head-on which makes him the right man for the right job.
This dovetails with the BRICS movement, of which India and Russia are important players, and made important expansions recently.
Ah yes, BRICS: the things Putin and Xi crap when looking at where their economies are headed.
No wonder Xi isn't attending and Putin is scared to leave.
Bob Fosse
Brics, all huff and no puff.
The elephant in the room is Zelensky who tried to invite himself despite not being a member. And the hosts graciously declined.
That should have got a mention. All the important issues would have been swept aside.
Brics, all huff and no puff.
Worry about Britain which is not so great anymore.
Used to be a superpower just a century ago, too bad that the age of colonialism has ended.
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
Bob Fosse
Do you like colonialism?
Whoho! ONE tank! (Slow clap)
In a side note, Russia has lost more than 1/2 of it's front line tanks and is now pulling 70 year old T-55s out of the junk pile.
Literally a who's who of the worst scum of the earth. I could see that.
Do you like colonialism?
No, but I dislike hypocrisy more.
Europe which became rich by colonizing the world, and which never really cared about genocides in the third world, is now suddenly crying foul when they are getting a taste of their own medicine.
What intellect he may have, he isn't trusted by Putin enough to be told of an invasion:
The notion that Russia is isolated because the White Bloc is shunning it reminds me of the (possibly apocryphal) headline in a British paper "Fog in the English Channel, Continent CUT Off"
Bob Fosse
A taste of their own medicine?
So you like revenge then. Sounds rather hypocritical.
I don’t like colonialism, whoever does it or at whatever period in history.
You do realize that NATO is nuclear armed and Eastern Europe was almost entirely uninvolved in colonialism, right? Sounds like the usual inability to identify countries from the Putin fanboys.
China help Russia to skip western economic sanctions and Russia provide weapon grade uranium for China. What a very sacred relationship like "Blood Brothers". The orient QUAD of anti imperialism: Russia, China, North Korea, Belarus is a pan Eurasia stonewall, they are fully nuclear armed !
Apparently he only found out a week later that the whole invasion was supposed to be over in 72-hours. Soviet era communication you see...
Eastern Europe was almost entirely uninvolved in colonialism
So why is Western Europe up in arms now that Eastern Europe is getting invaded.
And where was the same hue and cry over the numerous wars in Africa or Asia.
Folks from the third world are not agreeable with what is going on in Ukraine today but they dislike Western hypocrisy more.
Of course the West can try bribing the corrupt leaders of a few nations with state dinners and stuff but that doesn't change the sentiment at the ground. Not that it matters to those who have become used to having their way by regime change or outright CIA backed coups.
Could it be that countries care more about what happens in their back yard more than others backyards?
Perhaps because when we did involve ourselves in Africa and Asia, you moaned about the colonialism!
And they love their own hypocrisy of "just in it for Rupees" even more than that.
Once again, not quite clear that Eastern Europe isn't Western Europe. I think Indians are capable of making this distinction. They may like you, though, like their own hypocrisy of seeing the powers at war, though.
I think it is time for some more totally legitimate Wagner coups in the Sahel.
...avoid being arrested for war crimes.
He doesn't show much friendship or mutual respect to Ukraine, given that he supports Putin's invasion, and vociferously argues for it in international relations.
Quo Primum
Biden has done nothing for the two and a half years he's been president, and there's no reason to believe that he'll do anything substantive at the G20 either.
He might as well stay home, and send someone else.
Trump wasn't perfect by any means, but man, do I ever miss him.
Apart from end covid, restart the economy, tame inflation, stand up to a fascist thug, reunite NATO, ECT.
Of course he never felated a fascist, ignored a pandemic or pushed another allied leader off a riser, so maybe that gives the impression that he's not going enough.
Bob Fosse
Which cities for example? If there are many you will be able to name one that didn’t have the same problems in 2019.
Joe Biden ended Covid... LOL of the decade right there ladies & gentlemen.
Biden and Trump are too old to be president again.
Biden will be in attendance, which far more than be said for a certain war criminal and a man who bans comparisons to a children's literature animal.
Bob Fosse
Reality. Now in its 3rd decade, when is the big shift coming?
Mr. Putin doesn't trust his own security anymore. Mr. Xi is embarrassed.
Shots in arms at no cost out of pocket. Deaths dropping from over 3,000 A day to virtually nil. Every who wants a vaccine got one.
Back to normal. Travel back to normal. Schools back. You name it, it happened under Biden.
So laugh away. I am amused at your mirth.
Where is your boi? Who's he going to tell hiding in the Kremlin?
It's NATO that is speaking with one voice, not just the US.
And womp, womp, womp. Don't like being stood up to? Don't try to change European borders with a war over a lie.
Not even close.
We’ve had links to Alex Jones, Alex Berenson and Louder with Crowder here. Fart/knob gags are timeless.
Anyway, Biden and Trump are obviously both too old to run again. Biden is walking a tightrope to finish a sentence and Trump’s brain is mush - he just slurs stupidity now. He sounds drunk although he’s teetotal.
Saying that, the economy is in decent shape under Biden. Certainly in better nick now than when he inherited it.
Good to see no Putin and Xi. Lower the tone.
He’s done okay in some areas. The economy is in better shape now than when he inherited it.
Your post comes across as hysterical partisanship.
Bob Fosse
The last guy left office with the worst employment figures since 1933. Fact.
Biden is far from ideal but at least he doesn’t try to convince you he’s smart by remembering and repeating a series of 5 simple nouns.
Can you remember them? After me; person, woman….
I haven't seen anything whatsoever that shows they do.
Did you maybe believe some fake news from the CCP or the Kremlin?
Clearly you weren't paying attention or you are just obtuse.
CHIPS Act. inflation Reduction Act. Infrastructure. American Recovery Act. Student loan reduction. Inflation is the lowest of any G-7 nation.Prescription drugs negotiation.
More real legislation in two years than the orange blob would have accomplished in 7 terms.
Maybe he didn't do anything to benefit the 1%, but they don't need any help.
And yet it didnt. And vivid didn't "fizzle out". It was overcome by competent public health measures and those happened in America under Biden.
This is probably true. Just as Biden inherited the end of Trump's Covid debacle, Trump was fortunate to inherit Obama's fine work at the end of another Republican recession, and then unfortunate to meet a Covid nightmare that Obama had predicted and prepared for, and then Trump had dismissed and dismantled.
And by golly, he absolutely blew it. A person so intellectually incapable of grasping that he can't bullsh1t a virus out of existence by suggesting drinking bleach or injecting UV light. A man of forks in a world of spoons.
Alongside his multiple criminal acts, this is why Trump will be judged to have been the worst president in American history.
That image of Biden makes it look like he’s been at Trump’s make-up bag.
China's slowing economy needs cheap, aging gas station nations like Russia and Iran.