Japan Today

New York City virus deaths exceed 3,200, topping toll for 9/11 attacks


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In other words and to a large extent diet is another contributing factor as well as affordability. So even before and during minorities already were disproportionately disadvantaged before and during the years of the ACA.

Which wasn’t what was being argued. This is a blatant deflection even for you, and completely irrelevant to you incorrectly implying that non-existent Trumpcare was better than Obamacare for the black community.

If Obamacare was so bad for the black community, the number of insured would have been higher than it is now.

Feel free to dig into your incorrect position with more irrelevant replies.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


But for many middle class Americans -- a single person earning more than $47,520 or a family of four with an income of $97,200 -- the pricey premiums and deductibles mean health care coverage remains out of reach. 

"The middle class are getting squeezed," said Larry Levitt, senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation. "They aren't getting subsidies and these deductibles are hard to afford."

There is no way that the country can continue to fund these entitlements for too much longer, it’s just unsustainable especially as this crisis continues.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Incorrect. Let’s see what happens to the insurance coverage rates of black people after the ACA passed and then after Donny began gutting it:

Not really, you’re way off...


It’s more multifaceted than that.

In low-income neighborhoods, patients with diabetes are 10 times more likely to undergo limb amputation than those in affluent areas. Compared to white Americans, the rate of hospitalization for patients with diabetes is twice as high for Latinos and three times higher for African-Americans.

The death rate from breast cancer for African-American women is 50 percent higher than for white women. Racial and economic inequities in screening and treatment options contribute to this divide. In the U.S., 60 percent of low-income women are screened for breast cancer vs. 80 percent of high-income women. But even within the same economic stratum, white women have higher screening rates than African-American and Latino women.

We see the same variations revealed in the treatment of breast cancer. In over 80 percent of cases, women from higher-income households are treated with a combination of breast-conserving surgery and radiation. These less deforming approaches are used only 70 percent of the time among low-income women. The same pattern of inequity emerges among different races. African-American and Latino women on average undergo more radical breast cancer surgeries than white women.

Heart attack and stroke data are equally concerning. Not only do 25 percent of African-Americans have elevated blood pressure compared to 10 percent of white Americans, but black patients are 10 percent less likely to be screened for high cholesterol than white Americans. The result is higher rates of heart failure and strokes for African-Americans.

In other words and to a large extent diet is another contributing factor as well as affordability. So even before and during minorities already were disproportionately disadvantaged before and during the years of the ACA.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

...or the unaffordable ACA with their high premiums.

Incorrect. Let’s see what happens to the insurance coverage rates of black people after the ACA passed and then after Donny began gutting it:

*Coverage rates increased for all racial/ethnic groups between 2010 and 2016, with the largest increases occurring after implementation of the ACA Medicaid and Marketplace coverage expansions in 2014 (Figure 1). *

*Blacks, Asians, and American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIANs) also had larger percentage point decreases in their uninsured rates compared to Whites over that period. Beginning in 2017, and continuing in 2018, coverage gains stalled and began reversing for some groups, with small but statistically significant increases in the uninsured rates for Whites and Blacks, which rose from 7.1% to 7.5% and from 10.7% to 11.5% respectively.*


2 ( +3 / -1 )

I guess the Black people who have died from the virus couldn't wait any longer for the Trumpcare?

...or the unaffordable ACA with their high premiums.

There may be an important lesson for Japan in this. Without massive and accurate testing, and with neither a cure nor a vaccine available, about the only other weapon in our arsenal that can be used to reduce the number of infections is social-distancing.

I agree, but looking outside, I still think people here are not getting the picture.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Was watching an analysis on TV last night about the difference in the ways that New York and California have responded to the epidemic. California had its first Covid-19 case, and its first death, before New York, but today New York has more than ten times as many cases and deaths. The principal reason, if not the only reason, seems to be that the California state government, and some local governments, were quick to impose a stay at home order, while New York was not. Not mentioned was the high density of New York City's population, but that would not account for the widespread epidemic in parts of New England which are not so densely populated.

There may be an important lesson for Japan in this. Without massive and accurate testing, and with neither a cure nor a vaccine available, about the only other weapon in our arsenal that can be used to reduce the number of infections is social-distancing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This means you could test positive for COVID-19, die of a heart attack the following day, and be added to the COVID-19 victim list.

if there is any doubt whatsoever about cause of death, they select coronavius.

There have been articles stating that in addition to causing lung complications, COVID 19 is ALSO suspect in dealing damage to the heart. So YES, cardiac arrest can officially be tied in with COVID 19 cause of death.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Comparing the number of deaths from a viral illness to an act of war is not helpful - unless your goal is to instill panic and fear.

Not to minimize things, but people seem to be especially irrational when talking about death, and prone to being manipulated. Let's not allow fear to take control so we end up destroying what's left of human rights and the economy around the world.

Remember, the lockdown will kill many of those on the 98% to save those in the 2%. It's shifting the pain of the virus from the rich to the poor and working families.

The parallel to 9/11 is stunning 

Certainly is. That was the last time governments united to increase the police powers of the state over the common citizen. Ready for round two?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Dr. Birx said today that if someone dies with COVID-19 they are by default added to the COVID-19 death count.

This means you could test positive for COVID-19, die of a heart attack the following day, and be added to the COVID-19 victim list.

if there is any doubt whatsoever about cause of death, they select coronavius.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I don't now if that is correct or not but my quote about medical deaths in New York was from government figure showing the rate for white is higher than Blacks.

The government has been so wrong on stats for a very long time, so I won’t take it without some skepticism, I personally believe some of these medical stats over the government’s. You have the right to believe what you want. I choose to believe this:

Even CNN amazingly confirms it.




-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Why is it interesting that more virus deaths from the Black community?

Because it is, compared to other people.

Data on race and the coronavirus is too limited to draw sweeping conclusions, experts say, but disparate rates of sickness — and death.

interesting when the President questions possible remedies for the virus or lack of evidence of the effects of certain drugs, liberals can come to conclusions, but on this, case need to be cautious?

The death rate for white medical deaths is greater than the rate for Blacks.

No, for 13% of the population in comparison, it’s higher for Blacks, just devastating the communities.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

so they move the beds around. No one there yet as you said, only 20 people. Cuomo says they are ok for today. Of course this fight against the virus is a day by day thing. The number of expected deaths has already decreased many times, and the number of people hospitalized is decreased too. So wont the number of expected ventilators needed follow suit?

The way the beds are arranged on the USNS Comfort it's very difficult to isolate the patients from each other.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

and actually Cuomo asked that the USNS Comfort have the restrictions lifted and it was immediately approved.


"So, we really need help with the COVID patients. The President spoke to the Department of Defense and granted that request to use the Navy Ship Comfort for COVID patients. So, that's an additional 1,000 beds with federal personnel managing that ship. So, that's a welcome relief and the President granted the request."

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Great News! which means the actual hospitals aren’t overflowing and the hospital ship isn’t needed. But it’s there. Magically.

It is most definitely great news, but having said that, we’re not out of the woods yet, looks like this week will be the most difficult week, it will still take time to get accurate data to determine how well these guidelines have been helping to turn the tide. Slowing it down is the key, but the death toll is still another factor to worry about. It seems like studies show that over 40% of deaths from this virus are from the Black community, interesting...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I suspect one contributing factor to the high death rate in NY is 9/11, which damaged the lungs of many people in the area when asbestos powder was released in air.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

In no scenario does New York need 20,000 more ventilators at this time. Even if they do, Trump has prepared 110,000 more.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Does this federal government you speak of have a leader? Someone who makes the final decision to do things and deserves credit when resources are correctly identified, managed and deployed?

the federal government sends resources (military hospital ship) to one of the 50 states. Magic, I tell you. Magic!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Hopefully we really will start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel soon.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

hmmm, perhaps because people aren't dying in mass number like what's happening in your "beloved" homeland?

So, no reason to try and get out in from the of the deaths and prevent them. Makes perfect sense.

I do love my homeland, but that love doesn’t blind me to its faults.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

the federal government has it covered:

US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that the federal government had 8,675 ventilators in a national stockpile available to states who need them while another 110,000 are to be delivered in coming weeks

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Chip StarToday  06:59 am JST

Just like in Japan. Why has it taken so long for your beloved Japan to even declare an emergency?

hmmm, perhaps because people aren't dying in mass number like what's happening in your "beloved" homeland?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

And you believe this based on the data?

New York is in need of 20,000 ventilators according to Governor Como.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )



1 ( +1 / -0 )

New York City virus deaths exceed 3,200, topping toll for 9/11 attacks

The parallel to 9/11 is stunning - and remember when a certain reality TV show host said this during a 2016 Republican debate;

"The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush. He kept us safe? That is not safe. That is not safe...

If only he has listened to his own words...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Great News! which means the actual hospitals aren’t overflowing and the hospital ship isn’t needed.

Logic failure. Sochi clearly pointed out why there were so few patience aboard.

But it’s there. Magically.

Yes, magically. Almost as if all 50 states together form a federal republic and the federal government collects revenue from those states to find the military and then, in a time of crisis, the federal government sends resources (military hospital ship) to one of the 50 states. Magic, I tell you. Magic!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

So that Cuomo didn’t need to take his 4000 out of storage?

California have loaned 500 ventilators for use in NY.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Great News! which means the actual hospitals aren’t overflowing and the hospital ship isn’t needed. But it’s there. Magically.

There are less than 20 patients aboard the ship capable of 1,000.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

It sure doesn't help to keep showing these pictures of empty hospital beds...

I don't suppose photographers are allowed in a ward with infectious patients pleading for privacy.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Yes it appears that thankfully the hospital ship and the temporary hospitals that magically appeared have given them enough capacity to not be overwhelmed.

Other states are also returning ventilators to the stockpile and hopefully New York already has more than they need.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

It sure doesn't help to keep showing these pictures of empty hospital beds...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I said 2 days ago once liberals had to admit the drug works they would move to trying to link someone in Trumps circle as making money from it.

next is that as the deaths plateau, liberals will clamor that the deaths from corona are being underreported. Despite actually overreported as corona is listed even if it is just thought or assumed the death is related. People with no positive test have been marked as dying from corona.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Readers, please put aside your political differences on these threads, thank you.

 we did not imagine the world get into such confusions by diseases caused by viruses

Modus Vivendi. Virologists have used decades of research findings to warn of a pandemic. The 'elite', the fossils running the globe's fossil economies paid them no mind. The globe's 'elite' have to assume much, maybe most of the blame for allowing this monster to spread so rapidly. Most of the so-called 'elite' have the financial means to endure this and re-emerge in control. Way passed time to give a huge re-think to how global trade is done.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

In the age we send spacecrafts to other planets and have super computers, we did not imagine the world get into such confusions by diseases caused by viruses that have been on earth since the history of human beings. This may be the warning that human beings are not conquerors of the earth yet.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yet people in New York continue to ignore social distancing and shelter in place orders.

Just like in Japan. Why has it taken so long for your beloved Japan to even declare an emergency?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Yet people in New York continue to ignore social distancing and shelter in place orders.

Still, 6-foot social distancing has become impossible at times in the city's subway system.

With service drastically reduced, essential workers are encountering some busy trains as they head to their jobs. Photos taken in Brooklyn showed riders sitting or standing within a few inches of each other, some not wearing face masks.

Sure sounds familiar doesn't it? Yet some will have you believe the people of New York and other American cities are doing a 'great' job in containing the virus as compared to other countries, when in fact any slowdown in new infections would happen regardless.

NYC Dog Parks Close After Coronavirus Distancing Ignored


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

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