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Biden, Trump unpopularity buoys third party hopes for 2024 U.S. election

By Jarrett Renshaw

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Most likely every third party vote is a half vote for Trump. I think most Americans understand this but some young people may not.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

less divisive options.

The age of both is worrying, even more so is the mental/emotional instability of the former guy who wants a throne. The main choice as it stands now seems to be keep the Constitution and the democratic republic envisioned by the founding fathers, or start all over with a Kaiser-wannabe like the former guy from New York - Florida who along with his cult followers and dictators abroad want to scrap the Constitution and any laws or regaulations that might limit the greediest in their pursuit of wealth and power. The main thing the former guy did during his time in ofice along with his fellow Republicans was lower taxes on the wealthiest, and expect the middle and working classes to pay more and have fewer services and also keep a war in Afghanistan going while ratcheting up tensions with Iran, including having an Iranian leader killed. A question among manv regarding the former guy is does he want to partner with Putin to control the world? Putin and Xi would welcome the loser into their new world order, though both would quickly dispose of the cosplayer-in-chief.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

A third party cannot win, so people shouldn't even entertain wasting their vote in that way.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

I don't know why I feel like Gavin Newsom would replace Biden and defeat Turmp..

Let's seeeeeee...

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

Most likely every third party vote is a half vote for Trump.

Actually, given Biden’s poor bad numbers going in with Trump, a third party would be devastating to Biden.

I think most Americans understand this but some young people may not.



-15 ( +4 / -19 )

If RFK Jr stays in, it will be a disaster for Trump....

Who are the MAGA-faithful going to vote for - the guy who believes like them the COVID vaccine is poison and can kill you - or the guy that tells them it is "safe and it works" - and "encourages all his supporters to take it"....


One more reason Nikki Haley will be at the top of the ticket...

4 ( +11 / -7 )

The age of both is worrying, even more so is the mental/emotional instability of the former guy who wants a throne.


The main choice as it stands now seems to be keep the Constitution and the democratic republic envisioned by the founding fathers, or start all over with a Kaiser-wannabe like the former guy from New York - Florida who along with his cult followers

So you are saying, you don’t like Trump, 70 million do, but they’re all wrong and therefore should vote for a candidate that you prefer.

and dictators abroad want to scrap the Constitution and any laws or regaulations that might limit the greediest in their pursuit of wealth and power.


The main thing the former guy did during his time in ofice along with his fellow Republicans was lower taxes on the wealthiest,

Not just making it easier for the affluent to hire, expand and increase employment across the board.


and expect the middle and working classes to pay more and have fewer services and also keep a war in Afghanistan going while ratcheting up tensions with Iran, including having an Iranian leader killed.

This is exactly where this administration is trying to lead the nation into…

Putin and Xi would welcome the loser into their new world order, though both would quickly dispose of the cosplayer-in-chief

They’re doing that exactly right now embarrassingly with this apologetic administration.

-13 ( +6 / -19 )

No third party candidate is going to win unless it is Trump.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

So running from war like a coward

Wait!!! I thought libs didn’t want us to fight any wars and now that Trump hasn’t gotten this nation into any it is a bad thing?? So which is it? We should fight in these crazy wars or not?

You guys are all over the place.

Just because you imagine things to be so doesn't make them so.

You can make that same claim about the lefts mental process.

US troops are safe and we are plenty prepared for war over Taiwan.

Not sure, definitely not under this leadership.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

There is no Trump "unpopularity" as he would win in a landslide if the elections were held today.

Biden's team and the media are trying to create a situation that only helps Biden.

So if Biden's approval rating is so low, it must be because Trump's approval ratings are low too.

A large percentage of Biden voters have actively challenged the way he has been running the country and have said grudgingly They will be voting for Trump again due to his policies, not his personality.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

Trump is a loudmouth, and so is Biden.

Biden doesn't want the job, he doesn't have the energy for it. It's obvious.

People voted for Biden because they hated Trump's personality.

Most people have no idea what both President's policies even are.

They are both egomaniacs, However, I feel Biden is in it for himself and not for the USA

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

Seems Biden isn't the only feisty octogenarian.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

We thought he was a rebel, then we thought Bernie Sanders was a rebel

The Libertarian was only right one time. All the others, even Obama, were essentially tools of Wall Street and put corporate interests first.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat from West Virginia who recently announced he will not seek re-election to the Senate.

DINO WV coal baron Manchin a hard no.

Other third-party candidates are seen as less of a threat. Cornel West, a philosopher and Black social leader, is also running as an independent and hopes his brand of in-your-face progressive politics will influence the 2024 debate.

Aligns closest with my values but without the Democratic machine,which ultimately undermined Sanders, West would need a real groundswell of support.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Trump isn’t unpopular at all. Just Biden. That’s why Biden is losing even when third party candidates are added.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

So, are the Trump supporters here going to vote for Trump, even though they think the vaccine is poison and can make you sterile or kill you - and he encourages all his supporters to take it?

Or are they going to vote for RFK Jr who shares their view and tells them to avoid the vaccine?

Are you going to vote for the Repub that is trying to kill you?

Or the Dem that wants to save your life?

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Trump isn’t unpopular at all

Is that why he's never won the popular vote? You're getting awfully excited about polls a year out from the election.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Russia, Ukraine.

Your definition of “taking the country to war” is unusual to say the least.


Of course you’re fine with authoritarian strongmen who demand utter loyalty above all else. Check out who else used words like “vermin”, “scum”, and “thugs” to describe political opponents. I don’t see Biden using such rhetoric.

And are you OK with the rounding up of suspected undocumented immigrants, some of whom have been living in the U.S. for years, and put into huge detention camps?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Trump isn’t unpopular at all.


11 ( +12 / -1 )

Is that why the left is calling the America first crowd now?

"America First" which in the poorly educated minds of MAGAts is another slogan covering for ultranationalism; read up on fascism and ultranationalism. And see Russia today, where one of the the far right's heroes rules and those that don't follow him, their cult leader, get sent to Siberia or forced to the front of one of Russia's military operations.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Trump base is 40% or more. 60%+ on Republicans primary side so no Nimrata happening.

then Split 60% in general between all the rest (RFK, West, Stein, Manchin) then none of them can win.

Trump 2024 is inevitable.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Your definition of “taking the country to war” is unusual to say the least. 

Well, you can use whatever euphemism makes you happy, I’m good with that.

Of course you’re fine with authoritarian strongmen who demand utter loyalty above all else.

To keep our adversaries in check, absolutely.

Check out who else used words like “vermin”, “scum”, and “thugs” to describe political opponents. I don’t see Biden using such rhetoric.

Well, the Dems are doing it to conservatives, Christians, Populist movement, Jews, people with strong family values, same thing, the Dems are just more subtle about it.

And are you OK with the rounding up of suspected undocumented immigrants


some of whom have been living in the U.S.

Depends on their legal status and whether they broke the law or not.

for years, and put into huge detention camps?

Until their deportation hearing is completed, why not?

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Is that why he's never won the popular vote? 

explained it a billion times, he doesn’t have to.

Didn’t Bill Clinton win with like 42%? Was he “unpopular”? Nope. Best president of my lifetime outside of Trump.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Trump 2024 is inevitable.

Pretty confident for the backer of a "popular" candidate whose never lost a popular vote.

The election is a year away. Enjoy the "inevitability" while you can, I think most Americans will reject Fascism.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

"America First" which in the poorly educated minds of MAGAts is another slogan covering for ultranationalism; read up on fascism and ultranationalism.

Ok, so the libs dismiss so called uneducated Americans (whatever that means) but they embrace rich powerful and the highly affluent progressives, that’s ok, embracing the less unfortunate is a travesty?

And see Russia today, where one of the the far right's heroes rules and those that don't follow him, their cult leader, get sent to Siberia or forced to the front of one of Russia's military operations.

Ok, but that’s Russia, Vlad can do whatever he wants in his country, not our concern.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

explained it a billion times, he doesn’t have to.

Lol and yet you've still missed the point: If Donald is so popular as you claim, why has he never won the popular vote? It seems to me he isn't popular, you're just hopes he can squeak by again so he can do the fascism.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Ok, but that’s Russia, Vlad can do whatever he wants in his country, not our concern.

Nuclear armed Russia is every one's concern,

13 ( +13 / -0 )

BlacklabelToday 09:13 am JST

Is that why he's never won the popular vote? 

explained it a billion times, he doesn’t have to.

Didn’t Bill Clinton win with like 42%? Was he “unpopular”? Nope. Best president of my lifetime outside of Trump.

Clinton won with 42% because there was a third candidate. Trump won with 46% of the vote because mathematical oddities are cool I guess.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

—you’re fine with authoritarian strongmen who demand utter loyalty above all else. 

*To keep our adversaries in check, absolutely.*

‘nuff said. You’ve been had.

Presidents have a duty above all else to serve the nation and uphold the Constitution, not to demand utter loyalty.

—And are you OK with the rounding up of suspected undocumented immigrants


’nuff said. You’ve been had.

The rounding up of suspects without warrant is unconstitutional.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

think most Americans will reject Fascism.

with the error in your “logic”being…..no one except worried far left extremists consider Trump and especially not his policies as fascism.

he is winning every single issue except abortion and climate change.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

with the error in your “logic”being…..no one except worried far left extremists consider Trump and especially not his policies as fascism.

No one? Really, any proof of this? It's clear as day Trump wants to become a dictator: One need only look at his own comments and those of his underlings. Come on now, the man has advocating throwing out the constitution. He tried to stay in office even though he knew he lost. He's now on tape admitting that he could have stopped J6 earlier. By what definition would one say Trump isn't a fascist, or the very least, a wannabe dictator?

he is winning every single issue except abortion and climate change.

Do you think that'll translate to him finally winning the popular vote? I don't. :)

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Dems need to campaign on codifying reproductive choice and marijuana legalization. It worked in Ohio. It will work for the Dems nationwide.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Biden, Trump unpopularity buoys third party hopes for 2024 U.S. election.

Biden, Trump unpopular?

A 2024 Biden, Trump return encounter, a rematch?

What could be the global political landscape?

The ever deteriorating economic, geopolitical huffing and puffing, 2 on-going wars, the after effects/devastation of a pandemic, the deaths, 6,939,347 November 18, 2023.

The ever increasing belligerence of the Governments of China and Russia.

Ever morbid madness of a North Korean dictator.

The mad mullahs of Iran.

Ask Yourself, is the only option the next US election 2024, the most advanced nation on planet earth, is a Biden, Trump re-face off.

Don't you want to breath a deep sigh of relief. Or runs down the street screaming out loud were all going to die?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

BlacklabelToday 08:40 am JST

Trump isn’t unpopular at all. Just Biden. That’s why Biden is losing even when third party candidates are added.

Trump is 2% less favorable than Biden and we haven't gotten to 24 hours a day of Trump's trials and TV ads refreshing us on what American fascism looks like yet.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Trump and Biden are too old to be president again.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Do you think that'll translate to him finally winning the popular vote? I don't. :)

Doesn’t have to win the popular vote, as I said.

all he needs is more than the group of (Biden minus West minus RFK minus Stein minus Manchin)

biden definitely not winning it with “bidenomics” or his immigration or his foreign policy.

78% of voters said economy is fair/poor. 63% expect cheating so we are probably getting that again too.

But hard to know many ballots you quickly need when it’s not 1:1 matchup.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

onedragonToday 08:17 am JST

Trump is a loudmouth, and so is Biden.

Biden doesn't want the job, he doesn't have the energy for it. It's obvious.

People voted for Biden because they hated Trump's personality.

Most people have no idea what both President's policies even are.

They are both egomaniacs, However, I feel Biden is in it for himself and not for the USA

Yes it takes someone with the courage to surrender in person in Helsinki to be president of the USA.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

bass4funk Today 08:06 am JST

US troops are safe and we are plenty prepared for war over Taiwan.

Not sure, definitely not under this leadership.

Yes, it takes someone with the courage and intelligence to go through six bankruptcies to get through a war over Taiwan.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

bass4funkToday  09:12 am JST

"Check out who else used words like “vermin”, “scum”, and “thugs” to describe political opponents. I don’t see Biden using such rhetoric."

Well, the Dems are doing it to conservatives, 

You hold up your lot as so superior to "Dems" and "the left" and here you are admitting that you're actually just as bad.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

the Dems are doing it

The article is about Trump vs Biden, not Trump vs Dems, libs, and the left. I don’t recall Biden talking about rooting out an entire group of political opponents.

You’ve already admitted that you admire authoritarians who demand absolute loyalty above all else, so no need to paint the other side with that color. It just weakens your argument.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Doesn’t have to win the popular vote, as I said.

Oh I know, it's just weird when you were just claiming he isn't unpopular. Kinda seems like maybe he's not so popular, huh?:)

all he needs is more than the group of (Biden minus West minus RFK minus Stein minus Manchin)

Lol I don't think all of them will be running. But by all means, please do rest all your hopes of Trump doing the Fascism on 4 third party spoilers running. :)

But hard to know many ballots you quickly need when it’s not 1:1 matchup.

Yup, it's much easier to illegally access voting machines and attempt to plant evidence of voter fraud. Right?:)

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Clinton won with 42% because there was a third candidate. Trump won with 46% of the vote because mathematical oddities are cool I guess.

wow so Donald Trump is more popular than Bill AND Hillary Clinton.

And got 5 million more votes than Barack Obama ever got, 9 million more than his 2nd time.

yeah math is cool.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Yeah but look at what options we have

Yeah, I'd take the not fascist choice any old day. Honestly, I'd you think Fascism is better than Biden, that's on you. Pretty silly.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

fascism, fascism. Screaming it all day long from the left along with MAGA MAGA.

So the USA wasn’t a democracy but a fascist country from 2016-2020? Why, because the “wrong” person won?

or is Trump more recently a fascist leader of a potential fascist country again just because he is on the way to winning?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

wow so Donald Trump is more popular than Bill AND Hillary Clinton.

Well no, because Donald actually got fewer votes than Hillary. So he's obviously not more popular. Math is cool.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

‘nuff said. You’ve been had.

You think so?

Presidents have a duty above all else to serve the nation and uphold the Constitution, not to demand utter loyalty.

So if that is true, what’s this administration’s excuse then??

’nuff said. You’ve been had. 

How so?

The rounding up of suspects without warrant is unconstitutional.

Now I know you just didn’t say what you just said, right? ROFL! All honesty, Democrats are the last people to talk about violating so much constitutional rights, I’m not even going to pay attention to that., No one should.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

63% expect cheating so we are probably getting that again too.

Got your excuse ready I see. Will save you some tears.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

fascism, fascism. Screaming it all day long from the left

Again Black, you dodged my question. gain, these are the things Trump and his campaign did:

It's clear as day Trump wants to become a dictator: One need only look at his own comments and those of his underlings. Come on now, the man has advocating throwing out the constitution. He tried to stay in office even though he knew he lost. He's now on tape admitting that he could have stopped J6 earlier. By what definition would one say Trump isn't a fascist, or the very least, a wannabe dictator?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Here’s more scary fascistic prepping, in case you thought team Trump is just joking:

Hundreds of people are spending tens of millions of dollars to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government to rip off the restraints imposed on the previous 46 presidents. 

The screening for ready-to-serve loyalists has already begun, driven in part by artificial intelligence from tech giant Oracle, contracted for the project.

Social media histories are already being plumbed.


The most elaborate part of the pre-transition machine is a résumé-collection project that drills down more on political philosophy than on experience, education or other credentials.

Applicants are asked to "name one person, past or present, who has most influenced the development of your political philosophy" — and to do the same with a book.

Another query: "Name one living public policy figure whom you greatly admire and why."


7 ( +7 / -0 )

worked in Ohio. It will work for the Dems nationwide

Did it? The Republicans took the senate seat in the midterms and it’s Trump +12 right now over Biden.

and looking good to take the other Senate seat in 2024.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

You hold up your lot as so superior to "Dems" and "the left" and here you are admitting that you're actually just as bad.

Now all of a sudden liberals worry about morality? Seriously? Too funny.

Yes, it takes someone with the courage and intelligence to go through six bankruptcies to get through a war over Taiwan.

Judging by he is rising in all the polls, the people think so.

The article is about Trump vs Biden, not Trump vs Dems, libs, and the left.

Same thing.

I don’t recall Biden talking about rooting out an entire group of political opponents. 

Seriously, where have you been these last two year??? Incognito?

You’ve already admitted that you admire authoritarians who demand absolute loyalty above all else,

No, that’s why I would never vote for Biden or a Dem.

so no need to paint the other side with that color. It just weakens your argument.

I think the colors now are more vivid and vibrant than ever.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Biden has not one but two birthdays in the next 367 days.

you really think the 82 year old version will be better than this decrepit 80 model?

being for weed or abortion is one thing. Expanding that out to actually vote in a presidential election knowing you will have an 86 year old version of Biden someday? Not so much.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

And got 5 million more votes than Barack Obama ever got, 9 million more than his 2nd time.

yeah math is cool.

Trump also got more votes than Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt combined!

Look! Math is cool, Mom!

8 ( +8 / -0 )

—Constitution, not to demand utter loyalty.

So if that is true, what’s this administration’s excuse then??

Biden is demanding utter loyalty? And I thought you said that’s what the country needs. Get your story straight.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

—The article is about Trump vs Biden, not Trump vs Dems, libs, and the left.

Same thing


6 ( +6 / -0 )

With two septuagenarians, one ready for a residential care home, the other for a cell in the pen, vying to become the next cognitive-test-free Potus, America's political system has become like a bloated red giant star filled with fatuous gas bags waiting to be popped by a new generation of visionary reformers (unless the loony-tunes fascists keep gaslighting their way to power).

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Trump also got more votes than Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt combined

Modern times, my man.

modern times. More votes than Barack Obama. isn’t Barack “popular”?

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

So the article seeks to insinuate an opportunity to win for third party? Who would that specifically be?

or is it just hope all those leftists take votes from Trump, somehow?

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Trump and Biden are too old to be president again.

Never say never. Let the American people decide.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Elvis is here

Trump and Biden are too old to be president again.

Never say never. Let the American people decide.

The American people won't decide because probably it will be Trump OR Biden.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Modern times, my man.

No one tell him the population of US voters has increased since Obama was in office.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Since you like Math here’s a doozy.

During a second term 45 would become 2 years older than Biden is now.

Both are too old.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

There should be an age limit of 70 years by the end of two terms.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I think with Trump hell bent on the destruction of US democracy, no matter how much Biden my fall short of being a good president, the US literally has no other choice. Biden or the end of its democracy. Not much of a choice, but it is what it is.

Trump is simply much to dangerous to Americans and its allies to be a real option. Ensuring he gets personal loyalty over following the law and oaths given to serving America, is exactly how Putin and Xi got to stay beyond their terms. Hitler did the same thing when he killed democracy in Germany in the 1930's.

Biden is too old (as is Trump) to lead a vibrant nation that needs to do better for itself and the world.

GOP is unable to get past Trump, while some try hard to do so the majority it seems are sheep. Not what you want in your politicians.

Democrats have no up and comers to take over from Biden. If they had been smart they would have been working hard to groom a couple of candidates for the people to chose from in their primaries. They didnt.

Tough times ahead for America. As long as they dont turn on each other and realise they are all wearing the red, white and blue because they love their country, they should get by.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

So, are the Trump supporters here going to vote for Trump, even though they think the vaccine is poison and can make you sterile or kill you - and he encourages all his supporters to take it?

Or are they going to vote for RFK Jr who shares their view and tells them to avoid the vaccine?

Are you going to vote for the Repub that is trying to kill you?

Or the Dem that wants to save your life?

Lots of posts but no answer to this one...

Too difficult to admit?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump has never won any political office, I just do not get why the same old voices are always clamouring for him. He lost in 2016 but was voted in by a corrupt electoral college, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, and lost the vote in 2020 by over double that amount. Trump is NOT a winner, he has failed at virtually every thing he has tried, I mean, how mean bankruptcies has he gone through? Now he is on the verge on prison time for more fraud and espionage. I am not really a Biden supporter and hate his stance on the Palestinian issue, but he has done more for the USA in his present term than Trump did in his pathetic years in office.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

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