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© Thomson Reuters 2024.Biden signs Ukraine aid, TikTok ban package after Republican battle
By Trevor Hunnicutt and Jeff Mason WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Exactly. It can be done.
Bob Fosse
“It's much more supported by the American people. Peace through strength, not American retreat.”
Never surrender! Hold the line! Maga like those concepts, sometimes.
All we hear from them here daily is how Ukraine should give up and America first.
Fortunately the majority have more sense and far more consistent integrity.
You will note that Trump, who does not want to give any aid to Ukraine at all, is silent.
It's because Mike Johnson outmanoeuvred Trump to get this bill through and silence Trump. It's no secret that nobody likes Trump in Congress (except MTG types).
All good in the end, Ukraine will be able to defend itself.
A surprise to Putin and things won't go well for Russia.
Then why are billion still spent in a lost cause in Ukraine,this money could be used for project in America
Won't change the calculus on the battlefront. Russia will fire 3 missiles or more for each one they fire - or more. Watch!
Manpower is the Achilles Heel of Kyiv-regime forces. Remember they had over 100,000 men being trained in western Europe during 22/23. Most of them were removed from the board during the counter offensive last summer. Nothing like that mass training program is happening. Initial volunteers from the first year are long gone and now it's down to forcing people into ranks, often through what amounts to kidnapping.
Realistic observers understand that it will be very difficult (meaning impossible) to rebuild the forces manpower wise. Russia won't allow it to happen. The idea of pre-2014/22 borders is an even bigger pipedream.
Because, letting Putin win causes bigger problems.
Surely, you don't want American troops sent to Europe to fight Russia.
Here is the press release with the outline of gear they are sending (dated yesterday).
1 American missile that hits its target is worth more than 3 Russian missiles that don’t. Watch!
Ukraine problem is not America, Russian know the consequences of a war with the US,the US still have troops in Europe,lots of American are still wondering why they are still there
Yes, but the Trumplicans have worked to try to block measures that include money that could be spent on infrastructure, claiming that's something they call 'woke'. But then when the infrastucture projects get built the the R's want to take credit. The R's don't want measures that might make life better for most USAmericans, because that could make Biden and the D's look good, the R's care about the richest handful, but not the rest, and don't care about the country as a whole, in fact some want the country further weakened and broken up, see 'space lasers caused wildfires' R Moscow Marge, and others in her wack sect..
The US infrastructure is falling apart ,it will take 5 times what Biden needs,this money could patch some of American social problems, before their is a social implosion in America ,then what will the world will do then
Their are just as many rich Democrats,I intend to be one myself
I suppose that that might be enough money to make sure Ukraine leadership is finding enough bodies to send to the line until November.
RAF have made some significant moves in the last few days and created a number of salients in the Avdiivka sector along 10km of the front. Deepest is they pushed out NW and took the settlement of Ocheretyne against nominal resistance. This means they managed to push a 5km deep prong into UAF lines and bypass the northern flank of the recently constructed forward line in this sector, including minefields and trenches. On a slight ridgeline, it's a vital logistics route for several surrounding areas.
Nobody said it would be. It will kill lots of Russian invaders though. There's your misery.
Imagine your disappointment when November comes and goes and you still haven't seen Ukraine surrender.
The main argument recently against military aid to Ukraine seems to be that Ukraine is losing, so it should be left to be overrun by Russia, the invader. This argument is straight out of Russian propaganda, then amplified by MAGA cultists who see Ukraine as the enemy of Donald Trump, their savior.
That’s odd. A few days ago it was a neocon MIC deep state NATO plot to destroy Russia.
Glad that you are waking up.
Because it would never get done.
You don't seem to see get out as much recently...
Politics goes both ways. Biden denounced the vaccine that Trump's team created and then later pushed it and said that you are an unpatriotic American if you don't take it.
We do, we don't want EVs, we want gas stoves, clean drinking water, to rely less on China, we want oil, and coal, and we don't want the government to tell us what are kids are or that we are insane because we only believe in two genders. We want a President who is America first in thinking, so yes, we do want things that make our lives better.
No, but Biden is doing that now with the student loan forgiveness that he is technically, legally, and constitutionally not allowed to do, and then there are the radical protests that should never happen, but why stop it, he definitely needs those votes, can't 100% rely on the youth or minorities,, take what you can get.
Compared to the Dems is not a lot.
That would be the Democrats, been to the West Coast lately? How about Chicago or NYC or even PA? The Dems largest base and yet, they do nothing, these places look like scenes from The Walking Dead.
That is what the Dems have done, congrats. Tearing down statues, instituting DEI and other racist quotas, getting in people's faces, and threatening people who don't think or share their political warped views.
What did Biden say when they clapped "pause?" Orchestration is now one of his many other hidden talents.
They are.
That will happen, Biden sure won't stop it.
No, we just see it for what it is, reality. Hating Trump and spewing wasted verbal vitriol not only a waste of time since it means nothing, but it doesn't and will not help Ukraine win this war.
Pathetic as usual.
The main argument against aid to Ukraine is the conflict is severely damaging their long-term demographics and taking what is left of the country down the gurgler.
The longer it goes on, the worse it will be on many, many factors, not just territory-wise.
Bob Fosse
Constitutionally? Oh do say more.
You claimed repeatedly that republicans holding the gavel would stop Biden spending. How’d that pan out?
Tell us please! I haven't read the headline news on CNN yet today,
Bob Fosse
Oooh it’s simple. I’m sure you’ll be able to follow it easily. Bass said the House would stop Biden spending. It didn’t.
Honk! Honk!
We don't have that much time during the day or I would.
With a Dem-controlled Senate, not so well, but then again, NOT that easy for Democrats to steal money from Americans either. The good thing is, the Senate is looking to lean more Republican so that is a very good sign.
Bob Fosse
Who are you kidding? Ok, I’ll do it for you. The SC ruled last year that loan forgiveness was unconstitutional but that was another issue entirely. These loans are eligible under the 2007 PSLF program. Quite different.
You’re welcome.
lol the eternal optimist. Maybe one day, just someday, that pendulum will swing a little in your direction again. Keep hope alive!
And yet you don't acknowledge that more dead Russians means Putin can do less to cause trouble.
That argues that Putin is even more foolish than George W.
No. I think you should just give up on the GOP like you've given up on Ukraine. Remember what you were taught by your parents: when you're losing, just throw in the towel.
And it still won't help Ukraine
You can't.
You’re welcome.
More like Realist.
That day is coming soon, buckle up.
That would be like me telling you to support MTG
Never, ever believed. they could win this war.
Zelenskyy needs to take your advice.
Then no need to send Zelenskyy more of our money, if that is truly the case.
Cards fan
We're not just sending pallets and pallets of our money. This is nonsense.
What you advocate for will guarantee Putin takes Ukraine.
Not advocating anything, Ukraine won't win this war, and they can send another $65 Billion, if I were Zelenskyy, I would get that white flag ready.
Cards fan
Oh yes, you certainly are.
Unlike Republicans, Zelensky isn't an absolute coward.
Remember when the GOP had the backbone to stand up against Putin fascists like him? I do.
Standing your ground when your people are getting murdered and your country is being demolished around you does not necessarily make you a hero either.
Sorry, the US is not the Ukraine, they need our weapons, but we don't need their weapons? Do they have their own?
Cards fan
Nonsense. The only reason any of that is happening is because cowardly Republicans held up funding for assistance for months. Thank the GOP for those Ukrainians "getting murdered" as you say.
Hur, really? I had no idea.
No. We don't we've got plenty, and we can keep pumping them out.
Fighting off a numerically superior enemy actually makes one an FN legend. What have you done that compares to this?
How much destruction would you allow the US to suffer before surrendering to China? I feel like this is relevant for the rest of us to know.
Apart from Putin and you.
One got plaaaaayed into launching a disastrous invasion by neocon MIC NATO Nazis etc.
The other has much less of an excuse besides being feeble minded.
Unlike Republicans, Zelensky isn't an absolute coward.
Actually, it is.
Cards fan
Also, I'd urge those on the right in west to take a good hard look at history. I recommend listening to or reading works by Timothy Snyder. He is fluent in multiple languages including Ukrainian, and he does a very good job explaining how crucial to it is for Russia to win in Ukraine by losing. There is a reason we can see rightists in the west parroting Russian tropes and talking points, and people really need to think about it.
If you think that putting America first and foremost before Ukraine is currently, I’m all in on it, I’ll gladly take that!
As in the words of John Bolton “Life is hard”
And they still won’t win. Wake me when Vlad. decides to pull out and call a truce.
That guy Snyder makes some pretty brazen and easily disprovable false claims. Other academics have called him out on pretty much all of his preposterous claims. Undermines the negligent credibility.
Cards fan
This is the exact type of silly, incoherent, unserious foreign policy I'm talking about. No strategy. No thinking for the future, or the larger picture. Just, "I want what I want now, and I don't care about the consequences of my actions."
And it's even harder when the GOP doesn't have a backbone, and just does Russia's bidding. Deal.
That certainly won't happen if we stopping help Ukraine which exactly what he wants.
Cards fan
Name one.
Name one.
Yes, I am an American Nationalist, nothing more, nothing less.
I am perfectly ok with that.
And it seems he will have his wish in the end, that is unless Biden wants to go to war and send troops.
Cards fan
A random blog isn't "naming one." What specific critique do they have? AND more importantly, do you think developments over the past 6 years, you know, invading Ukraine, might change the author's mind on the writing?
"a person who strongly identifies with their nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations."
Nationalism generally has a negative connotation.
" patriot signifies a person who loves his or her country and is ready to boldly support and defend it. "
Patriotism generally has a positive connotation.
Cards fan
I repeat: "A random blog isn't "naming one." You're just posting whatever you find on google.
Cards fan
Negative connotations aside, this is an utterly childish position to take. Do you think only thinking of today, might have negative consequences for tomorrow?
Yes. I know. There's no difference between the GOP, and the fascist Russian government.
This is only true if the GOP cuts off Ukraine.
Ha ha. The truth hurts. I think Snyder knows a little bit more about Ukraine and Russia than Daniel Lazare.