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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Bombings kill 93 in Iraqi capital's bloodiest day this year
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80 died on Tuesday, too, bringing the death toll since 2003 to over 242,000.
Thank you, Mr. Rumsfeld.
Black Sabbath
Yes, indeed. Bushy, and Rummy, and Dickie, and all the gang and all the craven useful idiots who put them into power.
The Republican party must be destroyed.
OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM of souls from their bodies.....and limbs from their torsos.
Weren't these the same people who stormed the Green Zone last week? Think people! Sounds like a CIA-Op to me "That'll show 'em to mess with the Hegemon!" Faking an ISIS claim is a few strokes on a keyboard. Sorry folks, Obama gets the blame for this one, since he's the one STILL destabilizing the area for his Assad fetish.
And what has the big O done to improve the situation. He's had over 7 years! Well, just blame others and blame the next guy.
To the blindly Liberal, prudence and circumspection are another form of bigotry.
Why do liberals and progressives defend or turn a blind eye to an Islam that will destroy all they find so valuable?
Let's look at what Islam does to Western principles:
Freedom of speech: Sharia does not allow anybody to say anything negative about Mohammed and Allah.
Freedom of press: Mohammed cartoons.
Freedom of religion: An apostate from Islam can be killed. Even an atheist wants people to be free to choose what they believe.
Civil rights: all non-Muslims are Kafirs, who are third class subjects under Sharia law.
Democratic society: A Kafir does not have the same rights as a Muslim under Islam.
Dictatorial and Corrupt governments: Secular or Sharia. Arab / Islamic governments fall under two categories Theocracy (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Hamas) or Secular Dictatorships (Jordan, Syria, Egypt + the rest of N Africa ).
He pulled out of Iraq. In case you forgot, your country was mired in an invasion there when he became president.
Well there you have it stranger. Obama pulled troops out of Iraq ,against knowledgable advisement, and reinserted troops to attempt to calm the chaos. In the meantime ISIS thrived.
Are you sure you want to reply with that stranger?
Over SEVEN years to resolve the Iraq debacle. Today, it's worse than 2007!
Pulling the US troops doesn't seem to have helped the situation, judging by over a thousand dead per month.
The US should never have been there in the first place. Staying any longer would have been throwing good money after bad. Getting out was the right thing to do. The US should pull out of the region altogether. Leave the vipers to the vipers.
Thanks to Bush and Rumsfelt et al. Biggest screwup in US history, with maybe the exception of Vietnam.
The US has been a useful scapegoat in the region, so let's forget credit or blame, for democrat or republican.
Looked at positively or negatively they and the other foreign 'powers' have always been tools, gullible and greedy side players to the main action.
How can they be a scapegoat when they are directly responsible for the obliteration of Iraq, throwing the region into chaos? They are not a scapegoat, they are the aggressors. They are the same as the Japanese in WWII.
Thanks' George. Well done.
Still of the view that you would have done nothing different? But on the plus side that bad, bad, man Saddam is gone. And now Iraq is a "democracy" (ahem). So, give or take a few hundred thousand deaths, it went remarkably well.
Anonymous Jones
Here Here!
I have no doubt that lots of people on FB will be putting the flag of Iraq on their profile pictures today. Haven't seen any yet but I am sure they will.
But you fail to recognize US troops are beeing deployed into Iraq since the withdrawal. Not exactly an exit now is it?
Agreed, leave the region to itself. Though a big BUT. If they chose to attack US interests threaten global stability, or any credible international threat they must be destroyed.
Yeah, a couple hundred I think. Hardly the same as a mass full-scale invasion.
But even those should be pulled out.
Yep, we need to keep perpetuating the hatred and war a long as possible.
It's only a "screwup" if there intention WASN'T to destabilize the region. IMO, that's exactly what they wanted to do. Many predicted before the invasion that this would happen, a Sunni-Shia bomb fest. Unfortunately, the Dem/Rep/corporate MSM kept them minimized while feeding the restless masses with a patriotic revenge meme. I know, sad part of our recent history. So when I read about Sadr storming the Green Zone and some semblance of large and bold citizen protests, then a massive bombing a week later against them, it raises red flags. As it should anyone.
After Saddam was gone, the iraqi people should've united. The remaining loyalist, rounded up and executed.
Their post transitional gov couldn't get their act together. Maliki screwed things up. The iraqi security forces had no loyalty.
Just goes to show that Shiites and Sunni will forever keep killing one another.
Mike L
If bombings are the result of 'political bickering' then what would war look like in Iraq?
Oh Fizz, you're so alternative title it must hurt!
You give far too much credit to the fools that touched off this blaze.
The chimp said "bring it on". And they did.
More aptly:
US interests threaten global stability
There, I fixed for ya.
. . . .but when there are earthquakes, floods, tsunami's and "pirates" on the high seas . . . the global community just "knows" the USA will do their share to pitch-in. Perhaps a bit more.
"but when there are earthquakes, floods, tsunami's and "pirates" on the high seas . . . the global community just "knows" the USA will do their share to pitch-in. Perhaps a bit more."
That's true, but I don't know what that has to do with creating havoc in the Middle East.
@Jimizo . . . . ur an intelligent poster in these JT forums (although I nearly always disagree w/ you). So why can't you digest the fact that Saddam caused all the havoc initially?
The Soviet Union had collapsed. Iraq was broke from financing the Iraq-Iran War in the early 80's. So this clown decides to "invade" and rape his neighbor? A tiny, rich, defenseless country -Kuwait.
Sure the US helped / supported the Iraqis . . . . then the Iranians (secret arms deal scandal). The havoc was there already: Sunni vs Shiite.
Don't forget the filthy chemical weapons supped to Saddam.
Nobody here is defending Saddam. The argument is the US and other countries have made this situation much worse with their stupid meddling. The Iraq War was a catastrophe which needs people like Bush and Blair put on trial.
Can you remember being told by the cross-eyed idiot and his amoral gang in charge at the time that the Sunni/Shia divide wouldn't be a major issue and democracy would flourish? Did you buy that at the time?
Get out and stay out of this region. Let them fight it out themselves. It may start to shake them out of the belief that their sorry mess is solely due to western intervention. Let them make their own bed.
Eight years later, the totally unconnected 9/11 happens, perpetrated by 15 Saudi nationals and 4 others, under the direction of (previously) CIA-trained and funded Saudi, Osama bin Laden, head of Al Qaeda.
Saddam Hussein detested Al Qaeda and OBL, yet a decision was taken to invade (coincidentally oil-rich) Iraq on the basis of a fraudulent dossier presented to the United Nations by Colin Powell.
The radicals of islam are the ones who should be put on trial. Do you remember where you were when the twin towers collapsed?
K, so I bought it. If the iraqis weren't such savages . . . . it prob would've worked out. And on that same token, even though Iraq did not have WMD, Bush needed to finish the job his daddy couldn't. remove Saddam from power.
Wasn't Hillary Clinton in that "gang?" Lo & behold . . ... . saying things on CNN Live like: "There will be NO Safe Harbor for those Responsible for 9/11 !"
Hillary or Trump, come November!! I feel very sorry for ISIS every 28-days if Clinton is elected. Expect those severe negotiations in the war room. Heck, Hillary might even get that ole' spark back and stick it to em' ! I'm all 4 it !!
The US military gets hiding after hiding and fails and fails but they get back up. I'd admire the spirit if they didn't get so many people killed.
The fact that you and millions of others bought the lies and Neanderthal chest-thumping is shocking. The fact you want to do it again is depressing.
What was it that Texan clown said about "Fool me once...."?
Black Sabbath
Nice straw man you got going there, Joe.
Libya and Syria belong to Obama and Clinton. And at that time it was known the region needs harsh dictators to supress the people.
For slow readers:
Iraq. Was. NOT. Responsible. For. 9/11
So what. They cheered and danced in the streets when the towers collapsed. As if it were their own private 4th of July party. The palestinians too.
Saddam, his sons, concubines and loyalists got what they darn well deserved. You just knew Baghdad was quaking in their boots after 9/11.
When you strike a hornets nest, the angry hornets emerge and "sting" any potential threads.
Bin laden said he didn't do it. And I believe him. Too many red flags: airline put options, the 6.8 second free fall of building 7.
If you were going to attack all the countries that had people who were happy to see the US get attacked instead of being attacked, you'd have to attack pretty much every country in the world.
Sorry, but dancing in the streets is not even remotely close enough of an excuse to invade a sovereign nation.
Maybe you guys should take the time to figure out why there is such hatred of the US in the world, and figure out how to fix that, instead of causing more hatred by invading sovereign nations. I guarantee that the hatred from the Iraq invasion debacle has caused even more hatred towards the US than was there before the invasion. Obama has done some work to repair America's image in the world, hence the mostly positive image of Obama throughout the world (, but if Trump or any Republican were to win office, they would quickly destroy any advancements Obama has made with their ridiculous stance towards the rest of the world, and indeed even their own people.
Yeah. That screw everybody else! attitude was reaffirmed by the Simian-in-Chief's "you're either with us or against us" ultimatum to the rest of the world. Nice.