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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Boxer Valero kills himself in Venezuela jail, police say
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Sign #1 that he's mentally unstable.
Valero was a great fighter and in his last fight he absolutely battered DeMarco away from home in Mexico. I feel sorry for the two children who are the biggest victims here.
northlondon - wow, you're way off on this one.
Most people would say the woman he killed was the biggest victim.
What's a "die-communist"?
aaronlennon -
Thanks! should be "die-hard communist"
His wife had chances to get away and get him arrested earlier but she stood by him. That was her choice as an adult. The two kids now lose both parents which is not their choice.
Just goes to show that a person can only take so many whacks in the head before they start getting off track. Looks at Mike Tyson, falls right in the same league as this guy.
If one is going to draw a line at where to end the relationship, I think the first time he gives you a punctured lung might be quite the outer limit. Hard to believe she survived that only to give him another crack at killing her.
A dead boxer, died by his own hand, so no loss to the world in any way. If this is any kind of news surely it’s sport and should be in the sports section where people interested in such things can fine it and read it, why waste our space with this?
Ahh, it's the "well, look how she was dressed, she asked for it" defense. How enlightened of you.
Regardless, someone murdered might be considered a bigger victim than the kids who were not - actually, the murdered wife is technically the ONLY victim.
MistWizard at 06:39 PM JST - 20th April
If one is going to draw a line at where to end the relationship, I think the first time he gives you a punctured lung might be quite the outer limit. Hard to believe she survived that only to give him another crack at killing her.
My sentiments exactly!