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Britain's Starmer condemns 'far-right thuggery' as unrest flares again


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Dim witted easily aroused.

Always has been a nasty undercurrent of fascism in UK.

Why arent idiots rioting in Scotland where knife crime is epidemic ?

"Well...we cant express our bigotry in Scotland, eh Guvna "

10 ( +22 / -12 )


What is that supposed to mean?

If you check the stats of the cities in U.K. with highest knife crime, no Scottish city is in the top 25.

Anyway today was another own goal by Starmer as he shows his true colours. Talking about setting up facial recognition to stop people catching trains as well as calling everyone who demonstrated far right. He’s an absolute idiot, causing more division.

A strong leader will appeal for calm and not tar everyone with the same brush.

We have had recent riots by Muslims in various parts of the U.K., where was the shock and horror? Nah, it was a case of trying to understand their anger and make things better.

During BLM riots Mr Starmer went on the knee for them, defies belief right? Yes, it does but it’s true.

Starmer and his colleagues are out of touch with the working class, they live in a bubble surrounded by champagne socialists. They are more right wing than the Tories and Blair’s ( Starmers mentor), unlimited immigration policy is in large part responsible for this mess.

-11 ( +16 / -27 )

The British public is already regretting voting forStarmer and his ilk. No different from the previous self-serving disconnected bunch.

-13 ( +12 / -25 )

There were BLM protests but no riots.


During BLM riots Mr Starmer went on the knee for them, defies belief right? Yes, it does but it’s true.

Yes, many people did. Most footballers in the Premier League including Crystal Palace take the knee before the start of the game.

There have been no riots by British Muslims.

The current racist riots are by the far-right thugs.

So much negativity about a PM who has just been in office for one month.

Starmer wasn't responsible for the illegal immigrants but has inherited that chaos from Sunak and 14 years of a conservative government.

8 ( +22 / -14 )


The British public is already regretting voting forStarmer and his ilk. No different from the previous self-serving disconnected bunch.

Sensationalism. Is anything better?

The majority of British citizens don't support the far-right thug riots.

11 ( +21 / -10 )

The murders were seized on by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groups as misinformation spread that the suspected attacker was an immigrant and a radical Islamist.

Typical far-right misinformation spreading into violence.

14 ( +22 / -8 )


Oh yes, football teams take the knee and for what? More divisive BS that does nothing, virtue signalling to seem trendy. Zaha BTW refused to take the knee as said the football league were hypocrites.

BLM caused riots attacked police defaced public monuments etc and look what they did in the US. What a honourable cause to support.


Maybe you’re right but the majority of people didn’t vote for Starmer and unless he acts with diplomacy and in a statesmanlike manner he will be off soon.

whats fake about my comments, he’s off on holiday tomorrow.

-19 ( +7 / -26 )

All politicians have been complicit and feckless in allowing unbridled immigration into the UK.

The problem started with Tony Blair and has continued into the present.

Anyone involved in a demonstration or even voicing opposition to immigration as ‘Far Right’ is a government strategy to quell opposition.

When migrants are being taken care of and housed at great expense to the tax-payer and services cut then is it any wonder that people are angry?

Yes, there are opportunities for stupidity and criminal acts when society breaks down but the origin of that breakdown is the ruling class.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

misinformation spread that the suspected attacker was an immigrant and a radical Islamist

The far right have long used media, both mainstream and social to push misinformation and disinformation, many in the extreme right lack the reasoning skills to discern truth, they have disdain for facts, preferring 'alternative facts' that fit their narrative. The far right's parrot trainers get their parrots to push falsehoods intending to keep things so muddled in the minds of their intended audience that they remain confused, thereby more easily manipulated. If all the rightists have in response is 'that would be', and what about.. Hmmm , LOL

9 ( +16 / -7 )


Exactly spot on old top


Are you implying that you are ‘far right’, that last post was gobblygook

-18 ( +4 / -22 )


Google "Glasgow is UK's least peaceful area ".....and dont get back to me.

Urban Scotland has a knife crime problem...maybe rural Scotland doesnt.

2 ( +8 / -6 )


I checked the data provided by the government, that’s why I made that comment.

Just checked stats for the most dangerous cities in the U.K., Glasgow ranked 9th, top one is Bradford, mmmm what a surprise.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

It isn't just in the UK where this is a concern. "Are you implying that you are ‘far right’, that last post was gobblygook" must mean ffs has been adversely affected by too much pornography. Not his fault. The far right is like that with their misinformation.

7 ( +10 / -3 )


Oh yes, football teams take the knee and for what? More divisive BS that does nothing, virtue signalling to seem trendy. Zaha BTW refused to take the knee as said the football league were hypocrites.

You are no supporter of anti-racism even in football. Guess you have never experienced it.

BLM caused riots attacked police defaced public monuments etc and look what they did in the US. What a honourable cause to support.

Colonial statues honoring previous slave owners were pulled down.

Maybe you’re right but the majority of people didn’t vote for Starmer and unless he acts with diplomacy and in a statesmanlike manner he will be off soon.

The Labour Party won the election. Are you objecting to that?

whats fake about my comments, he’s off on holiday tomorrow.

Fake news. Starmer is not going on holiday.


Not a single condemnation from you about the far-right riots and the hijacking of the tragic murders in Southport.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Britain has tens of thousand of, "Illegal undocumented migrants referring to someone living in the UK, whom the Government does not consider has the right to remain".

Stating the fact could soon condemn me as a "far right" agitator, a "right wing" racist, simply for questioning the policy.

Many thousands British families on housing waiting list for years, as valuable recourses are spent on housing these illegal migrants.

Britain is akin to a pressure cooker.  

Every weekend parts of London are brought to a standstill, as pro-Palestinian march chant in hate, “From the River to the Sea” for the establishment of a State of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea the irradiation of Israel, its people, while the Jewish communities cower in fear.

Waving banners calling Jews Nazis, celebrating Oct 7th.

UK is engaged in two tier policing, with Parliament refusing to engage in a long overdue conversation vital to maintaining law and order

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

In Rotherham, thugs set fire to a hotel housing immigrants including women and young children.

They are attacking immigrants and mosques.

Far-right mobs in Middlesbrough stopped people to ask them if they were 'white and English' before letting them through as vile riots continued to sweep the nation.


5 ( +11 / -6 )

These people are low-lives - poorly educated, low class, violent scum. The British government should send in the troops and beat them down. 20 year jail sentences might just send the message to these cowards.

5 ( +12 / -7 )


In Rotherham, thugs set fire to a hotel housing immigrants including women and young children.

They are attacking immigrants and mosques.

Far-right mobs in Middlesbrough stopped people to ask them if they were 'white and English' before letting them through as vile riots continued to sweep the nation.


The killings are tragic, but have nothing to do with immigration. The far-right have used them as a permission structure to spread hatred and violence.

6 ( +14 / -8 )


Correct, two tier policies for all to see but many chose to ignore.

Being a realist and seeing what’s really going in gives you a label these days with many things, whether it’s bigot, far right, Nazi, terf, they have. A name for anyone who doesn’t agree with them 100%.


i condemn all violence. So tearing down national monuments is ok? I think you didn’t see the double standards old top

Mr Starmer was due to go in holiday and changed his mind during the day, I was not aware of that change.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

The only thing more predictable than right wing violence is their attempts to blame the left for it.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

More than 100 people were arrested and will be prosecuted and face the courts. Many more to come.

Someone will be killed before much longer.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

There's a term for all those involved in these riots : White trash.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )


i condemn all violence.

You did not post that until I challenged you.

So tearing down national monuments is ok? I think you didn’t see the double standards old top

Removing those colonial statues was right.

Mr Starmer was due to go in holiday and changed his mind during the day, I was not aware of that change.

He booked his holidays before the killing happened.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

The far right have long used media, both mainstream and social to push misinformation and disinformation, many in the extreme right lack the reasoning skills to discern truth, they have disdain for facts, preferring 'alternative facts' that fit their narrative. The far right's parrot trainers get their parrots to push falsehoods intending to keep things so muddled in the minds of their intended audience that they remain confused, thereby more easily manipulated. If all the rightists have in response is 'that would be', and what about.. Hmmm , LOL

Well stated. Yes, when all someone has is whataboutisms, and the childish “I know you are” responses, they look foolish and really don’t have a leg to stand on.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


Ive been condemning it daily, I don’t tell lies about stuff like that.

Statues were torn down illegally, whether you think they were right that was allowed and where was the outrage?

Two tier policy is one of the issues and you’re agreeing with it

As for Starmees holiday it was still in earlier on Sunday.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Is UK at brink of civil war?

Karma is biting hard...

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

These people are taxpayers, care about the families and neighbours, done everything right, including serving their country. The British government should send in the rewards and respect them. 20 year jail sentences might just send the message to these cowards who didn't serve.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

350/400 UK hotels at a cost to the tax payer of £7/8 million per day needed to accommodate these so call migrants and families,

Entering the UK illegally to claim asylum, for a legion of human rights lawyers adding to the costs of free legal aid to use legal trickery to cash in.

Kier Starmers government has had to abandon vital infrastructure investment projects, through failed incompetent "Pandemic" policies, 100s Billions in debt borrowing in favour, to now manifest in prolonged austerity.

Tackle the causes of these riots, local up the thugs, then tackle engage with communities with the people.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

These people are taxpayers, care about the families and neighbours, done everything right, including serving their country. The British government should send in the rewards and respect them. 20 year jail sentences might just send the message to these cowards who didn't serve.

Taxpayers? That's a laugh - the core of these rioters are welfare trash. These riots are largely occurring where they live - housing estates.

No, they are not taxpayers, they are sponges on society.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

These riots are largely occurring where they live - housing estates.

Ah yes, the housing estate of Liverpool, Hull, Bristol and London city center.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Starmer have to go.now.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

Two-Tier Kier Stalin must go.

-12 ( +6 / -18 )

Good to see Starmer has pledged more facial recognition/AI technology than China.

Long live democracy and irony.

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

The rioters much face harsh retribution, full retribution, be forced to clear up the wonton destruction, chained together, clad in orange for the communities to witness law and order in action.

At the same time a public inquiry into the harsh realities of a failure to tackle illegal migration, also the clear deep seated inequities festering in UK society

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Ah yes, the housing estate of Liverpool, Hull, Bristol and London city center.

If you cannot see these animals are welfare dependent scum then you clearly are part of the problem.

Love the picture of one of the cowards looking terrified of the dogs! Not so tough now. Picture of the day!

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Lock these far-right up and forget about them. They aren't useful to anyone, and they're clearly just criminal thugs. Wastes of skin.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

England isn't entitled to a revolution now. Not even one given a name.

If Cromwell could step out of the grave this would be sorted out quite fast.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

England isn't entitled to a revolution now. Not even one given a name.

If Cromwell could step out of the grave this would be sorted out quite fast.

Is this making you feel better by forgetting about your country's disaster of a 72-hour invasion in Ukraine?

I think somewhere is ripe for a revolution, with a bullet through a dictator's brain, don't the baboushkas?

2 ( +12 / -10 )


Yeah, saw about that facial recognition in that Kremlin paper called the Guardian.


-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Yeah, saw about that facial recognition in that Kremlin paper called the Guardian.

Does that article say something that supports this assertion:

Good to see Starmer has pledged more facial recognition/AI technology than China.

I would guess it probably doesn't.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Few people showing their intolerance and wishing bad things on others they don’t even know rather than wish for a solution.

Usual standard I’m afraid.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Few people showing their intolerance and wishing bad things on others they don’t even know rather than wish for a solution.

Yes, that is these far-right nutters in a nutshell.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Let me guess, your supported the Islamists in Leeds' right to "protest".

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

The only tragedy in all of this is what happened in Southport and the looting of the Gregg's.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Britain's Starmer condemns 'far-right thuggery' as unrest flares again

Not a nice thing to say about the opposition who want safe borders and strong police protection against illegal immigrants and Islamic terrorism.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Let me guess, your supported the Islamists in Leeds' right to "protest".

Is that supposed to not be a far-right talking point?

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Not a nice thing to say about the opposition who want safe borders and strong police protection against illegal immigrants and Islamic terrorism.

Far rightists don't care about solutions. They just want to bully their hatred into the system.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Is that supposed to not be a far-right talking point?

Is that supposed to be any kind of point at all? Time for bed, grandad. You were the greatest generation, we get it. At least we're not speaking German amirite?

-7 ( +5 / -12 )


Few people showing their intolerance and wishing bad things on others they don’t even know rather than wish for a solution.

We should tolerate riots, arson looting, and attacks against people and the police. The thugs need to be dragged from the streets and into prisons.

What is your solution for Islam/Muslims?

What is your solution for the illegal immigrant problem?

3 ( +10 / -7 )

What is "the system" ?

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

The thugs need to be dragged from the streets and into prisons.

First deal with the terrorists and illegal immigrants and other criminals stabbing children.

What is your solution for the illegal immigrant problem?

Obviously stronger laws and enforcement of those laws. Lock up and deport those found.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

More police dogs need to be set upon all the scum taking part in these riots.

Lets see how "tough" they are.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )


who are the terrorists you spoke about? How is the border situation in your country? 20 million illegal immigrants. The homicide rate in your country is the highest of the G7 nations. Practice what you preach is the term.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

At present, the UK is far too dangerous for any non-caucasian. Your mate would sadly have a high chance of being abused - or worse


The Malaysian government is now advising citizens to reconsider non-essential travel to the UK. Yes - it IS that dangerous for non-white people, who are being targetted in the UK due to their colour and faith.

More governments to follow.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Apparently this ‘Starmer out’ thing is very popular on the rightwing lobotomized chimp elements of social media.

The murders were seized on by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groups as misinformation spread that the suspected attacker was an immigrant and a radical Islamist

The problem is that there are absolutely useless human beings out there who wanted it to be a Muslim immigrant.

Facts do not matter to this trash.

Education can’t fix both hateful and stupid and these dregs have access to garbage media.

Hard to fix.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

What is occurring is a push back against woke and defence of the core nature of their land.

They are the British Army - the troops are there like In Flanders Fields.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

What is occurring is a push back against woke and defence of the core nature of their land

By looting shops for phones and Crocs?

Maybe that’s the core nature of your land but don’t project.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Spent the entire weekend watching these riots kick off and spiral on YouTube, real time. My mums from Rotheram and we still have a bunch of family there so it was quite close to home.

Seeing how a mob turns into a monster, consuming the individuals free will like a fire of madness, is always a good reminder of human nature, and what happens when emotions are whipped into a frenzy. And these three little girls stabbed to death sent this lot into one. Even with little details about the perpetrator, only an image to go on.

Will not jump on the judgement bandwagon though, and calling everyone involved far right is the usual short cut to thinking, one that will only serve to inflame the situation even more. We need less fingerpointing and more trying to understand what and why this has just occurred . It seems very much made up of the common English working class, which believes the government and especially the left has turned against them, which it has. They are not far right, but if people continue to mislabel them so then they may become that. Is that the goal perhaps? You read the spin above and it often seems so. Creating the monster to slay it? Well this one punches back. The poms have a bit of fondness for chaos, violence and hooliganism.

Seeing the police in full battle gear, very antagonistic, that and the scene where they set these black rabid dogs onto a crowd certainly didn’t help the situation either. Like a scene out of some darker point in our collective memory and history. None of that mentioned above in the article of course.

By the sounds of it those that have had enough believe there to be a two-tiered policing system in the UK, and they revere and love their central spokesperson Tommy Robinson, who if you don’t know or have never heard of you should. Don’t right him off as a lunatic extremist , he has done some very good interviews of lates all worth checking out for a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. The UK is an absolute tinderbox.

Having said all that however, seeing the crowd set on the police with bricks and anything they could throw, setting vans on fire, ransacking shops and the look of some of the poor police women behind their visors holding truncheons, but visibly terrified, was very disturbing. On all accounts, horrible stuff.

How to calm things should be the priority and first big test of this new PM. Let’s see what he is made of. First massive test. Two very clear choices to be made. Demonize the angry , frustrated working class or try and calm them down and talk to them. Choice as always is yours.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Ugly and hysterical generalization.

Stirring up hate.

Nope..hard ugly fact...


-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Seeing the police in full battle gear, very antagonistic, that and the scene where they set these black rabid dogs onto a crowd certainly didn’t help the situation either. Like a scene out of some darker point in our collective memory and history. None of that mentioned above in the article of course.

Yeah sure.

The police - who were being violently assaulted - should have encouraged a group hug and the singing of kum-ba-yah.

Give me a break. If anything, they didn't go remotely hard enough at these SCUM.

Use rubber bullets and more dogs if these cowards return.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

The problem is that there are absolutely useless human beings out there who wanted it to be a Muslim immigrant.

Facts do not matter to this trash.

Minutes after the stabbing murder of six people and injuring of 12 more at the Westfield Bondi Junction in Sydney in April this year posters on here were claiming it was a Muslim immigrant attack. Turned out to be nothing of the kind.

Garbage people spreading immigrant and anti-Muslim hate. Pure trash, funded by an alliance of far-right Americans and Zionists

1 ( +10 / -9 )

The last lot of riots were the traditional race riots we get under the Tories. Skint youngsters upgrading their TVs.

These are re-runs of National Front race hatred from the 1970s. They have been stirred up by Brexit rhetoric, politicians and media coverage, demonising a minority group of migrants.

In a hot summer, it is easy to stir racist knuckle-draggers into having a go. They have no public support, not least because they have trashed shops and frightened ordinary people. And our taxes will be used to clear up their mess. Like all UK aggro, it will soon fade.

Left wing protestors don't target the police. Right wing ones do. And nobody will mind if the plods dent these low life a bit as they round them up.

Starmer's only problem is not having enough prison cells for them, as the Tories were too tight to build them.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

The diverse ethnic communities, over hundreds of years have underpinned the cornerstone of "Britishness" within UK society and will continue to so do for the hundreds of years to come.

What has changed is migration , where the migrants have chosen to enter through clandestine routes undocumented.

I suggest this "toxic" fuelled illegal immigration has emboldened belligerent violent disconnect, discontent allowed "Tommy Robinson" to fan the flames of discourse.

Past and present governments have failed through a foolish negligent pretence that to dissuade the public from questioning such policies, is to "tar and feather£ such criticism as racism, as far right propaganda.

To shut down and silence the logic to/for communities to then be compelled to house these undocumented migrants at the local taxpayers expense.

All when local communities are having to sit indefinitely within expensive private housing sector.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Let's pretend nothing ever happened in Rotherham.

Everyone knows what went on.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

The island in sinking..

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

If the security forces use live rounds against British people - please make sure they are German bullets.

We want to go to the local Cenotaph with pride and under the flag. Three Lions and St. George we all go.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Many modern successful countries have been built on immigration.

After a pretty shabby start {white Australia policy etc "} , we in Australia have had post war migrants from Italy, UK, Greece, more recently, Vietnamese post war, then now Chinese, Indians and lots of middle eastern people of Muslim backgrounds.

We have had some flare ups, and some idiot politicians {Pauline Hanson, who started on Aboriginal "privilege ",...moved to anti Japanese signage in Gold Coast and North Queensland stores, then over to "too many Asians coming into Australia ", finally settling on Muslim hating }

But to my recollection , the "Cronulla Riots " were as close we got to real anti social property damage....and that went the way of the Dodo and disappeared.

England is a strange beast because for a couple of hundred years it invaded and ruled many nations and peoples, exploiting the wealth of those countries.

Now, when "foreigners " come to England, its hypocrisy supreme as white trash shouts "go back to where you came from "

Racism is not a naturally occurring phenomena and the UK has a good share of racist idiots stirring tensions.

Good luck to the new PM.

Blaming "poverty " and "poor white me " is a cop out.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Kurisupisu, Thanks fella. Was glued to the screen all weekend, couldn’t believe what I was seeing. What you see on the news is just the surface and the lead up to the violence, the bubbling tensions were palpable. Police could have done better to calm the crowds, but they underestimated the numbers and panicked, and alcohol was an issue too. Hot summer weekend in the UK! Hopefully some lessons will be learned! Probably not.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

We want to go to the local Cenotaph with pride and under the flag. Three Lions and St. George we all go

I think the walls are closing in on seriousness here.

Football hooligan Yaxley-Lennon likes to talk like that. Nothing like the heroes who gave up their lives in war.

You’ve read a lot about the world wars.

Be serious.

6 ( +10 / -4 )


England is a strange beast because for a couple of hundred years it invaded and ruled many nations and peoples, exploiting the wealth of those countries.

Now, when "foreigners " come to England, its hypocrisy supreme as white trash shouts "go back to where you came from "

Racism is not a naturally occurring phenomena and the UK has a good share of racist idiots stirring tensions.

True. Britain is more successful at integrating immigrants than any other country in Europe. Ethnic groups have consistently become less segregated. Immigrants with foreign qualifications have the same employment rate as those with domestic qualifications.

But far-right thugs do exist in Blighty.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is not addressing the real issue. After the murder of the three girls the police did not give any information. Mr. Starmer did not give any information either about how this could have happened. Everyone just kept quiet. And people got angry. The main stream media is useless in their woke reporting, just as JT is now.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Underworld...thanks for your comment.

After the LA riots...police brutality victim Rodney King {whose attackers were acquitted, sparking the riots } said

"Can we all just get along ".

0 ( +3 / -3 )

"Left wing protestors don't target the police. Right wing ones do."

Suuure and Antifa doesnt exist. No need for righteous BS. Thugs exist on both left and right.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

My respect to those fighting the Just fight while JT commenter experts sit here and comfortably discuss and present their holier-than-thou opinions while doing absolutely nothing about anything.

Well if you put "far-right" in the title, you should expect the "experts" to come in acting like they know more than the natives of that country. Their only knowledge of the UK was probably a visit to Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge and that British guy they worked with 10 years ago lol

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

PolarStar said it. Precisely.

The media and political - now managerial - class closed ranks and people quite rightly feel they've been lied to. The result is civic disorder like a boiling pot on a stove which has simmered for a long time. The result is a keg of powder which has exploded in dramatic fashion.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

No one outside far right extremist media is reporting this as anything other than far right extremism.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Suuure and Antifa doesnt exist. No need for righteous BS. Thugs exist on both left and right.

Thats just not gunna work b an b. The righteous ones have their ‘by any means necessary’ clause. Read the fine print of their souls. #wink

0 ( +7 / -7 )

By looting shops for phones and Crocs? Maybe that’s the core nature of your land but don’t project.

No need to bring US into every article.

72-hour invasion in Ukraine, I think somewhere is ripe for a revolution, with a bullet through a dictator's brain, don't the baboushkas?

Irrelevant air bubbles by the Putin obsessed that have nothing to do with the article. Some are spreading conspiracies about Putin weaponizing the UK protests and global warming too. They need sympathy and care.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

These people are not "patriots" and do not "speak for the silent majority".

Smashing up a hotel, burning down a library, throwing lots of stuff at police, looting shops and yes, closing down roads is much worse than anything climate protesters have done. Climate protestors got four and five years for closing down a road. Racially motivated closing down a road while throwing stuff at poice and burning police cars should get longer.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Keir Starmer new government at the very least offers the opportunity for a new approach.

However it would be enhanced considerably with more unified cross party support within the commons.

I really don't believe the public fully comprehend how damaging and disruptive the pandemic left the nation finances/economy.

How did COVID affect government revenues, spending, borrowing and debt?

This huge decline in economic activity has been reflected in government borrowing hitting a peacetime high in 2021, breaking a record previously set during the financial crisis


Only for Europe to face a devastating war in Ukraine, energy catastrophe, instigating damaging a cost of living crisis.

A springboard, when one adds a countries hospitality sector having to be commandeered to house undocumented illegal migrants at a huge cost to the taxpayer fanning the flames of belligerence within hard pressed communities.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Note: If you see anyone using the phrase 'Two tier policing ' skip the post straight away.

It is the current buzz word for the nazi scumbag.

It is popular because most of them can't count to three.

Errrrr won, errrr too, uuughh, urrr, nnmmm more.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

After the murder of the three girls the police did not give any information. Mr. Starmer did not give any information either about how this could have happened. Everyone just kept quiet. And people got angry.

The murder was seemingly commited by a British born Christian with mental issues. No country in the world has an instant system of justice. It always takes time to establish the facts.

The riots are being perpetrated by racist (especially anti-Muslim) opportunists. They do not represent British people no more than the world is flat or the Moon made of cheese. Their eagerness to attack mosques is from fear and hate of Islam stoked in them by powerful people whose opinions go unchallenged in the media.

As a foreigner in Japan, I am grateful we do not get the same racism being presented on mainstream Japanese media as "ordinary people's concerns". If we did, I would not have raised my family here.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Malevolent government - “Tory” “Labour” no difference - destroying British society and culture.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Removing those colonial statues was right.

Oh, I see, frenzied, destructive mobs are fine when you agree with what they’re doing.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Those “progressive” boomers really are a blight.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

The murder was seemingly commited by a British born Christian with mental issues.

Who says he is a Christian? Why? Did he go to church regularly or something? Please don’t say he is because his parents are - that statement is ridiculous.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Note: If you see anyone using the phrase 'Two tier policing ' skip the post straight away.

Yes, even though it is true.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

The crux of the issue is mass immigration, and the perception that political leaders are more concerned with suppressing 'right-wing dissent' than tackling immigrant crime. 

Starmer has aggravated the issue by his ineptness - or outright refusal - to wrap his head around it. To link this to one incident is classic ostrich-head-in-the-sand thing.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

I think it is vital to recognise, understand, the distinct differences to the West Yorkshire police authority policies and behaviours to public disorder in Leeds Harehills.

Along with Metropolitan Police London weekend approach to shut downs associated with the Pro Palestinian marches, the chanting, hate speech directed towards the Jewish community.

This is how I refer to 2 tier policing.

No attempt was made to confront the rioting in Harehills, or the anti semitic hate , all clear breeches of the law.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Some of the rioters had Nazi swastika tattoos. A hate crime.


9 ( +11 / -2 )

Far-right rioters burn down a newly opened library in Liverpool. A loss for the community. Guess they could not read the sign "Public Library".

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Also, Rotherham is not just some random chaos zone. There is history here, a very dark one. Local working class not happy? Wonder why? Not excusing their appalling behavior at the hotel for one second either, which was disgusting , only trying to understand it.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

In Boris Johnson's 2019 election during his campaign, he promised investment in the North and a leveling. He won the votes and the election but money was never invested.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The crux of the issue is mass immigration, and the perception that political leaders are more concerned with suppressing 'right-wing dissent'

‘Dissent’? Lol. Not going to influence too many with that.

Quite the euphemism.

Arson, looting and assault are criminal offences.

I agree with suppressing that.

Maybe it’s just me.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

If these thugs were somehow successful in having all people they think are not British enough removed from Britain it wouldn't be long before they turn on themselves and then enjoy a curry and a beer afterward. They are really that stupid.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Far-right rioters burn down a newly opened library in Liverpool. A loss for the community. Guess they could not read the sign "Public Library".

Absolute trash, aren’t they?

That library is near Goodison.

I heard there are calls for banning the rubbish identified from Goodison Park and Anfield.

Do it.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Mountie , The English Deplorables then? That worked well in America. The arrogance and the tone of your condemnation is at least half of the root of the problem, I believe even more than half.

Keep talking down to the working class and see what happens. In fact go into any working man’s pub, ( these people are the salt of earth characters, funny, tough, proud, well meaning, simple ) but start talking the way you just did in your comment and see the reaction. Call it an experiment, where you can put your money where the mouth is. You don’t keep throwing fuel onto the fire. Be like Bruce Lee and become the water dude! Don’t look down on no one, and you are good. If you can’t talk to them that’s your problem not theirs.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )


That library is near Goodison.

> I heard there are calls for banning the rubbish identified from Goodison Park and Anfield.

> Do it.

I second that. Thugs are not wanted at Anfield or Goodison Park/Bramley-Moore.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

These rioters, looters, will be caught and sentenced, they will, because no one can can walk ten paces down a street without the ever watchful eye of next generation surveillance technology.

Sooner or later "plod" will be knocking and feeling collars.

I remember my Grandfather recounting the bloodcurdling tales a number of his squadron miscreants prolonged stays in a "Military Corrective Training Centre".......

Maybe such "centres" could be once again open for "business" followed by some hard labour within the communities these hooligans chose to defile.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Wasn’t it recently reported that stabbings were more common in London than in NYC?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

more than 400 people have been arrested.

The right-wing thugs smashed the windows of working-class homes and set fire to cars belonging to working-class people. The thugs are not the heroes of the working class.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

One of the biggest lies the EDL scum spread is about the money spent on refugees.

Why don't they use it on hospitals?

The money used on refugees comes from the foreign aid budget. It was never going anywhere in the UK.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The right-wing thugs smashed the windows of working-class homes and set fire to cars belonging to working-class people. The thugs are not the heroes of the working class


You wonder how many of these geniuses know what ‘working’ means.

Good to see volunteers including tradespeople using their skills to help repair the damage done to communities by this trash.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

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