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© 2023 AFPBill Gates meets Xi Jinping in Beijing
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© 2023 AFP
Stephen Chin
Money talks! It's a good sign for China and for the world!
A 50 million donation? LOL. The real reason Gates went was to beg President Xi not to boot MS out of the country as the IT tit for tat continues to worsen.
Western billionaires and Asian communists working together is what globalization is all about.
Cards fan
Xi is about as communist as the DPRK is democratic.
Perhaps China could have afforded to put $50 mill in this worth while effort if they were not spending insane amounts on their navy ship building program and growing an already sufficient nuclear deterrent to try to match Russia and US levels that are out of all proportion to actual needs.
Thank you Mr Gates, but shame on you Mr Xi for making others pay for what you should be paying for.
The man who made $200 billion from Pfizer's "safe & effective" vaccines - an incidentally unabashed proponent of reducing global population numbers - meets with possibly the world's most corrupt and dangerous dictator.
Nothing to see here!
When American politicians go full on anti China the business community with leaders like Bill Gates and Elon Musk have to speak truth to power. Stay this madness, look for areas to cooperate and push forward together for the benefit of the world.
The power in Peking isn't listening.
@cards fan
That's a howler. Xi is the head of the world's biggest communist party by far, whose stated mission is to create "a Marxist-Leninist state with Chinese characteristics," in the words of the last Party Congress.
How more communist can a person be?
“Stop hacking my software!”
Thats what he ought to say.
To Bill Gates Xi Jin Ping is just another name for "Sweet Ker-ching!"
I would like to have been present for that meeting! Two of the world's most powerful individuals have a little tete-a-tete. Perhaps it went like this:
"Would you like another cup of tea?"
"Oh yes, thank you. It is wonderful."
"Was there anything you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh no, I just wanted a good cup of tea. Very difficult to get in the States, you know."
"Well, be sure to come back whenever you have a hankering for another cup of real tea. Please, take a few boxes back home with you, with my compliments."
"Thank you so much! Well, see you in another couple of years. Its been fun!"
There is nothing going on in the world that might have drawn their attention, is there?
and which lower level person is the actual Secretary of State meeting with?
or is he also meeting with Xi?
How embarrassing.
Umm,,,,why does Gates have to donate $50,000,000 to the second biggest economic power on earth?
China can afford to build two aircraft carriers, then they have their own money to fight disease. Giving them $50,000,000 is enough to run both of those carriers about three months.
Cards fan
I'm well aware of what they call themselves, that was my entire point Just because they call themselves communists doesn't make them communists.
What, do you think North Korea is Democratic, because the state is called the Democratic Republic of Korea? This is just silly.
Cards fan
Other than your blind hatred of the Biden administration, what so you base this statement on? It's weird, it's like Bill Gates and Blinken are in China on completely different dates. Weird.
Yeah and Bill Gates gets to meet Xi.
does Blinken?
Cards fan
lol Is he donating $50,000,000 to the Chinese government?
When a friend is in need is a friend indeed!
XI has good friends like Gates, Musk, Kissinger, Putin, K.J. , Lukashenko and of course the Bush family. I think Hunter Biden also a friend but now is a little inconvenience!
Oh I nearly forget to mention: Prince M.B.S. Best friend ever!
A lot of business people with global ambitions have realized that the White Bloc's pivot from colonial to neocolonial attitudes towards the majority of the world is a dead end. China's more egalitarian attitude (not overthrowing governments and demanding countries to turn themselves into clones of China) is winning the race, and with China now the dominant scientific power (the leading producer of high quality scientific papers in all but one of the 'strategic' disciplines) if you want to stay on the cutting edge or be a global company in a decade or two, you'll need to be well established in China.
All the whinging and hating won't change that simple reality.
Xi had to meet with hasbeen Bill Gates. Nobody sees this as coming out ahead.
Literally a who's who of the scrum of the world. Lmao, some friends.
China will grow old before it grows rich and already can't find jobs beyond manufacturing. It's intellectual property, such as it is, will have no validity given China's past actions.
As you say...
You may well ask, $50,000,000 to a dictatorship whose record on even the basic levels human rights make appalling reading.
China Events of 2022
Gates is a misguided fool.
Didn’t realize that China would be so hard up as to need $50M, but I am glad that some of Bill Gates’ massive wealth is going to (hopefully) help those in need.
If Mr. Gates earns 5% on his wealth this year, $50M represents about 3 days of that growth.