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Canada PM Trudeau calls Trump's rhetoric ignorant


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Hats off to PM Trudeau! He sounds like he's got his father's strength and hopefully his father's reasoning.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Trudeau said Wednesday painting the Islamic State Group with a broad brush that extends to all Muslims “is not just ignorant, it’s irresponsible.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn't just correct, the mind blowing thing is the Republican Party hasn't recognized and rejected him.

They should send Trump packing but the RNC has been so cowed to Trump's potential they will carry his racism on the backs as far as it will carry them to the White House.

The astounding proof of Trump's appeal was reported in the New York Times and can be seen on Twitter that NYT provided. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, again rightly, says what too many of the GOP Shia-Tea cannot understand as racism is their battle flag and Trump has given them a place to fly it at his rallies.

See New York Times link and reportage by Andrew Rosenthal in his piece "What Donald Trump Has Built".


As Mr. Rosenthal states: "Mr. Trump said he thought a Black Lives Matter protester who was attacked by Trump supporters got what he deserved “because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.” He also has been critical of members of the press who had the un-American temerity to record the attacks.

Cheers Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau!

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Great. Now we're gonna half to listen to a half week of Trump ripping into Canada.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

And another week of the RNC pretending they have no idea how all these racists got into the rallies.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

As if we really need to be concerned with our Northern brethren comments from an Obama light socialist.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn't just correct, the mind blowing thing is the Republican Party hasn't recognized and rejected him

Doesn't matter, it's the people that like Trump, the GOP would be wise not to mess or derail this guy or you will have a real mess of a revolt on your hands.

They should send Trump packing but the RNC has been so cowed to Trump's potential they will carry his racism on the backs as far as it will carry them to the White House.

When you talk like that, you are totally disregarding the will and the intellect of the American voter. I don't really care for Trump, but I get why people flock to him.

The astounding proof of Trump's appeal was reported in the New York Times and can be seen on Twitter that NYT provided.

You're quoting the NYT now? Just go ahead and quote Think Progress.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, again rightly, says what too many of the GOP Shia-Tea cannot understand as racism is their battle flag and Trump has given them a place to fly it at his rallies.

No, it's the liberals that don't understand, they are outright rejecting liberal policies, pure and simple. If liberals knew this, if they knew people are tired of a weak president that is willing to stay weak and to capitulate on any foreign policy issue, they'd understand why Trump is such a huge star with the voters.

-10 ( +6 / -15 )

GOP would be wise not to mess or derail this guy or you will have a real mess of a revolt on your hands.

Where people continue to note racism and vote for someone other than Trump? Messy.

It is easier to have an opinion and not watch the reality, "I get why people flock to him."

And if you watch the link the "why' is all to clear.

See New York Times link and reportage by Andrew Rosenthal in his piece "What Donald Trump Has Built".


3 ( +4 / -1 )

. . . perhaps Trudeau should persuade obama/kerry to divert the refugees coming in to North America. The ones from ME and Eastern Europe, yeah, divert them a little further north, right into Canada.

I admire Trudeau. He stands against fear, division and intolerance. ISIS has not threatened to raise their flags in Ottawa though.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Trudeau said . . . .“is not just ignorant, it’s irresponsible.”

And giving Syrian "refugees" no-questions-asked permanent residency cards upon leaving airport terminals across that nation is a sane thing to do? Heh, talk about ignorant and irresponsible. . .

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

@Bass As if we really need to be concerned with our Northern brethren comments from an Obama light socialist.

How's the water situation in California these days? Canada has one fifth of the world’s freshwater. It's entirely possible that clean water wars will replace your wars for petroleum. You are aware that there have long been proposals to ship water from Canada to California. Seems to me the US should be a little more concerned about its northern brethren. Canada is also the US's number one trading partner, as you I'm sure know.

Yes, I know: the US has a bigger military. But Is that really how you want your country to be known?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Trudeau will have a hard time with President Trump if he starts making typical uninformed opinions.


His father was a horrible leader who created endless problems.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

"They should send Trump packing but the RNC has been so cowed to Trump's potential they will carry his racism on the backs as far as it will carry them to the White House."

"When you talk like that, you are totally disregarding the will and the intellect of the American voter. I don't really care for Trump, but I get why people flock to him"

You dismissed Trump supporters as a lunatic fringe of the GOP.

Are you saying you understand why lunatics flock to him?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

->How's the water situation in California these days?

Well, if liberals wouldn't have shut off the water to many of the farmers redirect the water to protect the California Smelt and thereby, causing food prices to rise and then adding the drought to that, not really good,

Canada has one fifth of the world’s freshwater. It's entirely possible that clean water wars will replace your wars for petroleum.

You're watching to many Mad Max movies.

You are aware that there have long been proposals to ship water from Canada to California.

They should, we protect them, God knows from what, but they depend on us also for a lot of food and export as well.

Seems to me the US should be a little more concerned about its northern brethren. Canada is also the US's number one trading partner, as you I'm sure know.

Yes, but politically, we don't have to worry about what they think. They need us more than we need them.

Yes, I know: the US has a bigger military. But Is that really how you want your country to be known.

Among other things!

-6 ( +6 / -13 )

. . . perhaps Trudeau should persuade obama/kerry to divert the refugees coming in to North America. The ones from ME and Eastern Europe, yeah, divert them a little further north, right into Canada.

No need. Canada is already happily accepting Syrian refugees, and we are glad to do so. The PM just personally welcomed some at the airport the other day. Unlike Trump, our PM is actually treating these people with some civility and decency.

It feels nice knowing that my country is back to doing nice things on the world stage.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Just can all politicians they work little for a top salay.

Reminds me of many CEO or COO who only show up for duty a hours every week.

The higher the later the more respect, freedom, benefits you yet the real work is done by the average Joe employed= first to be sacked.

Sorry comps are to-heavy prefer smaller companies where the president works along you and is as tired and sweaty as you are after work.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

@pointedview His father was a horrible leader who created endless problems.

Once again I'll ask for some specific examples. And if you have some, please don't quote something from The New American or another Koch brothers publication.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It feels nice knowing that my country is back to doing nice things on the world stage.

Cheers! Wouldn't American's like to feel the same pride. Most certainly they would.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"our PM is actually treating these people with some civility and decency."

Time will tell if all your new Syrian "refugee" no-questions-asked permanent residency card holders treat your nation the same way . . .

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

No need. Canada is already happily accepting Syrian refugees, and we are glad to do so.

Really Sherlock Holmes? I read the news too. I'm glad Canada is accepting them too. I don't live, visit, vote nor pay taxes there.

What I meant to imply was that canada should take "in" america's share of the refugees (the tens of thousands.)

With THC now legal, canadian bacon, canadian whiskey, christianity, colder-than-cold weather and warmer-than-warm "tolerable" people. . . .I'm sure those islamic refugees will assimilate just fine there.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Time will tell if all your new Syrian "refugee" no-questions-asked permanent residency card holders treat your nation the same way . . .

Oh, we give out no-questions-asked permanent residence to people do we? Thanks for the expert opinion, Mr. expert on Canadian immigration policy.

Hmmm, actually I went through the permanent residency application process in Canada for my wife a few years ago. I seem to recall them asking a ton of questions and requiring us to go through an extremely lengthy and detailed screening process.

Must be that my memory is mistaken, since I have your assurance that the Canadian government is just giving these things out for free to anyone who asks for them.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

@WC What I meant to imply was that canada should take "in" america's share of the refugees (the tens of thousands.)

Canada took in refugees from America's invasion and war on Vietnam, which was another one of the wars the US recently lost. And so did the US.

I think the US should take in refugees from each of the countries it's invaded. If you don't like refugees coming to the US, perhaps you should encourage your elected officials to stop invading sovereign nations.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Finally some common sense. "NO to the dark age religion war" or "Guilty of practicing a religion different than mine"

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Hmmm, actually I went through the permanent residency application process in Canada for my wife a few years ago.

But you wife is prob from a "good" country. Surely not from Raqqa, Mogadishu, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Surely, she does not support ISIS either.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

But you wife is prob from a "good" country. Surely not from Raqqa, Mogadishu, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Surely, she does not support ISIS either.

Oh I see. My wife is from Japan. So if I understand the point of your comment correctly, in your mind, the Canadian government has decided that immigrants from countries like Japan should go through an extensive screening process, which I can verify from personal experience that they do. But because Canada is stupid, we have decided that for people from countries where there are a lot of terrorists and other blatantly obvious security concerns we will just exempt them from any such screening process at all, for no reason other than that we are a bunch of stupid socialist liberal morons?

Well, actually, no. The real world doesn`t work like that.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

"Oh, we give out no-questions-asked permanent residence to people do we? Thanks for the expert opinion, Mr. expert on Canadian immigration policy."

You should go back and read the article posted at this site on Dec. 11th where Trudeau said,

"They step off the plane as refugees, but they walk out of this terminal as permanent residents of Canada with social insurance numbers, with health cards and with an opportunity to become full Canadians"

"... because Canada is stupid, we have decided that for people from countries where there are a lot of terrorists and other blatantly obvious security concerns we will just exempt them from any such screening process at all, for no reason other than that we are a bunch of stupid socialist liberal morons?"

Heh, your words, not mine . . . .

-6 ( +4 / -10 )


Just look at what his wild immigration policies have done to Canada. I lived through his policies and it`s my opinion.

Trudeau is catering to Canada`s ridiculous left wing lovers where everything is a free for all. A few more votes for him.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Ignorance is in the "perspective" of those who state it. He who says those things amy be also ignorant of other things for which Mr. Trump may be an expert in.

There is no way a Canadian would know exactly what is good for the USA, just as anyone in the USA would be for Canada. So an opinion is an opinion that can be appreciated but not necessarily considered as being meaningful.

The fact is Mr. Trump, liked or disliked, approved or disapproved, has a very important and powerful role in keeping the "discussion" and the "awareness" of the issues continue and become immediate and pertinent for the people of the country that refuse to look beyond his/her nose.

Whether Mr. Trump gets the nomination or not. Whether Mr. Trump says things others may want to hear or not.

The important thing is, he has by his open and obviously personally biased opinions "awakened" the entire world as to the "possibility" of the USA again becoming a world leader in more ways than one. The world needs that stimulus to fight not only terrorism but the complacency and idealism that departs from reality.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

You should go back and read the article posted at this site on Dec. 11th where Trudeau said,"They step off the plane as refugees, but they walk out of this terminal as permanent residents of Canada with social insurance numbers, with health cards and with an opportunity to become full Canadians"

And you interpret that as meaning that Canada`s policy is that anyone from Syria who hops on a plane to Canada is just automatically granted all those rights simply by virtue of stepping off the plane?

Did it not cross your mind that these refugees had been subjected to an extensive application and screening process prior to being allowed to get on those planes in the first place?

That is, in fact, how this process works.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Now, now, Mr. Trudeau...that's no way to speak of the future president of the United States!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Now, now, Mr. Trudeau...that's no way to speak of the future president of the United States!

He wasn't speaking of the future president of the United States.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

kazetsukai: The fact is Mr. Trump, liked or disliked, approved or disapproved, has a very important and powerful role in keeping the "discussion" and the "awareness" of the issues continue and become immediate and pertinent for the people of the country that refuse to look beyond his/her nose.

Trump's spotlight is because of his absurd responses to things we were already talking about. The GOP started their focus on immigration well over a year ago, pretty much on cue. Trump became famous for calling Mexicans rapists, not because he was the only one talking about immigration.

Same goes for terrorism. Trump didn't create the spotlight on terrorism. We're Americans and we talk about it constantly. He offended people by trying to "pause" a billion people from coming here. He and his followers are going to lose because America is a lot greater than they are, and it's astounding (and offensive) when they talk like they actually 1) have a mandate and 2) have a workable plan.

You're going to lose and people will remember you. It's not going to be good.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Canada is already happily accepting Syrian refugees, and we are glad to do so.

Thank you, Canada, for setting the example.

It feels nice knowing that my country is back to doing nice things on the world stage.

Deservedly, deservedly ! It's a pity so many of my fellow countrymen buy into the fear mongering drivel put out by the likes of Trump et al.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Trump might be using rethoric, but tomorrow he will still have a head on his shoulders even though he's acting like a fool... while Trudeau will still be Trudeau : pointless. He's good in front of the camera smiling or eating cookies with his face on. When it's about economy or intl affairs he's a kid.

Is Canada happy with the refugees? No it's pretty much 50-50. Here in Quebec it's more like 70% against. Mister Harper had a bad press, but he did a lot for his country and his citizens. He also did a lot for the other countries. With him as the pm, Canada got a all time high on intl help.

Trudeau is just good with the camera. 3 weeks ago he mistaken Shinzo Abe for the pm of China. When asked about his favorite government couple years ago, he responded China because they can do whatever they want. He think Russia invaded Ukrainia because they lost a hockey game. What is the difference between Trump and China's government?

On top of that, we might loose our AAA. We're also giving money to lot of people and just sending the debt to the future generations (like me) when our previous governments made it clear that they didn't want to do it anymore (unless we are in a slump). It started under Chrétien with Martin in the finances and Harper continued it with Flaherty.

Finally, he can think about scaring people, but he's doing the same thing on the same day. Trying to scare people with the ''Charte des valeurs québécoises''. Saying it was racist and could just put fire on the debate while it was just there to make the State neutral. If he was so much against the fear and rethoric then he was against his father who always used it against the people of Quebec when they tried to make it a country. He even sent the army (I'm Canadian before Québécois), but what he did was just the same with the muslims and Trump.

I like the fact that Trump is honest. It's a fresh air, but president really!? I can't stand Hillary. Cruz seems like to be the best choice.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

the intellect of the American voter

ho ho ho.. surely you jest.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

For the few of you Canada-bashers, especially @Bass, the US does not protect Canada, and while we import some foods and other goods from the US, we wouldn't starve or suffer any great loss if that were to change.

You're quite correct when you say "we don't have to worry about what they think." But you're incorrect to say, "They need us more than we need them." We Canadians don't worry about what you Americans think, too, you know. As a matter of fact, many of us disdain the idea of traveling to you country.

Now, back to the article. Our new Prime Minister said what any logical, considerate Canadian (and that's pretty much all of us) would say about the Donald.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

As a matter of fact, many of us disdain the idea of traveling to you country.

I remember a few "canadians" in my military unit back on Camp Pendleton. When we asked them why they joined the US military, they said "its better." Then they went back to canada after 6 yrs to "sell" their skills. Becoming cops, firefighters, security speacialists and civil service related jobs. (btw, they weren't so tough.)

Canadian government has decided that immigrants from countries like Japan should go through an extensive screening process, which I can verify from personal experience that they do.

Calm down. They're just "going through the motions" everybody at consular affairs, in western state departments, know Japanese wives are no threat. Don't be so gullible. . . -sheesh

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says U.S. presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s rhetoric on Muslims is ignorant and irresponsible.

AP left out a word:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Republican U.S. presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s rhetoric on Muslims is ignorant and irresponsible.

There. I fixed it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


You done good!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Republican U.S. presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s rhetoric on Muslims is ignorant and irresponsible.

. . . (sigh) . . and letting his people smoke bongs and pass grass . . . . Does this guy (Trudeau) deny "inhaling" like Bill Clinton too? Lmao- @Least Trump is honest about his feeling, whether you agree or not.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

British talking about banning Trump entering into UK, Canadian PM calling him ignorant and irresponsible, Putin of Russia calling him having a colorful character and the public polls are still going up to 48%.

Japanese friends here are afraid and are asking if he becomes US President, I used to say,"neh", but now it seems he is very electable the way he has been handling issues. Scary.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

ISIS has not threatened to raise their flags in Ottawa though.

@Wc626: You misunderstand entirely what ISIS is about. Yes they want to raise their flag in D.C. because it represents the biggest obstacle they have in forming their caliphate which they believe they are doing and with that to be able to spread their religion around the world. France willing took in many Muslim refugees, and though they used to own colonies in North Africa and the Middle East gave them all up, and look what happened there. Terror attacks.

If you believe that ISIS is willing to be friends with places like Canada then you are sadly mistaken.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


He`s looking for more votes for future elections.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Summary for the cheap seats.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau . . . when asked about Trump at a town hall he said he stands firmly against the politics of fear, division, intolerance and hateful rhetoric

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is simply saying what most of the civilized world believes as some of the tenets of an effective Democracy.

Donald J. Trump, (haberdasher and television personality) dismisses the need for decency as it requires thought and consideration. Which also runs counter to a Democracy's goals.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


You are great at wisecracks. 7 years of Dems and the country is doing horribly. Not sure how you turn a blind eye to it and think the problem is a Republican one. I think it is the Dems who have no decency. The US is far from being a true Democracy. Trudeau is looking for more foreign/immigrant votes. That`s what wins it these days.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I figured the Republicans would respect and defend a leader who speaks his mind.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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