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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Bill Clinton races to help Democratic candidates
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Another Democrat president who seems to believe the American people made him president for life. Complete disrespect for the office he held and for our laws and traditions.
"drawing big crowds"
Yep, Bubba's still popular.
"Obama, of course, can draw bigger crowds"
Yep, incrredibly, the Bamster's still popular.
The way he "deconstructs" the typical Republican tripe, it's no wonder that they wish he would go away!
I can think of few who show more disrespect for the office of the President of the United States than the TimRussert-Creosote types around these parts.
More proof that Obama is a one-term fluke of history.
The democrats trot out the only president to be impeached in the 20th century in the hopes to save their political skin.
Too funny.
A president who was more popular with the American people after the insane Republicans impeached him. Controlling both houses of Congress, none of the articles of impeachment gathered as much as a simple majority.
Too funny.
His 1998 impeachment following the Monica Lewinsky scandal left him few Democratic friends for a time.
Ah, you can smell the fear among U.S. liberals. Interesting to see how the democrat faithful have rehabilitated their opinion of Clinton enough that he's now again a big democrat draw.
It's not that he's any better in any way, it's just that no sitting democrat has much if any credibility anymore; especially the person now in the White House.
the former president, the most sought-after surrogate for dozens of anxious Democratic congressional and gubernatorial nominees
But, but, but ... how can this be? Liberals keep shrieking that Obama's done a wonderful job leading America. If that's so, how come so many democrats running for re-election view him as being so toxic to their campaigns?
From the article: "A recent Gallup poll found that voters of all stripes—Democrats, Republicans and independents....
That smell is more likely the burning rubber of the RRII thought process.
On the campaign trail Clinton always has that smarmy - happy look, like he is looking out on a crowd and seeing Democrats of both sexes in the audience wearing their Monica berets just for him.
Interestng to read that Clinton is going to places where Obama avoids. I do not think that Obama will get a second term in the White House. I hope for the sake of America, and the world, that he doesnt. I also hope that the Democrats get throttled in a couple of weeks and some sanity returns to American politics.
I can't imagine that Clinton's doing all this campaigning without there being something besides propping-up the failure of the Obama Administration motivatin' him.
I suspect Hillary'll be leaving the Obama team in the not too distant future to begin her quest for the job Obama has now as the "I told you so" democrat candidate.
"President Barack Obama"
Every time I see these words, I shake my head in disbelief.
"President Barack Obama" Every time I see these words, I shake my head in disbelief.
You and 48 percent of American voters.
Good to see Bill out there pressing the flesh again I must say. Not sure if he will help them though. To many voters still have a real bad taste in their mouths from the latest crop of Democrats lately also.
"Every time I see these words, I shake my head in disbelief."
After seeing your voting record, your words above are nothng but a joke.
Pretty funny to read that more Americans have less faith in the GOP running the country than they do in the Dems.
It's about time for a credible 3rd party to emerge, and no, that doesn't mean the bunch of jokes that make up the Tea Party that TimRussert, RR and Sarge hilariously seem to think might be worth voting for.
TimRussert "On the campaign trail Clinton always has that smarmy - happy look, like he is looking out on a crowd and seeing Democrats of both sexes in the audience wearing their Monica berets just for him."
Oh, the desperation! :-)
Sushi, mate, relax, have a smoko. Kick back with a Tooheys and just watch the elections. All of your predictions and weird suggestions just underscore how little you understand the American people and their beliefs. Even Rasmussen shows Repubs now have the edge with voters.If they get cocky voters will reject them just as they did Dems in places like deep blue Massachusetts, where Scott Brown shocked the world.
MiterCreosote - "Sushi...All of your predictions and weird suggestions just underscore how little you understand the American people and their beliefs."
Nice to have you on board JT as newbie, but you need to do your research - every rediction I made about the last general election turned out bang on. It was all your types who couldn't read the tea leaves.
MisterCreosote, as a Canadian and a rank outsider to U.S. politics, you almost by default will be better informed than the typical American voter.
Unfortunately that outside perspective isn't showing.
"Every rediction I made about the last general election turned out bang on."
Bang on were ya, sushi?
So what have ya got for us this time? How many seats will the Democrat Party lose in the House? Venture a guess on the Senate? Give us a number.
Sushisake3 - I am about as American as you will find here. "Yank" is no insult to me.
Regarding seats - too close to call. I think the MSM isn't catching what is really going on. I don't think the Dems.' loss will be as bad as is being reported.
Obama's got more charisma and a better way with words than everyone in the GOP and TP combined.
No, I think this will be close.
I'll go out on a limb: senate 51 dems. house app. 40 seat GOP gain leaving virtual toss up, but GOP in charge. Mind you, polls are tightening towards incumbents faster and stronger than expected.
"polls are tightening towards incumbents faster and stronger than expected."
But will the supplies of methamphetamine hold out?
Judging by the latest threads here, I doubt it.
With Bill Clinton and Barack Obama campaigning for the Democrats, there's no way the Democrats can lose!
Numbers, please.
I'll say that the senate is just not possible at this point. The sure things are 48/46 dem/GOP. Of the 6 left California and Washington will most almost certainly go dem. With the vp casting the tie vote...
Anyway, I'm saying 51, but 52 or 53 are quite possible.
Who is Mike Castle again?
Yeah, so the Dems have impeached Clinton doing the rounds, helping out where he can. And where is Bush? Can't be bothered or not wanted? Perhaps a little of both given the glazed look many GOP/TPers have.
BTW who is the leader of the GOP? Will Palin rule from her Facebook page or will she just tweet in it?
My guess as to the final election results... Currently I'm counting 55 Republican pickups, and 2 losses, for a total gain of 53 seats for Republicans in the House, I'm counting 8 Republican pickups in the Senate, leaving them 1 short of control in the Senate, and in control of the House.
House +53 Republican Senate +8 Republican
Just a guess really, based on polls, and how things look currently. It could easily change, either for or against the Republicans as election day draws closer.
Actually, if you change your Obama-haters, to Obama-Lovers, your percentage seems pretty accurate. As it stands though its rather pathetic how wrong you are.
Molenir, can you link the congressional polling. Impossible to get :(
Senate is easy of course...
Democrats - Republicans, uhhh . . . let's go to the beach, hand me my flip flops.
I don't think I can do links anymore on JT. They took that out because of spammers recently. Do a google search for a politico, electionprojection, and realclearpolitics. That should lead you to some sites which give links to the actual polls.
With Clinton campaigning countrywide, I see Hillary becoming VP or getting a tap from Obama to become the next Dem. president from 2016 after he wins again in 2012. With luck, the GOP will have figured out who their leader is by 2016.
The Republicans and other neo-cons hate Bill Clinton. They can't stand that the entire country loves him even though the Republicans tried to destroy him with bullshit. If he could run again today he would win again.
Traditionally, ex-presidents refrained from interfering in how a successor ruled or from campaigning . It is the civil thing to do, and not doing so reeks of banana republicanism.
But nothing is beneath our modern Democrat Party. You will notice that the only two presidents who have ever broken with protocol are the last 2 Democrat presidents. You can be sure Obama, after Jan 2013, will continue with this odious conduct.
Sushi: "after he ( Obama ) wins again in 2012"
He'll have to get his poll numbers up to accomplish that.
I'm a Republican, and I don't hate him. In point of fact, he turned out to be a fairly decent President, once he no longer had a Dem majority congress. Oh, he screwed some things up, he made mistakes. And he definitely should have been tossed out of office, but that doesn't change the fact that overall he was a fairly good President. Though Bush was a better leader, I'd rate Clinton as a better President overall.
I don't remember Clinton doing this. Carter did, but I don't think Clinton did. I suspect that Obama will break the tradition as well. He seems the type.
Wow, I love hearing the republicans whining about Bill Clinton. I don't see the republicans pulling out george bush to garner republican activity. I mean there isn't much difference. They were both liars. Clinton lied for a piece of ass and george bush lied to start a war. And we know how republicans love wars.
Bill Clinton always has had that gift of gab. So you'd expect the democrats to pull Bill out to rally support. Will it be enough, probably not. But we've known we were going to lose a few seats two years ago. < :-)
LOL!! Of course, if you look at some of the past Republican ex-presidents, you'll see why it was best to keep them under wraps:
Nixon, who resigned from office in complete disgrace (right after his crooked vice-president). The founding father of the culture of modern political corruption. Ford, who never attained the stature he might have otherwise had he not pardoned Nixon the liar and crook. Reagan, who, by 1988, was in no mental shape even to read lines off of a soup can. George HW Bush, who always exhibited the typical laziness of the patrician who never knew what a checkout scanner was. Besides, when you're a one termer who lost to Clinton, your party considers you to be a big loser and doesn't really want you around to remind them of that.Sarge
"Bill Clinton"
What an embarrassment it was to be a citizen of the country which had for its president Bill Clinton. Especially after the Monica Lewinsky debacle.
The Republicans worked overtime bringing all kinds of false accusations (Whitewater, "filegate," "troopergate," etc.) and kept the world's attention focused on a president's crotch, no wonder people were embarrassed.
"I miss peace, prosperity and Clinton"
LOL! The peace when the WTC was attacked during Clinton's watch? The dot com bubble prosperity?
It goes back a lot further then this. About the only one in more then 100 years, who violated this, was Teddy Roosevelt, when he ran for President against Taft. Hoover didn't, Truman didn't, Eisenhower, Johnson... Only Carter chose to break with Tradition, and undercut the sitting US President.
"The Republicans and other neo-cons hate Bill Clinton. They can't stand that the entire country loves him even though the Republicans tried to destroy him with bullshit."
Clinton worship; the only thing more pathetic is Obama worship. Bubba got everything he had coming. Guy was the luckiest president in US history, coming into office after Reagan had won the Cold War and before organized transnational jihad struck, before it was understood or taken seriously.
It is no coincidence he is the only post -war Dem elected to 2 terms. Obama certainly won't be.