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© (C) 2014 AFOU.S. urged to act after Boko Haram threatens to sell kidnapped Nigerian girls
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Mr. Noidall,
Boko Haram is acting entirely in line with islamic Shariah law, and the incident in Nigeria is hardly without precedent. The same is happening on a regular basis with Christian Coptic girls in Egypt (although not on this massive scale, granted). And many radical islamic clerics have been demanding the creation of sex slave markets e.g. in Egypt and Kuweit.
Where you can sign up? Any time, any where. Conversion is easy. Leaving, however, is considered apostesy, and punishable by death under shariah. So, consider your choice wisely.
These are the true followers of Islam, therefore not extremist. You see, the prophet Muhammad acted this way way which is why he had 4 wives all at once. He did marry a 9 year old when he was in like his 40's what do you expect? his followers are simply following his foot steps.
Yup, "God is great", as long as you are not a woman. In that case you can be raped and sold for the "nominal bride price of $12.00". Guess kidnapping is better than
On the one hand, this is a great way to gain male recruits to Boko Haram. On the other, its a great way to turn everyone who does not join into a hardcore enemy.
"This is terrorism, not Islam" I predict the placard of the woman in the black burkha will be ignored by haters of Islam. Also it will be ignored that slavery is a tradition from Judaism and the Old Testament. Leviticus 25:44-46: "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.
Neanderthals. Is this the modern day version of 'comfort women' or 'comfort girls'? Sickening stuff and all in the name of religion.
I see NOTHING has changed in Nigeria.
Still a nut-house being run by the inmates.
She said other women at the meeting, allies of Patience Jonathan including officials of the government and the ruling party, cheered and chanted “yes, yes,” when the first lady accused them of belonging to Boko Haram. “They said we are Boko Haram, and that Mrs. Nyadar is a member of Boko Haram.”
Meanwhile Patience Jonathan and her husband are stuffing their pockets with stolen money.
More like power and sex. Religion is something they are making up as they go along. Its an excuse only.
Unfortunately it also has to be admitted that the greed of the Nigerian government also plays a role. The area that Boko Haram operates was independent before British colonization. If the Nigerian government simply made them independent, I am sure a lot of the violence would be quelled. But as we all know, governments don't like to give up territory and would rather watch millions die than give up an inch of dirt.
Sort this scum out for once and for all, in the Name of Allah for crying out loud !!!
Religion pffffftttttttttt
Religion is good for most, Islam may be an exception. I have no beliefs though I think those who do need religion. I don't say pfffftttttt to religion.
I do say pffffttttt to the aggressive and targeting Islamic around the world. Aggressive in converting, destroying, and oppression. Its growing and it isn't good for anyone.
What a backward religion, if you want to follow this religion I would suggest that you get a lobotomy first. If you do follow this religion then dont drag others into your beliefs. its just not right.
Some people's knowledge of Islam is limited to the crazy stories that make it to the press, and never mind the world's other billion believers who do nothing press worthy. Not that I am going to actually accuse Boko Haram of being truly Muslim.
The only thing that has stopped so many nutty Christians doing nutty things has been the rule of law, something lacking in places like Somalia and Nigeria. But if you care to get a history lesson, Christians have been pretty awful too.
In fact, do you know why Boko Haram does not trust Western education? Well, that is because during the British colonization, Christian missionaries went there and used education as a means to lever the Muslims to convert. Instead it drove them the complete other direction. Thank you so much Christian missionaries!
Ali Khan
no way, this is totally against Islam no Muslim on the earth would support such an coward act. The share aim of this group or the leader of this stopped group is to defame Islam and Muslims and to provide stuff to the Media. These kind of groups are just warlords and working for money nothing else.
In-fact what he said that God commended him is a heinous crime and sin Islam, no religion on the earth allow or preach such an act.
i am 200 present sure arrest this stopped man, interrogate him the truth will come out.
Row Bur
Firstly, Judaism didn't invent slavery. Get a grip. Secondly,Islam as a philosophy is as valid as any other supernatural belief system.Grip harder.Thirdly, colonialism is an easy target, but overlooks the inherent ethnocentrism of Sub saharan tribal culture.Now twist.
I'll believe that the day Muslims worldwide renounce jihad. Jihad is a medieval creed that legitimizes killing and abusing non-believers, and it has no place in today's world.
While you're at it, you can renounce the verse in in the Koran that states that "woman is worth half a man."
Yeah, it's the Christians' fault. Ever wonder why the entire Muslim world today is uniformly backward and impoverished, including the many places that were never exposed to the missionaries?
Abhorrent .. heinous .. sadistic .. despicable .. reprehensible .. barbaric .. atrocious .. revolting. These are some words to describe the morally repugnant behavior of these Islamic extremists, and any others who would act in this vile and depraved manner. To commit these sinister actions in the name of God and/or religion is even more sickening.
You mean impoverished like Dubai, etc.
And these lunatics claim to be doing Allah's work?
JeffLee: "Yeah, it's the Christians' fault. Ever wonder why the entire Muslim world today is uniformly backward and impoverished,"
Ummm... yeah, like Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and so on and so on. It's not Islam that's the problem, it's the twisting of it for personal gain, and the nutbags in Nigeria who are doing this are certainly twisted. It's no different, though, than Christian nutters using 'god' as an excuse for committing crimes.
I agree with Smith. I am anti-religion, but the fact is that the huge, no massive, majority of religious people in the world use religion for positive ends. It's an extremely tiny percentage that twist religion to nefarious ends, and that is true of most religions.
The only problem as I see it is that not enough Muslims decry the twisting of religion to these evil ends, which leads many outsiders to interpret their lack of outcry as a silent approval.
Ali Khan
JeffLee,, jihad was started by America and Europe against the USSR and gathered all these stuff from around the world in Afghanistan in order to defeat USSR, still they are using the same stuff against Syria. so these are all political group.
True, and this is why for the life of me I can't fathom why any sane, rational and decent Muslim who knows this continues to be a Muslim and follow Islam. It's just an abhorrent, backward belief system that's more of a cult than a religion. Who in his right mind would want to be part of an institution that has intolerance of other religions one of its basic tenets?
genjuro: "Who in his right mind would want to be part of an institution that has intolerance of other religions one of its basic tenets?"
His or HER right mind, you mean, of course, while ummm... making an intolerant remark about Islam.
"You see, the prophet Muhammad acted this way way which is why he had 4 wives all at once."
Yeah, and Mormons don't allow polygyny or polygamy at all, do they? So what was the point again?
Hope those girls are OK when they're found, but they've probably been so badly traumatized by now that they're going to wish they were dead if they're ever rescued from this hell they're in.
This is incredibly sad, but the problems in Nigeria are much, much deeper than these girls getting kidnapped. The U.S. should stay out of it, because while it is a mess now it'll only be a bigger mess if they get involved.
At the end of the day the Nigerian people need to decide what they want. They have a democracy, they need to sort it out themselves.
How about Japan act... We've had Abenomics, and we're starting to see Japan toughen up against Russia... why can't the Japanese send in their elite troops to search for these poor unfortunate girls? Why does it always have to be the USA.
The problem is treating scripture as the word of God rather than written by flawed humans. If these texts are treated as the word of God, you can pick out verses which treat women as at the level of domestic cattle. I'm sick of hearing that religious nutters and bigots are perverting a particular religion. The day when people realise that these books themselves contain barbaric, primitive and perverse morality, written by people in an era when that was acceptable, we might start getting somewhere.
Spot on. I'm a Christian, but I'd rather deal with a rational, militant aetheist than a militant scripture-literalist. That wY lies doom.
Just some nitpicking: Mohammed hat 11 wifes at once, and Aisha was 6 (six!) when he took her as wife. And since Mohammeds behaviour is normative for fundamentalist muslims, that is what they take as the foundation for Shariah law. Note that one of the first things that Khomeini did after Iranian islamic revolution was to lower the marriage age for girls 6. Following exactly the example of the prophet.
Boko Haram is no different. Portraying them as criminals entirely misses the point, because in their mind, they are pious people who exactly what god wants.
All religions are cults. The only difference is the number of followers, and the perspective of the person making the observation.
So, the US is expected to go in and help? Why not France? Or Sweden? Or hell, I'd even take Russia at this point! Show the US that you're willing to fight to protect your own and you'd have a better chance of asking for help instead of expecting others to fix your problems for you. Hello there UN... mind stepping up and taking the forefront? Please???
@it's me @smithinjapan
I forgot to add: except in places where... by a complete fluke of nature...there is lots of oil under the ground. And that oil is explored, dug out and transported by Western and Asian companies, which have also built all the local infrastructure, it should be pointed out.
Actually, it is. Name me one single progressive, liberal-thinking, technologically advanced, affluent Muslim majority nation. You might answer Malaysia or Indonesia, but nice try, since their economies have long been dominated by a Chinese minority. Malaysia even has affirmative action. None of this is coincidence.
Sorry, but correlation does not equal causation. Prove the causation and your argument will hold water, but all you've done is shown correlation.
And the Malaysians hold more money than the Chinese in Malaysia now, though that wasn't true in the past.
Although this is an awful incident, why should the US get involved rather than the British? It was their former slave colony.
Not sure that the US getting involved is going to make anything better.
A few too many billion people take books too seriously. Remember that the Bible and the Koran (Qu'ran) are just books that were written by humans in order to get followers. Admittedly, these books became bestsellers but now we are all more connected, more people are realising how dodgy these old beliefs are. At the end of the day, it is the children who are suffering the most. Catholic priests can't control themselves. Muslims can have 4 ridiculously young wives because they think that only having 1 will lead them to want another. And now these loonies in Nigeria who use the old God-told-me-to line and Western education should be forbidden because that may threaten their ambition of raping children (which is basically what is happening there). The weakness and sexual greed of adult males is the fundamental issue here.
How's this: A majority of the population adhere to a medieval and highly intolerant creed that's fundamentally at odds with progress and which hasn't seen any meaningful reform in over 1,500 years.
Indeed, thanks to its official affirmative action policy...for the majority! How crazy is that? Any guesses as to why a majority group would need to legislate affirmative action for itself?
"I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah,”
He is obviously unaware that Allah would not approve of this despicable act.
Part of the cause of the economic backwardness of many Islamic countries is education. The Muslim world can't boast a world class university even in those countries floating on oil because their education is grotesquely vandalized by religion. How can endless hours spent reciting one book be beneficial? Science will be tolerated as long as it doesn't trespass on the 'truths' of Bronze Age myths. Women, unless very well-connected, are treated as second-class citizens or worse under the more fanatical regimes and their talents are wasted. A country like Nigeria will see its progress further hampered by vicious religious sectarianism and yet we are still told by many that calling religion a major problem is wrong or bigoted.
@Row Bur
Nobody said it did. But it sanctioned slavery long before Islam even began. And Islam is an offshoot of Judaism and they often cite the same Old Testament as the Christians and on the same basis. Islam is 600 years behind Christianity. Christians stopped slaving just about 150 years ago. But what ever you say, the Old Testament still sanctions slavery even if certain adherents have decided to go against it.
Perhaps its your own grip you should be concerned with?
The two things are not mutually exclusive. I do not deny the role of both. But my point was that Christian missionaries, by their actions, set up the climate where western education is mistrusted. If not for that, Boko Haram might not exist, and if a similar group were in its place, at least western philosophy or any sensible philosophy might have a chance of getting through to the members.
Polygamy is also sanctioned in the Old Testament. But Muhammad's wives were not captives. They were political marriages and marriages to war widows in order to protect them.
No age of marriage is specified in any way, shape or form in either the New or Old Testament. Legal ages of marriage in Christian Europe in Medieval times, up through the Renaissance and even into the 19th century were under 10.
In short, you ascribing things to Islam that are not unique to Islam. But worst of all, you actually believe Boko Haram is fairly considered Islamic. Again I point out the woman in the provided pictures in the black burqua and her placard.
"U.S. urged to act"
What about the Chinese? Shouldn't they act?
U.S. shouldn't do anything. It's a no-win situation for them. If they fail, they'll be a laughingstock. If they're successful but have some collateral damage and fatalities, they'll be blamed for not doing things perfectly. If they're completely successful, it'll be forgotten in a week, like ho-hum it was too easy for them. This thing would be nothing but a trap game.
THE ARTICLE SAYS "U.S. urged to act after Boko Haram threatens to sell kidnapped Nigerian girls"
There is only one thing that thugs respect and that is violence. If they take from you, you then have to hit them hard. Fear is the greatest detractor to thugs.
Now, if the world wishes to truly end terrorism then the world needs to take a real hardline against these thugs and the folks that arm them.
There is a major difference there: Christianity had an age of enlightenment, and islam had not, and alas maybe never will. And in addition to the Koran (which unlike the Old Testament is considered the literal word of god), islam has the haddiths, which describe the behaviour of Mohammed (the perfect man to be emulated), and if you are muslim and against slavery, you would have to explain how this perfect man was wrong .... try to get out of that pickle.
Sorry, but that is turning things upside down. Islamist terrorism is not just a reacting to Christian missionaries, it exists also where there is no Christianity at all, just look at Chinese railway stations and schools in Southern Thailand. Western education is resisted by islamists everywhere; Boko Haram only takes radical actions. The push by islamists to introduce Shariah in Northern Nigeria and elsewhere has a long history; maybe you did not pay attention.
Alas, the problems here are today unique to islam, and Boko Haram themselves think they are islamic. Who are you to tell them otherwise?
Surely you know about the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda?
Nothing unique to Islam here.
The "Lord`s Resistance Armee" (is that still around?) was entirely the creation of John Taylor and had no backing in any scripture or tradition. That can absolutely not be said about Boko Haram. Boko Haram follows strictly the Koran and the Haddiths, and what they say is duplicated by other islamists.
Note that kidnapping and force-conversion of Coptic girls in Egypt and Christian girls in Pakistan is a regular occurrance and absolutely sanctioned by islamist clerics. I might also remind you that in Kuweit recently, they even discussed a proposal in parliament to allow sex slavery. (I don´t recall where they wanted to get the slaves from, but I suppose buying from Boko Haram would be an option).
Boko Haram acts exactly according to scripture, so save the strawman.
But an excuse is just that. If I want to justify my evil acts, I can create my own justification or I can look for justification outside of myself, in the form of "holy writ".
Either way, it's my own malignant nature that's at fault, not the particular text I seize on.
this is not an isolated incident about "seizing on a particular text", this is adhering to the most fundamental scripture of the religion/ideology, which must not be disputed. And this is behaviour that is consistently shared by all fundamentalist followers.
Your are desperately trying to compare apples and oranges.
But Christianity and Islam are apples and oranges. As you pointed out, Islam is still waiting for am "enlightenment", and therefore offers a wonderful opportunity to any mysogynistic, egotist to justify his (definitely his) views.
Aren't we almost agreeing?
What does anybody think the US could do? What is the reasonable goal of US intervention?
I would be all for Islamic enlightenment but until the "enlightened" muslims are willing to stand up to the fanatics it's not going to happen.
Thanks, but no thanks.
No oil. Not worth it, eh?
The title reads "U.S. urged to act..." and the lead sentence refers to "Calls for the United States to help."
I would like more information on just who is urging the U.S. to act, and who is making these calls. The U.S. comes under a lot of criticism -- justified and unjustified -- and it would be nice if the public could take note of who is asking for our help. Especially if it's some leader or group that has been unfairly critical of the U.S. in the past.
On a second front, "Western education" seems very threatening to these criminals. One way that the U.S. can help, and I'd be all in favor of it, is a redoubling of efforts and investments to see that all women in that region are educated. Obviously, this Abubakar Shekau's mother didn't have a clue when it came to raising him. Educating women is the surest way to break the cycle that creates these monstrous morons.
Shekau's inhuman and criminal act has created a "teachable moment" that should come back to bite him a thousand times over.
We (the U.S.) are not going to "act". Here's an idea, how about the government of Nigeria "act"?
This is a Nigerian and African problem. The US does not need to be involved. Only thing that US involvement will create by stirring up another Muslim faction is more Muslim factions to waste time on. Let Nigeria, an oil rich country spend some of her billions of dollars of oil money on some kick ass mercenaries. The US needs to fix things at home first and let the rest of the world fight their own battles. Why not ask Russia or China for help?? They won't do anything because they are smarter than the USA and don't want more Muslim problems are home.
Hawkeye May. 07, 2014 - 06:57AM JST Why not ask Russia or China for help?? They won't do anything because they are smarter than the USA and don't want more Muslim problems are home.
If you didn't know, China already has extensive holdings in Nigeria, and is taking advantage of the lack of response from the U.S. Nigeria has become a major source of oil and petroleum for China's economy. At the same time, Nigera is looking to China to help it achieve economic growth, and military support. China and Nigeria already signed a strategic partnership to help their respective interests. Nigeria had sought U.S. help in fighting Islamist insurgents but that assistance wasn’t forthcoming. Instead, they have turned to China for arms,equipment, training and technology for the Nigerian armed forces and they are developing close relations.
@sfjp330 China's background aide to Nigeria has nothing to do with US forces being sent to Nigeria. If China has so much invested in Nigeria, why doesn't Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan ask his communist buddies for Chinese troops on the ground and physical intervention. China does not want to upset the flow of Nigerian oil and other valuable resources back to China and will let the bleeding heart US politicians control/force the hand of Obama to spend US money and waste lives defending a lost cause in Nigeria. I repeat that this is a Nigerian and African issue. Around the world there are millions of people being kidnapped, tortured (even by the US in secret jails) and dying. The USA needs to spend her money at home first and let the rest of the world fend for themselves or in this case, Nigeria spend their billions of oil dollars on well equipped mercenaries that don't need the publicity and will take care of the Nigerian Muslim factions with no mercy or trials.
The way I see it is that it isn't a matter of politics so much as wiping out a terrible evil with a greater good. This is a humanitarian issue, not a political one. Let's all (Muslims, Christians, Hindus, whoever) get together and exterminate these rodents. Young girls seeking a higher education to help their fellow country citizens had their dreams and innocence ripped away from them by rats, not men. In the end, we all lose if we allow this kind of lawlessness to grow and spread.
Well, yes. But islam really does not offer an alternative, since its founder was mysogynistic egotist, and he is held up to be the perfect man. Like Montesquieu said: "It is a misfortune to human nature, when religion is given by a conqueror."
Alas, Boko Haram are not the exception, they are precisely what you get when fundamentalist islam is preached and applied.
Actually, Nigeria has a lot of oil.
But this is exactly the problem: if the U.S. helps, people will say it's just because of the oil. It's a no-win situation for them - that's why they shouldn't waste the time.
I have to disagree Yabits. Even the most educated women can be abducted and raped by a gang of thugs. Its the men who need educated (a major part of education being the instillation of inhibitions) so that they won't do this sort of thing and can analyze their own behavior. Every place I know save one, where women are held in high regard, got that way for men being educated first, and enough to know better than to treat women so poorly. The only exception I know is some rural area of China where the women hold all the property, all the political power, and do all the work and the men just smoke and gamble all day. Of course there you could say its the men who need emancipating.
WillB and lucabrasi, they had one. Alhazen, born 965, has been described as the father of modern optics, ophthalmology, experimental physics and scientific methodology (cut and paste from wikipedia). During that time, they were certainly more advanced than the Christians.
So they had an age of enlightenment already. But guess what? Christian enlightenment was partly based on that and we would not be where we are today without it. The next Muslim enlightenment will be based on the Christian one.
HawkeyeMay. 07, 2014 - 09:20AM JST @sfjp330 China's background aide to Nigeria has nothing to do with US forces being sent to Nigeria. If China has so much invested in Nigeria, why doesn't Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan ask his communist buddies for Chinese troops on the ground and physical intervention.
Leaders of China have offered Nigeria assistance in tracking down and freeing the kidnapped schoolgirls.
Why should the U.S. be the world's policeman? That just leads to more complaints against the U.S. for getting involved in foreign affairs. Nigeria has a government. Let Nigeria handle it.
Good choice:
Nope, they did not. According to both Sunni and Shia doctrine, the "gates of ijithiad (free inqiry") are closed. Islam is stuck with its literal doctrine that the Mohammed is the perfect man, and the Koran is the literal word of god. And neither must be criticized. Hence, we have the calls for Shariah, and groups like Boko Haram acting on it.
Until if and when Islam gets its version of an age of enlightenment, this is where we are stuck. Boko Haram is simply acting on literal islam, and literal islam must not be criticized.
People whinge about the US getting involved in other countries' affairs, yet are the very nation that get called upon whenever the proverbial hits the fan (and no, I am not American - just making a point).
Whatever the call to action may be - it needs to happen YESTERDAY.