Japan Today

Britain to see 80% spike in energy bills as crisis worsens


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Bizarrely, this article fails to mention the astonishing profits made by the price-gouging energy companies driving the cost of living crisis:

In the second quarter of 2022, BP tripled its profits to £7bn.

Between April and June 2022, Shell made record profits of £10bn.

Centrica, the owner of British Gas, showed an operating profit of £1.34bn for the first half of 2022. That's 5 times the profit they made during the same period last year.

E.ON made £3.047bn in profit in the first six months of 2022.

It's obscene profiteering, which is why the movement to nationalize the energy sector is gaining strength day by day. The UK is in serious danger of turning into Weimar 2, and we all know what that led to.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Privatized profits, socialized losses!

19 ( +23 / -4 )

Bizarrely, this article fails to mention the astonishing profits made by the price-gouging energy companies driving the cost of living crisis:

Exactly. This isn't because Britain has been forced to buy Russian gas, but because it has to buy gas at market prices from British gas that it privatised.

There is a good case for higher taxes or even re-nationalization

13 ( +15 / -2 )


My life, it is foolish to believe that UK exit from the European Union created the current energy crisis, and run-away price fluctuations.

Surging Energy Prices in Europe in the Aftermath of the War: How to Support the Vulnerable and Speed up the Transition Away from Fossil Fuels


Free electronic access download (3rd paragraph)

Pay particular attention to…  

II. Recent Energy Price Developments in Europe

III. Distributional Implications of High Energy Price

European countries lost the energy war, before it actually began

Gas wars: How Putin sent EU energy prices rocketing


Politically European countries have taken a number of actions policies that reflect their internal markets.

An example France, has forced the state-owned energy provider, (EDF), to cap wholesale price rises to 4% for a year, at a spot cost of €8.4bn. When the cost of live crisis is added in that figure rises to €45bn.

Germany €60bn.

UK? The Labour opposition have proposed a number options/policies, a freeze on the cap, an energy profits levy (windfall tax).

I suggest there is no magic wand here.  

The UK energy sector needs a complete rethink and restructure.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

I worry for my family and friends. They all had such a hard time during the covid and lockdowns and now the cost of living and energy costs and heatwaves and floods.

My son had operations postponed over the covid and now has had long covid for a year.

Businesses are starting to close down because of the cost of energy. Family shops that have existed for hundreds of years. Restaurants and pubs.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

What the article doesn't make clear is that the scale of the price hikes is a Brit government special, as other countries around the EU are facing the same energy supply squeeze, if anything worse, but aren't hitting their populations with these massive rises. So we are supposed to believe this is entirely because of the war in Ukraine, despite other countries' populations not being made to suffer in the same way. Now what else could possibly explain this unique British sickness. Don't say 'Br...'! And the other problem of course is the raving ideologues jockeying for control of the ruling party right at this moment, abandoning the population to catastrophe.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Mr KiplingToday  09:54 pm JST


I’m already on a fixed rate energy tariff, this expires on New Year’s Eve, goodness knows what I’ll do after that.

Get a job that pays a living wage?

Alright, what job do you suggest I do? The problem is pay is not keeping up with inflation. Education, qualifications, experience mean sod all if energy bills go up 80% and your pay doesn’t.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Proper Daily Mail comments today.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

I would rather withdraw every last penny from my savings, ISA, current account, sell my house for cash and put it all in a barrel and burn it than give it to an unambitious, dole dossing slacker.

I also want you to do that.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Maybe stop complaining about being poor and do something about it?

“Just stop being poor. Also stop talking about being poor because it makes me uncomfortable. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.”

8 ( +12 / -4 )

yes antirussian "victory" is nearing!

greetings to great "leaders" of western leaders working hard on destructing of own economies in name of US interests!

Britain had to hurt its own economy when Germany invaded Poland. Taking a moral stance against fascism doesn't come cheap. But fending off the neo-imperialism of Putin's Russia is essential for the long-term greater good of Britain and Europe as a whole.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

I didn’t have the heating on much last winter, won’t have it on at all this year. I’m already on a fixed rate energy tariff, this expires on New Year’s Eve, goodness knows what I’ll do after that.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Old people didn’t become old overnight. They had their whole life to prepare.

Yes, and they spent their whole working life paying taxes and National Insurance, on the explicit understanding - a promise - that they would have a sufficient pension to live on after retirement.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Utility companies making very good and even record profits at a time of genuine crisis.

Pensioners riding buses to keep warm.

Soaring demand at food banks.

People choosing to eat or heat.

Liz and Rishi have been getting very loud cheers for crusading against woke culture.

Vote Conservative.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I would rather withdraw every last penny from my savings, ISA, current account, sell my house for cash and put it all in a barrel and burn it than give it to an unambitious, dole dossing slacker

Ten £20 notes won’t burn for long.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Why is there an energy crisis in the UK?

Researchers at the Institute for Government said Tuesday that the government would need to spend an extra £23 billion ($27 billion) to protect households against about 90% of the expected rises in energy bills until April 2023. Offsetting the same proportion for the year to April 2024 would cost another £90 billion.

But freezing gas and electricity prices over the next two winters could cost the government over £100 billion ($118 billion), more than it spent paying millions of people's salaries during the pandemic.

Wholesale energy prices have increased significantly around the world since the middle of 2021. This has a number of causes. As the world emerged from the Covid-19 lockdown, demand for gas went up. But the amount of gas available could not keep up, leading to skyrocketing prices in European and Asian gas markets.

Energy demand dropped as strong renewable generation, and warmer temperatures, displaced gas used for electricity generation and heating. Domestic energy consumption fell in the same period last year when restrictions for Covid-19 were in place.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

So many basic services falling to pieces in the sunlit uplands of post Brexit UK.

Raw sewage pumped into the sea, people can't make dental appointments, a slew of industrial protest on the horizon.

And Johnson said today in the mail that they just need to show some grit to get through the hard times.

Absolutely poppycock as usual from the born liar.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

no air conditioing (a total non sense, anyone can adapt to heat if you drink and don't parade in sunlight when temperature are high, closing all windows and openings)

It’s both funny haha and funny peculiar that some people actually believe a load of old cobblers like this.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

If JT publihsed aricles written in languages other than English the same articel could be published in any European country. Italy is seeing the highest rises in prices of any country, and Germany is even less able to provide subsididies. One of my contacts writes "I live and work part of my time in Austria, my last bill for Gas and electricity in a modern well insulated 2 bed apartment rose by €4,000 last month. Moreover, Europe is now switching off the lights, preparing not just for cost rises, but for no gas and or electricity at all."

6 ( +8 / -2 )

If you are living a hand to mouth existence then you need a better job or spend less. A few quid extra on your gas shouldn't be the end of the world. Wages will not instantly go up to meet a temporary gas bill increase, or if your car needs new tires.

“Just stop being poor” - excellent and well thought through financial advice

6 ( +10 / -4 )

There could be a solution, however it would mean a redistribution of wealth unseen before.

The nation would need to fully endorse a policy that would require the wealthiest 30% underwriting societies most vernable.

A huge political hurdle to jump over?

Maybe, maybe not.

Could this be the moment that genuinely bring solidarity within communities?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

How is anyone on the breadline or a pension supposed to find four times the money for their energy bill?

Why do prices rise so high in a country that gets half its gas from the North Sea and can go for days on wind powered electricity alone?

Japan imports nearly all its energy but has seen nothing like these price rises. They are completely extortionate.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

The Russians are making more than enough money selling to China, India, Japan, Korea, north and south, Vietnam and more. They should cut Europe off completely. See how much freezing weather with no heating cools the fascist tendencies springing up everywhere in Europe.

A) No, they are not. The infrastructure to ship in that volume simply doesn’t exist.

B) Fascism in Europe is a purely Russian creation. Putie is a Fascist and like all fascists/communists/authoritarian dictators, a successful democracy on his doorstep is a risk to him because it will cause his own citizens to ask “why can’t we have that?”

5 ( +11 / -6 )

The proposal summited by Keir Starmer would require the very scenario I suggested in my last comment.

Taxes across the board would have to rise. probably to shore up the an energy profits levy in the aftermath of prolonged industrial unrest, and the prevailing cost of living crisis.

It would be wise as the French President has clearly stated, 'the end of abundance' and tough times ahead to be honest about what lies ahead.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

“Just stop being poor. Also stop talking about being poor because it makes me uncomfortable. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.”

Exceedingly good.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

A few quid extra on your gas

So, you didn’t read the article nor have any idea about how steep these rises are.

The alternative is you are being disingenuous.

Either way, not to be taken seriously.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

A socialist telling me how the economy works!

Please tell me more about the money trees....

You’re never going to believe this, but the ever more frequent and increasingly severe economic crises that we’ve been experiencing - with “once in a lifetime” shocks occurring every six or seven years or so - are all taking place under capitalism.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Isn't it funny these economic difficulties coincide with socialist governments. 

There are no socialist governments in the West.

Socialism spends and wastes the money capitalism makes.

Value is created by labor. By workers.

Because money grows on trees in Utopia.

That is what capitalists believe, yes.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Socialist policies like those in the US take money collected from taxes and use it to benefit all the people not just the rich.

Thats not what socialism is. Taxes existed even before capitalism did. They’re in the Bible and everything. You know, that book that stars a guy who kicked money lenders out of the temple, said that the wealthy should give away all that they have, and preached that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than get into heaven. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

And, for the avoidance of doubt, this crisis in the UK is being overseen by Boris Johnson, the farthest-right modern Conservative leader, and leader of a pro-capitalist, pro-business, anti-worker party that has been in government for over a decade.

But sure this is the fault of teenagers owning you on Twitter or something.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I also base my political opinions on Marvel movies.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Mr KiplingToday  06:21 am JST


Alright, what job do you suggest I do? The problem is pay is not keeping up with inflation. Education, qualifications, experience mean sod all if energy bills go up 80% and your pay doesn’t.

If you are living a hand to mouth existence then you need a better job or spend less. A few quid extra on your gas shouldn't be the end of the world. Wages will not instantly go up to meet a temporary gas bill increase, or if your car needs new tires.u

Siri, what does disingenuous mean?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

But hey, all you eco warriors;

Isn't this a good thing? 

Just let fly with all those wind turbine farms and solar farms the winter!

This is what we mean by Death Cult. 

(That people will freeze in the dark is the feature, not a bug)

You wanted this.

You seem awfully confused.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

as the kids say these days; "LOL"

This is not a rebuttal. Name one Western government that advocates that the workers control the means of production.

Value is created by creators.

By workers, yes.

Labour shares in the wealth created.

No, the owning class steals value from workers. Without labor, you cannot create value. If you take $5,000 in bills and throw them at a tree, it will not become a chair, no matter how many of the bills you are “investing”.

The rest get degrees in modern dance theory, gender studies and other useless things. 

These sound like pretty useful things. Everyone likes dancing, and understanding gender seems especially useful right now. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if many such graduates were employed by multinational corporations - your favorite entities - given their attempts to appear inclusive.

The communist is not only a brutal savage responsible for at least 100 million deaths in the 20th century

This nonsense again? Look, I get that you don’t like that the Soviet Union killed millions of Nazis, but you need to get over it.

he will destroy the energy sector by shutting down oil, gas and the nuclear industries then tell you capitalism is to blame for you freezing to death in the dark. 

None of this is true, and you’re ignoring that capitalism is literally destroying the biosphere and instead whining about transgender people on tumblr.

You can call it communism or socialism, its the same thing; an anti-human death cult.

You are literally putting capital - an abstract concept created by people - above society - actual human beings. While you cheer for the destruction of the climate and the death of millions (yet mourn the passing of those poor Nazis).

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Express sister....

And, for the avoidance of doubt, this crisis in the UK is being overseen by Boris Johnson, the farthest-right modern Conservative leader

Though useless, Boris is neither far right, middle of the road or left leaning. He has no real political beliefs. He was pro Europe before being Brexit's biggest cheer leader. The only thing he is constant on is self promotion.

But don't worry, soon he will be gone and replaced with Liz Truss.... a politician with even fewer core policy ideas than Boris.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Similar to what Biden announced he's doing with student debt, the British government should support people through these tough times, AND TAX THE CORPORATIONS ACCORDINGLY.

It's easy to say that people are scroungers and wasteful, but bear in mind old people who aren't able to get up off the sofa and make some money.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


Today 08:25 pm JST

How is anyone on the breadline or a pension supposed to find four times the money for their energy bill?

They don't, they go cold, homeless and or rely on charities and food banks.

Why do prices rise so high in a country that gets half its gas from the North Sea and can go for days on wind powered electricity alone?

Because the government gave all the power and control to private oil companies that are making billions in profit.

Mexico oil is state owned an Biden is threatening sanctions if it doesn't let USA private oil companies in, this is because Mexico embarrassed the USA by saying Americans could go to Mexico to buy cheap gas.

Japan imports nearly all its energy but has seen nothing like these price rises. They are completely extortionate

Because Japan makes long term deals and the Japanese government is presently subsidising the oil right now

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Brian WhewayAug. 27  05:01 pm JST

My advice to Mrs Jones is move out of the dump called London, move up to the north, things are a lot cheaper and nicer.

Because the cost of living is only increasing in London, is that it?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I have a better idea. You move to Venezuela for about 2 or 3 years, and if you haven't starved to death on top of one of the world's richest and unused oil deposits, tell us how it all went.

The US is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world and within it millions starve and die from easily treatable medical conditions while your Gods, the multibillionaires, sit on more money than they can spend in 100 lifetimes. And you think this is cool and good. Death and suffering so Mark Zuckerberg can make a Second Life rip-off that will eat your privacy.

More a reflection of the sad state of their university indoctrination and pure laziness. Free stuff is always very sexy.

Most people in the UK don’t have a university degree. And the vast majority are in work. And yet, under the Conservative government of a capitalist nation, these crises keep happening.

The communist just doesn't tell you what the bill will be.

History has the receipts, however.

You keep saying “socialism will mean you won’t have gas or food and you’ll freeze or starve”, but that’s what’s happening under capitalism now. And you don’t care. You call someone disabled and at risk of hypothermia this winter lazy. It’s a disgrace.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

“The poor people of the EU and the UK suffers, while Russia is earning more money than ever.”

What an arrogant dufus! At least the people of the EU and UK are not murdering peaceful neighbors.

2 ( +14 / -12 )

Putin's Revenge.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Why doesn't Britain just nationalise the domestic energy sector? They tried asking the energy companies to so the right thing. Now it's become a national security and safety issue. Kick their butts out and nationalise or regionalise with elected boards.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

@ Alfie noakes, your right, a friend of mine sent me a list of these energy companies, supermarkets and what profits they had made recently, with this list also came a long line of wages,bonuses, dividends, and shares payouts, to each CEO or director, it was absolutely eye watering, yes the war in the Ukrain has not helped, but it seems to be just an excuse to hike up the prices and just rip the public off. dont forget the goverment are talking about a wind fall tax on these large companies, and I hope they do. our local petrol staion had ramped up its forcourt prices in line with everyone else, but it didnt come down when the goverment said it would lower its taxes on fuel, it was discoverd that the price should have gone down, but the garage owner put up his price to make more money, thus the price remained the same. its now started to drop. no wounder its called "Ripoff Britain"

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Well I guess this is what happens when you privates the companies. NOW the people want to listen to CORBYN et al and nationalize the industry. I guess it was great when they thought it was cheap and wouldn't even consider nationalization, now they're begging for it. The UK only uses 3% Russian gas so this is to do with the world market. Might be a good idea to renegotiate those gas licenses we gave to the oil companies too.

But I do like the stage photo op with all those bits of paper.

The UK shoots it foot again, and the people actually voted for it, Austerity, what a great idea. Brexit, what a great idea, voting in Johnson, what a great idea. Food banks a great idea. Give people more money to buy a bigger house, what a great idea. Now let them eat cake. or so the saying goes. And that's all before the new tax regime is implemented. Redstorm, They weren't sold off, the UK auctioned off Licenses. So they still belong to the UK but the license can be renegotiated. A windfall tax is certainly needed. and why the Uk didn't follow the Norwegians is beyond me. I guess they just wanted more tax cuts, and service cuts. Back to the sick man of Europe.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Amd labour won't nationalise either. If this current incarnation of the labour party existed back in the 40s and 50s, the NHS wouldn't exist either.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Oh and I am sure that the people will be Glad to suffer in order to help Ukraine in the same way no one got upset when told to wear a mask.

It will come as a big shock to you that Brits are prepared to suffer. Brits thrive on adversity, they always support the underdog. they loathe bullies.

Britain has faced far worse then your boy Putin. Russia slaughtered millions of its own citizens several times over whilst Britain calmly got on with it.

This is nothing.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

I heard after Saudi the USA is now wooing Iran is it true?

Perhaps they could offer some relief

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Maybe stop complaining about being poor and do something about it?

Also know as the "Git Gud" strategy for wealth management

1 ( +2 / -1 )


0 ( +2 / -2 )

Terrible building design for summer. Black rooftops with brick walls. Brick retains heat and releases it over time. This is why a house baked all day long then releases its heat at night making a home hotter inside than outside! Those 2nd and third floors would be pretty brutal. Great if you wanted to retain heat in winter, but couldn't ask for a more perfect air conditioning nightmare in the summer heat. Unlike other nations that are used to heat, UK generally doesn't have AC because it wouldn't normally be this hot in summer.

Paint the rooftops white is a cheap solution to reflect sun off the house and thus prevent the solar thermal brick problem. Can't paint it? the building design there looks square or at least L shaped, could put a white sail across it all and have it propped up like a large tent to reflect the summer sun. Some holes to prevent wind damage and allow rain through.

5 metres down it's 10C. There's their air-conditioning, if someone wanted to drill for it and use a thermal heat pump to thermal syphon it all around. Cities and governments can do that because they pay off over the lifetime of the building, no the occupant. So in the long term it's cost effective.

Ironically in terms of green retrofitting, the building design here is perfect, has the most potential as it's 3 stories spread out. Great surface roof area and great land area for the localised geothermal mentioned. Perfect balance of number of people to split the bill and not too many people to overwhelm the energy demand required. Better than any 5+ 15+ 35+ storey condo/apartment building. Those have no future. Funny enough, moderm green design is like this, less than 5 stories.

Unfortunately with poverty no one seems to realize the postive outcome potential of investing in these areas. UK Conservative government saving money by helping the poor would be so off brand

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Maybe they should start trying to produce methane from all that sewage they've been making over the last hundred years.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Read this a couple of days ago:

A record 1,295 migrants arrived in the UK on Monday after crossing the Channel, according to Government figures.

It is the highest daily total since current records began in 2018.


How is this going to impact the already strained situation in the UK?

-1 ( +8 / -9 )


About half of the UK’s gas comes from the North Sea, and a third is sourced from Norway....

So what. Crude oil’s price is set globally. In Canada, for example, lower income folks are struggling to put gas in their cars and heat their homes even though they are standing on up of some of the world’s biggest petroleum reserves. Just because you got it, doesnt mean it's cheaper.

It’s called globalization. As the article states, the UK govt is being criticizing for not taxing the energy corporations, not about the sources of its oil.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I feel for these people and to be sure the government seems to have done a poor job getting ready for the winter. To the extent that these increases are related to sanctions, it’s up to the government to lay out the compelling case that they are necessary to hold Russia’s expansionist ambitions in check and to stress the need to remain United in the face of energy blackmail. If the West knuckles under, as Putie expects, then Russia will use it every time it wants to force its will.

The winter will be uncomfortable but it won’t be fun for Russia either and it can afford to be without funding for its rabble in Ukraine less than we can afford to hang tough.

We dare not blink.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

by the way, not a single person with a Ukraine flag in your social media bio, or anyone who cheered on the war in Ukraine is allowed to complain about the cost of heating homes in the UK or anywhere else in Europe.

I would agree and stand by supporting Ukraine in the face of unprovoked invasion on a bs lie.

This is the cost of supporting freedom, democracy and self-determination. This is The Sudetenland in 38 so that we don’t face a Poland in 39.

Mini-me is the Hitler of our time.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Somehow I see that's not a government problems, it's educational problem, I've been hearing for 40 years that within my life time the world is gonna run out of fossil oils and gasses, IDK there if they teach about the truth or the people paved theirs own road to hell ignoring that the resource were limited. I'm part of low income population of this world but whenever I have chance to not use a limited resource that I have no control of it, I do, the people must stick together and force the change to alternatives as a fallback plan.

Maybe too late for now...

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Boris will come to the rescue.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@ludite, "Because the cost of living is only increasing in London, is that it?" the cost of living in London pre fuel hike was proportionaly higher, in London there is the congestion zone ( extra money to run your car) then just out side the centre is ultra low emissions zone, if your vehicle is old than 2005 you get charged £12 a day, the point that i am trying to make is all of the goods trucks, contractors vans and cars get charged, or to avoid these charges you have to buy a new vehicle, naturaly this charge is passed onto the customer either way, then the shop retailers pass the extra charge onto the customer, so the whole thing about living in London is so much more expensive than the rest of the country where large parts of the UK dont have these rediculious charges, unemployment money, and rent money is slightly more in London. If this lady moved out of London she would have more cash to spend on the ecentials.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This is the cost of supporting freedom, democracy and self-determination. This is The Sudetenland in 38 so that we don’t face a Poland in 39.

Interesting that this is Ok to bring up but more recent like Iraq, Chile, Argentina, etc.. you will say not relevant.

But it will be interesting to see how many agree with you this winter.

Remember how upset people got just because they were told to wear a mask?

Imagine how upset they will be when an Apple is $5 gasoline is $6, $7 $8 and up a gallon in the USA and more in the UK and Europe.

Imagine how these same people are going to react at not being able to heat their homes.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Why are those on welfare paying council tax and rent? Should just be 25% of their welfare stipend for rent, no council tax, and 2% of welfare stipend for utilities. Money should be for entertainment and luxuries, not basic needs.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

My advice to Mrs Jones is move out of the dump called London, move up to the north, things are a lot cheaper and nicer.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

the United Kingdom, which has the highest inflation rate among the Group of Seven wealthiest democracies and seen disruptive strikes for months as workers push for pay to keep pace with the increasingly expensive cost of living.

The UK has likely already entered into a recession again. The problems keep piling up for that country.

-3 ( +12 / -15 )

This didn’t happen overnight. The UK began their large-scale investment in fragile renewables back in 2002. The thermodynamic defects of wind and solar are responsible for the increase in consumer costs. So many think that renewables are free fuel but exploiting them is not free at all. Dump them and let robust systems like natural gas and nuclear do their jobs.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

So who were the sanctions supposed to hurt?

-4 ( +21 / -25 )

The Russians are making more than enough money selling to China, India, Japan, Korea, north and south, Vietnam and more. They should cut Europe off completely. See how much freezing weather with no heating cools the fascist tendencies springing up everywhere in Europe.

People keep calling out Anglo-American and European politicians and MSM publications for posing with Ukrainians sporting N**i insignia. They keep calling it "a mistake". It's no mistake. Fascism is once again on the rise in Europe.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Britain needs to hit the energy companies with a wealth tax.

And the expected outcome of that is lower or higher prices? Not hoped outcomes, but actual ones….

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Yes, and they spent their whole working life paying taxes and National Insurance, on the explicit understanding - a promise - that they would have a sufficient pension to live on after retirement.

I know what the full UK pension pays. I also know that I cannot live on that. I have known this since my 20's.

Do your old people live on another planet?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )


It would have been better to follow the Norwegian way and keep the wealth for the country. 

Norwegians pay around $2.2 per liter of gasoline, around twice as much as motorists in Japan. The "wealth" you speak about is mainly wealth for big corporations and their billionaire stakeholders.


-4 ( +2 / -6 )


In 2003 (long time ago), many old people were living on their own without family.

Since no one was taking care of them, they dehydrated themselves (old people feel less the need for drinking physiologically). And died lonely.

Hence the addtional number of deaths of an estimated 15000 that year.

You got your answer.

Weak and uncared people die first in any natural catastrophe indeed.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Where are the Brit residents on here? Certainly they can shed better light on the situation than the AP.

Heres another one:

Soaring costs force licensees to quit pub


Whats gonna happen when the pubs close? Are there beer preppers in the UK?

waiting for someone to blame right wing Trump fans.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

There are no socialist governments in the West.

as the kids say these days; "LOL"

Value is created by labor. By workers.

Value is created by creators. Labour shares in the wealth created. The rest get degrees in modern dance theory, gender studies and other useless things.

The communist is not only a brutal savage responsible for at least 100 million deaths in the 20th century, he will destroy the energy sector by shutting down oil, gas and the nuclear industries then tell you capitalism is to blame for you freezing to death in the dark.

You can call it communism or socialism, its the same thing; an anti-human death cult.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

You keep saying “socialism will mean you won’t have gas or food and you’ll freeze or starve”, but that’s what’s happening under capitalism now. And you don’t care. You call someone disabled and at risk of hypothermia this winter lazy. It’s a disgrace.

100 million dead at the hands of communism in the 20th century.

At least that number will be dead at communists' hands in this century if the madness continues.

Anti-human death cult.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

To blame for the increase is the soaring price of wholesale natural gas triggered by the economic sanctions imposed the EU and USA in retribution for Russia’s war in Ukraine, which is driving up consumer prices and roiling economies across Europe that rely on the fuel for heating homes and generating electricity.

Place the blame for ramifications appropriately.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Express sister....

“Just stop being poor” - excellent and well thought through financial advice

Maybe stop complaining about being poor and do something about it?

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

But hey, all you eco warriors;

Isn't this a good thing?

Just let fly with all those wind turbine farms and solar farms the winter!

This is what we mean by Death Cult.

(That people will freeze in the dark is the feature, not a bug)

You wanted this.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

We need a better distribution of wealth. The rich grow richer, and the poor...

Probably we need to nationalize the energy industry again.

I have a better idea. You move to Venezuela for about 2 or 3 years, and if you haven't starved to death on top of one of the world's richest and unused oil deposits, tell us how it all went.

British people are keener on socialism than capitalism

More a reflection of the sad state of their university indoctrination and pure laziness. Free stuff is always very sexy.

The communist just doesn't tell you what the bill will be.

History has the receipts, however.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Ms Jennifer Jones is one of 9.5 MILLION people of working age in the UK on benefits. All you need to do is sit on the sofa eating until you are obese then go to the doctor with a bad back or bad knees and you are signed up for life long hand outs. Not luxury living but most make no attempt to change....

-7 ( +12 / -19 )

Socialist policies like those in the US take money collected from taxes and use it to benefit all the people not just the rich.

Its just that simple!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Surely the renewable energy sources can produce sufficient energy no??

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

There could be a solution, however it would mean a redistribution of wealth unseen before.

The nation would need to fully endorse a policy that would require the wealthiest 30% underwriting societies most vernable.

A huge political hurdle to jump over?

Maybe, maybe not.

Could this be the moment that genuinely bring solidarity within communities?

I would rather withdraw every last penny from my savings, ISA, current account, sell my house for cash and put it all in a barrel and burn it than give it to an unambitious, dole dossing slacker.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )


I’m already on a fixed rate energy tariff, this expires on New Year’s Eve, goodness knows what I’ll do after that.

Get a job that pays a living wage?

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Antique,Lots of people are pissed off that children are not being fed,in school our national government can find money,for Ukrainain,when American children are hungry and face the shame of not being able to eat a nutrition ,this Ukrainain funding will be questions,when American need are being met

-8 ( +3 / -11 )


Alright, what job do you suggest I do? The problem is pay is not keeping up with inflation. Education, qualifications, experience mean sod all if energy bills go up 80% and your pay doesn’t.

If you are living a hand to mouth existence then you need a better job or spend less. A few quid extra on your gas shouldn't be the end of the world. Wages will not instantly go up to meet a temporary gas bill increase, or if your car needs new tires.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

People are indeed forced into poverty. That is the idea. You will own nothing and you will be happy. Governments left and right are collapsing. Handing money makes things worse because the nation’s are becoming insolvent. Countries will dissolve into ten regional powers that will form the globalists’ one world government. This will be the beast govt of the final AntiChrist - the final world empire with ten horns. Don’t be left behind at the rapture!

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

You’re never going to believe this, but the ever more frequent and increasingly severe economic crises that we’ve been experiencing - with “once in a lifetime” shocks occurring every six or seven years or so - are all taking place under capitalism.

Isn't it funny these economic difficulties coincide with socialist governments.

Socialism spends and wastes the money capitalism makes.

Because money grows on trees in Utopia.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Keep sanctioning Rusia, losers..

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

You seem awfully confused.

A socialist telling me how the economy works!

Please tell me more about the money trees....

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Ms Jones should work instead of waiting for benefits.

Energy companies are taking advantage but all is legal.

Europe has for long decades now been thinking nothing could provoke a crash while giving benefit by dozens of billion pounds to all immigrants and cheap workers to lure them into what was seen a social paradise.

Everthing has a cost and only creating wealth (working or creating) will bring a return soon.

Energy/resources are not unlimited. The waste people have been acustomed has to stop. Very limited lighting, heating, no air conditioing (a total non sense, anyone can adapt to heat if you drink and don't parade in sunlight when temperature are high, closing all windows and openings), compulsory use of sleep mode.

When in summer droughts, you don't use energy to boil /cook an egg. You eat vegetables and fruits. Would it come to the mind of an African in the desert to cook an egg with fossil fuel ever ? No. You got your anwser.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

by the way, not a single person with a Ukraine flag in your social media bio, or anyone who cheered on the war in Ukraine is allowed to complain about the cost of heating homes in the UK or anywhere else in Europe.

This was the natural and obvious end result of your virtue signaling. You were warned.

You wanted this.

-13 ( +6 / -19 )


It's easy to say that people are scroungers and wasteful, but bear in mind old people who aren't able to get up off the sofa and make some money.

Old people didn't become old overnight. They had their whole life to prepare. If they couldn't be bothered to save for their old age...

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Good, couldn't happen to a nicer country. The UK along with the US are the leading neocon globalist trouble makers in the world today. It's about time they really felt some pain for all their scheming and interfering overseas.

-23 ( +8 / -31 )

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