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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Israel retaliates against Hama for deadly Jerusalem bus blast, rocket attacks
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It will continue, until the refugees in Palastine learn.
"It will continue, until the refugees in Palastine learn."
Learn what ?????????
"Learn what" Umm maybe stop supporting terrorist organisations that attack Israel and bring these responses would be a good place to start.
Learn that they are sub-human scum in the eyes of the Israeli and US governments and that have no hope of justice. Learn that Israeli troops have the right to stop their distressed, pregnant women at checkpoints and keep them their till they or their babies die during birth.
Learn that Israel has the right to all the land it wants in the West Bank, despite their illegal status there.
Most of all learn to accept the greatness and righteousness of the Jewish state and give up on any aspirations to live decent lives as human beings.
Then Israel might leave them alone.
Love or hate them, one thing is for sure, they don't need to pass a resolution after 30 days of debate to retaliate!
kyushujoe, you are so right with what you say! NOT!!!! Let me see its ok for the Palestinian organisation to launch rockets at their neighbour, kill innocent civilians with suicide bombings, declare they want to destroy Israel. But they complain that after doing that they get the crap bombed out of them, OK... Show me a country that would stand by and let its citizens be killed by a terrorist organisation without retaliating.
Oh and as for the West Bank, how did Israel get that territory? Oh thats right it was involved in a war with its neighbours who where trying to wipe it off the face of the earth. And they lost, if the Palestinians want to be upset at anyone maybe it should be the countries that caused the war thereby losing their lands.....
"Show me a country that would stand by and let its citizens be killed by a terrorist organisation without retaliating".
See, Spain 2004, 2009.
The Spanish actually did retaliate. They captured those responsible and imprisoned them. This would be difficult if not impossible for Israel to do. Its interesting that people get up in arms when Israel retaliate, yet the US has been doing this for years, as have Russia, UK, to name a few.
As you said earlier at least they dont go to the UN hat in hand and request permission they just do it.
This is gettn old. Pro israelies will say they have to defend themselves. Pro palestinians will say they are fighting for freedom and thats the only method tjey have to fight with. Pro israelies can argue till, but if u dont see it from the pro palestine side (which is to get out of the getto called gaza, and i love the hypocracy), its useless. Again, it is what it is. I just wish the palestinians would take a more gandhi approach to gaining their independence.
You certainly have learned islamist propaganda very well. Not that it has any base in reality...
By "Palestinians" you mean "muslim Arabs". Jews of course, are Palestinians too; the original evens, predating the muslim Arab newcomers by thousands of years.
But apart from that, the muslim Arabs could have had their West Bank state long ago if they really want peace. But all their parties, from the PA right down to Hamas, insist that the founding of their state should come with the destruction of Israel. Some kind of peace...
AdamB, it is an interesting display of your belief in fairness and human rights that you view the Palestinians and their lands as nothing more than spoils of war for Israel to take, and take fairly since they were the spoils of war of Jordan and Egypt before them.
The U.N. on the other hand tends to lean toward principles, you know, the ones with merit. The principle in this case is called self-determination. Its the stuff of legitimate revolutions everywhere. I find it odd that when people in Egypt, Bahrain and Libya rise up against oppressive governments, westerners cheer. But when the Palestinians do the same, its frowned upon for much more than just the methods.
For the record, the Palestinians of Gaza are most certainly not launching rockets against their neighbor. They are launching rockets at their jailors, who are technically named occupiers by the U.N.
I cannot approve of blowing up busses though, unless they will only kill IDF personnel or Israeli government rightists. But then, I cannot approve of Israeli airstrikes and ground assaults on Gaza either because innocents die that way too.
For people who believe in democracy, what matters is the majority, not the grandfather clause.
They really want peace. But they also want their land and their freedom. What good is peace if you are going to be robbed and herded like cattle? Not everyone fights for the sheer thrill of it you know.
Last week israel bombed gaza and killed hamas leaders. That was out of the blue, no provacation at all. Now Hamas is striking back at the israelis is they were attacked with cause. It just goes on and on. Meanwhile gaza is under apartied oppression completely controlled by one of the top military organizations in the world.
Its like the lions against the christians, with gaza playing the role of the poor christians. When israel invaded gaza and used WMDs on civilians 1400 died, 10 or so israeli died as I recall. Just ten. Lions, Christians. Same story.
I have always hoped that the palestinian and Israelis can work out something.Isreal claim to the right to the land due to some religious belief is crazy. What is the main concern is without America and some Arab backing,Isreal would have agreed to the UN border drawn. The future looks bleak for Isreal because Arab states are getting stronger whereas America's influence is declining around the world.
WordStar, what came out of the blue were 50 Iranian rockets from Gaza. This tit-for-tat thing is never going to end. so you might as well get used to it.
Another round of stupidity.
Again, more typical AP "journalism". They conveniently left out the fact that the killer in that knife slaying is not Palestinian. And they also always mention that Israeli attacks are in retaliation for Palestinian attacks, while possible reasons for the Palestinian attacks are NEVER mentioned, they always seem to be out of the blue.
As if Israel forced Hamas to launch a huge number of rockets at Israel. Yes, Israel should definitely leave anyone who attacks them alone, and not respond. Heh.
Convenient? I don't know who was the killer in that attack, but I do know, a Pal organization claimed responsibility. Or had you decided to conveniently leave that fact out yourself?
Why are you so certain of this?
They found the killer, he is not Palestinian. If "a Pal organization claimed responsibility", I am sure this article would have mentioned it.
Let me be more specific. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility. I have no idea if they had anything to do with it or not. Doesn't really matter. On the other hand, I can't find any articles that suggest the killers were not Pals. Please provide a link to that. I actually looked. I do know though that Gazans were dancing in the streets when they heard the news about a couple of babies being knifed to death. Go ahead, spin that anyway you like.
Adam and WilliB- you two are always right. Don't even deliberate other people's opinion