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Biden calls Trump most irresponsible president in American history; rules out national lockdown


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Biden is a bumbling pessimistic mess. He has nothing to say and gives people very little hope. Trumps task force was clear, pointed and optimistic regarding the health of the nation and vaccines. Politics aside, it is very clear which administration cares about her kids and the health of the nation.

-24 ( +19 / -43 )

The US is fighting two pandemics, COVID and "The Stupidity Pandemic". We have an idea of where "patient zero" is from China, but we know 100% that patient zero for the Stupidity one came on the scene around late Spring and early Summer in 2015.

Fortunately the world is close (hopefully) to a vaccination for COVID, but sadly there is no cure for "The Stupidity" one, THAT one, starting from patient zero, is terminal!

15 ( +24 / -9 )

biden can't even help himself.

During the political left campaign to try to gain the white house he said this.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he would do "whatever it takes" to combat the spread of coronavirus within the country — including locking down the U.S. if deemed necessary.

“I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” Biden told ABC’s David Muir in a joint interview with his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, to air Sunday. “We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.”

Remember back in 2015 when people on both sides of the political spectrum said that they were sick and tired of politician's double speak do-notjing attitude and just plain sick and tired of all things related to politicians and then the people said they wanted an outsider.

Yeah, well. I guess the people forgot all that.

We're back to the dark ages and it is abundantly clear some people thoroughly enjoy it. Unbelievable.

-24 ( +12 / -36 )

One could have imagined trump being the sore loser, carried out of the WH kicking and screaming. But the GOP support to his to in subverting democracy is mind boggling.

When Biden is inaugurated on Jan 20, the GOP will be a lot poorer, not just morally but financially too.

And trump will still be a loser!!!!

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Trumps task force was clear, pointed and optimistic regarding the health of the nation and vaccines.

Yes, when Trump wasn’t pretending the virus didn’t exist (optimistic) he was either suggesting that they try injecting disinfectant or sunlight into people (pointed) or otherwise making himself look like an idiot (clear).

Of course thanks to that approach more than a quarter million Americans are dead. Maybe that is why Biden is a bit more pessimistic.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

Biden calls Trump most irresponsible president in American history

Trump's 'irresponsible presidency' was expected by most US citizens able to reason beyond right wing (US and 'foreign') tabloid headlines.

Throughout his life Trump's been an irresponsible human, a spoiled brat product of the privileged class. He's been an irresponsible businessmale - bankrupted a casino? Trump U?

Now he's the most irresponsible politician in US history, playing golf (on the taxpayer's dollars) while thousands die each day and his economy continues to fail millions.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

Trumps task force was clear, pointed and optimistic regarding the health of the nation and vaccines

Yeah and the USA is rounding the corner of 250,000 dead.

Trump has been saying rounding the corner so long he was gone around in circles at least a dozen times.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

The COVID task force, which sounds contradictory to its name, because it has no task and no force, held its first press briefing in 4 months.

pence scurried off after the briefing , refusing to take questions even though he had time. That just proves how scared these little people are, they run whenever someone takes them to task.

These criminals might try to hide but their time is coming, Each criminal act in subverting democracy has to be accounted for and the ones who colluded with trump needs to be kicked off from politics.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Yeah, well. I guess the people forgot all that.

No they tried it and realized they made a mistake with the person they chose. That can be forgiven.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Trumps task force was clear, pointed and optimistic regarding the health of the nation and vaccines. Politics aside, it is very clear which administration cares about her kids and the health of the nation.

Virus? What virus? We "turned the corner" on that months ago. Right? That's what your orange jesus told us. You mean he was wrong and everyone wasn't vaccinated or had gained herd immunity by election day? There is still a pandemic to be concerned with? One would never know this from the right wing media. They'd never lie. Would they?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he would do "whatever it takes" to combat the spread of coronavirus within the country — including locking down the U.S. if deemed necessary.

And now he has said it isn’t necessary.

That’s what happens after thinking, taking advice and collaboration vs stubborn stupidity and ignorance.

I recommend trying it.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I remember when Jack Ma stated the conventional wisdom of China that once Trump took office he’d moderate his behavior. I remember thinking “What planet are you on?”

4 years later I’m both happy and sad to have been proven correct. Trump is the same compulsive liar, the same narcissistic sociopath, the same whining wannabe thug he’s always been.

The only good thing about Trump is that he’s as incompetent at fascism as he is at governance and business management.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Trumps task force was clear, pointed and optimistic

Yes, Dr. Scott Atlas, Mr. Trump's new point man on the Covid-19 task force clearly said the people of Michigan should "rise up" against the state's Covid-19 restrictions. They are very clear and pointed. They are also both wrong and dangerous to the health of the nation.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I sure am glad the adults are back in charge. They wear nice clothes and talk in sweet soothing lies while they loot the treasury, shred human rights and start wars in all corners of the planet - all the while aided by a completely neutered 5th estate.

It's good to know things are back on track.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Virus? What virus? We "turned the corner" on that months ago. 

With Trump his idea of "turning the corner" has everyone going around in circles!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The rudy comedy show would’ve been funny if it wasn’t criminal.

His tantrum today with the hair dye running down his face is something the best of comedy shows couldn’t have come up with.

I am so looking forward to SNL.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Meanwhile, Trump wastes taxpayers' money and time with frivolous lawsuits based on rumor and hearsay. The GOP wants to even go as far as not allow only votes for Biden, but allow votes for Trump, somehow saying there were certain "irregularities' on only-Biden votes. How ludicrous is that? It is no wonder that judges are throwing out these suits left and right. I really feel for the judges because their time is being wasted when they should be spent on real important cases.

Also, Trump is putting the country's security at risk by not helping with a smooth transition. Trump should put country first, and himself a distant second. But I'm sure that is too much to ask of the narcissist.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

biden can't even help himself. 

During the political left campaign to try to gain the white house he said this.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said he would do "whatever it takes" to combat the spread of coronavirus within the country — including locking down the U.S. if deemed necessary.

“I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” Biden told ABC’s David Muir in a joint interview with his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, to air Sunday. “We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.”

Remember back in 2015 when people on both sides of the political spectrum said that they were sick and tired of politician's double speak do-notjing attitude and just plain sick and tired of all things related to politicians and then the people said they wanted an outsider.

Yeah, well. I guess the people forgot all that.

We're back to the dark ages and it is abundantly clear some people thoroughly enjoy it. Unbelievable.

Yup, that’s the world of liberal hypocrisy “don’t do this or that”, but if I do it, it’s different for reasons I can’t really explain and don’t ask me to explain it because I need time to make a somewhat believable excuse and hope you all will buy it.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

The man-child just seems to be playing golf, sulking, and sending Ghouliani to drum up support. Oh, by the way, you have a job. It's called running the country and looking after your citizens. Get out now if you're interested. I notice he's staying put in Washington. Seems like he's trying to barricade himself in. But come Jan 20, they'll be storming the palace.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The fact Trump is the worse President becomes clear watching interviews of nurses describing dying covid patients still refusing to believe they have covid right up to the moment they die. They keep to the belief that it is all a hoax and that Trump said it is no worse than the flu and "you get it, you get better and then your immune".

So sad.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Trump's 'irresponsible presidency' was expected by most US citizens

The Trump haters and the msm and tech Gods, be specific now....

Throughout his life Trump's been an irresponsible human,

If you go by that, most of the Washington establishment if you pick their lives with a fine toothed comb were irresponsible.

Now he's the most irresponsible politician in US history, playing golf (on the taxpayer's dollars) while thousands die each day and his economy continues to fail millions.

Well, the Dems and this election is beyond atrocious and conducted irresponsibly and Trump should draw this out, Gore did, Biden would, Hillary told him to, so Trump has more than enough time, liberals they can write whatever they want about Trump, they write books all the time. Lol

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

One thing is for sure, James Buchanan will no longer be considered the worst President in US history.

Trump has that one safely all to himself.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

It was irresponsible of Americans to elect this guy. Now we can't unelect him.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

I meant to say that now he doesn't think he can be unelected.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

The Trump haters and the msm and tech Gods, be specific now....

Trump's 'irresponsible presidency' was expected by most US citizens including the Trump haters and the msm and tech Gods.

Much better

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Most irresponsible? I don't know. All the founding fathers could easily make a claim for that title.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

What rudy says at the press conference is totally different from what he says under oath.

Under that muddled mind, there are some functioning brain cells which know lying can send him to prison, quickly.

He’s trying to squeeze more out of the $20,000 per day the idiots at GOP and their supporters are paying him.

The man need the money to get a proper make up artist!!!!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

it'll be time for the paddy wagon on Jan 20th to pull out Trump from the WH... if he's not golfing

7 ( +8 / -1 )

They wear nice clothes and talk in sweet soothing lies while they loot the treasury, shred human rights and start wars in all corners of the planet - all the while aided by a completely neutered 5th estate.

Using the office to promote your own hotels, putting children in cages, planning a war with Iran while Fox and OAN praise you as the best, strongest, most intelligent president ever, yeah. That was tough. But it will end in January, don't worry.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

More facts on how bad Trump has been.

Covid deaths are 10 times those fr car accidents.

Covid has surpassed Stokes by 100,000

At the present death rate covid will surpass Coronary disease in daily deaths by the end of this month and possibly in yearly total by the time covid started in the USA.

And still Trump ignores it and plays golf.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

i pity the security detail that will be assigned to Trump for life when he is ripped out of office. Also the President's Library should be a total hoot. The list of ten of thousands of lies should carpet from floor to ceiling all around

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I pity Biden, coming into this mess of a government, the blind faith of trump supporters who are screaming fraud and the democrats are cheating. Like they have seen the evidence. They haven't. Trump has not managed to find or fabricate it yet. Bidens virus task force is in for a hell of time, with a public who will not listen to reason, who won't wear masks or social distance. In all honesty no administration has a hope. They can only wait for a vaccine.

Melbourne, went into a hard lockdown for 3 or 4 months. very difficult for the people, yet they pulled through

and the state is looking good. Adelaide this week an outbreak of 20 odd people. gone into lockdown right away. The people listen (mostly, dimwits are everywhere) I am sure Adelaide will knock this virus out of the park. Can't compare populations or virus numbers, but the people for the most part try to do what is best for everyone. Without acting like school children. My image of the U.S and a large number of it's people has really come down to playground level.

Prediction. He wont concede until the electoral college vote, and I bet he is trying to secure some rouge votes, with a promise of a pardon if there is any fallout. Then creating a greater division among citizens leading to violence and demos / turned riots.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

But guys, we've rounded the corner on COVID.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I pity Biden, coming into this mess of a government,

No need for pity. This is what democratic presidents do. It’s in the job description.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Using the office to promote your own hotels, putting children in cages, planning a war with Iran

You are right, promoting a hotel is a much worse crime than declaring martial law, and taking bribes from unfriendly governments while "representing" the people. Putting children in cages is bad - but no worries now that the children will once again be in Democratic managed cages, as they were under Obama. We can safely forget about those kids now, because the good guys are in charge. And planning a war is just awful, I agree. Now that the deep state is back in control we once again have a president who will not get stuck in the planning stage, but will properly follow through and start some new wars. It has been 4 long years without a new war. How far the USA has fallen. Thankfully we are back on track.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

It was irresponsible of Americans to elect this guy. Now we can't unelect him.

You have t o be kidding? You did see the Biden press conference today? I believe Biden will be far worse for the country than Trump ever was. The far left is already uncomfortable and sparring with his cabinet appointments. Biden is lost and has no plan, the USA is in for 4 more years of division and struggle.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

I believe Biden will be far worse for the country than Trump ever was. The far left is already uncomfortable and sparring with his cabinet appointments

Disagreements within the party? How unprecedented and awful.

Maybe he should put an end to it by appointing his family. What do you think?

6 ( +9 / -3 )

The new jingle being sung in the White House...

"We don't care COVID numbers have risen....we're too worried about going to prison"....

5 ( +7 / -2 )

taking bribes from unfriendly governments while "representing" the people

You keep citing examples of things that Trump (called "a russian asset" by actual past and present members of the intelligence agencies) did and it doesn't really help your argument?

Also, I missed at what point Biden (who is not yet president) "declared martial law", but granted, I do not live in the Newsmax bubble, so I don't know what goes on in there.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Well, the Dems and this election is beyond atrocious and conducted irresponsibly and Trump should draw this out

Why? So another quarter of a million can perish?

1 ( +6 / -5 )

 I believe Biden will be far worse for the country than Trump ever was. 

Riiiigggghtttt.....250,000 dead Americans under Donald's watch. Its going to be very, very difficult to top Trump's abysmal record.

he USA is in for 4 more years of division and struggle.

So, worst case scenario exactly the way things are now? Enough with the fearmongering, the people have spoken, and they reject Trumpism.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Biden is lost and has no plan

Yeah that's true, he has no plan... Oh, except if you actually listen to what he says, then you realize he's making plans that are alreay vastly more sound and sensible than the current president's ever were, but then again the bar is so low on that subject that it's not really an accomplishment.


3 ( +6 / -3 )

The far left is already uncomfortable and sparring with his cabinet appointments.

Who are these "far left" and can you give some links/citations?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

It is extremely ironic that the man who championed "Lock her up!" chants, will very probably end up in prison himself, for all the right reasons.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I really hope Trump doesn’t go to Biden’s inauguration. Just like Trump not being invited to all of those high profile funerals. He wasn’t invited because they knew Trump would make an ass of himself if he attended, so I hope Biden is the only president on the stage in January.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

It’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment ... before the dangerous embarrassment does any more damage to the United States of America and the world at large.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

25th made sense even a year ago, but too many people have to care about the country to invoke it. After having fired any patriot there's no chance

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Now that the deep state is back in control we once again have a president who will not get stuck in the planning stage, but will properly follow through and start some new wars. 

Nostradamus lives!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

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