Japan Today

Canada to cut immigration numbers, government source says

By Anna Mehler Paperny

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It really takes a special kind of incompetence from the Trudeau regime to ruin the most efficient immigration system in the world, make it one of the worst and turn the populace from being very pro-immigration to being against immigration. The huge increase in the reported hate crimes against Canadians of Jewish faith that the Trudeau regime has let run has also taken the shine off of support for immigration.

The vast majority of Canadians still strongly support immigration, just not so much the folks who bring their problems from home to Canadian streets.

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Canada is finally seeing what happens with unlimited immigration like the rest of the developed world already knew.

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I miss a minimum of honesty. First they wildly celebrated uncontrolled immigration and say now suddenly everywhere that they want to cut immigration, but in fact it is although a slower but still increasing and this also only happens if those cutting attempts are set into practice with success. They just pretend saying they want to sell something that they don't even have in store and by all means also don't want to have in store, that's the truth behind all those nice but fake words.

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Good luck attracting any number of immigrants, apart from those for whom money is no object and have no need for healthcare. Canada has become unlivable - no exaggeration -- for low and middle income earners. In Vancouver, the median mortgage payment is now 100% of median household income. No wonder that social housing is being built to house the luckiest members of the middle class.

Canada has long prided itself on welcoming newcomers..., 

No longer, thanks to very bad policy. Foreign billionaires who don't even live there own multiple properties that sit empty, like the arrested Huawei executive with 2 empty mansions.

The pro-globalization, open-market, tickle-down neo-libs in power have squandered Canada's future. Japan, S. Korea and Taiwan are the places to be if youre young and ambitious. Their policies and measures have been far more sensible, and they actually care about their own people, even the ones who aren't rich.

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