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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump pitches 'back to normal' as Biden warns of tough days
Nippori Nick
Somehow I think there is a cliff there as soon as you turn the corner.
Bob Fosse
What a bunch of sheep.
Trump is simply delusional.
Well done Mr T for talking common sense. There is no need to ruin the economy and send millions of hard working people into depression for a virus with a survival rate of 99.6%.
Nearing 9,000,000 sickened by Covid45, nearing 230,000 DEAD, a weak economy that's severely affected the lives of dozens of millions of Americans.
Trump and his fellow 'elite' have the financial means to stay 'normal', unlike the general population.
But showing how completely out of touch he is with the general population. Only his hardest core cult members believe a single word he says. Fortunately they remain a minority of the country.
Graham DeShazo
Back to normal comes when this sociopath is out of office.
90k+ infections TODAY and were “rounding the corner” into an on-coming freight train..
President Trump will be in for 4 more years!
Graham DeShazo
What are the Trumpistas going to do when the votes, polls and the data line up and their clothless emperor is escorted from the White House to the nut house (to avoid the big house at Leavenworth)?
They don’t seem mentally equipped to handle it.....
What on earth do people think Biden can do about the virus? Except ruin the country?
And a poster said country divided under Trump? It’s only been divided because people insisting on dividing from Trump on Day 1 of his presidency.
non party
Finally the media started to accept the strength of Trump. He is going to win a landslide ..
Bob Fosse
I’ve heard of the power of positive thinking, that’s next level. Which media is this?
Scholars say conditions similar to just before the Civil War.
Bob Fosse
But then...
Does not compute.
In a two horse race Trump is the only winner!
@Mr. Noidall
"With Joe’s physical and mental decline, I think Trump is the man to continue the fight against coronavirus."
Yeah, the guy who destroyed Trump in both debates is in "physical and mental decline".
"He’s already said if president he would do exactly as Trump has been doing to combat the virus."
No sources to cite, but my common sense tells me this isn't true.
"I’ll still go with Trump."
From all your previous comments, you've made this abundantly clear. On that point, anyone "undecided" at this point is just a Trump supporter who's too cowardly to say it out loud.
Even msn and Bloomberg financial experts disagree, thank God the economy is bouncing back
All politicians and rich people, we all do.
Hardly, the Hispanic poll is rising as well as African American men votes are rising, go on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and look at the massive rallies and look at Biden’s, you never see thousands of people holding Biden signs, the camera never shows us this, never and if half of the country hates Trump, the other half support him and not to mention, you have thousands of shy Trump voters of people that don’t want to fight and don’t want to argue, they will just walk in, cast their vote and be done with it. Biden’s admission on getting rid of fracking didn’t help him at all and these people now know what Biden is.
Graham DeShazo
defensive much? And Trump has robbed the nation blind billing it for staying at his clubs and hotels.
These claims, that the msm is divided in its opinions and that the economy is booming, are, like all your claims, laughably and provably false.
Why do you think, after years of posting hyper-partisan "Trump cannot speak wrong" posts, that we would somehow believe there is anything Biden could say that would convince you to vote for him? Why are you suddenly trying to pretend that you're not a hyper-partisan?
For those people who know how to do a "search" on the "internet", they can find Biden's "plan" for how to deal with Covid. Unlike the current Loser in the white house who's plan is "pretend it doesn't exist".
If Biden is elected, the economy will worsen in the absolute worst nightmarish way possible.
90,000 new cases, a record. 1000 plus deaths and this liar wants to convince you that the Covid has been defeated!!!!!!
I feel sorry for his stupid supporters who listen to him and are going to fall sick and die as a result!!
trump’s claim that doctors are making money off Covid is so disgusting it should be criminal.
These are the people who have put their lives at risk to treat millions of innocents and a few idiots like trump!!!
Bob Fosse
It’s strange you should say that now since the msn article you shared 20 minutes ago didn’t think so. They said a Biden win was increasingly likely and were cautiously optimistic.
Personally, I trust the financial experts making 25 million + a year over any emotional opinionated Trump haters throughout the media.
The Commerce Department announced Thursday morning that the U.S. economy grew at an unprecedented 33.1% annualized pace in the third quarter.
No matter how the Democrats and their media allies attempt to qualify it, that was the biggest GDP surge ever. It beat the previous historic high of 16.7% in the first quarter of 1950, as well as the third-quarter estimate of 32% from economists surveyed by Dow Jones.
Biden will drive America over a cliff. Hang on - it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The two-headed US political elite have already driven Americans over the cliff. The country has been pedaling the air for the last 4 years. Gravity will take full effect in 2021 and then the Dems will be tasked with picking up the pieces. Meanwhile, we all face a long dark Covid "winter of our discontent".
Graham DeShazo
A glassy-eyed JR claims that COVID “is almost nothing”.
Yeah, tell that to the 1,000 who died of COVID TODAY, the 90k+!who were infected TODAY.
defensive much? And Trump has robbed the nation blind billing it for staying at his clubs and hotels.
I notice you didn't try to refute Biden got a lot of money to sell out his country. He did, even though the media is ignoring it as best they can.
For those people who know how to do a "search" on the "internet", they can find Biden's "plan" for how to deal with Covid. Unlike the current Loser in the white house who's plan is "pretend it doesn't exist".
For those people who know how to do a "search" on the "internet" they can find, oh my...
President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a three-phased approach based on the advice of public health experts. These steps will help state and local officials when reopening their economies, getting people back to work, and continuing to protect American lives.
Democrats need people to be miserable victims with piss-poor attitudes who blame others for all their woes. Happy people with positive attitudes and the drive to steer their own lives don't vote for Democrats.
$750 whole dollars!
Trump gave $180,000 to China, and has many times accepted gifts from foreign contributors.
Also, he has to find a way to come up with $400 million dollars that he doesn't have. Which gives him 400 million reasons to use his presidential influence to find that money.
You guys whined about money going to the Iranians, and here you are ready to let your guy sell your country for $400 million.
Damn that's cheap.
Heh, Trump's cronies are freaking out that the rich are about to get taxed, and that the little guy going to have to pay less. They HATE socialism that isn't helping the elites.
Bingo! The Democrats campaign on doom and gloom.
Bob Fosse
Anyone who has a large percentage of their words publicly recorded or transcribed will make gaffes. Of course Biden has made many. Just nowhere near as many as trump.
I don’t see how you think that is an argument you can win.
Midnight Sun Tribe
Man, I thought there was nothing worse than the insipid whining of of democrats... until I heard the "its not fair" "cheating" "there goes America" whining of republicans. Man-up. The USA has survived both of your crap parties for years... America: love it or leave it.
when trump's followers question Biden's fitness, just remember trump cannot walk down a ramp, finds it difficult to climb stairs, doesn't know how to handle an umbrella, thinks there were airports in the 18th century and cannot spell his wife's name!!!
Biden has been making them daily and they’re becoming more frequent and fast.
Too many, I even remember back in 1983 when he was a gaffe machine back then. 47 years as a politician. We didn’t take him serious then and even less now.
Easy, Biden has a 47 year career as a politician, lots and lots of gaffes and I thought Ted Kennedy was
NCIS Reruns
Form follows art. America has descended into the plot of a Stephen King horror novel.
Bob Fosse
So the antithesis to polls is an article citing more polls and the argument that trump will win because his fans are loyal enough to stand outside in freezing temperatures?
Gotta say I’m not convinced.
Bjorn Tomention
How about this -
"research found just 31 per cent of Biden supporters were "excited" compared with 42 per cent of Trump devotees, with those on Team Biden also experiencing more negative emotions such as anxiety and frustration."
Anxious and frustrated seems to some up the democrat supporters very much. hehe
Bob Fosse
Bob Fosse
I see what you did there, do you?
Bob Fosse
Is this that ‘bubble’ we keep hearing about?
Doubt it, it’ll be Biden’s war on fracking and defunding the police which will doom Biden.
Can’t wait for the Liberal tears next week as most of you realize you have been misled by your media- again.
all the “polls” are tightening because the companies that did them know they are wrong.
Graham DeShazo
As I pointed out yesterday, there is a tremendous enthusiasm to vote against Trump and his cult. That’s why Biden is projected to win BIG, the Democrats are projected to flip the Senate and increase their majority in the House.
Voting is going to be at historic levels this year. There is no universe in which that is good news for Trump.
Thus his obvious and pathetically inept attempts at voter suppression.
Moonwalk must be true, his Centre of gravity is all off.
he apparently doesn’t know who his wife is, that’s serious!!!
The revolutionary war airports is the best of all, how stupid do you have to be to believe that.
Graham DeShazo
Good point by Zichi
Trump is the 1st President since Hoover to have a net lose of jobs during his term and it’s All. His. Fault.
And yet, you have even a bigger enthusiasm among Trump supporters to keep Trump in office and now you’re seeing more Hispanics and Black men (especially) flocking in greater numbers towards Trump and you’re seeing that every day and the rallies
Hillary was as well..
It’s 50/50, the GOP are also expected to hold on to the Senate.
Don Junior is just about as deluded as his father, saying deaths were going down to zero. Lock 'em all up, come January.
Graham DeShazo
“Delusional idea”. Apologies.
Another MJ?
He does, that’s why she’s always there.
He’s close to a breakdown, not only will dad get kicked out of WH, the businesses are predicted to collapse in 6 months.
What a poorly written article.
The author left out the part that a vast, vast majority of that is for people who make more than $400,00 a year. People might read it and think these tax increases will be applied to them, which it most likely does not.
This was one of my favorites: "The capital-gains rate for wealthy individuals is lifted to 39.6 percent (so get ready to sell everything in December if Biden wins)." The current rate is 37%, which the author left out. The "sell the farm" angle starts to lose it's gusto when you learn it's a 2.9% increase. Yep, better just pack it all up and move out of America.
The fact is this article is from a rich guy who is trying to get working class guys to save him money while doing nothing for the working class guy.
The country will purge itself of trump that’s given, but what will the GOP do?
The racists might be loud but they are a minority today, their votes diminish each year and will become inconsequential soon.
Unless the racist trump enablers are kicked out, the GOP risks becoming a fringe party.
The reckoning will come in three days - and Trump and his destructive cult of hate will be turned out in a landslide...
What will they do next? We know they will deny reality at first, just as they're saying now the virus is "disappearing". Then will come the faux howls of fraud, of cheating, of interference by foreign actors...and interstellar Aliens...
But what comes after that? As with any cult, the only answer is violence...
I can hear the toilet being flushed next week.
Of course they would, everyone with a brain knows that, in order to pay for these ridiculous socialist programs that would cost by some estimates over $37 trillion in tax payer money you would have to increase everyone else’s taxes to meet that goal. This is precisely the reason why people are leaving CA. and NY in massive numbers.
It really doesn’t matter if the articles from a rich person or not. Biden is a rich guy who is selling a bunch of fake plastic apples trying to get voters to believe that his economic plans will make taxes will go down for the middle class and that they won’t have to pay or worry about their taxes going up, he’s a Democrat and I have never met a Democrat that didn’t love a tax hike and these Marxist love taxes like you wouldn’t believe. Democrats only care about regulation, they could care less about the average voter or small business owner.
So removing tax cuts are now not tax increases, huh?
Bjorn Tomention
Lincolnman No it will be the democrats turned out in a landslide, they have already shown their answer is violence with all the riots and the BLM destruction. That is the reality and American Knows It.
trump will be gone in a few months, his businesses will collapse, this is given. There’s no point in arguing about these facts.
What is worrying is what will the trumps and their backers do when they neither have power nor money. The intelligence services obviously are looking at this seriously because this will be a major worry for them.
Let me simplify for you.
if your company doesn’t decrease your salary but eliminates the payment for your commute.....
do you just say your salary hasn’t changed? Or is the money in your hand now less due to tax?
same for tax. If I pay more tax it’s a tax increase. Either by tax rate increasing or elimination of tax cut, its irrelevant.
Thank you for confirming my assertion...for Trump supporters, the delusions will end on Nov 4th - and reality will reassert itself...
I hope they're prepared for that...
The haters hope, Probably will be Biden
The economy will collapse if Biden wins
That is a fact.
if Biden wins, they won’t be any money left, because the Democrats did such a good job of keeping everybody locked down, I guess they’re going to have to give up on a lot of their socialist projects.
He is a sick individual. Utterly amoral.
His supporters seem to love it.
A republican hasn’t won Minnesota since 1972. Why is Biden going there?
I wonder if Trump will disco-dance out of the White House to the tune of YMCA when he loses....he really seems to like that song...
I hope he's a fan of Johnny Cash too because the next tune he'll be hearing is Folsom Prison Blues...
Sick? Yes of People that are just sick and tired more or less of the BS coming from the Democrats mouths each and every day and what they love is a guy that will punch these idiot media fools in the mouth and that is very refreshing over the last few years.
The Senate is looking at 50/50 So the Senate is not in the bed yet, admittedly, the House is more difficult but not impossible for Republicans to get.
Another challenge will be to restore the demoralized healthcare sector. trump and his band of witch doctors have demolished it entirely.
trump gets the best, the most expensive healthcare but denies the same to the rest of Americans, including his bigoted supporters.
Doctors, nurses and other support staff are totally and utterly demoralized because their own leaders insults them day after day.
It will be long, slow and painful recovery for America but once we are able to put these 4 years behind us there will be hope.
Miami turnout 9% higher for republican than Dems. He lost there by 30 points last time and still won Florida.
registrations and turnout and minority votes all favoring Republicans.
So if a Democrat got in and punched Fox, Breitbart and the rightist media in the mouth, you’d find that refreshing?
Remember you are a non-partisan.
Bjorn Tomention
BigYen, the aussie news media, haha bunch rotten dogs, you beleive the aussie news media ? haha
Murdoch and his cronies say stupid things all the time.
Simon Foston
non partyToday 07:33 am JST
I'm not ruling out the possibility that he'll win another shabby Electoral College victory that just exposes how broken, unrepresentative and messed up the American political system is, but a landslide? Delusional nonsense.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 10:14 am JST
Doesn't seem to stop those "idiot media fools" from keeping on doing what they do. What a pity he can't have them all rounded up and arrested or murdered like his despot pals in places like Russia and Saudia Arabia would do, eh?
Graham DeShazo
Spoke a whopping 20 min at his Minnesota Rally, most of it complaining about having to follow public health rules limiting his crowd.
What a pathetic figure he cuts.
And we love the media fools like social media blocking Trump and punching him in the mouth.
Graham DeShazo
Trump never punched anyone in the mouth because like all bullies, he’s a coward. (Love the gif where he teases the eagle, the eagle spreads its wings and screeches at him, the pushes away and cowers).
No, he throws rhetoric bombs and then hides like the coward he is. His lemmings confuse bombast with strength.
They do that 24/7......evidently with zero results.....
Trump's rally speeches seem to be taking on a rather familiar pattern...
"Yes, here I am in Wisconsin - what am I doing here? You Middle American hicks were supposed to be voting for me - all the polls say Biden is leading here - what's the matter with you idiots?
Come on - wise up - I'm your great leader - the one that built the wall all along our southern border and MADE Mexico pay for it...
And who other than I could have defeated the COVOD virus - see, I told you it would disappear....
OK, so vote and show me how much you love that's 5 minutes, I'm cold so I'm outta here....
Good luck with those buses"...
And that’s why we love Mitch because he ensured the future by making sure to put banana peels in front of the socialists feet at the lower appellate courts with conservative judges. That’s a punch that even the Democrats didn’t anticipate
In a two horse race Trump is the only winner!
only if that race is rigged, sound familiar
Murdoch and his cronies say stupid things all the time.
you do know Murdoch owns FOX news!
It’s 50/50, the GOP are also expected to hold on to the Senate.
actually its closer to 75/25 that Dems will control the senate, 2 independent seats almost always vote with the dems, 14 GOP seats up for grabs 5 in danger of flipping , 4 Dems seats 1 in danger of flipping.
GOP only have to lose 4 seats and theyve lost control, Trump needs both the senate and presidency to stay legitimate, odds of his keeping both are very slim, and no 2020 is not 2016
And the goalposts in the conversation have been moved. Here's where I bail.
Democrats have early voting, Republicans have grass roots, door to door and people walking to the polls
Zucker and Lack have CNN and NBC and?
It’s 50/50, the GOP are also expected to hold on to the Senate.
No, it’s 50/50 it’s a lot closer and tighter than the Dems think.....again...
Bjorn Tomention
in about 3 more days the doubters will find out just how much faith the American people have for their President and how much of a negative party the democrats are.
All this rubbish talk from the dem loving people on here is meaningless.
The most popular President in Recent History is going to be returned the the W.H. and there isnt anything they can do about it, half of them are not even American, just loud mouth outspoken liberals spreading their ideology and rhetoric who have no clue about business reality or history.
Calling him a coward and orange man etc while hiding behind their keyboards ..............................
Hatred is all they have.,
Perhaps President Trump's latest best friend is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey.
From a New York Times story: One reason for then US Attorney Geoffrey Berman's firing was that he was trying to prevent a Turkish state-owned bank from illegally funneling billions to Iran in violation of U.S. sanctions.
The American President apparently has properties in Turkey. Perhaps hoping for some more?
Biden up 9 points, in Michigan, 5 points in Pennsylvania, 9 points in Wisconsin, and 3 points in Arizona.
We're to the point where Trump would not only have to reproduce his turnaround from 2016, he'd have to do it to a much greater extent.
Bjorn Tomention
Joe Biden spent the last 47 years outsourcing your jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure in endless foreign wars. He is a diehard globalist who cares nothing for working people. He repeatedly tried to cut Medicare & Social Security. Biden was a cheerleader for NAFTA – sending your auto Jobs to Mexico. He voted for China’s entry into the World Trade Organization – gutting your industries to finance China’s rise. HALF of all Michigan auto manufacturing jobs were ELIMINATED after the Biden-Backed NAFTA and China Disasters. At every turn, Biden twisted his knife into the back of Michigan workers. In 2016, Michigan voted to FIRE this corrupt political establishment and you elected an outsider as President who is finally putting AMERICA FIRST!
So 538 was accurate last time, right?
Trafalgar (which was right last time) what are they saying?!
No, it’s 50/50 it’s a lot closer and tighter than the Dems think.....again...
can find a number of other polls that prove my point how many have you found?
nearly all toss up seats are republican held
got more if you want them
and if you dont believe the polls then you shouldnt post links to one of those polls
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 10:47 am JST
What, you actually think Trump "punching" idiot media fools gets results?
US breaks new record of daily infections 92,000. Thank you Trump. It doesn’t matter what your policy is if you can’t get this under control.
So it’s a lot closer than the liberals would care for.
At this point with the attacks on the police and the thugs running around torching the city, he might actually exceed 2016
There is no "accuracy" in percentages. If Trump has a 1% change of winning then he has a chance of winning. It's low, but not impossible. It depends on how it all plays out. And in 2016 FiveThirtyEight was one of the few places that said Clinton could potentially lose.
I'd just rather be in my position than yours. You have to hope everyone is wrong again. Not just liberal news outlets, but everyone. Clinton wasn't very likeable, had a smaller lead, and the FBI helping Trump by publicly reopening the email investigation. None of those exist today.
The most popular President in Recent History is going to be returned the the W.H. and there isnt anything they can do about it,
oh Id love to see the facts stats that back up your claims ive got one that shows you he isnt
Trump has never had approval rating above 49% hes never had the popular support of Americans ever, nearly every president before him has, damn those facts are a biatch
Graham DeShazo
“in about 3 more days the doubters will find out just how much faith the American people have for their President. “
E. G. NONE. He’s a goner.
So it’s a lot closer than the liberals would care for.
oh you believe in polls now!? or one poll at least
So there is no difference between a 1% chance to win and a 99% chance to win? Either was correct if the person wins?
then why bother?
By your revisionist history all polls were right because none said Hillary 100% to 0% to win.
all polls said Clinton could potentially lose by your revisions. Even the 96% to win polls.
Biden doesn't need to win Florida to win the election. Trump does.
So there is no difference between a 1% chance to win and a 99% chance to win? Either was correct if the person wins?then why bother?
same as going to the casino, theres only a small chance of winning, doesnt stop people trying , BTW the best odds at the casino is on the blackjack tables
Yeah, um, I think I'm gonna let you go. I just don't think you have the capacity to really understand this.
I found your prediction that Ardern would lose the NZ election most interesting.
Are you sure you look at elections objectively?
Oh, hang on...
No, you don’t.
trump is shifting the election night party from the trump hotel to the WH.
Even he doesn’t want to spend his scarce and soon to be scarcer money on himself.
Looks like there aren’t too many donors to his farewell party!!!!
Bob Fosse
You sound pretty angry there, it won’t help. Calm down a little, save your energy, it’s going to be a long week.
Billy B
I hope trump will win!
Open a beer, prepare the popcorn.
Watch Mickey mouse land, turn into another Afghanistan, where religious freaks rule, people get shot for no apparent reason until four little boys from a small town in Colorado come and save the day.
The democrats deserve to be flogged for putting up a candidate who can't guarantee victory over this miscreant...
Canada and Mexico should join hands and build a big wall around this cesspool before the virus spreads...
Yaaawn, we keep hearing this. Lol
Yes and it would seem....
That comment really hurt Biden.
Yes, it does, the underestimation of the voter in critical swing states of people not trusting mail in voting, Joe and his China ties, his fracking comments, there is a lot that the Dems and Joe should be concerned about.
And probably Pennsylvania and Georgia either.
No, we don't.
Fivethirtyeight uses percentages, not polls.
And probably Pennsylvania and Georgia either.
point being Biden can lose far more swing states than Trump and still win , Trump needs to win nearly all of them, and then Trump has to win the presidency and the senate or hes either history or a lame duck. just look at the betting odds at any major betting agency , it doesn't look good, itll take a brave person to bet on Trump getting both
Then why does 538 show all the polls, grade them and then calculate a percentage from them?
ot course they Supposedly weren’t wrong in 2016 despite having a percentage higher than 50% that Trump wouldn’t win.
this time they claim Trump has a 10% chance to win.
Yes,we do and we keep hearing the same doom and gloom every single time a liberal opens their mouths, the Dems predicted Trump would be removed from office by Mueller, they predicted Trump will be impeached, don’t know how many times we heard from liberal so called professionals and pollsters of Trump’s demise. If the Dems were so confident they would never agree to mail in voting and would agree to ensure the safety of voting by working with the GOP to make voter ID mandatory, but they won’t and they know cheating is the only way they can win. Now if you can post videos of mile long Biden supporters over the last week every single day, I’ll shut up and not 100-200 cars, miles long, you can’t and you know it because enthusiasm for Biden is just not there. We all know it.
My regret is that I got 7:1 odds in 2016 but could only get 2:1 these days. That’s very telling.
Graham DeShazo
“Most popular President in recent history “
Of all the objectively provably untrue statements that littler these threads, this is by far the funniest.
Trump has never topped 50% in his personal or job approval ratings in 3.5 years as president. Not once.
There’s a small vocal minority for whom he can do no wrong.
For the much larger pool of sentient beings, he’s a narcissistic sociopath who’s only promise kept has been to run the economy like he runs his businesses; laden with debt and straight into the ground.
In 4 days, that much larger pool is going to show him the door in spite of his efforts to suppress the vote.
You told me you put less money on Trump at under 2/1 than you did at 6/1 in 2016 ( you said 6/1 not 7/1 ). I keep a keen eye on odds as someone who is weighing up a bet and as someone who used to work for a bookie.
Are you sure you are that confident? Putting less money on lower odds seems to indicate nervousness.
PenfoldToday 07:05 am JST
Well done Mr T for talking common sense. There is no need to ruin the economy and send millions of hard working people into depression for a virus with a survival rate of 99.6%.
What about the millions who survive COVID but have lingering effects that affect
quality of life??
Ok, good, let's work with this. You have 2:1 odds. Trump wins. Does that make the odds wrong? The odds didn't say Trump has no chance. They are saying he does have a chance, but it's unlikely. So they pay you a premium on the risk you take.
When you use percentages, like Fivethirtyeight, Trump has a chance. I'm literally telling you that I subscribe to a point of view where your guy can actually win.
Get it?
Not in the least. As I said before 2:1 bores me as far as a wager.
I prefer to bet 5:1 or higher for the big payoffs.
think about it, if you bet 100 yen and get 200 back its meh.
100 yen and get 700 back now we are doing something. Especially on a 1 million yen bet.
this time they claim Trump has a 10% chance to win.
dont know of many polls that show that most are in the range of 25~40% chance of Trump victory
538 is not a betting site.
they said a higher percentage that Trump would lose than would win. So that makes them wrong when he won.
Just as poll that had Trump losing by 8% in a state that he won. It was also wrong.
I prefer to bet 5:1 or higher for the big payoffs.
still doesn't change the fact thatll you'll lose in the long term.
I play powerball on occasion . my odds are about 1 in 20million, but the payout can be over $100million
10% chance to win.
My regret is that I got 7:1 odds in 2016 but could only get 2:1 these days. That’s very telling
thats just for the presidency hes got to win both the senate and presidency to remain legitimate, cant executive order or national emergency every bill that goes through the senate, or hes just got to learn to negotiate and not get everything he wants (unlikely)
And yes if you give me 2:1 odds- that means you think the :1 person won’t win.
So much so that you are willing to pay me double what I paid you if you are wrong. 538 site is basically 9:1 now, but no betting site more than 2:1, why?
So when I do win at 2:1 and you pay me double what I bet, your odds were wrong. Very wrong as you gave me double just to entice me to even to bet against your “sure thing”
Seems like the chances are getting better with each passing day, even exceeding the Dems wildest expectations and worst fears.
Oh, boy.
OK, so what I can guess from your thinking is that in a situation where there are lower odds for something happening then the odds were "wrong" when that lower odds thing happens.
You just don't get it. Signing off.
No, no, despite the “super spreader” events and chants, many of which I agree with, I’ll still go with Trump.
wow!? so more infections means more deaths, plain and simple. seems like herd immunity and herd mentality go hand in hand
Seems like the chances are getting better with each passing day, even exceeding the Dems wildest expectations and worst fears
but the odds are worsening for Trump not getting better, more than half of all expected votes already cast,
seems like the October surprise never eventuated
Graham DeShazo
Seems like the chances are getting better with each passing day, even exceeding the Dems wildest expectations and worst fears.
Um, no. No they are not. Biden’s lead both nationally and state races is remarkably stable according to the 538 that you site and I look at daily.
According to the Economist, Trump’s odds of an EC victory are about 4%.
According to the Wizard of Odds, even if the polls under represented Trump this cycle by as much as they did in 16 (which is unlikely) , Biden still racks up 335 EC votes.
Yes, every pollster was saying this, even the conservative ones, Trump had less than a 13% chance of winning in 2016
Not true, what Dems didn’t bank on was that most Trump supporters as well as the shy Trump voter and people that now know what Biden will do to fracking are coming out in masses because they want their votes counted and some are even changing their votes in some States.
Looks like it’s going to be a lava overflow.
Bob Fosse
trump Sept. 15th during Stephanopoulos interview :
“You’ll develop, you’ll develop herd, like a herd mentality,”
Quite prescient.
trump has declared bankruptcy on the fight against Covid.
Only matter of time before he declares bankruptcy on his campaign and gets his lawyers for one last desperate fight in the courts.
His pitch , at whining, will only increase till his bags are dumped outside the WH.
538 claims Georgia and Texas for Biden. So of course it’s wrong.
He hasn’t, he and the GOP are raising money so probably not.
As well as the Democrats
Trump might be the second term President that once again defied the odds and Biden will be the only politician to lose a 3rd time in a row.
trump might be the last president to go to prison after losing.
Even after Biden’s inauguration Trump will continue to murder in the USA. Another 220,000? A million? Who knows. His lust for blood knows no bounds.
And will Trump’s economic comeback plan include equity? He brags about high Black employment. By employing equity it could be even higher. Black youth to the front of the hiring lines!
Forward with Biden! Defund the police! Defund the military! End anti-Chinese racist propaganda! Abolish student debt! Triple the funding of Critical Race Theory education! Give the coup-de-grace to capitalism!
Graham DeShazo
Actually it’s you who is wrong, Black.
I’m looking at the poll of polls now. In Georgia Biden has a lead of 1.7. Thin but consistent. 5 of the last 6 quality polls (Ranked B or better by 538) have Biden with a lead.
In TX, Trump has an equally thin lead of 1.3. 4 of the last 7 polls give Trump the edge.
What polling does not account for is the fact that Early voting in TX now exceeds the 16 TOTAL count There is no scenario in which this is good news for Trump
Always will amaze me how the divisiveness of America is a lot worse, now, than I ever imagined, as a kid.
Instead of getting more accepting, America is shown to be less open minded, and more narrow with Trump being the poster child of binary America. Not for democracy, he is autocratic and others follow, mistaking patriotism for chaos.
I'm glad he's going to be out, but the damage isn't actually just him, he's just a symptom of America's worse half of prejudices, bias, lies and narrative.
It's going to take a major change in the mindset of racist Americans to change the perception of the United States from fair people world wide, and that may not happen, as the commentary continues in negative fashion, because his supporters rage on with backward and ignorant words.
Graham DeShazo
Trump Tower Leavenworth opening early 2022! Room for the whole family! Come for the monotonous view; stay because of the razor wire - topped walls.
Bob Fosse
Now it’s “might be”.
Getting your ducks in a row?
For what crime? Unless Dems want to make something up again?
But Biden could win....or lose.....hmmmm
Bob Fosse
That’s right. Good to see a little reality creeping in though.
trump got impeached once, the only reason he’s in power is because the GOP senators were neutered well in advance.
There’s plenty of stuff coming out after he gets kicked out....
Graham DeShazo
Oh let’s see....
Tax evasion (that’s the easy one)
Bank fraud
Wire fraud
Campaign finance violations
Money laundering
Multiple counts of obstruction of justice
Accepting a think of value from a foreign government
Violating the Emoluments clause.
Feels like I am forgetting something....
Trump/Pence 2020
So If the Dems take the Senate and Trump wins they’ll impeach him again? Ok, then Pence becomes President and continues the Trump agenda just as good.
If he loses and more will come out on Biden if Trump wins.
Hes currently being investigated for wire fraud and tax fraud.
So now Biden and Trump are being investigated. With Trump we have nothing and with Biden we have Bobulinski...ok.
Graham DeShazo
Nope just trump.
No, the Dems have nothing, if they did, House Dems would have jumped all over this already, think they’ve finally learned something about impeachment hoaxes and fake Russian trials.
Graham DeShazo
100k cases and 1,000 deaths TODAY.
Rounding the corner into an on-coming train.
with Biden we have Bobulinski...ok.
GOP found nothing, AG Barr wont open an investigation without any evidence. FBI has the so called laptop for nearly a year and still nothing. 80million votes more than half of all expected votes already cast.
Seems like that October surprise was a big nothing burger all along lol
Graham DeShazo
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s served an arrest warrant at 12:02 PM Wednesday, January 20th.
Trump won’t have OLC guidance and the Senate to cover for him.
We still have 3 more months before trump gets kicked out and some order is restored to the Covid response.
How many more people have to die due to his irresponsibility!!!
If he loses and more will come out on Biden if Trump wins.
so be it if there is concrete evidence on Biden he can go to prison, just like Hillary, hold on!?
Trump currently being investigated for tax fraud by NY prosecutors, get this presidential pardons only work on federal crimes not state. understand why Trumps so desperate for another 4yrs, I mean his business empire is bleeding cash youd think hed be happy back at the helm trying to save it.